Pool of Knowledge (The Hidden Wizard Book 1)

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Pool of Knowledge (The Hidden Wizard Book 1) Page 2

by Vaughan W. Smith

  "There he is, off in his own world again," Alrion thought. But he didn't disturb his father and went off to find the carpenter.

  Allan the carpenter was inside his own workshop. Alrion could tell that from the consistent sawing noises he heard as he approached. He walked in and watched Allan work, knowing that he wouldn't be heard until there was a natural break. Allan had several large logs lined up on his workbench, and he was methodically cutting them down into more standard sizes that he could use.

  "Hi," Alrion said when Allan had finished sawing one of the logs. The older man turned to see who had addressed him.

  "Oh, Alrion, how are you doing?"

  "I'm fine."

  "Good to hear. Say, I still need an apprentice. I know you've been helping your dad, but would you be interested in trying your hand here?" Allan said. It wasn't the first time he had asked, but there was a real earnestness to the man that made Alrion almost consider it.

  "Sorry, it's not for me."

  "No problem. You know me, have to ask. Would you believe I had to ask my wife out eight times before she said yes?"

  "Yes, actually I would."

  "Ha-ha yes she's a tough customer. But it was well worth the effort. So, what brings you in today?"

  "I need a few materials so we can complete our current orders," Alrion said, showing Allan the list.

  "Hmm, yeah that's fairly easy. Most of it I can give you straight away. I'll need to make a few cuts first," Allan said. Alrion nodded and watched Allan walk through the workshop, picking up planks that seemed to be placed at random. After he had a small pile assembled on one of the workbenches he set about cutting some logs to fulfil some of the other sizes that Alrion had requested.

  As Allan was working, Alrion could see what his dad meant about passion. There couldn't be anything less exciting than cutting logs to a specific size. Yet Allan was some forty years into it, and cutting away with the enthusiasm of an apprentice. Alrion hoped that one day he found himself a similar role, something to hold his passion and excitement the same way.

  "There we go, all done. You need a hand hauling this back?" Allan said once he was done.

  "No, it's not far I'll be fine. Thanks again," Alrion said.

  "No problem, I'll sort the details out with your father. Don't forget my offer."

  "I won't," Alrion said, meaning that he wouldn't forget but also wouldn't take the man up on it. He struggled with all the planks but didn't want to go back and ask for help so he kept going, dropping them in a loud heap at the entrance of his father's workshop. Vincent heard the commotion and came out.

  "What's all this? Is there a battle out here?" he said before noticing the pile of lumber and hides.

  "Job's done."

  "I can see that, maybe a little more care next time. Help me bring them in, and try not to drop anything," Vincent said with a sigh. They carefully brought all the materials inside and piled them up according to Vincent's instructions. He had set up a workflow to quickly churn through all the work to be done.

  "And now we start," Vincent said with a big smile. Alrion just looked at him.

  "You having fun yet?" Vincent asked, reaching for the first piece of iron.

  Falric pulled his brown cloak tighter around him as he approached the outskirts of the town. It was a very small town, more like a village.

  "This has to be it," he thought, although it did seem odd. He hadn’t expected to arrive here, but he had done several magical pulses and the location had been confirmed every time without fail.

  He wasn't cold but wanted to avoid any unwanted attention. He didn't want to cause a commotion, especially before he had achieved his objective. It was very important that he pass through the town unnoticed.

  A small sign on the side of the path announced the town of Hamley.

  "I'm about to put Hamley on the map," Falric thought with a chuckle. Well, his actions here would do so, but it would take a while for the world to take notice. Such was the fate of wizards.

  The town looked to be well-maintained and prosperous, although from the clothing of those he saw that they were not rich. The houses had well-thatched roofs that showed signs of proper care. The people he saw looked happy and content, but busy.

  "A nice place to grow up I think," Falric thought, perhaps the perfect environment. There weren't many places like this left in the world. He let his horse determine the pace, only gently guiding him in the right direction. He received a few looks, but nobody paid him much attention. An old man in a dusty cloak riding a horse didn't look that out of place after all, which was the intended effect.

  He passed several workshops, men and women alike working hard. There was a tanner, a blacksmith, and a carpenter servicing the town. Probably more trades as well, but those were the most obvious. He thought back to his task, a strange one. He had enjoyed the trip over, a good distraction from his otherwise administrative duties. Heading up the wizard academy was a busy job, and not as exciting as many would think. He enjoyed it but longed for trips such as this.

  He gently pulled on the reins, bringing his horse to a stop. He was outside a normal looking house, white with a red door. He dismounted and hitched his horse to a wooden post out the front. He stepped up to the front door and knocked soundly twice. At first, nothing happened. He focused more and could hear movement and footsteps within the house. Finally, the door opened, and a young woman with bronze skin and bright blonde hair opened the door.

  "Hello. Can I help you?" the woman said. She was dressed as the other villagers, in simple clothes, but Falric noticed something else about her. She seemed much more refined and was looking at him critically, trying to size him up.

  "I very much hope so. My name is Falric, may I come inside?"

  "You're not from around here. Care to explain why you are here?" the woman said, polite but firm.

  "Well, I had hoped to broach the topic inside, but why not. I am the head of the Wizard Academy, and I am here to locate the grandson of the wizard Granthion. I know that he lives here," Falric said. He took amusement from the stunned look of the woman and hoped that she wouldn't leave him outside.


  Family History

  Alrion moved the last knife into its proper place on the workbench and took a step back. They had completed all the work and placed each of the items together with the name of the requester.

  "This was a good day's work. I think we're ahead," Vincent said.

  "Yes, you did well."

  "We did well. You played your part, son."

  "Thanks," Alrion said. It was admittedly satisfying seeing all the raw materials converted into useful items for their customers, and from experience in his home, he knew that the items lasted well. His father built things properly and they could be used for years with only minimal maintenance. While he didn't make particularly exciting things, they were definitely built to last.

  "Well, let's head home then. I've worked up a fair appetite, how about you?" Vincent said.

  "I'm starving."

  "That's the reward for a good day's work. And your mother's cooking is also its own reward. Step outside and I'll lock up the shop," Vincent said. He watched Alrion leave, this time with a bit more of a spring in his step.

  "He'll be alright," Vincent thought. He locked up the workshop and the two of them set off to walk home. The town wasn't particularly large, so after a few minutes, they had already arrived. No conversation was required. After a long day working together they had nothing else to say. Vincent noticed the horse tied up outside the house and grew curious.

  "You expecting visitors?" he said to Alrion.


  "Maybe your mother is," Vincent said, his curiosity piqued. The two of them walked up to the door, Vincent entering first.

  He saw his wife sitting in the lounge, an old man in robes sitting across from her. On the wooden table between them was a pot of tea and two cups.

  "Welcome home, dear," Celes said. Vincent raised an eyebrow, she never c
alled him dear.

  "Thank you, my dear wife. Who may I ask is our guest today?"

  "I thought you might be able to answer that," she said. The old man rose and turned to face them.

  "Hello, sorry to impose. My name is Falric," he said looking at Vincent and Alrion. A look of recognition passed over his face.

  "Ah, now the mystery is solved. Good to see you again, Andar," Falric said.

  "I'm afraid you are mistaken. The name is Vincent."

  "Really? My facts are correct, but perhaps I have missed a lot."

  "Who is Andar?" Celes asked, her voice rising in pitch. Alrion looked over at them all, confusion on his face.

  "Andar … sorry Vincent here, is the son of Granthion. That means you must be his grandson," Falric said, nodding at Alrion.

  "Who is Granthion?" Alrion asked finally.

  "Why he's the saviour of Avaria, and the great wizard who founded the Wizard Academy," Falric said.

  "Let's all just sit down," Vincent said. He gave Celes and Alrion a look that made them swallow what they were going to say next, and sit down on the couches provided.

  "I see I have caused a bit of a commotion. I'm very sorry about that. I should start again from the beginning. I am the head of the Wizard Academy, and I came here to find the grandson of our founding wizard, Granthion. I recognise Vincent here from when he was younger. And you, young man, have your grandfather's look, there's no mistaking it."

  "My name is Alrion. I've never heard about my grandfather."

  "Oh, well I'm surprised your father never mentioned him. He's the most famous wizard that ever lived. He died over twenty years ago, sacrificing himself to cleanse the country of Avaria from the Blight."

  "Wow, I had no idea. This is all so strange. Why are you looking for me?"

  "It will become much stranger soon, I'm sure. But I came here to find you because you must be tested and trained to be a wizard."

  "I see," Vincent said.

  "Because my grandfather was a wizard?" Alrion said.

  "Of course. Magic is accessible by all, in various strengths and means. But the talent of a true wizard is passed through the family," Falric said.

  "Shouldn't that make my father a wizard too?"

  "It should," Falric said, looking at Vincent.

  "Sometimes it skips a generation," Vincent said, offering no additional details. Celes gave him a questioning look.

  "Well regardless, Granthion left specific instructions to search for his successor when the time was right. And here I am."

  "How did you find me?" Alrion said.

  "Magic. With the right spell and the right focus, you can find just about anything."

  "Ok. I still don't understand, though. My grandfather was a famous wizard but until now nobody has ever talked about it. It doesn't make sense."

  "It doesn't, does it?" Celes said, giving Vincent a pointed look.

  "Well, that's a fair question. To put it simply, having such a famous father is the kind of thing that follows you around and gives people the wrong impression. So, I changed my name and left it behind me. There was nothing good to come of it for me."

  "But you don't deny your son the opportunity?" Falric said.

  "If he's got the gift and he has the desire he can be a wizard. If it is his true calling I won't stop him."

  "I can't believe you are the son of Granthion," Celes said, looking at Vincent with new eyes.

  "I am, but that doesn't change anything," Vincent said.

  "Yes, it does, a wizard has come for my son."

  "Are you saying that he cannot go?" Vincent said. Celes looked at him, exasperated.

  "No, I just need time to adjust to this. If he does go, you must join him and make sure he is safe."

  "I can accompany him. It might even be fun," Vincent said. Celes did not look impressed.

  "Falric, can you tell me more about wizards and my grandfather?" Alrion said.

  "Certainly. Wizards have been around for a while. But for the longest time, it was a master to apprentice relationship. The skill of a wizard was very much dependent on the quality of his master. It developed a strong bond between the two wizards, but kept out other wizards and bred secrecy and competition. There were some other drawbacks too, but they were the key ones," Falric said.

  "What was the answer?"

  "Your grandfather realised that there was a better way to do things. A way to share the knowledge evenly to make every wizard better, and at the same time have stronger bonds with his fellow wizards. He conceived of an academy where all wizards could go to train, and absorb the knowledge from many skilled wizards."

  "That sounds pretty good," Alrion said.

  "Yes, it's a fantastic thing. Knowledge is such a key component of being a wizard; it's a part of what sets us apart from others. So, building a place to gather and distribute knowledge to all wizards was a fantastic idea. And now the academy is thriving and becoming bigger and bigger."

  "What was my grandfather like?"

  "He was a kind soul, but a little abrasive at times. He was very abrupt and to the point. He didn't tolerate silliness at all. But he was fascinated with the world, and even without his final gift he contributed more to wizards than any other."

  "You mean when he sacrificed himself?"

  "Yes. He devised a means of cleansing the Blight from people. And he used it to great effect to save the country of Avaria. Our peace and prosperity are largely due to him. But I believe he was working on something bigger, a way to cleanse the Blight for good," Falric said.

  "So, are we in agreement then, that Alrion will undergo wizard training at the academy and see if it is the life for him?" Vincent said, changing the topic.

  "Yes, provided you accompany him," Celes said.

  "Yes, I want to try it out. This could be what I've been looking for," Alrion said.

  "I’m not particularly comfortable with going along myself. But I won’t deny him the opportunity," Vincent said.

  "There is still a matter to discuss before we proceed. The test," Falric said.

  "The test?" Alrion said.

  "Yes, it's a simple matter that won't take long. As I discussed, many people can use magic to some degree, but wizards have a special talent. We have a test that proves whether you have the gift, even if it is untrained. Given your lineage I don't foresee any problems, however, you must pass to undergo the training," Falric said.

  "What does this test consist of?"

  "That I will explain in due course. Is there somewhere safe to perform the test?"

  "Let's use the workshop," Vincent said.

  "Very good. If you don't mind, I'd like to administer the test straight away."

  "Fine by me, let's head over now," Vincent said.

  "I have to see this so I'm coming as well," Celes said. Alrion looked at them both, concern on his face. He was a bit unsure of being tested so soon.

  "Don't worry lad, you'll do fine," Falric said. Vincent rose and opened the door, and the rest of the group followed him out.


  The Test

  They walked in silence to Vincent's workshop. Alrion's nerves were building, as he wondered why he had to take the test so soon. It made sense that there was a test, but he felt like he wasn’t ready.

  He looked over at his mother and she also looked nervous. She kept stealing looks at Vincent, trying to find an opportunity to talk. However, his father just walked on, his posture stiff and unnatural. Falric looked like he was somewhere else, his mind processing something.

  “This is really happening,” Alrion thought.

  "We're here, let me open up," Vincent said. He unlocked the front door and swung it open, then went inside to light a lamp. The rest joined him inside as soon as there was light, and they congregated in the middle of the room.

  "This should be fine," Falric said, looking around.

  "Good. How is this going to work?" Vincent said.

  "There's nothing to it. I'll explain as we go," Falric said, wal
king over to a workbench near the middle of the room. He reached into his bag and removed an ornate gilded lamp with a gold base and glass sides.

  "This here is a magical artifact. It operates like a lamp; however, instead of being lit by oil, it is lit by the Spark of a wizard. If you have the gift, it will light without any additional spells required," Falric said. He placed a hand on the lamp and it instantly ignited, a controlled flame dancing inside.

  "Wow!" Alrion said.

  "Pretty nice, isn't it?" Falric said.

  "Dad you should try it too," Alrion said.

  "No thanks, this is for you," Vincent said.

  "Care to give it a try?" Falric said, after extinguishing the flame.

  Alrion looked around at the room. He shuffled his feet on the floor, then walked closer to the lamp.

  "What do I need to do?" he said.

  "Just place both hands on the lamp, close your eyes and think about it lighting up," Falric said.

  "And that will work? Is that a spell?"

  "No, it's just a useful way of focusing yourself to make the test work better. This is a spell," Falric said, and he made a flame appear above his open hand flickering in the slight breeze. Alrion walked over and looked at it, curiosity overtaking him.

  "Does it burn?"

  "It sure does. But let's not get too distracted. You will learn this as part of your training," Falric said. The flame winked out and he pointed to the lamp.

  Alrion nodded and walked over to it. He inspected it closely, procrastinating. He didn't feel magical, surely that was something you could tell.

  "It's just as simple as holding it?" he said.

  "Absolutely," Falric said.

  "Ok, I'll try," Alrion said. He placed his hands on the lamp gingerly, as if he was afraid to hold onto it.

  "A firmer grip will work better," Falric said, seeing his hesitation. Alrion held on a little tighter but was still tentative. Celes was holding Vincent's hand, and squeezing it hard. He gave her a reassuring look, then returned his gaze to Alrion.


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