Lexi's Justice

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Lexi's Justice Page 1

by Renee Shearer

  Copyright © 2019 by Renee Shearer

  All rights reserved

  Cover @ 2019 Megan Parker

  Editing @Ali Shearer

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,

  brands, media, and incidents are either the product of

  the author’s imagination or used fictitiously

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  Except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For my daughters:

  Remember to never take anyone's shit, and to always stand up for what is right.

  I love you girls more than you’ll ever know. Be whoever you want to be in life, just make sure you’re happy.


  To have a successful and happy life, my Grams had five rules.

  One: Find a job you love

  Two: Find a man or men that you don’t get tired of (and who are good in bed)

  Three: Always work hard

  Four: Be dedicated and finish what you start. Always

  Five: That’s for later.

  I’ve tried to live by her rules, but for the last seven years, I’ve been haunted by my sister's murder. They never found her killer. That brings me to Gram's fifth rule: Don’t take anyone’s shit and make sure you get justice.

  My name is Lexi Adams, and even though I never got justice for my sister, I still picked up the pieces of my life and got it on track. That is until my boss turned up dead and my relationship collapsed.

  I needed some perspective in my life. That perspective came in the form of a deadly hike.

  Rescued by four insanely hot Marines, things began to heat up... that is when I don’t want to strangle them.

  But my would-be killer knows I survived and wants me dead.

  It doesn't matter what feelings I may have towards the four amazing men that saved me, I owe it to my sister and myself to get justice.

  He messed with the wrong girl. It’s time to nut up, and nothing can stop me.

  Not even the four Marines that I may be falling for.


  Some days I wished my life was like one of those books where the heroine has superpowers and is a badass. The ones where she meets her soul mates—yes, please to the plural!—and they are equally powerful and badass. Together they kicked ass and took names.

  I sighed as I stared out of the break room window. What I wouldn’t give to be like that. Sadly that is not my fucking life.

  “Ms. Adams! Where is our coffee? Did you forget?” My boss David Rothcylde’s voice comes over the intercom in the break room. I jumped and almost spilled the freshly brewed coffee.

  Shit! Here I was daydreaming again about something that will never happen when I should be doing my job as a glorified coffee girl. A person would think that living in Salem, Massachusetts would be exciting and magical, with witches galore. Nope, not one witch to be found. Trust me, I looked. There is nothing in this town but tourists and prissy bosses. Though almost every store in this town has some sort of witch title. Including my best friends café/bookstore, Brittany Stonebrook is the sole proprietor of The Witch’s Brew.

  I really have to stop reading those reverse harem books Britt gives me. Shaking my head, I finished making the coffee and rush it to David and his client waiting in his office, careful not to spill any.

  “Is there anything else, Mr. Rothcylde? Sorry, that took so long Ms. Davison, I had to brew a fresh pot since it’s after closing.”

  “No. You can go home. Next time don’t take so long. You knew she had an appointment and should have had a pot waiting.” David said while waving his hand about.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I am a receptionist! I answer phones and direct people, I am the first person people talk to or see in this business, not his coffee girl. Instead, I just nodded and backed out of the office. Back at my desk I heard Ms. Davison giggle, it’s like nails on a chalkboard, high-pitched and irritating as fuck. Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes as I shut down my computer, I am about 90% positive those two are having an affair. She comes by after-hours way more often than is necessary, and David always has me leave. She is the only client I’m not around for. It’s going to end badly; I could feel it. Her husband was the chief of police after all.

  I am so ready to go home and start my Monday night ritual. Usually, I am so busy between work, Christian-- my boyfriend for the past year, and Brittany that I don’t have any time to myself. I like time to myself. Where I can watch the shows that I like, or just sit and read for hours without interruptions. Three weeks ago I told them that I needed me time too, and designated Monday nights to me, myself and I. Brit was fine with it, Christian however was not taking it well.

  I headed out of the office breathing deeply as I'm followed, once again, by that irritating giggle. I try and shake it off, not willing to let it ruin my walk. I loved my walk home, especially in the fall season. The scent of crisp clean air tinged with spices, the trees that are just bursting with color. I smiled and shook my head as I spotted a few houses that already had Halloween decorations out, it was only the middle of September for crying out loud! There is one thing I will say about Salem. They take their Halloween very seriously. As I breathe deeply again my thoughts turned to my sister Roxy, as they usually do this time of year.

  Roxy had loved Halloween too. She would squeal with joy whenever she found the perfect costume. I can’t believe it's been seven years since she’s been gone. Some asswipe had killed her and gotten away with it. I loved my sister and missed her so much. She was the best one in the family, Mom was an alcoholic, I tended to keep my face hidden behind a camera. She was everything I’m not. Roxy was so vibrant and full of life, everyone loved her, or so we had thought. A year after Roxy was murdered our father took off to parts unknown, I haven’t heard from him since. Nor do I want to. He wasn’t the best father, but he wasn’t the worst either. He just cared more for his patients than his family, plus it can suck living with a shrink. Then there is the whole abandonment issue I have, instead of being there for my mom and me, helping us through our grief, he took off. Ran like a coward and left me with my drunk of a mother.

  I hated that I got angry at Roxy, it’s not like it’s her fault she died. Hell, she didn’t even know she was dying until it was too late. She had said she was sick. She had all the symptoms of food poisoning. Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Within 48 hours Roxy was dead. The medical examiner’s report said she had ingested a plant called Meadow Saffron; the flower is very deadly apparently.

  She was the glue that held our family together. Everything started to unravel at home after she died. It got worse when no one was brought to justice for her death. I was the only one convinced she was murdered. Still am the only one. Everyone else said it was a tragic accident. That she had gotten some bad honey, it was the only thing in the house that the Meadow Saffron was found in. She liked to put honey on everything, I used to tease her endlessly about it, saying she was part honeybee. I never believed it was just the honey as they never made a move to recall it and test the others.

  As my mom spiraled out of control with her drinking, I had to quit college at UCLA and move back home to take care of her after dad left. I found a job at a local bookstore in East LA to pay the bills and hired a caretaker for mom during
the days I worked.

  I frowned and kicked at the fallen leaves. A lot of good me being there had done. Mom had snuck out of the house and took the caregiver's car, wrapping it around a pole not two miles from our house. Killing herself and the last true link to Roxy I had left. Grams lived in Rota, Spain at that time and told me to do what made me happy. So, at 22 years old, I sold everything and left Los Angeles. Moving from city to city until I landed here, as far away as I could get from that hell hole without going overseas. I bought a cute little two-story stone house that I absolutely adored. I started working for David and the rest, as they say, is history. That was six years ago, lately, I’ve been feeling restless again though. I can’t pinpoint what it is that seems to be missing, but I know I’m not happy, and I’m bored. So bored!

  I jumped and screamed as someone grabbed my arm, bringing me violently out of my thoughts. My heart raced as I looked over my shoulder to see who has a hold of me. I scowled, it’s only Christian, but still, what the hell is he doing here? He knows Mondays are my me time.

  “Christian, what are you doing?” I snapped and tried to free my arm. Not the best way to greet your boyfriend but he has been getting on my nerves lately.

  “Don’t take that tone with me. I can say hi to my beautiful girlfriend when I see her walking, can’t I? What are you doing out so late? You get off work at six, it’s seven.”

  I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. This crap had been happening for a while now. Christian and I have been dating for a year but in the last four months or so he has changed. I didn’t notice it at first, it was little things. Subtle digs at my appearance, asking more questions than usual about my friends. Then it had gotten worse. To the point where my friends, except one, had all stopped talking to me or asking me to go anywhere.

  Christian was bound to show up at a girls' night out and say he was just in the neighborhood. It usually ended in me having to leave early with him. Now I only had Brittany left. That wonderful bitch would never leave me. I was getting really tired of his back and forth shit. I would call him on it and he would apologize then change back into his wonderful self, for a bit, then it would start again.

  “We had a late client meeting, and seven is not late, Christian. Now I am going home and getting into my PJ’s and binge-watching a show. Mondays are my me time! I don’t want you or Britt around. Let go of my arm!”

  His voice was cajoling bordering on whining, “Babe, I love you. Come on, how about we grab a bite to eat then head to a movie? You know you don’t really want to be alone. You’re just saying that so I’ll have to chase you and beg you for your time. You always were a… ”

  I cut him off, my voice was as cold as ice. I could tell he was in one of those moods. “Christian, I said no. Now please go. I have to stop and grab my takeout.”

  “You just said you were going home, now you’re grabbing food but don’t want to grab food with me? I’m hurt babe and technically you just lied. You never said anything about grabbing food.”

  I’m instantly pissed the hell off and just wanted him away from me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to tell you my schedule down to the last possible minute. Do you want me to tell you when I go to the bathroom too?”

  There was no way he could miss the sarcasm dripping from every word. He took a step closer to me, tightening his hand on my arm, just shy of it being painful. Fear flashed through me for a second before anger bitch slapped it back down, I wrenched my arm free and stepped back, resisting the urge to rub at the sore spot. “Get the hell out of my face, Christian. You’re doing it again. Questioning everything I say or do and frankly I’m fucking tired of it.”

  He throws his hands up, “What are you saying, babe? I was joking! Geeze don’t get your panties in a twist. You are really uptight tonight. Did David piss you off again? Is that why you’re taking it out on me and not even noticing when I’m joking?”

  I ground my teeth together, taking a deep breath and taking another step back. Maybe I had jumped to conclusions, and bitten his head off. He was smirking like he usually did when he was joking and his dark brown eyes did look sincere. Plus I was overly tired, I had poured over Roxy’s case files again until the wee hours of the morning this morning.

  I studied him farther, he was shorter than me by two inches, at 5’8. He was handsome in a classic way, strong jawline covered in a short blonde and brown beard. I hated it but he insisted it made him look more rugged. Disheveled blonde hair that was just brushing his eyebrows on the top and short on the sides. He liked to call it his messy James Dean look.

  I almost snorted at that. His dark brown eyes that could almost look black in the right light, were watching me carefully as I studied him. I did this often so it wasn’t anything new to him, he crossed his arms and looked back at me waiting for my answer. My head was trying to tell me something, but I just shook it off, I really was super tired.

  Sighing, I reached out to put my hand on his shoulder. My voice is soft and calm, “I’m sorry, okay? I’m just tired and grumpy. But Mondays are for me, you know that. Please, just let me have my alone time and then I will be right as rain tomorrow. I always am.”

  Christian shrugged off my hand and glared at me, I took half a step back. He had never looked at me like that before, “Fine, babe, whatever you want. Go have your me time, I don’t have time for you to change your clothes before we go out anyways.” he sneered at me.

  He abruptly turned on his heel and walked away as if the hounds of hell were after him, shoving his hands into his pockets and hunching his back.

  I stood there on the sidewalk dumbfounded for a moment. What the fuck just happened? He had never looked at me with such malice in his eyes before. I didn’t like it. I would have to talk with Brittany to see what she thought about his odd behavior. Maybe I was just blowing things out of proportion like I did and he had had a bad day too. Maybe he just wanted to spend time with me to make his day better?

  Shaking my head, I continued down to the only Chinese food place in town, according to Britt and I. We wouldn’t eat it anywhere else. I grabbed my takeout, waving to Su Lin, the owner. Pushing Christians oddness today behind me. It was time for me to relax and watch one of my favorite shows. Even though they had cancelled it I still binge watched all the episodes at least once every few months. Though admittedly it took me about a week to do that. Lost Girl here I come! I smiled happily as I made my way home.


  My phone ringing woke me up out of the very nice multiple men, succubus sex feeding dream I was having. I really needed to stop watching the show before going to bed. At least it wasn’t the ninja bitch dream. Blurry eyed, I felt around my nightstand for it, finally finding my phone I hit the answer button; closing my eyes before I even looked at the caller ID.

  “Who the hell is calling me this early?” I mumbled into the phone, I was not a morning person and needed coffee before anyone should expect me to be civil.

  “Girl, who the hell do you think?” I groaned as Brittany’s cheerful voice flowed over the line

  “I hate you. What do you want at…” I cracked open my eyes as far as they would go and looked at my clock, “5am! Really, Britt? The injustice of it, I mean really, it’s not even a civilized hour to call… ever. Plus, I was having a really good succubus dream and...”

  “Yeah, yeah, calm your tits, It’s important, honey pie.” At her more serious tone, despite the cutesy nickname, I could tell something was wrong. Jolting upright in bed I clutched the blankets to my chest.

  Now wide awake with my heart racing, I gasped, “Is everyone alright? Your mom, sister? Oh god, did something happen to Bradley?” Her older brother and little sister Julie were her life, just like Roxy was mine.

  Despite my best efforts to keep them at bay, memories swamped me of the night Roxy died. I could hear her gasping breaths over the phone as I raced to her house in the dead of night. She had called me to take her to the hospital, as the pain was not getting better, and her boyfriend was out
of town.

  I was two blocks away, yelling at her to hold on, that I was almost there, when I heard her whisper “I love you, sis.”

  She took one last rattling breath and then there was nothing but silence. I screamed into the phone and floored it, I was so distraught, tears streaming down my face, as I broke every road law there was. I didn’t even notice the cop with his flashing lights and sirens, behind me. He almost stopped me from going inside, trying to arrest me, until he saw my face and listened to my babbling hysterical words. He followed me as I sidestepped him and raced inside. I lost it even more when I saw her lying on the floor in the hallway in her own vomit mixed with blood.

  My screams pierced the night as the cop ran to her side and tried to find a pulse asking me what she had taken.

  But she hadn’t taken anything, instead someone had killed her in the most horrific way possible.

  “LEXI!” Brittany’s yell snapped me out of my dark memories, I took a shaky breath and made myself focus on her words.

  “I’m here, Britt, I’m sorry. What happened?”

  “It’s your boss.” Brittney softly said, confused I frowned and tried to switch gears, “What is my boss?”

  “Lexi, sweetie, he’s dead.”

  “Whoa! Shut the fuck up!” I jumped out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to start coffee, I had a feeling I wouldn’t be sleeping the rest of the night. “What do you mean he’s dead? I just saw him last night at seven!”

  “I know, but you know how I’m kinda seeing that cop?”

  “Uh.. what’s his name? Mark right?”

  “No, Mark was last month. Matt is this month.”

  “Oh right, my bad. Okay so yeah, now that we’ve got which flavor of the month you’re on, how the hell do you know about David?”

  Brittany huffed a laugh at my words, “He got the call, and he knows that you work for him. They will probably come to your house soon to tell you.”


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