Lexi's Justice

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Lexi's Justice Page 14

by Renee Shearer

  He pulled back slightly, the kiss was too short in my opinion. I tried to pull him back for one more kiss but he firmly held my hands, and looked at me with such passion and desire that my knees started to shake.

  “I really like how you just spout random shit when you’re nervous. I never know what is going to come out of that pretty little mouth of yours. A mouth I desperately want wrapped around my cock. But I can’t. Lexi, my brothers and I are closer than most blood brothers. We grew up together. But more than that, we were forged in war, and that bond is stronger than anything on this planet. Now Thorne, says that if you only want one of us then the others would be happy for him. Problem is, Cariño, I will never be able to be without you. Once I make you mine, I would never be able to see you with one of my brothers and not me too. And I know that would threaten to tear us apart. So it’s all of us, or nothing. I know they are all attracted to you, even that asshole Hawk. So If you can’t handle that type of relationship then tell me now and I will let them know that you are off limits.”

  Against my wishes my mouth opened, I was going to stay silent and not say a word. To think it over, but Grams rule number two screamed at me, “Find a man, or men you love and who are good in bed. Never let them go.” I whispered mostly to myself.

  Connor’s eyes lit up like the Fourth of July, “What was that, Cariño?”

  I pushed on his chest slightly to get him to back out of the pantry, as I repeated louder. “ First...don’t call me, Cariño, I don’t even know what that means. Second, I said, find a man or men that you love, and who are good in bed. Never let them go.”

  “Where did you hear that? Don’t tell me you love us already?” He looked so adorable tilting his head to the side in confusion, that I couldn’t help but smile at him.

  Walking around him, I grabbed the water that I had left by the sink, replying, “Just one of my Grams rules. She had five of them for a successful and happy life. That was rule number two. My Grams wasn’t like normal grandmas. She always had 4 or 5 lovers at one time. Never married, and never, ever had just one guy. She didn’t believe in monogamy. She said it went back to our caveman days to have more than one mate.

  “She was with three of them for over 40 years. The other two only about 10 before she died. I had five grandfathers growing up. So when you tell me it’s either all four of you or nothing, that doesn’t scare me off, Con. What pisses me off however, is that one,” I ticked them off on my fingers as I told him my points of aggravation. “You guys just assume that I’m attracted to all of you. Never mind that it’s true. Two, either you’re assuming again for the other guys, or you have discussed this behind my back and have determined that you all want me. I don’t like being kept in the dark about stuff and I especially hate being talked about behind my back.” I paused to take a deep breath, but didn’t let him get a word in edgewise.

  “What if one of you changes your mind? Huh? Decide that they don’t want me or aren't willing to try? Then none of us could be together? Is that it Con? What If one or two of you were the loves of my life and you decided that if all of you couldn’t have me then none of you will, like some parents deciding the same damn thing for all of their children. The oldest fucked up and racked up a high phone bill so the other children won’t even be allowed to have phones. Don’t want to make the same mistake twice even though everyone is their own fucking person! You,” I jabbed a finger in his direction, I knew I was yelling, but I hated it when people tried to make my fucking decisions about my life, for me. It was one of the biggest sore spots between Christian and I when we were together. I would always fight him on it, then he would change tactics to get me to do what he wanted.

  “You have no fucking right to tell me who I can and cannot be with, Con. You also can’t tell the guys that! They are grown ass men and can decide what the hell they want by themselves. What if one of the guys and I just don’t get along? What if they have never and will never like me that way? Then it’s just over for all of us? That’s such bullshit.”

  I was breathing heavy and my vision was blurred from tears. I swiped at them angrily, I hated that I was a fucking angry crier, it was pointless. Through my blurry eyes I could see the other guys standing in the doorway to the kitchen, and I felt ashamed. Connor was just looking out for his friends, he didn’t want them to get hurt, or for his family to break apart. I got it but it still hurt like the very devil was sitting on my chest, squeezing the breath out of my body. Slowly killing me.

  I shook my head when Colter went to open his mouth, I couldn't take anymore tonight. I’ve been on overload since waking up this morning and my brain has had enough. Except for playing the game and a few comments Shane had all but ignored me, Thorne kept finding little ways to touch me and Connor and Colter kept vying for my attention. I had had enough; I was still sick and exhaustion hit me hard.

  “I’m going to bed.” I announced quickly, bolting past the guy, speed walking to my room. Shutting the door, I saw that it had a lock and flipped it, leaning my back against the door I let my tears finally fall.

  Yes, I wanted all of them, but there is no way all of them wanted me. Shane was hot one minute and cold the next. One kiss didn't mean he was suddenly in love with me. According to their stupid fucking rules if he didn’t want me then none of them could have me.

  Men! Why are they so dumb sometimes? I kicked the dresser by the door, hanging my head dejectedly, I got ready for bed, while the tears dripped silently down my cheeks.

  It had felt like we were starting something special, but now it’s over before it really had a chance to form.

  I firmed my jaw, grinding my teeth as I laid in bed staring out my window, “Oh well. Get over it, Lexi, it’s not like you want a new relationship anyways. Besides you just met the men for heaven's sake!”

  I stared into the dark listening to the guys mumbling voices, for what felt like hours before my eyes finally closed. I drifted into a restless sleep filled with all sorts of delicious sex with my men. Then someone started stalking me, before taking it all away. Taking them away.



  I watched her lithe body walk down the hallway, desire punching me in the gut. After she closes her door, I turned around to glare at my twin. What the fuck was he thinking saying that shit to her now! We had only just spent one fucking day with her and now he went and fucked it all up.

  “Way to go genius.” I couldn’t help my snide tone.

  My anger rose as her face flashed across my mind. The tears gathering in her eye’s, the devastated look in them. She didn’t believe that we would all want her, and who could blame her with the way Hawk treated her. Blowing hot one minute, kissing her senseless, then becoming ice cold the next, ignoring her. Now add in my idiotic brother… it would be a miracle if she didn't run for the hills after this. I raked my hands through my hair in frustration.

  Con threw his hands up in the air, “What the fuck did you expect me to do when Thorne made that proclamation like some damn king! We all know Hawk won’t be able to get his head out of his ass long enough to give her a chance. I, for one, can’t see her with any of you but not me. I want her so fucking bad that it hurts. I also love you fuckers so much that I can’t imagine you not being in my life. I know I wouldn’t be able to be in this house, or where the fuck ever we end up, and see her with any of you and be happy about it. So I would have to leave and that would tear our family apart. That’s something I’m not willing to risk. So, yeah, I thought honesty was the best way to go, so she didn’t feel like we were stringing her along! But also because I don’t want any of us to fall in love with her and end up broken.”

  My brothers chest was heaving as he got done talking. That’s the most feeling shit I had ever heard from him. At least in regard to us, usually he lays it on thick and heavy with the girls, but says little of his feelings to us.

  I stared at him, thinking through everything, the others stayed quiet. After a couple of minutes, I said, “What if we all s
pent one on one time with her and get to know her a little more. Let her get to know us. Then we can see if we even like her and if she would fit into our group. If things happen to progress into sex then so be it. But,” I held up my hand to stop Hawk’s retort. “We all have to agree to this. And actually try! No half assed shit, no just hanging out and not saying anything. Got it? We need to see if all of us are even compatible to her, or even like her once we get to know her better. Shit, she could be the biggest bitch on the east coast for all we know.”

  “I’m in.” Connor said without hesitation like I knew he would. No way would he pass on the opportunity to get to know our girl.

  Whoa...hold your horses man. She is not our girl, yet.

  “I’m in too. I already like her way more than I should.” Thorne said in a hushed voice, almost like he didn’t want Lexi to hear us. Which, now that I think about it-- it’s probably a good thing if she doesn’t.

  We all turned our heads to eye Hawk, the stubborn ass-hole. I loved the big man with everything in me, but if he said no, and passed on this opportunity--I may just have to kick his ass.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  Connor groaned and punched the wall; Thorne shook his head and I glared at him. “You heard Con-Man, Hawk. It’s all or nothing.”

  “I don’t know, okay? Fuck.” He turned on his heel military style and stomped off to his room once again.

  “Fuck him, I’m going to kick his ass” I started after him.

  “I say we do as he says.”

  “What the fuck, Thorne? You’re really going to leave our brother out in the cold like that?” I stopped and gawked at Thorne

  Thorne shook his head with a smirk, I instantly straightened up at that look. He had something cooking in that brain of his. I stood there, staring at him, waiting for him to elaborate.

  Instead Thorne sent us a wicked smile, turning around and heading to his own room for the night.

  What the hell? Well shit. He did that on purpose, knowing I was going to be obsessing on what the fuck he had planned. I never was one for surprises or secrets. I hated secrets. Secrets eat away at your soul, allowing darkness to corrupt you. Depending on the secret that you’re keeping from your loved ones anyways. I did acknowledge that sometimes a secret can bring a smile to your face and send anticipation running through your blood. However, my experience with them had always been bad. Secrets tore families apart faster than any female ever could.

  I sighed, sending a glance over Con’s way. “What do you think he has cooking?”

  Connor was thoughtful for a moment, his eyes far away as he thought on my question. I went about cleaning up for the night and waited him out. I knew my brother wouldn’t walk away without telling me his thoughts. Con always was a slow thinker though, he liked to think through every possibility on a problem to come up with the best solution and about ten others as backups. Drove me batty, once upon a time, but he was our best strategist in the unit. His backup plans had saved our bacon more than once, so now I just let him do his thing.

  Finally, as I was finishing up the last dish and wiping down the counters, he spoke to me, “I think he wants to prove Hawk wrong.”

  “What do you mean brother?”

  “Hawk claims he wants nothing to do with her right?” He continued after I nodded, getting an excited gleam in his eyes. “Well, that kiss earlier today was not a kiss of a man that wants nothing to do with a woman. The opposite in fact. So, Thorne is thinking if he sees her with us, then he will be more likely to change his tune. Now It’s only a matter of finding excuses to keep her here willingly instead of her going back to her life.”

  “That should be easy. She’s still sick, no matter how she tries to fight it, she still gets tired easily. Add in the fact that we still have no idea who attacked her, even if she thinks it wasn’t her ex. We still need to check him out.” I shrugged.

  In my mind it was an easy solution, who in their right mind would want to leave and go back to a house where they’re all alone, when someone could be after them.

  “I’m already working on a plan for that one. I’m gonna talk to Britt tomorrow. She knows Lexi’s ex; she can give me some insight into him hopefully. Then I may just pay a visit to the man in question. Get a read on him myself.” He replied a little too excitedly. I could tell he wanted to do more than get a read on her ex.

  “You got any appointments with clients tomorrow that I need to reschedule?” My brother and I owned a security and construction business together. We called it Blueprint Security.

  I build them, and he installs all of the security for the joint. My crew and I had just gotten done with a new law firm down in Boston that was going to need security soon. I couldn’t remember when Con said he had set up the appointment.

  “Nope. I have Jenson and Associates, next week Monday. My crew is finishing up the new camera’s and shit for the high school, then moving on to the other schools here in Salem. I’ll swing by tomorrow or the day after to make sure everything is going well.”

  I nodded my head and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I was feeling more unsettled then I was normally, and needed to take the edge off if I wanted any hope of sleeping tonight. There was this feeling of impending disaster in the air, like shit was about to hit the fan and I couldn’t see where it was coming from to fend it off. It was setting my teeth on edge. I used to get the same feeling right before there would be a massive shootout on missions. I shook my head and downed my beer, taking deep pulls, I needed to get my head on straight. We weren’t on a mission, and we were safe.

  “You okay, brother?” Connor was looking at me with concern and worry in his eyes.

  Wiping my mouth I smiled ruefully, “Yeah, just on edge tonight. I’ll be alright.”

  “Okay, well let me know if you need anything from me.”

  “I think I may take Lexi shopping in the next couple of days. She wants more clothes, and ice cream. And since someone is the jackass that did the shopping and didn’t get any I get to play hero and get her some.” I smirked at Con when he flipped me off.

  His smile fell and he got serious, “You think we can convince her to stay that long?”

  “I hope so.” I said ruefully as I finished off my beer and set it on the counter. I slapped Connor on the back passing him and heading to bed myself on the second floor.

  It was going to take all of our combined skills to keep that head strong woman here. But damn if I wasn’t excited about the challenge.

  Twenty- Two


  Two days later:

  “Shane will you stop trying to grind my ass into the ground please!” I was frustrated and ready to lash out at someone. The guys had all taken turns with my self-defense training as they called it. I called it kicking my ass for laughs.

  “I’m not. You need to counter my move, not just go with it. I’ve already killed you six times, mi pequeño guerrero. Focus okay, if I swing at you from the left, twist your body, grab my wrist and finish twisting, bending over in the process so you throw me over your shoulder.”

  I blew out a breath, “This is never going to work. You’re like 80 pounds heavier than me. I would just fall over.”

  “Not if you do it right. Trust me, this is the same shit they teach the female marines. And they are some of the baddest and scariest chicks I know.”

  “Good for them.” I mumbled, kicking a rock.

  We were in the forest by a stream, we had been here for hours now going over the same things. Shane was the best for hand to hand combat Thorne had said. Thorne was teaching me guns, and the twins were teaching me knife skills. I had thought I was proficient in hand to hand, but with Shane I was finding out I was sorely lacking.

  To make matters worse, all of the guys had hit on me, teasing me with subtle brushes against my breasts, kissing my neck as they got close to show me how to stand. Every one of them had done this, except Shane. He was cold. Professional. Nothing fazed him.

  Well I still
had a few tricks up my sleeve to ruffle his feathers. I have no idea why I wanted to see him snap so badly, but I did. I grabbed the bottom of my tank top, watching Shane closely, I inched it up. His eyes followed my every move, he gulped, “What.. what are you doing, Lex?”

  I smirked and whisked my shirt off, dabbing at my sweaty chest, “I’m hot. We’ve been at this for hours. How about we take a break and go for a swim?” My voice was husky, like I was a two pack a day smoker.

  His caramel colored eyes darkened to more of a chocolate brown as he eyed my flowered sports bra. Britt had been kind enough to grab me some of my own clothes the other day. She had been over almost every day, getting to know the guys and tell us the latest gossip. Everyone in town thought I had run because I killed David. She was stemming the tide but if I stayed away much longer we were going to have to think of something else.

  Shane ran his hands through his hair, drawing my attention to his muscular, tanned arms. “Fine we can take a break if you need it. 15 minutes only. I wouldn’t get wet if I were you though. It may make your muscles seize up since the water is so cold.”

  I sauntered over to him, running my hands up his chest, smiling at his sharp intake of breath. Yeah, big man wasn’t as unaffected as I thought. “I’m game if you are.”

  His hands grasped my hips, tightening slightly, I ginned and shimmied them a bit. His smile lit up the sun dappled forest like we were in the middle of a desert.

  Shane leaned closer; my eyes closed momentarily, only to snap back open a moment later when loud salsa music started playing. What the hell?

  “The best way to stay limber is to keep the muscles warm.” Shane started to expertly move me.

  “What the hell? Where did you learn to salsa?”

  He smiled and shrugged, “My abuela, grandmother. She was too old to raise a child when my parents died, so I was put into foster care. I would always run away and go to her house though. It was one of the reasons I was kept here and not shipped out to a family across the country. Abuela made sure I stayed near her, so she could be in my life. When the Hawkston’s adopted me she was so happy she threw a party and taught everyone to salsa. I’m proud of my Cuben roots, but don’t flaunt them.”


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