Lexi's Justice

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Lexi's Justice Page 19

by Renee Shearer

  Colter chuckled, following me to the window seat. I attempted to hop up but the seat swung away and I completely missed. I would have fallen onto the floor if Colter’s strong arms hadn’t of caught me. Staring into his hazel eyes, I wanted to run my fingers through his short brown hair. My breathing picked up; I could feel myself starting to get flustered. So I did the only thing I could--I tried to get away.

  I lifted my leg to move it back, I needed to get better balance.

  “Oomph.” Colter gasped out immediately letting me go. I wasn’t balanced yet so I fell to the ground, Colter was grabbing his crotch and bent over. His face was all red. Oh shit!

  “Oh my god! Did I just... I am so sorry! It was an accident I swear. I was trying to get better balance so I could stand. I must have brought my knee up to fast and to high. Is your dick okay? It’s not going to fall off is it?” At his horrified look I kept going, not knowing what else to do. “It can happen! Well, okay, no it can’t, but you can break it if it was erect. It wasn’t was it? It didn’t feel like it, but then again I did hit it with my knee, so I may have missed the fact that it was hard.”

  “Lexi, if you feel anything for me, please for the love of god, stop talking.” Colter ground out.

  I snapped my mouth closed and slowly got up, careful not to touch him, lest I hurt him again. Which, even though I was still mad at him, wasn’t my intention.

  I carefully climbed up into the seat and gently started to swing, looking out over the water I let my mind drift. Allowing Colter the time he needed to get himself together so he could explain to me what the hell was going on.

  About five minutes later he finally sat next to me, after pressing a button on the wall next to the tall end table and out slid a freaking two step bench. That would have made it easier to get up on the swing. Maybe we could have avoided the whole crushing his nuts debacle. Though, as far as I was concerned, that was his fault.

  “Look, I’m sorry okay?” He ran his hands through his short dark hair. Sad to say I’m jealous of his hand. I wanted to do that.

  “Please tell me why you four, no make that five, took it upon yourselves to fake my death? I have family, and friends, besides Britt. Granted, I’m not very close with my father, hell he could be dead for all I know. Mom is dead and so is grams, and Roxy… okay, so maybe I don’t have a lot of family. But I have friends! It’s only been 13 days since I left.”

  “We know. But face the facts, Lexi, someone tried to kill you that day. You can’t deny that any longer.”

  “Watch me.”

  Colter gave me a scathing glance, continuing without missing a beat. “We’re trying to flush him out. That’s another reason why we are here this weekend-- your, ah... funeral was today. We hoped that he would show, and we could observe him. But since we have no idea who that is, that’s Britt’s area, Connor went with her. If he knew you were still alive...” Colter shuddered and didn’t finish his sentence. We both stared out into the encroaching twilight. Lost in our own thoughts. I guess I could see why they would go to such extremes, but it still hurt they didn’t think to tell me.

  I jumped as a buzzer sounded loudly throughout the condo. Colter hopped off, heading towards the door. “Must be the Chinese food I ordered earlier.”

  “Mmm.” I made a non-committal sound, still lost in my head.

  Why the hell would someone want to kill me? I’m nobody. A freaking secretary for heaven's sake. And did I really want to fake my death and allow four men to take over my life? It was to try and catch the person responsible. But that wasn’t who I am. I wasn’t some damsel in distress, I’m like fucking Zena. A warrior princess. I fight my battles, not sit on the sidelines and wait for others to do it for me.

  Colter came back and the smell of Chinese food made my mouth water. I eagerly reached for the food; I was starving.

  “I need to talk to Britt. Damnit, why didn’t I think to stop at a phone store.” Since Britt had been coming over to the house practically every day I didn’t even think to replace my old one.

  “We can do that tomorrow. I meant to stop today but time got away from me.”

  I glanced over at him, silently watching as he ate. The setting sun was highlighting his handsome face. Making him glow. I didn’t think he would appreciate me telling him he looked like he was glowing. Like some sort of pregnant woman.

  “Tell me why you four would go through all this trouble for someone you just met?” I watched him as he swallowed and looked out of the window for a period of time.



  I didn’t know how to answer Lexi. If I told her the truth, that we had all wanted her from the very beginning, she may run screaming thinking we were psycho's.

  From the first moment that I heard her scream, I knew I would do everything in my power to help. No matter who is was. Granted I never thought I would want to keep her. Well fuck, now I sound like she’s my pet. She’s not. But I want to be hers.

  Instead of telling her the truth, I opted to tell her the reason we all left the Marine Core after 14 years of service.

  My voice was quiet as I started, “We were told to guard this village, it had a school for women. The teachers were Americans. We were there for a good four months. Got to know the locals pretty well. The kids were great, so funny and so willing to learn. They never once showed hatred or disgust for us American heathens. We had thwarted a few rebel forces trying to burn the school down. But nothing too drastic. A week before we were scheduled to leave, it happened.” I took a deep breath, fighting back the tears. It was still hard to talk about even after 3 years. This was the beginning to the end of our careers in the marine corps. I knew I couldn’t handle it anymore. I still wake up with nightmares, probably would again tonight after talking about it. My carefree, fun-loving attitude covered some deep bleeding wounds.

  “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to Colter.” Lexi’s soft voice caressed and soothed the demons clamoring to get out. They retreated further into my mind at her soft hesitant touch on my shoulder. I leaned into her, not able to resist. She wrapped her arms around me, gently swinging us, we quietly look out over the bay. This was always my favorite spot in the apartment. I wished I had something like this back at the cabin. But the cabin couldn’t compete with this killer view.

  The smell of vanilla and lilacs surrounded me, calming the raging sea of emotions. I just sat there for a moment breathing her in.

  “We were sleeping, we had let our guard down. It had been two months since the last attack, we thought they had finally gotten the message to leave the school alone. That’s why we were set to depart the following week. I don’t remember the exact time, but I do remember it was pitch black. I woke up to the sounds of screaming. Women, children, even a few men. Their high pitched screams will haunt me forever. There were explosions going off all over, they had snuck some of their men in earlier and were able to plant bombs all over the village.” My breath stuttered in my chest and I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. Lexi didn’t say a word as the tears silently tracked down my face.

  “They set off the bombs and started shooting anyone who left their huts. We were sitting ducks. There was nothing we could do. We fought back, returning fire. Con and Thorne made it out of their hut and killed as many as they could before the rebels fled. When the dust settled, a quiet hush fell over the village. I don’t know how long it lasted, felt like an eternity, before the wails started. All of us rushed around trying to save the wounded. We managed to save 20 people.”

  “But that’s good right?”

  “The village had a total of 150 people and only 20 survived, 5 were adults. The worst part was finding the dead children so we could give them proper burials.”

  I would never forget Fashma and her brother Harim. She was 6 and he was 3, I found them huddled together under a board in their hut. Their father had dug a hole, I don't know when, but he had put blankets, water and some of our MRE’s in with the kids. The read
y to eat meals weren’t the best, but they would have served the kids well. Had they made it. Their hut was on fire, I had just played with them earlier in the day. I ran to their hut, but they had died from smoke inhalation before I could get to them.

  I could feel the tears streaming down my face, my heart breaking all over again, as I thought about Fashma and Harim. Lexi’s arms tightened around me, as if she could squeeze the pain out of me. I appreciated her effort but I really needed to be alone right now. I pulled away, clearing my throat, I set down my orange chicken my appetite gone. I got up turning to Lexi, her beautiful blue eyes were sad and concerned.

  “So to answer your question, once a Marine always a Marine. We were trained to protect the weak. We failed once before; we will be damned if we fail again. No matter what. I’m not feeling hungry anymore. I’m going to hop in the shower. Feel free to wander around. Connor’s bedroom is on the left. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night, Lexi”

  “Colt--” I didn’t look at her as I fled the room like a coward.

  I turned on the water in the huge double jet glass shower we had installed. Stripping down I brushed my teeth, waiting for the water to heat up. I rolled my eyes at my reflection and berated myself. It always was a bad habit of mine to talk to myself in the mirror. “Stupid, stupid, stupid. What the fuck are you doing dumping that on her? Jesus Colt, why don't you just shove her out of the fucking window. That would be a faster way to get her away from you. Which you don’t want you stupid mother fu---” I bent down to spit in the sink and rinse my mouth.

  “Only I’m aloud to call you stupid. Plus, I would greatly appreciate you not tossing me out of the window. It is a long fall after all.”

  My eyes snapped to Lexi’s as I quickly straightened up. My tongue damn near fell out of my head. All of my bad thoughts flew out of my head. She was standing behind me. Naked. Her curves and perky, round breasts were perfect. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Well...I know what I want to do. Shaking my head, I never took my eyes off of her perfect figure “What are you doing in here?”

  Shit, that was not what I wanted to say. As her face fell, I immediately regretted my choice of words. She seemed to shake it off, heading towards the shower, her heart shaped ass swaying with every step.

  “I need a shower too, and I figured, we could save water this way. Also I don’t think you should be alone right now. Don’t worry, if you’re afraid your man card or whatever the hell you guys call it will be revoked, It won't be by me. I won’t tell if you won’t. Now get your sexy ass under this water. It feels amazing. Apparently you all love your showers, as even the guest bathroom in the cabin’s shower is better than the one I have at my house.”

  I smirked, walking to the shower door. “After spending years on military bases, and then being in the deserts of Afghanistan, you learn to appreciate the small things. There were times we went weeks without a proper shower. Nothing but sponge baths. The first few weeks home, we felt like we were never going to get clean. Then Con and I upgraded our bathroom to this, never looked back after that.”

  Closing the door with a snap, I leaned against the wall, the warm water slicing over me. Just looking at Lexi, released tension I didn’t even know I had. Lexi’s eyes flicked down, widening a little. I smothered a chuckle as she swallowed hard, I knew I was larger than the average guy.

  My eyes feasted on her, black hair plastered to her head, wide light blue eyes that looked like a bright blue sky. Full lips that she always licked whenever she started to get nervous, almost like she was preparing them for when she started rambling. High pert breasts, just waiting for my hands to cups them, flat stomach and toned legs.

  “Hold on, what’s this? A black heart? You’re hair down there is shaped like a heart?”

  She flushed, “Yeah, I lost a fucking bet with Brit. Never bet against that woman, she’s terrifyingly accurate. If I didn’t know better, I would swear she was psychic.”

  “Remind me to thank her.”

  I wanted my hands on her, but I didn’t know what prompted her to get in the shower with me. I fisted my hands at my sides, if all she wanted was to really save water and ogle each other I didn’t want to be the one to advance things. No, I would wait for her to make the first move. Even if it killed me.

  She turned around, raising her face to the water, her perfect ass was staring me right in the face. I had always been an ass man, and Lexi’s was just about the most perfect I had ever seen. Just enough curve to give her shape, without looking too big for her small frame. My dick jumped, ready and eager to get the show on the road. I tried thinking of anything else but sliding my dick inside of her.

  “Colt? Can you wash my back for me please?” Her sweet, husky voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

  Fuck. I’m in trouble.

  She turned and gave me a sexy smile, holding out a luffa covered in suds.

  I’ve always loved trouble.



  I saw the struggle in his eyes, biting my lip I contemplated if this was one of my brighter ideas. When I came in here, it was to help him get out of his head. I figured if he was attracted to me like he said then he could focus on me and not on his tragic past.

  We all had something in our past that we wished we could move on from, if not forget entirely. His was the war, mine was Roxy. She had been with me for the last seven years. I was never able to forget with Christian, but I think I would be able to forget with Colter, Connor, Shane, and Thorne. Even if only for a few hours.

  I was playing with fire, and praying I didn’t get burned. But fuck if I didn't want him right now.

  Quietly I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding as he slowly moved forward. The first touch of his hands on my skin, nearly sent me to my knees. I had been thinking about him and his brother since I ran into them at Britt’s store.

  The anticipation of what was to come, was driving me crazy. He gently washed my back, tracing the line of small neat stitches his buddy Thorne put in.

  “What do you want, Lexi?” He breathed into my ear, never moving his hands from my back.

  I leaned against him, thrusting my breasts forward, they felt heavy and full. Begging for his touch.

  “I would think that would be obvious by now, Colt.”

  His dark chuckle sent a thrill shooting through me, even as I wanted to scream at him to touch me everywhere.

  “I want to hear you say it. In detail.”

  I swallowed sharply; I have never voiced what I wanted. My core clenched, would I be able to tell him without getting flustered and starting to spout nonsense?

  Come hell or high water, I was going to get what I wanted this time.

  “I want you to touch me, cup my breasts and feel their weight. I want you to kiss me until I don’t know my own name, and I want to feel every inch of your cock as it slides into me. Making me scream and moan your name. Is that good enough for you, Colter?”

  If it was possible, I felt him stiffen even more, I wanted to shout in victory as his hands slowly slid around my body and gently cupped my breasts.

  “Yes, I can take it from here. We will have to be careful; I don’t want to open your stitches.”

  I moaned and shook my head back and forth as he rolled my nipples between his fingers, “I don’t even care about that.”

  “I do. I told myself I wasn’t going to do this. But fuck if I can stop now.”

  Turning me around, he searched my eyes for...what I didn’t know. Shaking his head, he smiled ruggedly, and swept me up in a kiss.

  His lips were soft and yielding, I opened mine on a gasp as he pulled me flush against him. The water slicing over us did nothing to temper our passion as he swept his tongue inside my mouth. Our tongues tangled together in a dance as old as time itself.

  Pulling back slightly, he kissed my nose, “We have to be careful, Lex. I won’t hurt you.”


  I tried pulling him back down for another kiss. He had other
ideas, grabbing the bottle of shampoo, He squirted some into his hand and started to massage it into my scalp.

  “Mmm...You have amazing hands.”

  “Just wait. This is only the beginning.”

  I pressed my thighs together to ease the ache he created. I’ve always liked my personal space; I had never showered with someone before. I didn’t like the thought of having to share my water. Who knew showering with another person could be so sensual and frustrating at the same time.

  After an eternity of torture with no relief, Colter shut off the water, I squealed a little as he picked me up and carried me to the swing.

  I started to panic, granted we were on the 16th floor, but people could still see us through the big picture window. The intensely private person in me shied away at the thought of having sex where any Tom, Dick or Harry could see my O face. The more reckless side of me embraced the thought. Let them see me getting thoroughly fucked by a hot guy. Hell, maybe I’ll be doing the world of women a favor...maybe their men can learn a thing or two.

  You’re assuming, he actually knows what he’s doing?

  Why wouldn’t he? I hear marines are great with their hands.

  Christian never was.

  He wasn’t a marine either. Now shut the hell up and let me get laid, you naggy bitch.

  “Are you okay?” Colter looked deep into my eyes and everything else just fell away.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  I didn’t want to talk louder than a whisper and break the spell we were under.

  He set me gently on the swing, kissing me senseless again. A moan slipped past my lips, at the feel of his soft, yet callused hands skimming along my body. I arched into his touch, I wanted more of him. My hands had a mind of their own, caressing his smooth, chiseled chest, and rock hard arms that were as big as small trees. Damn this man is ripped. Hell as far as I can tell all of them are.

  I arched more, nearly doing a backbend, as his mouth skimmed to my breast, crying out as the stiches in my back pulled and tugged hard for the first time.


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