Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2)

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Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2) Page 1

by Monica May

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  About The Author


  The New Orleans Temptation Series

  Part 2


  Monica May


  First Original Edition, July 2015

  Copyright © 2015 by Monica May


  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, business, organizations, places, and situations either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written consent from the author.

  All rights reserved.


  A special thanks to my PA Alicia Marietta who works tirelessly to help me do whatever I ask of her simply for the love of helping an Indie Author that she loves so much. Without you, I would not have been able to do blogs, cover reveals, or release parties. Thanks for always bringing me back to reality when I have a freak attack.

  I also want to give a big shout out to my Bayou Bitches. Ya’ll are amazing and without your shameless pimping my book would go nowhere. Hugs and kisses to all of you as I am so thankful to have you.

  And without Kelly Hartigan, my editor, this book would be a pure mess. You rock, Kelly.


  And for the amazing cover, I give props to Beth with Cover It Up Designs. She did an amazing job helping me design a cover that is unique to Hidden but fits The New Orleans Temptation series. I look forward to working with you again soon.

  Cover It Up Designs

  Chapter 1

  Great Aunt Gertrude, New Orleans 1949

  Smoke fills the air as I walk through the club. Sexy jazz music bounces off the walls as I ascend the stairs. The smell of sex hits me when I reach the top making my own arousal increase. As the owner of the club, I make it my own rule not to mix with the patrons. I have to admit at this moment, I HATE THAT RULE! It’s the most difficult rule to follow.

  I scan the room watching my girls sway beautifully to the music just out of reach from the exclusive club members that are having sex below them. I pause at the landing to see how far I've come as I look across the large room. The war is over and the ships no longer stop in New Orleans weekly. Boy, those were the days, every weekend 1,500 new sexy young sailors being dumped into the heart of the city at the Port of New Orleans.

  I think back to two years ago when I was almost broke. The million my parents left me was dwindling down to nothing. I was desperate to make my burlesque club work.

  After taking a trip with one of my many sailors of the week to Vegas, I discovered the world of sex clubs. A world I had no idea existed. This was unheard of; no such club had existed publicly that I was aware of in New Orleans. So why not? I figured I would give it a try. What did I have to lose? And here I stand two years later and this place is a hit!

  My club is beautiful, clean, and the atmosphere is uninhabited. I look at the clock to see its almost 2:30 a.m. We never close but it does tend to get almost completely empty between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Taking in the view, my eyes are drawn to the group near the bar. This type of club is extreme for today’s time and to see a threesome is even more rare. I try to look away but I can’t. There’s a young man on his back with a blonde woman kneeling between his legs with his cock in her mouth. She has a firm grasp on his shaft while she moves her hand up and down in sync with her mouth. His beautiful hard length glistens in the low light. An older gentleman stands behind her entering her slowly but firmly from behind. They catch me watching and motion for me to come over. Oh, how I really would love to squat over that young man’s face and have him lick my sexual tensions away. But I'm forced to smile politely and wave them off. Tell me again why I made that stupid rule?

  Finally reaching the back of the room, I brace my arms on the bar for support and look down at Sam's large strong hands as they clean glasses. "Could you be a dear and pour me something stiff, anything,” I say, feeling the unrelenting desire between my legs. When he doesn’t respond, I look up to see if he’s heard my request. I find him gazing down at me with lust.

  “Gertie, you look beautiful tonight. Actually, you look beautiful every night, but tonight you are absolutely stunning.”

  I feel a warm rush of need pulse over my already aching body. His comments surprise me; he has never seemed interested in me before. Always nose to the grindstone doing what he is supposed to do. “Thanks, Sam, you don’t look too shabby yourself. Now how about that stiff drink? I really need one fast before I rethink my no play with the patrons rule; this is torture,” I huff, looking up at the celling.

  “I don’t recall you having a no play with your employees rule. Why don’t we go make use of that room in the back?” He points to the private room I have for patrons that don't want to be in public but still be a part of the atmosphere. “I’ve had something stiff in my pants all night watching you.”

  I’m pleasantly surprised by his response and look up at him with a sinful grin. “Sam, I had no idea you were interested in playing,” I say with a sexy tilt of my head as I start to mindfully twirl my hair around my finger. Sam is a guy I never went after because I assumed he was a good boy. He’s a rule follower, and I never saw an interest from him.

  “Gertie, a man can only watch sex around him all night for so many hours without wearing out his palm during cigarette breaks.” He grins down at me.

  I saunter behind the bar, and Sam doesn’t make a move. I push up against his body and put one hand on his tight ass squeezing as I bend down to reach for the bar closed sign from underneath. Sam and I don’t speak as I grab his hand pulling him toward the private room. Locking the door behind us, I lock eyes with his sexy gaze and let him watch me undress button by button. He’s drooling by the time I'm naked. He is ten years my junior and could pass for James Dean. Looking down at a very large bulge, I don’t hesitate to get his pants off while he quickly discards his shirt. I paw at him with an urgent and needy desire.

  “I have never met a woman like you, Gertie. You exude sex and make no apologies for it. I have wanted to be deep inside of you since the day you hired me six months ago,” he grunts, smashing his lips on mine and pressing his warm tongue into my waiting mouth.

  I push his underwear down to see what he has to offer me. “Sam, Sam, Sammy, why have you waited so long to show me this beautiful thick cock of yours?”

  He pulls my waist toward him and my center collides with his rock hard erection grinding it.

  “I had no idea you would be interested in a kid like me,” he says shyly.

  “Only a fool of a woman would not have sex with a man like you. Give me what you have and give it to me good and hard.”

  “Yes, ma’am, whatever you say.”

  I chuckle; he is going to play the sexy schoolboy ab
iding by the teacher’s rules. He picks me up by my ass, putting me down onto his length and pressing me against the door with force. I wrap my legs around his waist as he slides into my wetness welcoming his presence.

  I moan his name as he brings me to the brink of orgasm, and then he slows down. “Not so fast, ma’am, I want you to feel every slow inch of my cock,” he says as we both look down at him entering me slowly over and over. It’s so erotic to watch his cock move in and out of my pussy covered in my excitement. The view pushes me over the edge, and I whimper in pleasure as Sam picks up the pace thrusting through my orgasm and finding his own release.

  “Oh, Sam, that’s wonderful, please don’t stop.”

  “I have no intentions of stopping any time soon!”

  And he didn’t. Sam and I made love in that locked room until the cleaning crew came in around 6:00 a.m. Sam and I used each other’s bodies that night as a release from all the sexual tension of the workday. This became a regular occurrence for us on the shifts we shared, and it was absolutely amazing.

  New Orleans – Present Day


  Setting Aunt Gertrude’s diary down, I think, This may be harder than I expected. With Phillip gone, I’ve sworn off relationships. It’s been a year and a half since the accident, and I can’t say I miss him, which makes me sad. Sad that I have never had what Shelby and Grant have. Phillip and I loved each other in our own way. He helped me get over my first husband cheating by exploiting my need to be sexually experienced. And now that’s all I have to go on, outrageous sex! What the hell is wrong with me? I know true love is not out there, yet the wild sex is starting to feel empty without feelings behind it.

  The ringing of my desk phone breaks me from my pity party.


  “Ms. Champagne, your eleven o’clock interview is here.”

  “Please tell him to come on back, thanks.”

  Moments later, there’s a knock at my office door. “Come in,” I yell while rustling through the stack of résumés on my desk trying to find my 11:00 a.m. appointment. When I look up from my desk, I see the most beautiful male specimen I have ever seen. He’s tall with dark, thick hair long enough to run my fingers through but short enough to still look professional. His eyes are black as coal with thick lush lashes. The caramel-colored skin exposed on his arms makes me want to lick him. And the muscles … they are just right, not too bulky but perfect.

  “Ms. Champagne, I’m sorry, did I catch you at a bad time? You look a bit lost in your thoughts,” he says, tilting his head with concern.

  Lost in my own thoughts, is he kidding me? The only thought I have right now is him clearing my desk and fucking me right here and right now. Oh, Samantha, get it together. Remember Shelby’s words, you can’t sleep with every interviewee or you will never have enough employees to open the place. For the love of God, I pray this guy is gay. If he’s not, I will have to say screw Shelby and her sensible advice. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. In no way, shape, or form can I pass up a piece of ass this good-looking.

  “Really, it’s okay. I can come back if this is a bad time for you?”

  “Nonsense.” I wave him off. “I’m sorry, I feel as if I’m having déjà vu. Have we met before? Maybe in the ladies room at Cat’s Meow in the last stall?” I say with a giggle, standing from my desk and extending my hand to him. He gives me a nice firm shake with a big smile ignoring my comment for the moment. I walk around him to shut and lock the door. The sound of the lock turning appears to make him uncomfortable. Before walking back to where he stands, I quickly undo one button of my blouse while his back is to me. Instead of sitting back behind my desk, I sit on the desk directly in front of him with my arms crossed helping my cleavage along. Stretching my long toned legs out, I cross my ankles giving him a nice view of my thighs peeking out from my short grey skirt.

  “No, ma’am, I don’t believe we have ever met before,” he says with a blush crossing his cheeks.

  "Please do not call me ma’am or Ms. Champagne. It’s Samantha; call me Samantha. I’m sorry, I was daydreaming when you came in, what did you say your name was?”

  “Parke, Parke Matherne.”

  “Okay, Parke, tell me why a stud like you wants to work in a strip club as a bartender? You do know this is a female strip club, right?” I say, looking him up and down with no apologies.

  His eyes shift to the short hem of my skirt then back to my face. “I’m in college right now and the part-time night gig is perfect for my schedule. And yes, I know this is a female strip club. I have no interest in stripping myself.”

  “That is a pity. I would pay good money to see that. No offense, but what in the hell are you still doing in college at—” I look down at his résumé to find his age because I know he’s over twenty-five. “You’re thirty-two? I mean, you look damn good for thirty-two, but shouldn’t you be married to a supermodel with three perfect kids running around, or something like that?”

  “No offense taken, but I’m not ready to be strapped down with a wife and kids. I have been in the military since I graduated high school and decided after a few tours in the Middle East that I wanted to do something different.”

  “Well, do you have any experience tending bar?”

  “Not much, but I catch on fast. I can do both bartending and security details if needed.”

  “I need something secured alright.” Leaning over to him, I put my hands on the arms of his chair boxing him in. His gaze is powerful; I can feel his want for me and his smell is heady and overwhelming. I look into his black eyes. “What ya say you forget about this job? You see, I have this no sleeping with my employees rule, and I really want you to take me right here on this desk. Don’t you want to take me right here on this desk, Parke?” I ask, running my finger down his jaw line watching it flinch as I go.

  His gaze is intense with no change in emotions. All signs of a shy schoolboy have been wiped away by a more confident stare. He leans in closer to me. We’re now nose to nose and I can feel his warm minty breath on my face. “While that’s a very tempting offer, I will have to pass.”

  “Are you gay?" I counter. "I can usually pick the gay ones out, but you didn’t strike me as gay.” I shift my gaze directly down to his lap to find his erection bulging. Oh man, it looks so freaking big and delicious. “If you’re not gay, what’s the problem?” I say with a smirk and look down into his lap. “Your lips are telling me no, but your cock is jumping at the chance.”

  He doesn’t flinch, falter, or move. “Ms. Champagne, you’re correct. I would love to fuck you right here on that desk, but you see, as a thirteen-year Army man, I'm a rule follower. And clearly, you stated you have a no screwing your employees rule; therefore, I can do without. I need this job more than I need a fast fuck on your desk, no disrespect. You see, most bars around here are owned by men who don’t share your rule. They fuck all their employees, and they don’t want a man like me as their competition so they don’t hire me. I have one year of school left; hire me for one year, and I promise to fuck you so hard on this desk as a going away gift you will beg me to stay.” A grin now spread across his face. I watch his pink wet tongue dart out and over his lips.

  I stand in disgust from the sour taste of rejection. I have interviewed eight men for this job; five did me on this very desk without hesitation. Two were gay so they got the job, and Shelby recommended Jackson to me so I couldn’t even entertain the thought of sleeping with him since she would have killed me. But this is the only one I can really say I wanted. There’s something about him, something mysterious. I’m not sure I can hire him and contain myself around him.

  I turn and walk behind my desk sitting back into my large leather chair with a smile on my face trying not to allow the rejection to show.

  “Mr. Matherne, please leave your contact information with my assistant, and we will give you a call if we can use your services.”

  “Thank you, I hope to hear from you soon,” he says as he turns and
walks right out of my door and my life!

  “OMG, who’s the hunk that just left?” Shelby asks, entering my office while I’m still deep in thought about how to process the rejection.

  I just stare up at her at a loss for words. I still can’t believe he just told me NO.

  “Tell me you didn’t,” she scolds, “I thought we agreed you would stop screwing your potential employees?”

  “I wish I could say I did, but I didn’t.” I look up at her in shock.

  “You seriously expect me to believe that? You both look flushed.”

  “He fucking told me no, Shelby! Can you believe that shit? No, he told me no.”

  She looks just as surprised as I feel. “Are you kidding me? Did he really?”

  “Do I look like I'm fucking kidding you? I have never been so humiliated in all my life.”

  “Did he say why? He didn’t look gay, but you can’t always tell by looking at someone these days.”

  “Yeah, he told me why. He said he wanted the job too much. I had opened my big mouth about my number one rule, no sleeping with employees and that was it.”

  “Oh, I love this guy, you need to hire him right away. You will never meet someone like this again. It means he values his job, the rules, and he wants to work.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure I can work with him now. I made a complete ass of myself.” I put my head in my hands and hide my face in utter shame.

  “Oh, honey, don’t worry about that. When you hire him, apologize and blame your behavior on the stress of losing your husband.”

  “Ugh, why can't I just get it together like you?”

  “You will. Stop trying so hard and let it happen naturally. Forget about the sex and become friends. See where it leads.”

  “Do I look like I want a friend? You're my friend. I have enough friends. I don’t need any more friends; my circle of friends is closed,” I yell.

  “Let it happen; try it for me. Stop trying to kill your pain with mindless sex.”

  “Okay, okay, enough depressing shit. What brought you to the city today?”


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