Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2)

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Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2) Page 6

by Monica May

  She gives me a tight hug and pushes me toward my box. “Now get your ass up there and dance.”

  I jump up on my box just as the DJ starts to play. The music blares into the room just as the front doors swing open. People start to spill in by droves. I start to dance with my hips moving side to side to the sounds. I throw my head back and lose myself in the music forgetting I’m on display. It’s so freeing to be up here. I push the worry of Rex finding me to the back of my mind and get completely lost in the music. As I dance away, I feel a tap on my shoe. Looking down, I see Kitty motioning to me that she’s up next and it’s time for a break. I climb down and notice Jackson watching me.

  I figure what the hell, let’s see where this goes. I must be intoxicated by the music and the sensual moves of my body. I run my tongue over my lips keeping my eyes on his watching me running my hands up and down my curves. I give him a sideways grin and turn to walk away toward the back of the club. As I head to the break room, thoughts of him and I together flash before my eyes like a filmstrip. I see him with no shirt and his chest is chiseled to perfection, pure heaven. He reaches his hands out to pull my shirt over my head burying his face in my cleavage. I can almost feel his warm breath on my neck as he turns me around pushing me against the wall. The last image in the movie in my mind is the horrid look on his face when he sees the awful tattoo Rex marred me with. I’m a marked woman. I have to get rid of Rex’s branding.

  I reach the break room to find Carmella having a drink.

  “You looked great up there. Did you have a good time?”

  “I did. I was able to lose myself in the music. But you know, I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier, and I’m going to ask Jackson if his sister can take a look at my tattoo. I need to get rid of the past and move on.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. You can talk to him tonight at the after party.”

  “After party? There is an after party? I’m not sure I will be able to keep my eyes open that long.”

  “Sure you will. We can’t have a grand opening without an after party,” she says, bouncing up and down with excitement.

  “Okay, I will do it then.”

  “Don’t worry, we will get you some liquid courage before you ask. Shots never hurt.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if I should drink.”

  “Why the hell not? Are you allergic?”

  This girl is nuts in a good way. “No, I’m not allergic. I just have not drank in a very long time. Actually, I can’t even remember the last time I was allowed to drink.”

  “Well, you are a big girl now. If you want a drink tonight, you will have one.”

  “You’re right! I think I will have a drink to celebrate the new me in my new life.”

  I spend the rest of my shift losing myself to visions of a naked Jackson. My shift is over before I know it. Looking up at the clock in the dressing room, I see it’s 2:00 a.m. I should be exhausted, but I’m ready to start my new life with my new friends.

  I start to undress from my costume and put on the frumpy clothes I picked up at the shelter. Carmella catches me frowning in the mirror.

  “We need to do some serious shopping tomorrow with your first night’s tips,” she yells from across the room. Dixie overhears us and waves me over to her locker.

  “You look my size. Feel free to borrow whatever you want until you get on your feet.”

  “Are you sure, Dixie?”

  “I wouldn’t offer if I weren’t. This is the best group of girls I’ve ever worked with, and we’re going to be like family. So yes, I’m sure. Take a look and pick something.”

  I pull her into a hug thanking her. “You pick. I have no clue what’s cool. I have been living under a rock for the last few years.”

  She pulls out a short jean mini skirt with a black halter-top. My eyes get big. I don’t think I have the confidence to pull that off. “Oh, Dixie, I don’t know? You think I can wear that?”

  “What, you don’t like it?” she says, upset I don't like her choice.

  “No, I love it. I think you would look like a million bucks in it. But I’m not sure I can fill that out right.”

  “Do you own a mirror, bitch?”

  I stare at her blankly hoping she is using the word bitch in an endearing way as she smiles back at me. But I’m still not sure what she’s trying to say.

  “Sunny, you’re hot! We need you to find some self-esteem. You will rock this outfit. Check out these shoes. I hope you are a size seven.” She pulls out a pair of high wedge black leather booties with silver studs up the back. “We’re going to help you find the real Sunny. You’re beautiful and you’re worth it. Now put this shit on right now; it’s not an option,” she scolds with her hands on her hips.

  My heart swells with acceptance. I do my best to channel her confidence. Slipping into the skirt, I feel like it was made for me fitting like a glove. It falls about three inches below the roundness of my ass. I pull the shirt over my head, and the halter-top does wonders for my boobs. And these shoes are to die for. Looking into the mirror, I can see it for the first time in years. I pull my auburn locks down from the up-do and shake it out. My red hair is gorgeous and I have to admit I look pretty damn hot in this outfit. I spin around to Dixie and Carmella watching me with crossed arms. They both have an “I told you so” look on their faces.

  “Alright, you guys were right. I look okay.”

  This infuriates Carmella. “I have a problem with both those statements. First of all, it’s not you guys, it's y’all. The last time I checked, I don’t have a dick, I’m not a dude, so don’t call me a guy. Second, you don’t look okay. You look fucking smoking hot.”

  With a smile, I say, “I love y’all.”

  Carmella grabs me by the hand pulling me all the way to the bar. She yells to the bartender, “Three shots of tequila.”

  Oh Lord, this is going to be a crazy night. We have a lot of fun dancing and laughing with each other. An hour or so goes by before I realize I have not seen Jackson at the after party. I feel my shoulders slump and a frown crosses my face.

  “What the hell is wrong with you now?” Carmella yells over the music. “I told you this sorry for me shit is done with. You have to get it together and toughen up if you are going to run with us.”

  Her statement should offend me, but I know she means well and she is right. I’m tired of being the victim. I look at her with determination. “I’m going to find him.”


  “Who else, Jackson, dumb ass,” I say, laughing.

  “Oh okay, because with that look you just gave me, I thought we were going on a road trip to kick Rex’s ass.”

  I slap her shoulder knowing that is a crazy idea, but it sure did sound good coming out of her mouth. I walk away from her in search of Jackson. Our party has dwindled to just a few of us and I don’t see him anywhere. I see Samantha on a bar stool pretty cozy with Parke. I walk toward her not wanting to stand alone.

  “Hey, y’all,” I say, feeling like a complete moron, and I know I’m blushing. It’s just not something I can get used to.

  She laughs loudly at me. “You getting shit about using you guys?”

  I shake my head yes but change the subject quickly. “Have you seen Jackson?”

  “Yeah, have you not? He’s been sitting in the back of the room watching you for the last hour.” She points to the back.

  “Thanks, Samantha, see ya'll later,” I say, walking away from them headed to Jackson. I find him sitting at a table alone. He smiles up at me as I approach the table. He stands and pulls out a chair right next to him. From this view, I can see Dixie and Carmella dancing and cutting up.

  “Why are you sitting back here all by yourself?” I ask.

  He turns to me with his eyes piercing my soul. “I was watching you have fun, watching you let go of what has been holding you down.”

  I have had quite a few shots and a few drinks by now. I’m amazed by his assessment. “You saw all that from here?”
br />   “You can learn a lot by watching a person when they have no idea they are being watched.”

  “What are you, a private investigator or something?” I slur. “So what else did you learn?” I ask, not wanting to hear silence.

  “I learned you have some ink on that pretty little back of yours that you’re no longer comfortable with,” he says, taking a sip of his drink and waiting for my response. I don’t know how to respond to him. This is what I said I wanted to talk to him about, but I thought it would be on my terms. How could he tell I don’t want the tattoo? I feel myself start to cave and retreat when I hear Carmella’s voice in my head, “Suck it up girl and move forward.” And that is exactly what I’m going to do.

  “You’re a very observant fellow. Yes, I have this crappy tattoo that I actually was coming to talk to you about.”

  “You want to talk to me about your dragon tattoo?” His eyes are wide with surprise as he thought he had me figured out.

  “Yeah.” My courage is on its way out so I pick up what he's drinking and take a swig of the brown liquid. When it goes down my throat, it feels like fire. “Good Lord, what the hell is that?”

  He chuckles with that sexy grin. “Straight Wild Turkey. I take it you don’t like it?”

  “Hell no, that’s way too strong for me.” His drink immediately warms my belly and his lighthearted laugh helps calm my nerves. I do my best to sit up straight and bring my eyes up to meet his. “Back to the tattoo, yes, I wanted to talk to you about it. The girls told me your sister is a dermatologist that specializes in tattoo removal. I was hoping you could give me her number so I could go visit her and get an assessment on getting it removed so I can save up.”

  He turns his large body toward mine at the table placing his hand on top of mine. The heat I feel from his touch is crazy. I have never felt a reaction from an innocent non-sexual touch before. “I’ll give you her number on one condition.” Please let that condition be to lick you from head to toe.

  “What’s the condition?” I ask, flinging my long red curls behind my shoulders and revealing the cleavage that is being pushed up in this tight halter-top.

  “Tell me what the story is with the tat?”

  I pull my hand from his quickly trying to stand as fast as I can to walk away from the table. I’m not ready to do this. I can’t tell him the story. He will never be interested in me if I tell him about Rex. As I start to take a step away, I feel his massive arm wrapping around my waist. He pulls me firmly to his body with my back pulled to his hard chest. I feel his excitement pressed against my ass.

  I feel his breath on my neck as I hear his voice. “Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be pushy, but in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a loner. I’m not easily impressed by most women.” He pauses for a moment looking into my eyes when I turn my face toward his. I see his jaw flinch. “But you, Sunshine, you, I can’t take my eyes off of. I’ve never had a woman affect me like you do. You occupy my thoughts and my dreams, and I don’t even know you. I just want to get to know you. I know you want to get to know me Sunshine? I see it in your eyes.”

  Instead of answering his questions, I start to tell him about the tattoo. “I didn’t ask for this tattoo. At a very young age, I was involved with a man that’s the president of an MC. Once I realized how bad he was, it was too late. When he felt me pulling away, he slipped me the date rape drug and I woke up with this.” I turn away from him twisting my back and pulling up my shirt to reveal the hideous dragon tattoo spread across my lower back like a tramp stamp. I keep myself turned away from him in embarrassment. Above the dragon spitting fire, it reads, “Property of The Flaming Dragons MC.”

  I feel the fire of his touch. His large hands are now on my bare skin wrapped around my waist with his thumbs rubbing over the tattoo. His long fingers are spread across my belly. I’m sure he’s disgusted. Feeling exposed, I pull my shirt down and turn quickly to him, ashamed and looking down not able to meet his eyes.

  I feel his hand under my chin pulling my face up to his. “Why are you ashamed? You were marred by evil. That’s not your fault. My sister will see you in her office first thing Monday morning, and she will get this taken care of.”

  “OMG, really? How do you know she has room for me on Monday?”

  “She will make room when I give her a call in the morning. Just be there for 8:00 a.m., okay?” He pulls a card out of his wallet with his sister’s information on it. “No one should be tattooed against their will.”

  I’m overcome by his kindness and shocked he didn’t run for the hills. I reach up on my tiptoes to give him a big hug. “Thank you, Jackson, I really appreciate this.”

  He stares down at me giving me a nod. “Gotta get going. I have an early run in the morning. You need a ride home?”

  I feel the blood from my face drain. He can’t know I’m staying at the shelter, not yet, not all at once. “I have one, thanks.” Slipping the card in my back pocket, I turn and walk away as casually as possible. I have no idea if I succeeded.

  Chapter 7


  What a night! I sit at the bar alone taking in how well it went tonight. The girls were amazing, security was flawless, and the sex room was … HOT! I need a stiff drink to get me past the visions of what went on in there. I take a sip of my crown on the rocks and let the images of the night replay in my mind.

  The doors open on time with a line of people out on the street. They spill into the club like slow moving lava, pouring into each nook and cranny and heating up the scene. The music blares as everyone dances with the drinks flowing. The energy is unmistakable. The excitement of being in a dance club that has exotic dancers in one room and open sex in the other is electric. I can’t help but smile. This was for you, Aunt Gertrude. I hope you approve. I smile as I lift my drink up to the heavens and toast her.

  I start the night by finding my crew in the VIP section. From across the room, I see Shelby and Grant dancing in their reserved section. The change they have made as a couple is beautiful. They exude love and sex. They are having a great time up there laughing, bumping, and grinding. Shelby has gotten so far out of her shell, sometimes Grant needs to gently nudge her back a bit when she drinks. He tries to rein her in as I approach them. She has him by his ass with her tongue down his throat. He pulls back with a laugh and shakes his finger at her. She looks away shyly as she sees me watching them. I wiggle my way through the crowd to get up to them.

  “OMG, Samantha, this is the most awesome club I have ever been to in my life and we have not left this spot,” she yells over the music with a giant grin on her face.

  I pull her into a hug celebrating this great accomplishment. Without Shelby and Grant’s encouragement, I would have never pursued Aunt Gert’s dream. I have to admit it quickly became my dream as well, almost as if Aunt Gertrude’s soul took over my body.

  “Don’t go getting all mushy on me, girl. This place is great.” She can sense I’m getting a bit emotional, which is not like me. She pulls me close yelling over the music, “I’m working on getting Grant into the sex room. Will my VIP ticket get me into the private room?”

  “Girl, you know it will. I really would love it if you all would at least take a tour of the room. It’s not like you would be gawkers. You’ve experienced it before. One of the private rooms is named The Cyber Incident,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows up at her.

  “No way? You named each room?” she asks as her cheeks start to blush.

  “Yes, there are three private rooms, and they each have a theme. The Cyber Incident has a camera stand that’s made for smart phones.”

  “You are filming people having sex?” she gasps in horror.

  “No, Shelby, you’re so gullible, girl. The stand is there for the couple to put their own phone on and it’s in the perfect position to film the bed. I just figured in today’s world, everyone’s doing it anyway, so I might as well make it fun. You kind of treat it like a photo both. I have some cool movie props in there and you just have a
great time.”

  She stares at me with her big eyes, acting shocked, but I see excitement and curiosity in them.

  “Wow, I would have never imagined.”

  “Maybe the talk of taping it will help you get Grant up there.” She slaps at my arm playfully, “I will work on him. How long is this VIP pass good for?”

  I can’t contain my smile as I yell over the music, “Forever! Have fun on your own time. It doesn’t have to be tonight. You two are my very best friends, and you hold the only lifetime membership cards free of charge.”

  She’s the one now jumping up and down in excitement and getting all mushy, hugging me kissing my cheek, and more hugging. “Alright, that’s enough, woman. I have to get to work,” I say through a smile and push her away.

  “Thanks, Samantha, we’re having a great time. And I look forward to making this a monthly event. With or without the sex room.”

  “Good. I know ya’ll will have fun. Sorry I have to run, but this place won’t run itself. I will try to swing back later.”

  “Don’t worry about us. We’re having a great time, and I know you’re busy. Go make this place an empire,” she yells, shooing me off with her hands.

  I run off to check on the exotic dance room. More wall-to-wall people. I’m happy to see my plan of elegant old world chic attracted not only men to this room but couples. There’s even a bachelorette party in one corner having a blast. I may have to send Parke over there in a bit to make sure they’re not being over served. Just as the thought crosses my mind, the girl with the bride headpiece on jumps up on stage and starts removing her clothing. Before I can panic, Manny the bartender is up and over the bar. All straight women love sexy gay guys. Once she sees Manny reaching for her, she jumps down into his waiting arms and starts to use him as a stripper pole. He guides her back to her table and informs the bunch nicely that they’re cut off. Seeing he has the situation under control, I take a deep breath and head back up the spiral staircase to the sex room.

  As I ascend the stairs, Maroon Five’s One More Night bounces off the walls as the scent of sex fills the air. Just the smell alone makes my pussy ache. Once I reach the top of the stairs. I can’t help but feel déjà vu. The feeling that I’ve been here before, or seen this exact scene before, is overwhelming. It takes my breath away to even think her soul has entered mine, but I know she is within me, pushing me to go beyond my comfort zone.


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