Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2)

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Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2) Page 10

by Monica May

  “Well, let’s start getting to know one another, Jackson. I don't drink milk or orange juice. I prefer grape juice, water, or coffee. I love waffles, and veggie omelets are my favorite eggs.” Pleased with my sharing, I ask him in return, “What are your favorite breakfast foods.”

  “I eat everything and anything but mushrooms. So everything you see here at this table I love or would love to eat,” he says with a wink.

  His gaze is hot on me, and I don't think he is talking about food anymore. I shift my eyes down to find a plate and fill it with the wonderful smelling food.

  “So where exactly are we? It’s safe to say I don't remember my ride here, and by looking out the windows, it doesn’t appear we are in the French Quarter anymore.”

  “Sorry about that, but you were out of it, and your girls were not keeping an eye on you. Not a good situation in this city or in your position. I don't know enough about what haunts you at night, and trust me, after last night, I know something is haunting you,” he says, staring into my eyes.

  I shove a forkful of waffles in my mouth, avoiding the sear of his gaze. He wants me to give him more information, and I’m not sure that I’m ready. After chewing, I realize he is still waiting for a response. I have to give him something. “Look, this is hard for me, and it’s going to take time and trust for me to let you in. So that’s all I’m asking you is not to push me.” I keep my eyes down on the table. It’s not the woman I ever wanted to be. As a child, I dreamed of being a strong woman, a woman in control of my life. I look up in surprise when I feel his touch. His hand is over mine gently stroking it while I had checked out of the conversation.

  “It’s okay, Sunny, I’ll do my best not to push. But it’s my personality to just handle things and get it done. So let me know when I’m pushing too hard and I’ll back off.”

  I look up to see the gentle giant beside me. “I will let you know. But just know he’s not looking for me, so you don't have to worry. There is no way for him to know I am here.” The Voodoo Queen’s words rush back to me.

  Let the tiger in. Let him know your soul, child. If you don't allow the tiger into your heart, he can’t save you”

  He nods his head in confirmation, but I don't think I have convinced him.

  “Just a word of advice, Sunny, don't drink that much if you’re not with me.”

  A little red flag goes off in my head. Did he just tell me what to do? This is not the type of relationship I want to be in again. I throw my napkin down on the table and stand. Looking him square in the eyes with a loud clear voice, I say, “I will not be told what to do. Let’s get this straight right here and right now. If it is your MO to order women around, I’m out. I will not do this again.”

  He smirks at me. “Babe, I was not telling you what to do. Did you miss the key words?”

  “What are you talking about? You just told me not to go out and drink without you.”

  “No, I just said a word of advice is not to drink too much without me.” Note to self: Rex was possessive, controlling, and he hurt her physically. I will kill that motherfucker when I find him. If it’s the last thing I do, I will find him.

  “I get a little tense when people think they can tell me what to do so I had to clear that up.”

  “Forget about it, it’s all good.” He motions for me to sit back down. “Finish your food. You need the nutrition after last night.”

  I chuckle. “Are you telling me what to do?”

  “Yes, at this moment, I’m telling you to eat. Got a problem with that?”

  “No, but only because I’m starving.” We sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the meal. I take the time to reflect on how different it is when Jackson tells me what to do. It’s out of care and concern and not to be in charge of me.

  “That was the best breakfast I’ve had in years. Probably since my grandmother passed away.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I’m sorry to hear about you grandmother. Do you have any other family?”

  “Let me help you clean the kitchen,” I say, turning away from him. I start to wash dishes and give him some of my family background while I stay distracted.

  “I never met my dad. He left my mom when he found out she was pregnant and wouldn’t have an abortion. He was twenty-five, and she was barely eighteen. I always admired her for the decision to keep me and to do it alone. She did have my grandmother so she really was never alone. But when I was ten, she died.”

  I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I look out the window at the boats passing in the canal.

  “She was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street going to her second job. She was a wonderful mother. Even though I was only ten, I remember her oh so well.” I drift off into the memory of my mother, her soft kind face, and the amount of love I felt from her. I feel Jackson’s warmth on my back.

  “I’m sorry, Sunny.”

  I turn to him and he wraps me in comfort. My face rests on his strong hard chest as he strokes my back.

  “Don't worry with the dishes. Let me take you home so you can get some rest before your visit with my sister tomorrow.”

  “Okay, but we got so distracted you never did tell me where we are.”

  “We’re just outside of the city in Slidell. I have a small apartment in the Quarter for the days it’s too late to drive out here. But this is where I can relax.” He pulls away from me grabbing my hand and leading me to the back of the house. He opens the sliding glass door to the large wooden deck.

  “Wow, this is beautiful. Does the deck go all the way out to the water? Is that your boat? What waterway is this?” I giggle as I realize the barrage of questions I’ve just thrown at him.

  He chuckles at me as well. “Yes, the deck goes all the way out to the water and that is my boat,” he says, pointing to the boat at the end of the deck. This is a canal that leads to Lake Pontchartrain. I love it here. It’s quiet and peaceful. I can go fishing, crabbing, or shrimping whenever I want. Whatever the season, I can do it all from here, and it’s away from the hustle and bustle of the city.”

  “I can see how this would be relaxing after working four days straight at the club.”

  “Do you like boats?”

  Oh geez, now I have to tell him I’m a scaredy-cat with boats too. Smiling up at him, I say, “I have never been on a boat before. I’m not sure that I’m fond of them.”

  “Can you swim?”

  “Well, of course, can’t everyone?”

  “No, Sunny, not everyone can swim. I mean, around these parts, 99.9% of people can swim, but when it comes to taking someone on your boat, it’s an important question.”

  “Yes, I can swim but not sure I would like to be on a boat.”

  “You will learn to love it. That will be our second date.”

  “You and these crazy dates. The gun place and a ride on a boat.”

  “It’s a gun range not the gun place.”

  “Yeah, yeah, the gun range and then on your silly little boat, but after that, you have to take me on a real girl date.”

  He moves forward closing the space between us. Pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear, he looks at me with a lethal, panty-melting stare. “You go on my two manly dates without complaining, and then we can go on your girly date. I’m a man of my word so make sure there’s no whining and complaining on my guy date.”

  “Deal,” I say, his eyes not moving from mine. His hands move to my waist pulling my body flush against the hardness of his body. Dropping his head, he plants those gorgeous lips on mine. They are warm and firm. I open mine to let him in, let him take control. This kiss is different than the one we shared in the kitchen. This one is controlled and tender. His taste is so unique, I can’t even begin to explain it. It simply taste like Jackson Devereaux. He gently pulls away and kisses the tip of my nose.

  “Deal, now let’s get you home so you can rest up for your appointment tomorrow.”

  Chapter 11


  Jackson drops me
off at the apartment I now share with Carmella. Opening the door to the small-bricked building, I find Carmella sitting on the sofa with her hands over her face looking like a train wreck.

  “Hey, I’m home. Are you okay? You don't look so well,” I say from the doorway.

  “I feel like shit. Drank way too much. Never mind me, tell me about your night with the elusive Mr. Jackson Devereaux. And I want all the juicy details.”

  I walk around to the sofa and plop down next to her. “He is the perfect man, Carmella. It scares me that those words can even come out of my mouth so soon, but he is just perfect. If he has a flaw, I’m missing it.”

  “What we call that down here is skeletons in the closet. I don't know of any, but I have only known him a short time as well. If I did, you know I would have told you by now, but he is stealth to say the least. Until you, he didn’t mingle with anyone else. Check with Samantha. Maybe she has some scoop on him.”

  “Yeah, maybe I will ask her. Not sure I want to find any bones much less a full skeleton, if you know what I mean.”

  Carmella struggles to sit up and puts her arm around me. “I know what you mean, but I don't want you to get hurt so we need to know. I will check with Samantha and that sneaky Parke. I’m sure if there is something to know he would know.”

  I look up at her scared to admit this out loud because of how wrong I have been in the past. “I feel it in my heart that he’s a good man, Carmella. Is that wrong?”

  “No, sweetie, I’m sure he is. But it doesn’t hurt to ask. Don't worry with it. I will take care of it. But I agree. I think he is a good guy. But I think you are changing the subject. Did you do the deed with Jackson or not?”

  “OMG, Carmella! I would never kiss and tell.”

  “He is so hot. If I kissed him, I would rent a fucking billboard to tell everyone.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her because the girl is freaking serious. “No, we did not do the deed, but we are going on a date tomorrow.”

  “What the hell? He pulled a caveman on me and carried you out of Cat’s and didn't have the decency to sleep with you?”

  “As much as I understand your issue with that, Carmella, he said he wants to get to know me. And you know, I don't think I have ever gone a real date in my adult life so I am going to give it a try.”

  “So where are you going on this date?”

  I shake my head and laugh out loud. “I guess the real date is up for debate.”

  She looks at me as if I have two heads. “He is taking me to the, what did he call it? Oh, the gun range?” I sit and wait for her to have the same response as I did.

  “And ... what is the problem with that?”

  “Oh Lord, it must be a southern thing. I did not think that was a date.”

  “Yes, girl, out here that’s a date. I’m sure he will feed you after he teaches you how to shoot so that’s a date. You participate in an activity together then you will share a meal. What else are you looking for? Don't go getting all fancy on Jackson because I don't think that is his forte.”

  “I wouldn’t say fancy, but a nice dinner is what I equate to a date. But I’m going to try and step out of my comfort zone. Anyway, date two will be on his boat, and if I make it through that date without what he calls whining, I get to pick the next date and it can be as fancy as I like.”

  “Wow! He gave you all that? Well, hot damn, I think you made out better than doing the deed, sister. He’s really into you.”

  “You think so?”

  “Hell yes, I know so.”

  I look up at her with shy eyes not sure I should tell her, but I feel like I have to tell someone. “Carmella,” I say quietly.

  “Yeah,” she says, looking at the television while she flips the stations.

  “He has a giant tiger tattoo on his chest.” Biting my lip, I wait for her response.

  She turns to me with big eyes and her mouth hangs wide open. “Get the fuck out of here. Are you serious?”

  I put my hand up to swear. “I’m serious.”

  “The Voodoo Queen was right.” She turns to me grabbing my hands and squeezing. “He is meant for you. You have to let him into your soul. That’s what she said, right?”

  I shake my head at her wanting to change the subject.

  “Enough about me. How was your night with Kevin?” I say, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

  She throws herself back down on the sofa covering her head with the nearest pillow. “Oh Lord, Kevin. I thought I left him in my past years ago. I had the biggest crush on him in high school, and he never looked my way. But don't you worry, I made him work for that shit last night.”

  “Carmella! Did you do the deed?”

  “Hell yes! Did you not see the billboard outside?”

  “Details, details.”

  She jackknives up off the sofa almost hitting me in the face.

  “Girl, it was so good. That’s what I can remember.”

  “You can’t remember?”

  “Well, I had a lot to drink. I remember Jackson carrying you off like a caveman. I about wet my pants when he did that it was so fucking hot. After that, I devoured Kevin on the dance floor. I was all over his ass. He asked me if I wanted to go back to his hotel room, and I was game.”

  “Do you really know this guy well enough to go to his hotel room?”

  She gives me an “are you kidding me” look and replies, “Says the girl who had no clue a man picked her up and brought her God knows where?”

  “Point taken. Now get to the good stuff.” I roll my eyes at her.

  “His fucking cock is pierced. Pierced! Have you ever done it with a dick like that?”

  I laugh at her shaking my head no.

  “Well, I’m here to tell you to find a cock that is pierced and do it.”

  “You are a mess.”

  “When that metal ball hits you in places you had no idea existed, it’s ecstasy. Kevin is much hotter than he was in school, but now I have to go on a date with him to see if he’s still an asshole. I’m getting too old for this one-night stand shit so pray for me that he’s not an asshole anymore.”

  “Will do, my friend. I’m exhausted from last night so I’m headed to bed.”

  “Bed? Its 5:00 p.m.?”

  “Girl, you have no idea how exhausting it is to NOT do the deed with Jackson. I’m physically and mentally drained. I have to be at his sisters office at 8:00 a.m. sharp tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Okay, girlie, sweet dreams and good luck with the tattoo thing tomorrow.”

  Chapter 12


  I wake up super early Monday morning both refreshed and nervous. How will Jackson’s sister look at me? Who does she think I am to him? One of his flings? I sit up and swing my feet to the floor feeling the coolness of the wood floor on my feet. The sun is just coming up outside my window. I stand at the window looking out at the new city I now call home and decide to forge ahead in my life without reservations. Stretching my arms over my head, I decide that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’ll take it as it comes starting with removing Rex from my life.

  It’s a beautiful crisp fall day in New Orleans. The sun is bright, the sky is blue, and the air is cool. I walk to Ms. Devereux’s office since it’s not far from our apartment. The city is alive this morning with delivery trucks at every restaurant and employees hosing the remnants of last night’s parties out into drain.

  In no time, I reach her office building. Time to get your life back. I can’t stop smiling. I’m ready to move on. Opening that door gives me a sense of strength and power I’ve never felt before and I like it. I want to be in control of my life and I will.

  I flip through the local gossip magazines while I wait to be called.

  “Ms. Sunny Walker, the doctor will see you now.”

  I follow the nurse back to the room where she gives me instructions. “Remove your clothing and put on this paper gown opening to the tattoo you want removed. Mrs. Devereaux will be in to see
you shortly.”

  Mrs. Devereaux? Her card and window said Ms.; is she Jackson’s sister? How can she have the same last name and be a Mrs.? I guess it’s none of my business and shrug.

  After changing, I sit and wait nervously on the paper-covered table. I hear a knock at the door, and it opens to reveal a stunning woman. She is a carbon copy of Jackson but female. She has the same olive skin, matching chocolate brown hair, and is clearly over 5’10” in height with her three-inch heels on. I just can’t get over how much they look alike, except for their eyes; hers are brown. Ah, she is the woman in the picture. I smile up at her as she speaks.

  “Nice to meet you, Sunny. I take it by the look on your face my brother didn’t mention I was his twin sister?”

  Shaking my head in realization of the resemblance, I ask, “How did you know?”

  “Because the big muscle head never wants to admit he has a twin sister. And you look like you saw a ghost.”

  I giggle trying to not look like a total idiot. “I’m sorry. I just did not expect his sister to look so much like him. You’re beautiful.”

  “Well, thank you. He gets his looks from me. I’m five minutes older, so don't let him tell you he’s my big brother,” she says with a smile.

  “So tell me a little bit about your tattoo and why you want it removed. I received a text from my bossy brother telling me you would be here and that your tattoo fits my pro bono program and to take extra special care of you.” She’s now looking at me with a questioning grin.

  “Well, long story short, I was involved with a guy in a motorcycle club, and when he felt me pulling away from him, he slipped me the date rape drug one night and had his buddy brand me with the club tattoo bearing his name.” I feel downright mortified right now. I mean really, who allows this to happen to themselves?

  My head jerks up in surprise when I hear her say, “Fucking bastards. What the hell is wrong with these Goddamn MC clubs? They think they can just do whatever they want, and it’s really pissing me off. She steps closer to me putting her hand over mine. “I want you to know you are not the first person I have had in here with the same exact issue.”


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