Wanted: A Good Wife & Great Sex (A Bargained Marriage)

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Wanted: A Good Wife & Great Sex (A Bargained Marriage) Page 7

by SL Beabhar

  "Trouble in paradise?" murmured the judge.

  Ash turned to him and noticed the judge was peering at Reggie over the rim of his glasses. Ash followed the direction of his gaze and found his aunt gripping the handles of her wheelchair.

  He knew he had to remove Reggie from the room immediately. "Thank you, Your Honor."

  The judge handed him a slip of paper and said, "Take that to the clerk's office."

  Ash nodded before placing his hand at the curve of Phoebe's waist. He applied a bit of pressure, prompting her to walk with him while he shot a pleading look in Bobby's direction. Although his friend groaned and rolled his eyes, he took hold of Reggie's wheelchair and pushed her from the room.

  Once in the hallway, Ash wrapped his arm around Phoebe's shoulder and pulled her close. He kissed her temple, then released her just as abruptly.

  "We did it," he said.

  She nodded and glanced around the hallway. "Will you excuse me? I have to use the restroom." She didn't wait for him to respond; she spun on her heel and practically bolted from him.

  He watched her go, understanding the need to put distance between them. Even though marriage to Phoebe didn't scare him, he was scared of disappointing her or making their five years together miserable.

  Five years. Just five years. With Phoebe.

  He looked at Bobby, then nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for coming."

  "You know the guys are going to be pissed that you didn't invite them."

  Ash shrugged. "Well, they don't know the full story like you do. They know that I'm caring for Reggie. I don't want any of them trying to piece together why I've suddenly decided to get married. If--or when--they meet Phoebe, I want them to think it was a sudden thing. A spontaneous connection between us, and we decided to get married."

  "So that's why you didn't ask the Chaplain to marry you? Didn't want him asking too many questions?"

  "Ottinger is a good guy, but he's a stickler for the rules. You know he reported Tomalsen for sleeping with that sergeant."

  "To be fair, that was Ottinger's wife." Bobby shrugged and smiled. "Tomalsen and Garcia were married to other people at the time. Plus, Tomalsen was a Captain. Fraternization is a no-no."

  "As is marrying with the intention of defrauding the government." Ash noticed the regret reflecting his friend's eyes. He opened his mouth to lighten the mood, but Bobby shook his head.

  "I better get going." Bobby opened his arms and quickly embraced him. He looked in Reggie's direction. "Good luck." He punched Ash on the shoulder. "Seriously. Good luck."


  Phoebe knew she was lingering in the restroom. Water flowed from the faucet while her hands gripped the ceramic sink. Her heart drummed loudly in her ears as her eyes focused on the rose-gold wedding band on her ring finger.

  She opened her clutch purse and removed a tube of lipstick. "You can do this. You got this." She was repeating these words when the restroom door swung open and two younger women walked inside. Phoebe angled her gaze in the mirror to see out into the hallway as the door closed; she caught sight of Ash standing right outside, his head swiveling to peer inside.

  For the smallest moment, their eyes connected just before the door closed. She inhaled deeply, and held her breath for several moments before releasing it through her frozen lips. She pulled the top of the lipstick off and brought the tip to her lips.

  She was applying the rich mauve color when the other two women walked out of their stalls. Phoebe stepped to the side to give them access to the sink. Hovering in the background, she could plainly hear their conversation.

  "Dear Jesus," said the tall, blond woman to her right. Her pretty gray eyes were focused on her friend's reflection. "Did you see that guy in the uniform?"

  Her auburn-haired friend quickly washed her hands before running her long fingers through her bouncy curls. "Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I did. We practically collided when I rounded the corner." She lowered her voice and leaned towards her friend. "I almost fell, and he reached out to grab me."

  "You're lying," her friend said, turning on the water. "I didn't see that happen at all."

  "You were already walking into the bathroom." The redhead turned and smiled in Phoebe's direction before pushing open the door.

  The blonde shoved her glasses further up her nose, then grabbed a handful of towels. As she dried her hands, she looked at Phoebe, who was now standing in the corner opposite of the door.

  "Wedding day?" asked the blonde.

  Phoebe nodded, smoothing the wrinkles of her blouse. "My first." She shook her head when she realized how strange her comment was. "I meant to say, the ceremony is already over." She lifted her hand to flash the ring. "We're married."

  The blonde squinted towards the doorway, then looked back at Phoebe. There was a hint of admiration in her eyes. "Is the airman with you?"

  Phoebe nodded. "Yes. That's my lucky groom. My husband." The words felt foreign on her tongue. Phoebe tried to convince herself that it seemed so strange because there had been no formal engagement and now there was a very real marriage.

  The blonde winked and grabbed the door handle. "Lucky girl," she said before exiting the bathroom.

  "Lucky girl," Phoebe repeated, returning to the mirror. She looked at the door again before tucking a wayward strand back into her coronet-braid. Drawing in another deep breath, she walked to the door and opened it.

  Ash looked handsome in his service dress uniform as he sat on a wooden bench across from the restroom and clutched his cover between his fingers. His brow was furrowed as he stared down at the hat. To his right Reggie sat quietly in her transport wheelchair. Her lips were puckered in outrage, and her eyes were focused on the doors of the courthouse.

  "I'm ready," Phoebe said when Ash leapt from the bench. She walked to Reggie and grabbed onto the handles of the wheelchair. Reggie twisted in her chair, pinning Phoebe with a scathing look.

  "I better take her," Ash said, sliding his hands onto the wheelchair handles. He waited until Phoebe stepped aside, then he began to guide them to the courthouse's exit.

  For most of the short distance, they walked in silence. It wasn't until they stood near the exit to the courthouse that Ash turned in Phoebe's direction. A crooked smile curled his lips as his gaze traveled the length of her. "You hungry?"

  She nodded, then pulled open the courthouse door and stepped aside so Ash and Reggie could walk into the warm sunshine. "What happened to Bobby?"

  Ash looked down at his aunt, who swiveled in her chair to pin her nephew with a glare. He turned a crooked smile in Phoebe's direction. "He had to go."

  Phoebe placed a hand on Ash's upper arm and felt his muscles contract beneath her touch. Her breath caught in her chest. "I was hoping he would join us. I was thinking about making lasagna."

  Ash's face twisted in a grimace. "No way. We're going out to eat today."

  Phoebe halted beside him. "Are you sure? I don't mind cooking."

  "It's our wedding day," he said, reaching into his pocket to remove his keys. He pressed the button to unlock the doors, then he pushed Reggie to the passenger side of his truck. He opened the door and stepped away. "Do you need my help getting inside?"

  Reggie didn't answer him. She simply stared at him and gripped the wheels of her chair. She propelled herself forward, forcing him to move away or risk having her roll over his foot.

  Phoebe hooked her head towards the driver's side. She mouthed, "I got her."

  Ash puckered his lips but nodded. He walked around the front of the truck, then slid into the driver's seat.

  Phoebe locked the wheels of the chair before walking to the truck's door and holding it open. She watched as Reggie grasped the sides of the chair, slid from its seat, and transferred into the passenger seat. Phoebe bent down to tuck Reggie's dress inside the door, then she shut the door. She collapsed the wheelchair, hoisted it into the air, and slid it into the back seat.

  When she finished, she slid into her ow
n seat just as Ash turned on the ignition. He switched on the radio and pulled out of the parking space. With the exception of the classic rock that played in the background, the cab was eerily silent. Absorbing the lush, green scenery of the Northwest, Phoebe couldn't help thinking how anticlimactic her wedding was.

  She wasn't much of a romantic. She hadn't spent her youth dreaming of a massive wedding. It just wasn't her nature to do extravagant things.

  But she had imagined a happier occasion.

  She studied Ash's profile as he navigated the streets of Lakewood. There was an unusual tightness in his features, causing frown lines around his mouth. He looked older than his thirty-three years, and it seemed so uncharacteristic of him.

  She knew him to be light-hearted, choosing to find humor in just about every situation. But now he looked to be caught in the middle of an internal struggle. A part of her wanted to soothe him. To take on some of the burden he carried.

  However, another part of her acknowledged that she was the burden he carried. Was he already regretting their marriage? As if sensing her watching him, he looked into the rearview mirror and made eye contact with her.

  Her pulse accelerated, and she fidgeted in her seat. The corner of his lips quirked in a ghost of a smile. His amber eyes darkened, but he dragged his gaze away to focus on his driving.

  She brought the bouquet to her nose. As the sweet floral aroma filled her nose, Phoebe closed her eyes and imagined a happier occasion.


  Ash collapsed onto his bed and fell back into its billowy softness. His hand dropped against his stomach as he stared up at the ceiling. The day had been long, full of highs and lows.

  Grunting low, he ran his hands over his eyes and brought himself up to a sitting position. He felt Phoebe's presence more than he heard her. He trained his eyes on his bedroom doorway and found her lurking in the dark hallway. He motioned for her to come in, then waited as she emerged through the doorway.

  "Ash," she said quietly. She'd changed out of her wedding clothes hours ago and now wore a woven cotton nightgown. She'd uncoiled the coronet, letting the long braid hang over her shoulder. Her arms were bare, and she wore no socks or slippers. Her toes curled into the lush carpet while she waited for him to speak.

  He didn't know what to say, so he extended his hand. She stepped forward and placed her cool hand into his, then he guided her to the spot beside him on the bed. Sitting close to him, her cotton-covered thigh brushed against his dark blue trousers. Unlike her, he hadn't yet removed his uniform. It would've required a lot of energy, energy that had been zapped by Reggie, who'd unleashed her pent-up rage the moment he'd escorted her to her bedroom.

  "Is she asleep?" he asked, liking the feel of Phoebe beside him. She was close enough that he could feel her warmth, yet with the exception of their still-clasped hands, none of their skin touched.

  From the corner of his eye, he noticed her lick her lips. He closed his eyes, then drew in a heavy breath and wiggled his hand free from hers. He could feel her eyes searching his face. He was drained, and he didn't think he had the strength to control his growing desire for her. Choosing to put some much needed distance between them, he sprung from the bed and walked to his dresser.

  "What upset her?" asked Phoebe.

  Unclasping his watch, he turned to look at her and immediately regretted it. He wanted to push her further onto the bed, hike the dress up around her waist, and bury himself deep inside of her. Instead, he dropped his watch onto the dresser, placed his foot on the bed, and began to unlace his shiny black oxfords.

  "It's our wedding bands," he said, sliding the shoe from his foot. He repeated the same action with the other foot, then walked to the closet and placed the shoes on his shoe rack. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his shoulders. He was about to unbuckle his belt when Phoebe appeared at his side.

  Her brow was furrowed, and her dark eyes narrowed. "Is something wrong?"

  His hands fell away from the belt. He lifted his hand, grabbed hold of his grandfather's wedding band, and slid it from his finger. He held it high, then walked from the closet, forcing Phoebe to retreat a step. He walked to the dresser and dropped the band beside his watch.

  "The wedding bands belonged to my mother's parents."

  "Reggie's sister, right?"

  Ash nodded. "When my grandparents first married, my grandfather couldn't afford to buy them a proper wedding set. So for five years, he worked the coal mines and did odd jobs on the side so that he could buy my grandmother a proper ring." He nodded towards Phoebe's hand. "It was probably the most lavish thing he ever purchased. Unfortunately, my grandfather worked himself into an early grave, and my grandmother gave my mother the rings, hoping she would wear them some day. Instead, my father bought them brand new rings, and my mother gave her parents' rings to Reggie."

  "And she gave them to you," said Phoebe.

  He smiled and grabbed at his belt. "You should probably leave now unless you want to see me naked."

  Phoebe brushed aside his comment and sat back down on his bed. "You don't have anything I haven't seen before."

  "Well, that's encouraging."

  She grinned. "I've cared for both male and female clients. That includes helping them dress and undress, take baths, and apply medicated creams all over their bodies." Shaking her head, she laughed loudly. "It's at a point where nakedness really doesn't bother me."

  Ash felt a corner of his mouth curl in challenge. With a cocky tilt of his head, he unbuckled his belt, hooked his thumb around the waistband of his boxer shorts and trousers, and pushed them down his legs. Standing at his full height, he kicked the clothing from his legs then stood in full naked glory.

  He smiled at the dazed look on her face. It was obvious from her expression that his nakedness bothered her. "Just another naked body, right?"

  Her nostrils flared, and her skin darkened to a lovely dusky blush. In spite of that, she managed to make eye contact with him. "You're proud of that, aren't you?"

  He placed his hands on his hips and rocked his pelvis forward. Her eyes followed the swaying motion of his thickening penis, then she shook her head and looked away.

  "It's one of my best assets." He flexed for good measure.

  But instead of the transfixed expression he'd anticipated, she dropped her eyes, covered her mouth with her hand, and hid a smile. She lurched from the bed with her eyes downcast and darted to the door.

  He took a step to the side, blocking her exit. Sniffing loudly, he tossed his head and tried to look offended. "Where you going?"

  She dropped her hand, revealing a grin. "To bed, before you get one of us in trouble."

  Ash stepped towards her, but Phoebe lifted her hand and maneuvered around him. He then grabbed onto her upper arms and halted her departure. She, in turn, threw back her head and laughed.

  "This is totally not going how I imagined it would." Ash grunted, then dropped his hands. "I think I'm..." He paused to find the right word. "Embarrassed."

  She cocked her head to the side and placed her hands on her hips. "I wouldn't think that was possible."

  "It rarely happens." Screwing up his lips, he nodded for emphasis. "But when it does, Jesus, watch out."

  She simply stared at him with a silly smile curving her lips. He found himself responding to her guileless expression. His hand rose, then halted near her face. Her lips parted, yet she gave a slight nod. Encouraged, Ash traced the curve of her bottom lip with his thumb.

  "You owe me a proper kiss," he murmured. He waited for her to utter a quip, but she didn't.

  Placing her hand on his shoulder, she rose onto her toes and brushed her lips across his. Then she fell back onto the balls of her feet and smiled again. "There."

  Rolling his eyes, he wrapped the long coil of her braid around his hand and reeled her in. "That's not a proper kiss." He lowered his head and placed his mouth across hers, feeling the warmth of her breath against his cheek. He felt the whimper emit from h
er throat, encouraging him to deepen the kiss.

  He released her braid in order to grip her buttocks, lifting her against him. Her mouth opened with a loud gasp as his cock pressed against the juncture of her thighs. He darted his tongue in and out of her mouth, mimicking the type of dance he wanted with her.

  He wanted to get closer, but she seemed to have another idea. She grabbed his wrists and shoved his arms away. "Five years is a long time."

  Ash stepped away and rubbed the back of his neck. It was the only thing that kept him from picking her up and tossing her onto his bed. "I agree. It's a really long time."

  "Which is why," she said as she placed her palms against his naked chest and stared into his eyes, "I can't expect you to be celibate the whole time. If you find yourself needing companionship, I won't make a fuss. All I ask is that you don't bring it home." She smiled. "Please."

  Her request was reasonable. He'd had the same thought before he'd met her. "Is that your way of saying our marriage won't be a real one?"

  "That was your plan, wasn't it?"

  "Technically, yeah, but I was hoping we could pursue a separate agreement." He grinned.

  Her hands slid away from his chest, and he immediately felt their loss. Regret lurked in her eyes as she stepped away from him. "I think that would just complicate things. What if one of us developed feelings for the other, but it wasn't reciprocated? It'd make our time together quite painful."

  "I wouldn't break your heart. Not intentionally."

  She laughed. "It's the unintentionally that worries me more." She brought her fingertips to her lips, then blew him a farewell kiss. As she walked from his bedroom, she tossed a final thought over her shoulder. "Just imagine if I became pregnant? That would certainly complicate things."

  He stood alone--bare ass naked--in his bedroom, continuing to stare at the bedroom door where Phoebe had just exited. Just a few months back, he'd been living an uncomplicated life. A life he’d thought he always wanted.


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