Wanted: A Good Wife & Great Sex (A Bargained Marriage)

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Wanted: A Good Wife & Great Sex (A Bargained Marriage) Page 18

by SL Beabhar

  His amber eyes darkened and for a moment Phoebe feared the darkness was returning. But he simply fell against the back of his chair and wiped his hand over his mouth. "You picked up on that?"

  Phoebe nodded. "I guess I have my own particular set of skills."

  Ash grinned and waved a finger between them. "How about you show me yours and I'll show you mine?"

  "Ash," Phoebe said, forcing a warning tone into her voice. "What's the story?"

  Ash exhaled. "Me and Frank are closer in age, with two years separating us. Jack is nine years younger than me." His mouth twisted in a grimace, then he combed his fingers through his thick dark hair. "I was serving in the military and Frank was away at college by the time Jack was in high school. Unfortunately, she didn't have either one of us looking out for her, and Reggie was getting a bit too old to keep up with a rebellious teen."

  "I take it Jack started using drugs in high school?" Phoebe knew this story. It sounded very much like her mother's.

  Ash nodded. "Back then, it was just pot. And to be honest, that didn't bother me so much. It was later, after high school, that she got into a pretty bad car accident. They gave her pain medication while she was recovering, and by the time all of her injuries were healed, she was completely addicted."

  Phoebe was beginning to understand. "I guess when Jack's prescription ran out, she started to take Reggie's?"

  "Bingo," said Ash. He took a couple of sips of his coffee. "So there's Reggie, needing her pain medication, and she was running through it too quickly. She realized that Jack was stealing from her, but Reggie didn't want to get her in trouble." He laughed. "You know cuz she ain't no snitch and all." The smile faded from his lips. "They kept on that way for a long while until Jack needed more. I guess Reggie tried to get her help, but Jack wanted none of it. Things just spiraled out of control until one day when Reggie tried to keep her pills away from Jack, and Jack"--he bit his lip, then shook his head--"didn't take that too kindly. She was in need of a fix, and Reggie wasn't filling it. So, she hit Reggie and Reggie fell."

  Phoebe closed her eyes, trying to block out the image of a vulnerable Reggie trying to fight off her young niece. During her years as a caregiver, she'd heard stories of patients being exploited by the people charged with caring for them. Rage flowed through her as she thought about Reggie being used by someone she'd loved and cared for.

  Ash tapped on the table as if trying to gain her attention. When she looked into his eyes, he smiled sadly. "I'd like to think that Jack wouldn't do such a thing again."

  "We should call them back," said Phoebe.

  Ash shook his head. "No. I think they're fine. Jack was a spoiled brat back then, and she's come a long way. I really don't think she'll put her hands on Reggie again, but I'm not so confident that she won't relapse."

  "I'm so sorry."

  Ash smiled. "Well, we've only got three hours left." He lowered his voice and waggled his brows. "There's something I want from you."

  Phoebe felt anticipation blossom within her. "And what exactly do you want from me?"

  "Cookies," he said, batting his long lashes, "I need your cookies."


  Six hours later, Reggie and Jack had yet to return. Reclining against his pillows with a plate of cookies perched on his stomach, Ash gently traced circles on Phoebe's back. Her head was buried beneath her pillow, and tendrils of her long hair blanketed her shoulders. She hadn't fallen asleep like that. Ash had placed the pillow on her head when she began to snore.

  He was nibbling on his fourth cookie when he heard a car pull into the driveway. He removed the plate from his belly and placed it on the nightstand. Brushing the crumbs from his chest, he rolled from the bed and grabbed his jeans. As he pulled them up his legs, he looked back at Phoebe and noticed she hadn't stirred.

  Her snoring had stopped. Torn between storming downstairs to confront Jack and his concern that he may have smothered his wife, he climbed onto the bed to listen for her breathing. After a few seconds, he grew impatient, so he reared back his hand and smacked her bare bottom.

  Phoebe bolted upward, sending the pillow flying over the side of the bed. She twisted from one direction to another before flipping onto her back with her white teeth bared.

  "I promise you, I'm going to make you the best meatloaf ever." With a grumpy look on her face, Phoebe climbed from the bed and stalked him. She stopped right in front of him with her hands perched on her hips and her dark eyes narrowed into slits. "In fact, it may just be your last meatloaf."

  Ash couldn't help himself. He bent forward to peck the end of her nose. "You are so adorable."

  "I'm pissed off." She curled her hand into a tiny fist.

  He opened his mouth to utter another condescending comment when he heard the front door open. Tapping his finger against her lips, he cocked his head towards the bedroom door. "They're home."

  She twitched, likely from anger. Her lips disappeared into a thin line, and he could sense she was listening keenly. Then she finally released a sigh, her anger apparently dissipated.

  "Later," she said, leaning onto her toes and pointing her finger at his face.

  As much as he would have liked to stay and make that later into now, he grabbed her leggings from the floor and thrust them into her arms. "Get dressed. I'm gonna need backup."

  He was turning to leave the room when he felt her grab his arm. He stared down at her grip, then brought his gaze to her face.

  Phoebe positioned herself before him, removing her hand from his arm. Then she took his face between her palms and brushed her lips across his. He reeled as if he'd been kicked in the stomach.

  They'd kissed many times, and she frequently gave him casual pecks just like this. But as the warmth of her hands seeped into his skin and he felt the tenderness in her kiss, he acknowledged there was no going back from this. Sometime over the last few weeks, their fake marriage had evolved into a real one. He'd made an agreement for a long-term yet temporary arrangement, but he realized now that he was never letting her go.

  She was his Phoebe. His wife. His friend. His lover. His helpmate. And most important of all, his cookie-maker.

  As sure as he was of their future, he didn't know if she'd had the same epiphany. Biting his tongue, he rubbed her arms before stepping away. "It's quiet downstairs. I wonder who made it back."

  He heard her strangled laughter as he stepped from their bedroom and closed the door behind him. He walked down the hallway and trotted down the stairs. As he reached the bottom step, he found Jack standing quietly in the dark living room.

  His pace slowed as he walked to the light switch and illuminated the room. "Where's Reggie?"

  "We ran into some friends of yours," Jack said.

  He was about to repeat his question when he felt a presence behind him. Expecting to see Reggie, he leapt in surprise when he found the Chaplain's wife standing there.

  "Olivia," he said in genuine surprise. At just that moment, Phoebe came running down the stairs, shock in her eyes. He stifled a grin when she began to adjust her clothing, as if fearing the Chaplain's wife would suspect what they had been doing. "You have to excuse us. My wife and I were rearranging furniture upstairs."

  There was no discernible change in Olivia's features. Instead she stepped to the side and motioned to the kitchen. "I hope you don't mind this impromptu visit, but I've been meaning to contact you. Imagine my surprise when I ran into your aunt"--Olivia pointed at Jack--"and your sister while leaving the theater. I mentioned to Reggie that I was planning a luncheon for the officers' wives and asked that she relay an invite to your wife, but your sister invited me to come ask you myself." She stood still for a moment, then as if she realized how odd she must have appeared, she forced a tight smile.

  Under any other circumstances, Ash would have politely excused himself, leaving Phoebe to make her own excuses. But when he looked at his sister and noticed a slight curve to her lips, his heart dropped. He looked back at Olivia and studied
her body language. He couldn't detect anything unusual; she was simply an unusual woman.

  Ash shifted so he could lift a hand in Phoebe's direction. He quirked a brow, hoping she read the message there. She must have, because she placed her hand into his and leaned against him. She even managed to stare adoringly into his face.

  He brushed a kiss across her brow, ignored Jack's audible hiss, then wrapped his arm about Phoebe's waist. "You know we really need to get Reggie into physical therapy. We found someone in the past, but she just didn't work out. I would hate to make any commitment while we're trying to sort this out."

  Olivia looked at him, then shifted her gaze to Phoebe. "I think one little luncheon won't disrupt your schedule, particularly when it's this Thursday." She smiled again, this time with a bit more warmth. "The other wives have been asking about Phoebe. They were just as surprised as I was that you were in such a committed relationship."

  Jack decided to remind everyone she was in the room. She approached Olivia with an ornery smile on her face. "Oh, believe me when I say, it was a surprise to us all."

  Ash fought the urge to tighten his jaw. Instead, he only tightened his hold around Phoebe. "What can I say? It was a whirlwind romance."

  "Are you staying for dinner?"

  Phoebe stiffened under his arm when they heard Reggie's voice. He pulled his arm away, and Phoebe turned to greet Reggie.

  "Did you have a nice afternoon?" she asked.

  Reggie shrugged her shoulders. "It certainly wasn't the Houston Review, I promise you that." With her eyes pinned on Olivia, Reggie moved to stand between Ash and Phoebe. "It's getting late, and I need my medication. The doctor says I need to eat when I take my meds, so I'll ask again, are you staying for dinner?"

  Ash watched as Olivia blinked a few times, then she shook her head. He felt like doing a somersault because her unexpected visit was coming to an end.

  "I need to get back home. My husband's making us eggplant parmesan." She smiled at Ash. "It's his best dish. We'll have to invite you all over for dinner sometime. You, your wife, your aunt"--she glanced at Jack--"and your sister. Won't that be lovely."

  "Awesome," said Jack. She walked to Phoebe's side and rested a hand on Phoebe's shoulder. "I can't wait to tell you all about these lovebirds."


  The next morning, Phoebe busied herself by tiding up the bedroom she now shared with Ash. Cleaning helped to distract her from the uneasiness she still felt from Olivia's brief visit. Olivia obviously disliked her, and Jack seemed up to no good.

  Phoebe's unease had her thinking something lurked behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and caught a subtle movement. Leaping in surprise, she turned to find Jack standing in the doorway. Jack held a piece of paper that she was using to fan herself.

  "I have a secret," Jack said.

  Phoebe snapped the pillowcase in her hand, trying to ignore the threat in her sister-in-law's voice. "Have you heard from Ash? I thought he and Reggie would be back by now. They were just going to the store to pick up--"

  She stopped abruptly when Jack stepped closer. "You're not going to intimidate me, Jack. You and Ash have a difficult history, I know, but I'd like for you and me to build our own relationship."

  "Why?" Jack asked, fanning herself again.

  Phoebe licked her lips and glanced at the clock. Her mother had been an addict, and she'd died far too young. It had taken years, but Phoebe had finally managed to forgive her mother for abandoning her.

  She didn't want her relationship with Jack to be tarnished by her own prejudices. She could be aware of Jack's history, but she could be open to getting to know her, too. It was something she'd liked to have done with her mother, but she'd never gotten the chance.

  "Okay," Phoebe said, smoothing out the edges of the comforter. "You know the reasons why Ash and I married, but I want you to also know that I care about him. And, I care about Reggie."

  The smug look left Jack's eyes as she stared back at Phoebe. Then she folded her arms over her chest and shifted her weight. "You care about Reggie?"

  Phoebe nodded. "I do. A lot. I never had an aunt or a grandma. She's like both to me." She smiled. "When she's in the mood to be, that is." She waited for a softening from Jack, but when none came, Phoebe studied her face. All she saw was anger.

  "Did you know Ash could face up to five years in prison for marrying you?" Jack rocked on her heels. "It seems they don't take too kindly to folks trying to game the system."

  Phoebe knew that he could get in trouble, but she hadn't realized it would mean jail. "I didn't know that. I just thought he would be fired or something."

  "Fired?" Jack shook her head. "They don't do that with the military, honey. No. He could be court-martialed. Do you know what that means? It means more than a simple firing. He'd lose all his benefits. And he'd have a fucking hard time finding another job. No one hires someone with a dishonorable discharge."

  Phoebe's knees buckled beneath her. She collapsed onto the corner of the bed and dropped her head into her hands. Prison? A court-martial? Why would Ash risk so much?

  Releasing a heavy breath, she dropped her hands from her face and looked up at Jack. Words formed in her mind, but they got caught on her tongue. She was dumbfounded as she considered the trouble they faced.

  Jack seemed pleased by Phoebe's reaction. She hoisted the paper and waved it. "Do you know what this is?"

  Phoebe shook her head.

  Jack licked her lips but before she could speak, the sound of Ash's truck pulling into the driveway filled the room. Phoebe pushed away from the bed and brushed past Jack. She skipped down the stairs, making it to the living room just as Ash walked into the house.

  A wide grin flashed across his face, revealing his dimples. His eyes shone with merriment as he held the door for Reggie.

  "Reggie, do you think Phoebe looks thrilled to see me?" he asked, a teasing note to his voice. A slight smile lingered on Reggie's lips, but faded away as she studied Phoebe's face.

  Phoebe knew she must look as pale as a ghost. She still struggled to find the right words. Her gaze flickered in the direction of the stairway, and she heard a deep grunt escape Reggie.

  "Jack's at it again," Reggie said.

  The groceries that Ash held dropped to the floor. A dark look crossed his features, and he glanced towards the stairs as Jack came pounding down them. When his sister joined them in the living room, he looked at Phoebe then turned his bright eyes toward Jack.

  "What have you--" he began.

  "Why didn't you tell me you could be imprisoned?" Phoebe asked.

  For a moment, Ash stood still. Then he bit his lip before turning his gaze in Phoebe's direction. "Honestly, I don't think it would come to that."

  "And a court-martial?" Phoebe watched the emotions flicker across his features. "Why would you risk your career? Your reputation?"

  Ash tightened his jaw, then he lowered his eyes. "I already explained it to you. I did it for Reggie."

  "You didn't explain it all to me. The risks..." Then another thought popped into her mind. A purely selfish one that she knew needed to be addressed. "What about me? Could I be imprisoned?"

  "No." There was finality in that simple word. "You won't face any trouble. If we're caught"--he shot another dark look in Jack's direction--"then I lose everything. I won't get my retirement benefits, and you won't get your college paid for." He curled his fingers into a ball, then released them before approaching her. He took her hands into his and squeezed them. "But I don't think it'll happen. They don't have proof--"

  "Proof?" Jack asked, stepping forward.

  Phoebe felt the rage roll through Ash. She studied his face, noting the tension around his mouth. She was pissed, but he was on a totally different level.

  "Proof? What type of proof do they need?" Phoebe asked.

  Jack laughed, then snapped the paper that she still held in her hand. "I imagine it looks something like this." She flipped the page towards Phoebe, allowing her to
see what was written on the document. It was the prenuptial agreement drawn up by Ash's attorney. Not only did it detail the benefits Phoebe would receive, but it also specified the length of their contract marriage.

  Ash clicked his tongue. "Still rummaging through my things, I see."

  Folding the prenup, Jack sniffed and shrugged. "I guess old habits die hard."

  "That'll make you happy, right?" Ash asked Jack. "To see me kicked out of the military. But if you do that, you're not only punishing me. You're also punishing them." He nodded his head in the direction of Phoebe and Reggie.

  "God damn it, you two," said Reggie. She'd stood quietly, observing the scene between Jack, Phoebe, and Ash. She threw her hands up in exasperation, then stomped right up to Jack. "Girl, you and I both know you're full of shit. And you," she added, pointing at Ash, "I can't believe such a smart boy could be so dumb." Her blazing eyes turned to Phoebe. "You ain't got nothin' to worry about except dealin' with these two. They're so caught up in hurting each other, that they don't realize what's obvious for the world to see."

  Phoebe looked at Jack, who returned her gaze. She felt Ash's eyes on her, but she wasn't ready to look at him. She felt guilty for being a part of this. "Maybe we should get a divorce."

  Both Ash and Reggie said, "No."

  "We could undo it all." Phoebe turned to Jack. "I don't want him to lose it all, okay? I didn't understand how serious this was."

  "Oh for fuck's sakes." Reggie pointed at Phoebe then Ash. "You two deserve each other." She turned to Jack. "And there ain't a damn thing Jacinda can do to prove otherwise."

  Jack waved the prenup.

  Reggie snatched the paper from her hand and promptly ripped it to shreds. For good measure, she tossed it into the air like confetti. "Those two love each other, and ain't no one gonna say otherwise." She stepped to Jack. "Ain't that right, Jacinda?"


  As Ash watched Phoebe cradle her sister's ugly hat against her chest, his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. She was crying softly, barely making a sound. If it hadn't been for her shifting weight on the mattress, he probably wouldn't have woken up from his sound sleep.


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