Repossessors of Souls: Expendable Pawns

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Repossessors of Souls: Expendable Pawns Page 29

by Danae Ayusso

  “There is still a chance,” Angelus said, looking out the window at the stars. “There is a thousandth of a second that her visual spectrum will be straddling the divide of both spectrums and we will be visible to her then. It will be just a flickering, but it is more than enough for Lucifer to know that we are there.”

  “So we can still die,” Zion surmised. “Cool,” she said then smiled wide. “How do I summon Casper the friendly Viking ghost?....

  ….“ But sadly, all those years ago,” Lucifer said, sounding endearing, “before I could kill you, Adramelech somehow was notified, and he took his child back to his collection where I could not touch her. As long as you were in Hell I had no problem, for the most part, because you were not a threat to me in Heaven. But I grew tiresome of waiting for your father to pull his head out of his ass and accept my offer and create my heir. So I took his. He still has not forgiven me for that, and I doubt he ever will, but if he is not going to give me what I want, I will take the only thing that matters to him.”

  Angelus struggled to ignore the psychotic, malice filled, angel; his only concern was the soul in his arms with the tears streaming down her cheeks, trying to maintain a connection to the spirit world that she was never supposed to tap into. Tenderly he wiped Zion’s tears away with his thumbs, his lips pressing against her forehead, and she held onto him even tighter.

  Her angel was the strength that Zion needed to do this. He was the driving force behind why she was there, and he was the reason she was alive at all. The angel that drove her completely insane with his rudeness and belittling remarks, condescension and asshole ways, was the most loving, kind, selfless, and beautiful soul she has ever known, and she, they, deserved a chance at forever.

  This wasn’t the fairytale that little girls dreamt of, Zion knew that, but it was the perfect fairytale for a half-demon half-angel that was never supposed to be possible to begin with and the Soul Seeker that sacrificed everything to save her.

  Two guns appeared in Lucifer’s hands and she leveled them at the couple in front of her. When a gun was leveled at her, Lucifer laughed. “Aw, how cute. What are you going to do with that? I am a fucking angel.” Her top lip snarled upward and Zion seemingly put the gun away to Lucifer’s delight. “Goodbye, Little Brother, Granddaughter, it was fun while it lasted,” she said then pulled the triggers.

  The bullets ripped through the air and embedded into the far wall on the other side of the catwalk.

  But Zion’s bullet didn’t go that far.

  Lucifer slumped back in her seat, her guns falling into her lap with smoke snaking into the air from each barrel. Blood as red as her Gucci high heels rolled down her cheek from the hole in the side of her head, and each ribbon on crimson stained her porcelain-like skin.

  Zion and Angelus stepped around the chair and looked at her; Lucifer’s white on white eyes moved between the two of them. Zion took Lucifer’s guns and they vanished, a lovely gift for her father to add to his collection: the guns of Lucifer would be a collectors dream.

  “How?” Lucifer choked, her lips slightly parted but unmoving.

  “We are playing by our rules now,” Zion reminded her, resting Precious against her lips, the hot metal was soothing against the salty moisture coating her lips from the tears that fell as she heard of how Lucifer viciously murdered her mother, her own daughter even, took her father’s wife from him, and was the reason behind Angelus’ punishment and curse, and even her own horrible past and kidnapping.

  “Why is it that all angels feel the need to reiterate that they are fucking angels?” Zion rhetorically asked.

  Angelus chuckled. “Because they are prideful creatures,” he reminded her. “The seven deadly sins were evenly split, you know,” he teased.

  Lucifer tried to attack the smug children in front of her, but she couldn’t feel her body. “Impossible,” she slurred.

  Zion squatted down in front of her. “You didn’t see this one coming, did you?” she smirked, and Lucifer focused on the bracelet adorning her granddaughter’s wrist….

  ….“Have you been hiding from me?” Loke demanded, appearing in front of them then wrapped his arms around Zion and gave her a tight hug. “Oh my god,” he groaned, taking her hand in his. “Look at your nails! We are so going to get our nails done tonight, got it?” he said and cocked an overly delicate white eyebrow.

  Zion nodded and pulled her hands away from his.

  “Good,” Loke said with a wink then walked away, spinning the new collection of cheap white bangles on his wrist as he went.

  Upper Management was everywhere, and always watching, they even watched Angelus and Zion having sex—that irritated both of them, but they didn’t care as long as the other was seemingly okay with it. At the time, they had other things on their minds. Upper Management would have noticed the Armlet of Nyx the moment she put it on, so she did the old bait and switch, using her a-sexual soul mate as the distraction….

  …..“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” Angelus mused.

  Lucifer choked a gurgled laugh. “You cannot kill me, I am a god.”

  Angelus shook his head in disappointment. “Always the confused one of the family. We cannot kill you, we know this, but we can vanquish you back to Hell for a thousand-years, and then we will do it again, and again, and again, until you get it through that thick, stubborn skull of yours that you are no match for us. Start a war if you like, but Father already told you that he would put a stop to it before it ever started. That is why you led me to Zion in Hell. You knew that Father was answering her father’s prayers, and you could not interfere with that. However, once she was freed, you could do whatever you wished.”

  Lucifer’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  Zion purred in perverse pleasure. “He’s not as stupid as he looks, huh?” She dipped her hand in Lucifer’s front jacket pocket and pulled out what she was looking for. She unfolded the dollar bill and held it out, “This is mine. I won, not you. Our souls are contractually free,” she said then smiled wide as she leveled Precious at the seething angel. “Send my regards to Hell, you cheating bitch.”And with those warm wishes, she pulled the trigger.

  The back of Lucifer’s head exploded, leaving a fist size hole in the back of the leather office chair. The force of the impact slammed the angel backwards, knocking she and the chair back to the floor. Her body started to glow from the inside out; hellish orange, furious red, eventually consuming everything in blinding white. Lucifer’s torso jerked upward for five of the longest seconds of any of their lives before it slammed down on the marble floor so hard that the impact caused the tiles to ripple and break away, sending chunks of the precious Italian stone flying through the air and into the windows, shattering them on contact. Blinding white light shot out from Lucifer’s gaping mouth and wide open eyes, burning into the ceiling, and out the top of the building.

  Billowing clouds of hellish orange and black flames rolled across the ceiling and hungrily slithered down the walls, consuming everything they touched. The ground shook and split apart under the angel’s body, and her lifeless vessel shook, and convulsed, before it was sucked down into the small crack in the floor under her. Blood shot up from the cracks like a geyser as her body jerked, was ripped then torn as she was sucked deeper into the small portal to Hell; breaking all of her bones, pulling her skin from her vessel, and draining her of blood in the process.

  Angelus caressed his hand down the back of Zion’s arm, and intertwined his fingers with hers when he reached her hand.

  “I could go for some pie,” he said.

  Zion nodded. “Anything, but cherry,” she retorted.

  About the Author:

  Danae Ayusso

  Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Danae loves to write about what she knows and that has allowed her to share her home with readers around the world.

  As a busy IT professional, wife and mother of two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Danae writes whenever she can find the time to sit down and plu
ck away at the keyboard. Her passions include reading, writing, music, art, photography, graphic design, computers, programming, interior design and helping others. An avid supporter of Gay Rights and Same Sex Marriage and Adoption, Danae is an online Safe Place contact for young people in the LGBT community that are dealing with stress, thoughts of suicide, bullying, depression, and finding their self-identity.

  With the uncanny ability to write a book in only a week, Danae has to find ways to challenger herself with her writing and that has caused her Fuckwittery and Asskickery to cross many genres across a very broad literary board.

  Danae’s fan base spans more than seventy-four regions across the globe, reaching nearly every demographic, with a diehard following that has so lovingly named themselves The Corrupted.

  To interact with other Corrupted, stop by and introduce yourself. Also, make sure to check out for more information on all projects, upcoming projects, and contests and giveaways....

  Huh, writing about myself in a third person was extremely awkward and kind of creepy in a narcissistic sociopath sort of way.




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