ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) Page 90

by Brittany White

  He kissed her and pushed his member towards its goal. As she felt the tip push into her she shivered again with an immense rush of pleasure. Drex thrust inward, Sara swore she could feel his dick as it throbbed. She could feel each and every vein of him as he invaded her body. He pushed into her slowly and with each inch that entered her she felt a new spark of electricity cross over her body.

  They both moaned loudly as a climax rushed over her body and she squeezed her pussy walls on his member. Sara arched up and pushed his dick into deeper. She rang her fingers down his back and scratched him as the pulses of pleasure caressed her body.

  Drex pulled out of her and pushed into her so slowly. She wanted to push her body up to meet his downward motion. But he would pull back when she tried to go upward. “No we are doing it slow and steady. I want to show you want you’ll have all the time we are together!” Drex whispered into her ear.

  Her body rushed forward across the line of another climax and she screamed out in pleasure. She heard the deep rumble of his laughter. That was what she had noticed before, it had sounded sexy as well. She pulled him down and kissed him deeply, running her tongue into his mouth.

  Sara was the aggressor for a few seconds and he took back over as he thrust into her quickly. She moaned as she felt the full shaft of him ram its way into her walls and pussy deeply. “I love this.” She said and squirmed under him as another climax shot over her body.

  Drex bit her neck hard and growled at her. “Oh Sara I think you’ll always enjoy this. I know I will always love touching your body.”

  She laughed not feeling as embarrassed as one would think, but feeling as if she might have some sort of power over him. “I don’t doubt I’ll always enjoy it as well!”

  Sara felt the throbbing of their veins against one another inside of her pussy walls and felt another climax rushing towards her. She pushed up her hips and he begun thrusting into her too. They yelled out together as they went over the edge together. She could feel his sperm as it hit the walls of her cunt.

  He held her close to him and they both were trying to catch their breath. Neither of them spoke for several minutes.

  Finally Sara sighed loudly and said. “That was amazing.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “Yeah I know it really was!” Drex laughed. “I have to say the times I’ve had sex with Earth women in the past was nothing compared to that! Hell nothing compared to many species!”

  “Just how many women have you slept with?” Sara looked at him.

  “Remember that I’m 650 years old according to my species right?” He asked, he didn’t like the look on her face, he knew danger when he saw it.

  Sara relaxed a minute and remembered that. The fact was that Drex looked like he was all of 24; she had to remember he wasn’t. She felt her body as the tension was released. “Your right, I’m sorry. But still how many? No, on second thought I don’t care.” Sara said.

  Drex laughed. “Just know that I’ve never felt that way before having sex with anyone. Please keep that in mind because that was so amazing!”

  She laughed and agreed without words but only shaking her head in agreement.

  “Well I guess I better get you home now.” Drex said a little later.

  He took her straight into her living room and she smiled. “I like that way of travel, it is so nice and quick!” Sara said.

  “It is quick. I’ve had a great night, and I really look forward to having you as my wife. I’ll come over tomorrow if you would like.” He said.

  “Why do you have to go now? You can stay the night.” Sara smiled. She pictured him with her on top of him and moving in slow motion as they made love.

  “I saw that, and I must admit I like the idea. Sure I’ll stay over, but I can’t promise that you will get much sleep!” Drex laughed deeply.

  Sara growled at the sound of his laughter. “That’s so sexy when you laugh like that; it makes me want to jump you.”

  “Well I don’t have any clothes on, so why not?” He said and held his hands out to the side.

  She pulled him into the other room and they created the scene she had thought of just a few minutes before.

  Chapter 5

  Sara woke up in the morning; she was snuggled up against Drex’s chest. She rocked her butt back and forth against him. She could feel his dick wake up in between her legs.

  “I thought maybe last night was just a dream.” She murmured.

  “Does that feel like a dream to you?” He whispered into her ear.

  She shook her head no and then let him invade her again. His touches warmed her up quickly and she had several orgasms.

  “I have to go for a bit later on today. Get everything ready for tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind.” Drex said.

  “No I don’t mind, I really need to call Jen and tell her the news. Is it okay if her and a few other friends come to it?” She asked.

  “Yes, please just remember you can’t say anything about the choice you had to make last night.” He said.

  “I know, but honestly, I made the decision I wanted to make anyway.” She smiled brightly.

  “Really, you would have married me even if you didn’t know that?” He asked her looking surprised.

  “I could just feel a connection with you right away. I’ve made some really dumb choices before, but if I stop trying, I may never find the right one. You seem so much more right then the two serious relationships I’ve had recently. I know you aren’t dating me for my money. Hell you already said that we’ll live most of the year on the ship. Coming back here once in a while, well you aren’t going to want my money, or even need it. That is a good thing. But it was your eyes and the way they mesmerize me. Well we can’t forget about your touch either. Even before we made love your touch did something to me.” Sara admitted.

  “You know I felt the same way too. When you liked the present I brought you that was something that made me relaxed as well. I felt that you were an honest woman, someone who would never hide anything from me. I know you don’t like not being able to tell your friends the truth, but just trust me on it. No matter if you swear to them that you love me after that, they will never believe you.” He stated.

  “I know they wouldn’t believe me. But I think they will believe me jumping into something so quickly. They may think it’s a bad choice, but once they meet you, they should feel better.” Sara said.

  “I don’t know it really depends on if they like me or not. They might feel I’m out for something. I’ve studied a lot of humans in the past and they have a tendency to do that.” He explained.

  “Your right. We do have a tendency to be a pretty shallow species. Well it doesn’t matter I want to marry you and tomorrow I’ll be your wife!” Sara kissed him on the cheek.

  He left and she picked up the phone to call Jen.

  “Hey, so it’s the morning after, it seems like someone did something more than she expected!” Jen laughed as she answered the phone.

  “Oh Jen I can’t even tell you how amazing he is, really. I know you won’t believe me but I think he’s the one.” Sara said.

  “Well they did have such high match accuracy. Looks like they hit another one out of the park!” Jen said.

  “I know.” Sara cringed as she said the words. Though she had done it without the threat really meaning much, she knew Jen would see it another way. “So we are going to marry tomorrow.” Sara slide in and waited for her friend’s reaction.

  “Tomorrow, isn’t that awfully quick?” Jen asked.

  “He’s going back to his ship and won’t be able to come back this way for another year at least. So I don’t want to miss the chance for happiness and lose a year of what we could have together.” Sara said. It had been something they had come up with last night as they talked.

  “Well do I get to come? Also will you go back with him then? Does that mean I won’t see you for a year?” Jen said the questions in quick unison. Sara almost missed them all.

Of course you’ll be able to come to the wedding, I would never allow it to happen without you being my maid of honor. I will go with him to the ship, but I can visit if I want. He just may not be able to come with me, or he might. Their rules change when the men get married.” Sara explained.

  “This is great. So what will you wear?” Jen asked.

  “Why don’t you come over and help me pick something out, or better yet I’ll meet you at the mall!” Sara said.

  “Alright I can be there in half an hour.”

  She hung up the phone and went to get ready to go shopping.


  The next day she wore a peach colored dress that flowed down to floor.

  “You look beautiful.” Drex said to her as they stood in front of the church. It was on the ship, and he had brought anyone she had wanted. All the guests were amazed by looking out of the windows and seeing a brand new universe around them.

  “Can we take pictures of all of this?” Jen’s husband had asked Drex when they had first come on board.

  “Sure of course you can.” He had stated.

  Sara smiled over at him. “Thank you very much. This is an amazing wedding. I have to say in all my years I would never imagine I would get married in space.”

  “I only want the best for you for all our lives.” He kissed her.



  Kayla Hartley has settled. She was taught, at the tender age of three, that she would never be good enough for anything or anyone. Life would come much simpler to her if she held her tongue and always said yes. Her mother was adamant to teach her daughter, she led by example.

  When Kayla was born, her father decided he wasn’t interested in changing diapers. He left. Her mother didn’t much care from changing diapers either. Her resolution was to place Kayla in an empty room and close the door. To this day, Kayla wasn’t certain if this act was to conceal her from temporary lovers or if it was a ploy to muffle her cries. Whatever the reason, Kayla’s familiarity with abandonment and loneliness is textbook. Her only comfort is found in the misfortune of others. Reason number one why she became a journalist. Reason number two: it rendered her immortal.

  Kayla’s concern with immortality spawned by the drunken hands of her boyfriend. At every given moment Kayla feared the loss of her life. Kevin was abusive and controlling. He would hand Kayla a black eye or a broken rib on a silver platter if she so much as took the long route home. Her life was a series of disappointment and abuse. Kayla was confident that her mother would be proud of this fact. Had her mother not started shooting heroine between her toes, Kayla could confirm this assumed maternal approval. Instead she would step on her mother’s grave and curse that woman’s existence in her sleep.

  At first Kevin didn’t seem so bad. Even after the first broken bone, Kayla knew that Kevin lusted after her. She stayed. With each empty bottle, Kevin’s hand would fall heavier. With each empty bottle, Kayla felt inclined to settle. How would this man survive without her? Better yet, how would she survive without him? Kayla knew nothing other than control. Without someone to answer to, her life would become an abyss. She needed Kevin just as much as he needed her.


  Kayla looked at the time, four fifty. Uncomfortably, she shifted in her seat, twirling her long brown hair between her fingers. She had exactly forty minutes to get home before Kevin would see the bottom of his first bottle.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Gosbin, but I have to cut this interview short. I have prior commitments I must attend to.” Kayla outreached her fragile hand to the CEO of Industrial Cosmos Atlantic. She winced slightly at the pressure of the handshake. Her hand hadn’t quite healed from Kevin’s last escapade.

  This interview was potentially the most important of Kayla’s career. Industrial Cosmos Atlantic has been making leaps into accounts of space exploration. They had been improving means of transportation via space highways for several decades now. A trip to another galaxy was becoming as simple as a weekend road-trip. With seven new galaxies uncovered in the past year, Industrial Cosmos was well spread across newspapers and tabloids across Earth. Kayla was the first journalist they had allowed past the wrought iron gates. They had granted her an exclusive insider interview. It burdened her to cut it short.

  “Are you certain you have enough information Mrs. Hartley?” Mr. Gosbin glanced down at his watch.

  “Ms. Hartley.” Kayla corrected, a placid smile across her pretty face. “I appreciate the time you have given me, I have exactly what I need for this article. Thank you again Mr. Gosbin.” She gathered her notebook and slung her bag over her frail shoulders.

  Thirty minutes later Kayla was crossing the parking lot toward her shabby apartment door. She hesitated, inhaling, before proceeding through the entrance to her living nightmare.

  “Hey babe, I’m early!” her voice echoed through the empty one bedroom apartment. She slid her bag off her shoulder onto the linoleum floor. Wincing, she massaged her shoulder from the weight of her bag. Since she dislocated her shoulder last year, it hadn’t felt the same. She learned quickly to stay clear of stairwells when Kevin was in the vicinity.

  Her greeting rang unanswered through the apartment. Kayla made her way around the hallway toward the kitchen. She parted the dusty rose-colored curtains and peered into the back parking lot. Kevin’s motorcycle was in its usual space. Certain that he must be home, Kayla called out again, “Kevin, are you hungry?” Again, no response.

  Assuming he had seen many empty bottles at this point, Kayla trudged toward the bedroom. Bucket in hand, prepared for the mess ahead of her. Without hesitation she leaned into the door and entered.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Kevin leapt out of the bed with a hand over his junk. A painted-up young girl clung to the stained sheets. Her breasts exposed and age concealed. Kayla estimated she would be pushing eighteen.

  “I’m so sorry.” Kayla dropped the bucket and automated herself to the door. She could hear Kevin bounding across the room toward her. This was the first time Kayla had truly felt betrayed by him. Through every bruise and beating, Kayla didn’t doubt his love for her. Seeing him with someone else, in the bed that they had shared, shattered all of her hope and diminished her false securities.

  Kayla reached the front door and snatched up her bag managing to bring it up to her shoulder. As Kayla’s hand brushed the brass door-knob, a bottle of Jack Daniel’s smashed into a thousand pieces two inches above her head. Kayla braced herself for what might happen next.

  “Look what you made me do!” Kevin shouted, fumbling down the hallway toward her. His words slurred under the wash of whiskey.

  Kayla knew better than to respond.

  “Thanks to your fucking job, I’m stuck in this dump alone every day.” Kevin took a swig of something that resembled burnt motor oil.

  What’s holding you back from finding your own job? Kayla withheld. She wouldn’t dare breath those words to him. The last time she mentioned finding him a job, he handed her a broken jaw.

  “Because of you I have to find a good fuck on the side of the road. Does that make you happy?” His hand wrapped around the back of her neck. He applied pressure forcing her cheek against the cold metal door.

  Kayla’s heart was broken. Not only for herself but also for the minor cowering under the sheets in the next room. She couldn’t remain silent any longer. Her next words were chosen carefully. “You could go to jail for even thinking about touching her. She’s a child, Kevin.”

  Kevin wound his fist back, ready to bring it down hard against Kayla’s vulnerable flesh. “I could fucking kill you right now.” He spat in her face.

  Kayla gathered what strength she had. “Let me go and I won’t lock you up.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut as Kevin slammed his fist through the drywall beside her. Adrenaline pumped through her veins forcing her to make a decision that might change everything she knew. There was no better opportunity, she slipped through the door
and ran. For the first time in her life, Kayla didn’t look back.


  Sipping her café latte, Kayla tapped her foot impatiently waiting for something to happen. Feeling her heartbeat in her throat was not a sensation Kayla was unfamiliar with. However, this time it was different. It was a sensation of excitement and rejuvenation. Finally freedom greeted her without waving a choice finger.

  “Kay, girl, what did I miss?” Lonnie slumped down beside Kayla stealing a sip of her latte. He winced at the bitterness and slid the cup back toward her. “What happened to drinking macchiato and double whips?”

  Kayla could only taste the bitterness of blood, she was biting her tongue so hard. Where would she begin? “I missed you, Lon.”

  Lonnie waived a passive hand in her direction. “Girl, you know I’m always here. Don’t be such a stranger.”

  “What have you been up to?” Kayla decided to shift the spotlight toward Lonnie while she gathered her own thoughts.

  “What have I been up to recently? Or what have I been up to over the past eighteen months?” Lonnie pursed his lips and turned his nose up.

  Heat reached Kayla’s cheeks. She hadn’t spoken to Lonnie since the first incident with Kevin. Lonnie begged her to press charges but Kayla argued it wouldn’t happen again, she loved Kevin. Even though, deep down, she always knew Lonnie was right.

  “I’m so sorry Lonnie.” The apology stained her lips. Kayla reached for her friend’s hand. “Tell me everything.”

  He bounced up with a forgiving smile wiped across his face. “I met someone.” He started, coyly.

  She was uncertain why, but Kayla felt a pang of guilt and envy strike her. Through a forced smile, “Tell me all about him! How did you meet?”

  “Oh Kay, baby girl, he is an absolute diva. I am so in love. You must meet him.” Lonnie took another hesitant sip of Kayla’s latte. “We met online sweetie! It’s unbelievable how many people there are in the universe just waiting to meet you. Rin is from Yeba.” His amusement captured Kayla’s full attention.


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