ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) Page 147

by Brittany White

That was by design. Jordan cracked a smile at seeing the man child begin to weep like a little girl. He was not a man and he didn’t deserve to wear big boy clothes. He was a coward with his only interest being money.

  “We need you to take that sniper out. He just took care of the vehicles. We’re going to take cover and hopefully we can ride this out.” She barely got out the last word, before she saw Dillon staring out at the distance like he had seen a ghost. She followed his gaze and saw the line of police cars rounding the corner and not stopping at the front gate. The sound of metal meeting metal was met with the lock screaming off its place at the gate. There was no guard and they had already made the necessary arrangements to have him disappear for a couple of hours.

  “That was your plan all along. You called in some favors with the department and now they’re going to clean up the mess. The boat from Saudi Arabia has already

  turned around. It’s on its way back to its homeland. They won’t be very happy with Jamison. I’m sure that their displeasure will be shown in some very profound way.” “I know that I shouldn’t wish ill on anybody, but Jamison is not anybody. He thinks that he can do these things and not be held to the flame for his actions. The police won’t be able to do anything about him, but that doesn’t mean that the Saudis royal family won’t want his head on a platter.”

  Jordan saw that Melanie was acting with a bit of street smarts. Dylan was standing out in the open looking around and throwing his hands in the air. He had him where he wanted him and he could’ve waited, until the police shackled him and took him off to whatever prison would want to make him their bitch. “Don’t say that I don’t do anything for you, Lila.” He followed that statement by handing her the gun and watching, as she stared at him in disbelief. “Trust me; you really need to see this. This will be your one and only chance. It’s gonna be up to you what exactly you want to see happen. I’m going to give you the same chance that I have had all of my career. You’re going to be judge, jury and possible executioner.” He did not know what she would do, but he was fascinated to find out one way or the other.

  Lila took the gun and looked through the viewfinder confused by what Jordan was saying to her. It was a little fuzzy and she had to adjust the scope to clear up the vision that greeted her eyes. She stared at the man that had made these last few years go by like that of a ticking clock. Her hand trembled, but her finger relaxed slightly on the trigger. She could easily kill him, but she wasn’t quite sure if that was a fitting enough punishment for a man like him.

  “I’ve never killed anybody before, Jordan. Believe me, there were times that I thought about it and I even had a couple of opportunities to use a garden variety steak knife. I don’t know what to do. He has caused me such pain and suffering, but I’m not sure that a bullet is good enough. In my heart, I know that he will never be able to survive prison.” “I know that he watches me intently. He’s probably wondering what I’m going to do, but I don’t even know that myself. I’m this close to pulling the trigger and ending his reign of terror once and for all. His days of tempting girls with photo shoots and modeling gigs are over. I can’t do this. It’s not because I don’t want to. It’s because I can’t give him the satisfaction of being snuffed out in the blink of an eye”

  She fired the shot thinking that if she couldn’t kill him, then she could at least make him feel a pain like no other. She turned to Jordan. He showed no emotion like he didn’t care one way or the other.

  Jordan thought for a moment that she had handled her business. It wasn’t until he heard a string of profanity coming from Dylan’s lips that he realized that she didn’t finish the job. He snatched the gun away from the grip of Lila. Her hands were shaking. He knew that this was the first time that she had ever shot a gun and self defense or otherwise. Pulling at the zipper on his coat, he looked into the viewfinder and saw that Dylan was on the ground screaming bloody murder. He was holding onto the wound to his knee.

  Without looking at her, he decided to praise her efforts “I don’t think that I could’ve done better myself. If you were aiming to make the maximum amount of damage, then you have succeeded. From the looks of it, I believe that his knee has shattered. He probably won’t be able to walk the same way ever again.” The police were now looking around, as they cornered Melanie against the fence. She didn’t put up any kind of fight. Dylan was writhing in agony and they called for an ambulance, but still had to put the handcuffs on him to make sure that he wasn’t going to get away.

  “I have to say that was somewhat satisfying. You do know that with those shots you have declared open season on Jamison?” “I think he knows that. We won’t be able to stay in one place for too long. They will be coming for us. Jamison will automatically think that I was some kind of bad influence. He’ll put a price on both of our heads.” She moved away from her position and made her way down to the mustang on the other side of the hill. It was sitting at the side of the road. The road in question was an old side road that was used back in the day. It was mostly tumbleweeds and old forgotten homes that had found themselves in disrepair.

  Chapter 4

  “You think you can do this to Jamison. You are a fool and you’re going to be soon a dead fool. I’m looking forward to dancing on your grave…you son of a bitch.” The police noticed that Melanie was talking to herself and they found the ear piece and got rid of it. The technical side of their team was now combing the area for any signals, but they were bouncing around too much for them to triangulate any particular target.

  The earpiece that Jordan had in his possession was now crushed underneath his foot into tiny pieces. There was no way that they could bring this to his doorstep and that was exactly the point of this little exercise. He took one last look at what he had caused and there was a moment that he had a flicker of doubt. It wasn’t there long, before it was extinguished by the feeling of doing something right for a change. He had never known himself to have a conscience, but maybe having Lila in his life had changed all that.

  Lila was inside the mustang holding her hand out and seeing it shaking. She couldn’t believe that this was something that Jordan did on a daily basis. She could see how addictive firing a gun could be. The adrenaline rush was something that she had never felt before. “I’m wondering why he asked me to do that. I have to believe that he’s trying to find out what kind of woman I am. I teetered back and forth on what to do, but in the end I think that justice needs to be served.” She had visions of Dylan being used and abused. His farm boy good looks were going to be a sought after commodity in behind those bars. She hoped that he wouldn’t be a coward and try to take his own life. She also hoped that Jamison wouldn’t act efficiently to get rid of him before he was able to turn state’s evidence.”

  Jordan put his hands on the steering wheel. He was looking straight ahead to a future that was uncertain. “I can’t believe that I just did that. Nobody has made me rethink my career decision.” He looked at Lila and saw this sense of elation on her face. There was also something else and it dawned on him what exactly it might be. “You have nothing to worry about. If for some reason he does get out, then I will make it my personal mission to bring him to you alive. That way, you can take whatever action you deem necessary. I will not try to stop you and this is your revenge.” He drove away throwing a cloud of dust behind me, before he made contact with the old worn out asphalt.

  “I have this desire to do that again. Do you suppose that you can teach me how to fight with not only a gun, but other implements? I’m interested in that feeling of power in the palm of my hand. It was exhilarating and I want more of it.” The gun in my hand felt amazing, almost as good as feeling his shaft touching the eagerness of my fingers. I can equate it to sex, because it leaves me with that same feeling of my pulse racing and my body shaking. Putting that bullet into Dylan's leg gave me closure.” Her fingers began to creep over to the leg of Jordan. She could feel the excitement radiating off of him like there were actual heat waves coming from his p
ants. “I also have my eye on another gun that fires different bullets. You should really find us someplace to lay low. I need to take care of this.” She squeezed the length of him, feeling it flex and become agitated in a way that could only be taken care of with a different kind of kiss.

  “You do make it difficult, but I don’t think that I would want it any other way. There are several houses that have been abandoned along this road. One of them will serve our purposes. I have a satellite phone and I need to reach out to find out what Jamieson is doing. He’s either going to shelter himself with security, or he’s not going to pull any punches. He might even do both. Getting close to him is going to be virtually impossible. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to be able to stay away. As long as he breathes the same air, then we will never be safe ever again.” He didn’t want to make it sound like it was an impossible task. He didn’t want to give her any false hope or promise her something that he couldn’t deliver.

  “Are you trying to tell me that you have a mole within his organization?” He didn’t say as such, but Lila was good at reading between the lines. She had heard and learned how to decipher each individual tone. Words meant nothing and they only masked the true intent of the person speaking them.

  They found a few houses and none of them were occupied. This was a town that was virtually deserted and left to the ravages of time. He parked the mustang in a garage. He closed the door and then led Lila over to the house. He motioned for her to stay quiet and then he easily lock picked his way into the place. There was dust everywhere and it took a moment to find a clean surface within one of the bedrooms. He found some clean sheets in one of the dressers and made the bed. It was the perfect hideaway for what they had in mind.

  After he finished his task, he went back out into the hallway to be greeted with a very anxious woman. She leaped into his arms and curled her legs around his waist. He could feel the heat of her mound rubbing incessantly against his own pillar of manhood.

  “I’ve always lived on the darker side, but you have brought a little light into my life. I just wanted you to know that, in case…well… In case I don’t get a chance to say it to you later. I have you in my arms and I think that I’m going to take a break from the crazy.” He carried her effortlessly into the bedroom. He laid her softly on the mattress, before standing and stripping off for her amusement.

  “I’ve never seen you like this before. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved everything that we’ve done together in the mustang, but I think that I like this view even more.” She tried to reach out for him, but he was adamant about keeping her waiting. “I think that he wants me to beg for it and believe me he’s not going to have to wait very long.” She turned her back and made him think that she was cross. It was just her way of drawing him closer. She was able to turn around quickly and grab him with her fist closed around him.

  “You are a bit of a drama queen and it’s those kinds of theatrics that I don’t find very appealing. I will say that you did surprise me and that doesn’t happen very often. You should take that as a win, because I don’t think that you’re going to be able to do it…AGAIN.” He gasped the last word, feeling her lips encompass his knob and pull away with a wet popping sound that sounded like a champagne cork coming out of a bottle.

  “I would be very careful about laying down a dare like that one. You might find that I don’t take very kindly to men thinking that they know me better than I know myself. I think that I can easily surprise you in more ways than one. I question if all of this is really real. I’m really not afraid. I think that you’re showing me what life needs to be. I just can’t believe that I didn’t see it in your eyes sooner. I think that if I had have been able to look at you, while I was going down on you at the table, I probably would’ve been able to notice the change.” “His body sings to me in a melody that causes my panties to burst into flames. This is where I want to be and maybe this isn’t love, but it’s good enough for me.” Jordan jumped onto the bed with only his black tight briefs on, as a way to hide the only thing left to reveal. The head was already projecting over the top of the waistband with the wetness that came from knowing that she had that effect on him. He went after her clothing, tearing it off her body like it was made of paper. By the time that he was done, she looked like she had been attacked by some kind of wolverine. In his haste to get her clothes off, he left behind a few red welts from where her clothing had remained intact underneath his savage movements.

  “I’m going to have you and you’re going to lie there and let me serve you a good hard fucking.” Her beautiful breasts were calling to him. He circled one nipple with his tongue, before pushing them together and making it easier for him to suck both of them at the same time. He felt Lila twist underneath him, but there was no way that he was going to allow her to leave.

  He spread her legs and Lila helped by taking off her panties and throwing it into the air like they meant nothing. “I want your tongue and I want you to fuck me. I don’t want you to do it like everybody else has in the past. I want you to be yourself and show me the real man underneath the guise of a killer. Show me the same man that couldn’t wait and needed me right there and right then inside that mustang.” She felt the bulbous knob inserting itself in between her legs. She was already sopping wet and ready for him. He was halfway in, but her hand was preventing him from getting the last couple of inches within her silky interior.

  Looking into her eyes, Jordan had an idea. He suddenly and without warning pulled himself free. He was covered in her nectar. He grabbed her hair and pulled her to a sitting position with him standing on the bed with his 2 feet on either side of her. He nudged her mouth.

  Lila could smell herself on his cock and when her tongue made contact, it was an elixir that was hard to resist. He fucked her face roughly and she slapped both of his cheeks from behind to fuel him into a greater need for release. “I love the way that he doesn’t hold back. This is a real man and I want more of this kind of treatment. The taste of myself combined with his cream is better than anything that I’ve ever had in my mouth before.” She was taking it all the way down and letting him tickle her tonsils. Each time was followed by a grunt.

  “As long as I’m with you, my heart is content to be right here and right now. You have given me this chance and I’m going to take it.” Jordan pulled her away from his Johnson to see that her eyes were glazed over like that of somebody that was under the influence of alcohol. Her tongue was wagging back and forth to get him back to where he once was, but he had other ideas. He lifted her into his arms with your legs around him and her body now pressed tightly up against that headboard.

  She could feel the wood digging into her thighs, but it was the presence of something long and hard making its way back into the saddle that was the most telling.

  “My wet pussy has been craving you ever since the first time. I yearn and ache like no woman has ever had before. With each stroke, you rub my clit with your shaft and I know that is not by accident. You want me to cum all over you and you’re about to get your wish. I feel it right there and I don’t think that it’s going to be the same…” Her words got lost, as her body grinded against him. That climactic moment was followed by squirts of her love juice against and over his cock.

  Jordan had no problem holding her in place, but it was the heat of her discharge that caused him to go wide eyed with wonder. Those heated streams ignited a blaze within his loins that he could not contain. He went into overdrive, hammering her with the idea of taking no prisoners. Her moans of encouragement were more than enough to satisfy his longing. It was one of those moments that he would want to sit down one day and write about. The feeling of her pulsating along him had gotten to him. He lost it completely, letting go of the pent up adrenaline burning within him.

  Lila… Lila… Lila… LILAAAAAAA…” her name flowed off his tongue like sweet velvet. His release was met with a groan of appreciation from the woman that had put a stranglehold on him. He was deep ins
ide her. His hands on her hot ass made it difficult to extricate himself from between her legs.

  “Every time that I’m with you, Jordan, you take my breath away. You are very overwhelming and there are times that I don’t even feel like myself anymore. That’s not a bad thing and I really didn’t like myself much anyway. You are a man amongst men. There are men out there that could take lessons from how you treat a woman. I want you to know that I’m not just saying this for the sake of stroking your ego. I have done that in the past for others, but it was a matter of necessity and not because I really believed anything I said. I do have to tell you something and maybe I should have done that long before now.” She was about to say something, when his phone began to ring incessantly. He didn’t seem to be paying attention to it at all. His whole concentration was on her. “I don’t think that they’re going to stop, until you actually pick it up. What I need to say can wait, but not forever.” “He’s the kind of father that will show strength and wisdom. He literally swept me off my feet. Now that I’m with child, I have to think of his future and not just my own.”

  Jordan never heard the phone, until she brought it to his attention. He looked down and couldn’t quite believe that Jamison had the gall to call him out like the old west. He didn’t even give him the courtesy of calling him. The test message wasn’t exactly lighthearted. “I never thought that you would be the one to twist that knife in my back. I think the girl is getting to you and maybe you should bring her back and face your punishment like a man. I know that you are thinking about coming after me and I hope that you do. I will be waiting, but in the meantime I suggest that you have eyes in the back of your head. I’m sending some of the best after you and believe me they won’t stop, until they bring me your head. I hope that she was worth it.” He looked at the text message one more time and then over to Lila. He was beginning to wonder the same thing.


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