Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7) Page 3

by Sarah Bailey

  “These two don’t want to talk,” Neave said, leaning against the counter.

  “I see.”

  Jamie walked over to them slowly, his eyes landing on the first man. His right eye was swollen shut, blood dripping from his lip and there were several abrasions on his forehead.

  “What did they do?” he asked.

  “Caught trying to fuck with Gavin’s business dealings, but they’re just the lowlife scum hired to do the real culprit’s dirty work.”

  Jamie cracked his knuckles before doing the same to his neck. He grabbed the first man, hauling him to his feet. He stared down at the bloody man with one swollen eye before baring his fangs.

  “Tell me, little man, do you think it’s fun to play games with vampires?”

  He didn’t even look scared. He should be. I’m his worst nightmare.

  “You all deserve to get staked,” the man spat.

  Jamie snorted, rolling his eyes and throwing him back to the floor.

  “Not sure how much you’re going to get out of these two, Neave, even with my help.”

  “Jack’s not here to do his dirty work anymore and I can’t get hold of Akeno.”

  “Is this the real reason he asked me to come home?”

  Neave shook her head. He rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone. Dani sent him a picture of her crossed eyed, sticking her tongue out. He held back a smile.

  Shit, she is far too cute for her own good. I’d have sent her one back if I didn’t have to deal with this crap.

  He wanted to see her again. The fae girl piqued his curiosity.

  Jamie: Very funny. Now who’s the bored one?

  He placed his phone on the counter and shrugged out of his jacket, hanging it on a chair.

  “You know my rules. I won’t glamour or kill them,” he said to Neave.

  “I know.”

  He rolled up his sleeves, walking over to a table on the side and selecting a hammer. These two were going to wish they’d squealed before Neave asked him to step in.

  “You fancy holding him down whilst I break his shins?” Jamie said to Neave.

  “What?” the second guy said, his eyes going wide. “No. No. No.”

  Neave walked over to the man, taking his shoulders and forcing them to the floor.

  “It’ll go better for you if you don’t struggle,” she said.

  “Please, I have a family.”

  “You should’ve thought of that before you fucked with vampires.”

  The sickening crunch echoed around the room. The man screamed. He’d been so focused on Neave’s face, he hadn’t noticed Jamie holding his leg down.

  “Stop,” said the first man. “Just stop.”

  “Are you ready to talk?” Jamie asked.

  He shut his mouth, glaring at the vampires. Jamie grinned and Neave just looked resigned. Jamie took the second man’s foot and twisted it around until it was at the entirely wrong angle. The man screamed, sobbed and begged them to stop. The first man flinched at the sound, a tear running down his cheek.

  By the time they’d got something out of the first man, the second one was brutalised beyond recognition, but still alive. Blood coated the floor. Jamie was barely holding back his true nature. He needed to feed, desperation entered his grey eyes. Neave handed him a glass. She’d slit open the first man’s wrist whilst he’d watched Jamie hurt his friend.

  “I don’t want that shit,” Jamie said.

  “You need it.”

  He looked down at the blood filled glass.

  “No, I really don’t.”

  “Drink it and go clean yourself up. I’ll deal with this mess.”

  He continued to stare at the blood, the ache in his throat becoming more pronounced.

  “Look, we all have our demons, Jamie. I know you don’t want to talk about it, but one day, that shit is going to eat you up. You need someone who makes it go away. We both do, but mine fucked off four years ago.”

  Jamie looked away, chugging the contents and slamming the glass down on the counter, clenching his fist. The man’s blood tasted like crap, but he immediately felt better. Neave was the only person who knew how he struggled with his nature. They were similar in that respect for very different reasons.

  “I’m sorry about Rowan. I know what he meant to you.”

  “What’s done is done. I fucked it up royally. I doubt he’ll ever come back.”

  Neave’s expression was hollow, her eyes a little glassy. This wasn’t a conversation they should be having right before she killed and disposed of two humans. Jamie put a hand on her arm, giving it a squeeze. He’d still been around when Rowan was in the picture. He’d never understood Neave’s fascination with shifters, but the dragon had been good for her.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Neave said, shaking her head. “You should go, I know you don’t want to see this bit.”

  Jamie nodded, slipping from the room, but gave her one last glance before he disappeared. Her expression hardened as she advanced on the men. He heard the snap of both their necks before the door shut behind him. He slipped into the staff room, stripping out of his blood soaked clothes, which he chucked in the washing machine before stepping into the shower.

  I wonder what Dani is doing now. I kind of want to see her after that shit.

  He liked talking to the fae girl. She wasn’t a part of the vampire world. It was refreshing, especially since he wasn’t trying to sleep with her. Friends. He didn’t have many of those. She was smart if a little shy, but it was clear she had another side to her. A darker side. One itching to come out and play. And he intended to tug on its strings and drag it out into the open.

  When he was done in the shower, he snagged a change of clothes. Neave was waiting in the corridor when he strolled out. She handed him his phone and jacket.

  “It’s been blowing up.”

  He nodded at her, taking it back into the Manager’s Office. He sat down and looked at the messages.

  Dani: A little bored, yeah.

  Dani: It’s a pity you’re working. I could do with some company.

  Dani: I guess you’re busy. I’ll leave you to it.

  Dani: Okay, look, I have no friends except Novus, but he’s my brother. I’m lonely. I feel like you understand that.

  Dani: I get it. I said something weird and now you don’t want to talk to me anymore. I’m such an idiot. Sorry!

  He shook his head. She had read him correctly; loneliness was something he understood all too well. Instead of texting her back, he rang her. She answered on the fourth ring.


  “I’m sorry I didn’t respond, something came up. I’ll be done soon. Did you still want some company?”

  “You know it’s like one in the morning, right?”

  “Did you forget vampires are only awake at night? You’re going to have to get used to it.”

  “I guess I did. I can’t get out the house now though.”

  She hadn’t exactly told him what her living situation was.

  “No? Shame.”

  “You could… No, that’s stupid. We’d get caught.”

  He was no stranger to dangerous situations.

  “Go on, what were you going to say?”

  “We can hang out, but you’d have to come here. My bedroom is on the top floor.”

  “No problem. Text me the address.”

  “Are you sure? It’s not like I can let you in the door.”

  “Dani, just trust me.”

  He hung up before she could reply.

  Neave won’t care if I leave now. I did just help her get dirt on whoever fucked Gavin over.


  Jamie tapped on Dani’s window. She tugged the curtains open, staring at him with wide eyes. There was one trait he shared with Gavin. The ability to move through the shadows, although his range was limited in comparison to his brother’s. Dani had a balcony, which made it relatively easy for him to reappear outside her bedroom.

  She pulled open the door. She had a pair of
pale green silk pyjamas on with a robe around her shoulders, untied at the waist. Her hair flowed down her back in soft waves.

  “That was quick,” she said.

  “I am a man of many talents.”

  She rolled her eyes, stepping back and waving an arm at him. He raised an eyebrow.


  “You have to invite me in.”

  “Oh. Please come in, Jamie.”

  He grinned, stepping into her room. She shut the door behind him, closing the curtain again. The walls were a pale blue which matched her bedspread and chaise lounge in the corner. She had several bookshelves filled with old volumes. Beyond that, through a sliding door, he could see a huge sunken bath.

  Well, her father certainly spared no expense. I might have to persuade her to let me try that bath out.

  “Do you make a habit of letting strange men into your room?”

  She spluttered, walking away to the bed, sitting down and curling her legs under her as she leant up against the headboard.

  “No. If anyone finds out I had you in here, my father would insist I go live on the royal estate and I’d never have any freedom ever again.”

  “We can’t have that.”

  “You can sit down, you know.”

  He walked towards her, raising his eyebrow.

  “On your bed?”

  “Well, you can go sit over there if you want.” She pointed at the chaise lounge. “Just more comfortable here.”

  “Are you sure I’m not going to try take advantage of you?”

  She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. He kicked off his shoes, shrugged out of his jacket and sat down next to her, leaning up against the headboard. She turned to him.

  “Well, are you? You should tell me now so I know what to expect.”

  He snorted. She always seems to manage to give as good as she gets.

  “Not unless you ask me to.”

  “It’d be rather taboo. A vampire and a fae.”

  “Mmm, yes it would be.”

  She looked at her hands, her face flushing. Why do I find her blushing so damn cute? I need to get a grip. We’re friends. I want to know her. There was just something about Dani.

  “I’m sorry about my rambling earlier.”

  “I’m not. I do understand. Two lost souls, alone in the world. Perhaps now we’re friends, we won’t feel so alone anymore.”

  Her light blue eyes caught his, a hint of sadness in them.

  “Why are you lonely?”

  It had been a long time since anyone asked him such a loaded question. He wasn’t quite sure how to answer it. It wasn’t so much he lacked for company, but he’d been away from the people who knew him the best. As much as he liked to wind up Gavin, they were still family of sorts and Neave had always looked out for him. And yet, neither of them knew his deepest, darkest secrets.

  “You can spend your lifetime around people, but still feel alone.”

  “How old are you exactly?”

  “Seventy six. I was turned at twenty five.”

  She shifted, lying down and putting her head on her pillow. She stared up at him with those intense light blue eyes of hers, tucking her hair behind her curved ear.

  “That’s young for a vampire, right?”

  “Relatively. Will you tell me how the queen died and what the deal is with her daughter? Gav refused to tell me.”

  She shrugged, playing with the belt of her robe.

  “They both cast a spell at the same time. The queen’s backfired. At least that’s what Theo told Novus. Theo was meant to marry Candace, but she fell in love with Lucifer and argued with her mother over it. Her father is the head of the Grand Coven of witches. Most of the fae didn’t know she was the queen’s daughter until she came of age.”

  So, a little bit of a scandal behind it then. Interesting. No wonder Gav doesn’t want to rock the boat with all that crap going on.

  “Did you know her?”

  “I met her a handful of times. She always seemed quiet and obedient at court, but you can tell when someone’s hiding their true nature. At least, I can.”

  He fought against the urge to lie down next to her. Dani’s innocence had him a little captivated. She had so much going on inside that head of hers. He wanted to tear it all out and learn her secrets.

  “Like your superpower?”

  She laughed. It lit up all her features.

  “No, silly. Novus calls it my fae intuition. I guess I understood Candace in a way. Having a duty to her family. Now my father has become king, things are different. As the youngest, it doesn’t matter so much what I get up to, but I still have the family reputation to uphold.”

  “And yet, you’ve asked me to show you what kind of darkness exists in the world.”

  She reached out, taking his hand and entwining her fingers in his. Her skin was warm, soft and delicate.

  “I want to see things for myself. I want experiences, not to read things in books. I want to live. Is that so terrible?”

  He squeezed her hand gently. Dani successfully managed to surprise him at every turn.

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Then you understand.”

  “Mmm, yes. How about I make good on my promise to take you to a supernatural club tomorrow night?”

  Her eyebrow raised, her lips curling up at the side.

  “Did you have one in mind?”

  “Yes. ObliVion.”

  Chapter Four

  Jamie looked down at Dani as they walked up the corridor towards the club. Her red dress was skin-tight and very short, leaving little to the imagination. Her black heels gave her a bit of height, but she was still shorter than him. She’d braided her hair down the sides, the rest flowing down her back. Her hand tightened in his as they reached the doors.

  “You know, you’re going to get rather a lot of attention in that,” he said.

  “Is it too much? I mean Novus said it was perfect.”

  He put his hand on the door but didn’t push it open. Dani looked a little flushed and very self-conscious, her eyes darting around. He tugged on her hand, pulling her closer. He leant down, his mouth brushing over her ear.

  “Dani, you look hot. In fact, you look more than hot, it’s sexy, so quit worrying.”

  He pulled her through the door before she had a chance to protest. The music was loud, the base vibrating the floor. The club didn’t look too different to when he’d last been here. It was larger on the inside than the out, an illusion spell cast over it.

  He looked over at Dani. She was staring at the place, awe written all over her face. He grinned, this was definitely something she’d never experienced before. He imitated a drink with his hand. She nodded slowly, still looking around. There were three large bars. He tugged her over to the nearest one, squeezing through the cluster of bodies.

  “You do realise I have no idea how to do any of that,” she shouted at him, pointing at the people moving to the music on the floor.

  “I’ll teach you.”

  He ordered her a cocktail and himself a glass of blood. At least here, they didn’t have to hide who they really were. Dani could let go and experience all the club had to offer if she wanted.

  “You don’t have to be a princess here,” he said whilst they waited.

  “I know. I’m not thinking about that.”

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “It’s just a little intimidating. I’ve never seen so many different creatures in the same place. It feels like all the rules between our species are left at the door.”

  “You’re right. No one cares who or what you are. Freedom, Dani, this is what it looks like.”

  She smiled at him, but there was still wariness in her expression. Once he’d paid for their drinks, he pulled her over to a booth in the corner where there were a couple of vampires he knew.

  “Jamie, long time no see,” said Harry, his eyes roaming over Dani with interest.

  “Evie, Harry, may we join you?” Jamie replied.r />
  “Who’s your friend?” Evie asked, eyes narrowed.

  “Dani, but don’t worry, she’s cool.”

  Jamie sat down, tugging Dani with him. She placed her glass on the table and fidgeted, her hands curling and uncurling in her lap. He put a hand over hers, stilling them. She needed to relax.

  “You back for long?” Harry said.

  “For the foreseeable. Gav’s put me to work, you know how it is.”

  Dani shifted closer to him. He felt her leg trembling. Letting go of her hand, he wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her still. Evie raised a questioning eyebrow. He didn’t much care what she thought about his closeness to Dani. He didn’t want anyone taking advantage of her.

  Dani sipped her drink. He felt the change in her instantly, her nervousness dissipating as her heart rate slowed. He brushed his fingers down her side before letting go.

  “And you’re hanging out with the fae now it seems,” Evie said, her tone laced with distaste.

  “Is that a problem, Evie? We can leave if you’re going to be judgemental.”

  The other vampire put her hands up.

  “Calm down you two,” Harry said. “No need to get tetchy. Your friend is welcome here, you know that.”

  Dani looked at the other two vampires, her light blue eyes glinting. She leant towards them.

  “I can tell you don’t like me by the way your pupils keep dilating, but between you and me, I’m not the one you should be threatened by. That vampire with red hair over there keeps eying up your boyfriend.”

  Evie and Harry turned their heads sharply, spying the woman Dani had been referring to. Jamie leant over to her.

  “Nicely played.”

  “Your friend is a bit of a bitch.”

  He chuckled, taking a large gulp of blood. It wasn’t quite like drinking from the source. Perhaps he could indulge later. ObliVion offered such services. He had promised to show Dani the darker side of things.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  “What? Now?”

  “Drink up.”

  She picked up her glass and downed it in one. He chuckled again.

  “You never fail to surprise me.”

  She grinned, giving him a wink. She slipped from the booth and he followed her. He took her hand, pulling her to the floor, in amongst the mass of bodies. They turned to each other, her light blue eyes cautious. She looked at the other people close to them, sizing up the way they were moving. He put a hand on her waist, tugging her closer.


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