Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7) Page 15

by Sarah Bailey

  “I know.”

  She ran her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, unsure why he was being so calm about this situation.

  “Alistair told me how to contact Candace, but I also asked him for help with something else.”

  She slid off him and shuffled into the bedroom, plucking the book from the bedside table. She brought it back to Jamie and sat down next to him, opening it up to the bookmarked page. The language was fae, so she would have to tell him what it meant.

  “This is ancient. It explains how to complete a blood bond between a fae and a vampire. It’s an unbreakable bond fused with magic. My magic. That’s why I had to replenish and why I saw Alistair, he gave me the ingredients to complete it.”

  When she looked up at her vampire, he was staring at her with an inscrutable expression. For the first time, she couldn’t read Jamie and it bothered her.

  “Why do you want to do this?” he asked, his voice completely void of all emotion.

  “I have nothing to live for if I don’t have you. You brought colour to my world which before was only black and white. You showed me I could be more than just the youngest daughter of the king. You are everything. How can I let you go?”

  It was as honest as she could be without telling him she loved him. Those words weren’t forthcoming when she tried.

  “Don’t you feel the same way about me? Isn’t that why you claimed me?”

  His expression didn’t soften. He didn’t reach for her. The hold she had on her emotions began to crack and fracture. Tears welled in her eyes. Was this a step too far for him? Had she been mistaken in his affection for her?

  “Do you realise what consequences we’ll face if we do this, Dani? There will be no going back. Not now. Not ever. Are you sure you want that with me?”

  “Yes. I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

  The book was tossed out of her hands. Jamie dragged her onto the floor and lay over her, his mouth hot and hard on hers. He shoved her legs apart, his fingers making quick work of her jeans. They were on her core the next moment, circling as she bucked against him.

  “I’m going to take the last of your virginity,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m going to be inside you when you bond yourself to me. Do you understand? I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll scream my name over and over when you come. Then you’ll be mine forever. No one will take you from me.”

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders.

  “Yes, I want that with you.”

  He was off her the next moment, picking up the book and the bag of ingredients Alistair had given her.

  “Strip and prepare what you need to. Then I’m going to prepare you.”

  Her heart hammered erratically in her chest. She scrambled to her feet as blue glittering magic washed over her, taking away every stitch of her clothing from her body. Jamie raised an eyebrow.

  “You’ve never done that before.”

  “I prefer it when you take my clothes off for me,” she replied.

  His eyes darkened, his tongue running over his bottom lip. She took the book and the ingredients from him, walking through into the kitchen and placing them on the counter. She set the book out on the right page. Alistair had packed her a bowl along with everything else.

  Reading the instructions, she began to mix the herbs, placing them in the bowl in the correct order. Jamie came up behind her, running his fingers down her spine. He parted her cheeks and ran a finger across her puckered entrance.

  “I’m going to enjoy taking this from you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The last thing he’d expected was for Dani to show up here last night. Claiming her had been deliciously sweet. She’d tasted like nothing else. And now she wanted to cement them further. Going against everything she held dear to be with him.

  I fucking love this girl and nothing will keep me from her.

  Love was something he’d never sought out. With Dani, it felt natural. Completely right. There was no question of what he wanted when she told him about the blood bond. He’d do anything for Dani, but he had to be sure of her resolve. And now they were going through with it.

  “It’s ready,” she said, arching into his touch.

  “Good. Let me make sure you are.”

  He tugged her hips back and bent her over the counter, taking out the bottle of lube from his back pocket. He worked his fingers into Dani one by one until she’d taken three. She panted, her fingers gripping the counter so hard, they were white.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked.

  “No,” she groaned. “No, it feels so good. I want more. I want you. Please, Jamie, please fuck me.”

  She really had no idea how sexy it sounded when she begged him. He leant down, kissing her shoulder, continuing to fuck her with his fingers.

  “Sit up on the counter for me. I want to see your face. See how much you love it.”

  He released her. Dani turned around, staring up at him with lust filled eyes. He grabbed her waist and helped her up on the counter, pulling her right to the edge. She was just the right height.

  “Can you still read the text?”

  She nodded, looping her arms around his neck.

  “You think you can get rid of my clothes too?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  She grinned. Blue glittering magic poured out of her hands and washed over him. The sensation tickled his skin. When he looked down, he was completely bare, his cock hard and throbbing against his stomach.

  Grabbing the lube from the counter, he made sure to thoroughly coat himself in it. He pressed more inside Dani. She wriggled in his grasp.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  Her mouth found his and her answer was clear. She was more than ready. His fingers brushed over her thoroughly wet pussy before he circled her core. She moaned into his mouth. Positioning himself at her virgin entrance, he pressed against her. There was resistance at first. He continued to stroke her so she’d relax.

  He slipped inside her. Dani’s nails dug into his shoulder. She was so tight, it was like a vice. She pulled away from his mouth, panting.

  “It burns,” she whispered.

  He cupped her face, stroking her cheek.

  “I’ll take it slow, okay?”

  She nodded, resting her head against his shoulder. He nuzzled her hair. Dani was so beautiful, so perfect and she was letting him have something she’d never wanted to give to anyone else.

  He stayed still inside her until she raised her head and kissed him. He moved slow, allowing her to adjust to his size with every thrust. Soon, she was pressing back against him. He tugged her face away from his, staring down into those ice blue eyes of hers. They spoke of desire, heat and affection.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want you to fuck me hard.”

  His lips curved up into a smile. He gripped both her hips and thrust deeper, setting a steady pace.

  “Fuck, Dani, you feel amazing.”


  He gave it to her. The sound of their skin slapping together permeated the air. And he was so close to coming already. Dani was so tight and hot, it drove him crazy.

  “Start the ritual. Do it now because I can’t hold on for long,” he grunted. “You’re so fucking tight and it feels so fucking good.”

  Her eyes flicked down to the open book and she began to recite words in a language he knew could only be fae. Picking up a knife from the counter, she gave it to him.

  “You need to cut my hand.”

  She held it out over the bowl. He slowed in pace, holding her hand and dragging the knife across it. She took the knife from him and dragged it across his palm. Their blood mingled in the bowl as it dripped down. Then she gripped his bloody hand to hers.

  “Repeat after me. I bind myself to you.”

  “I bind myself to you,” he said.

  Something flared between them.

  “I bind my soul to yours,” she said.

  And he repeated the words.

  “I bind my heart to yours.”

  He looked her dead in the eye before he spoke the words.

  “I bind my heart to yours.”

  Her eyes spoke of long hidden secrets. Feelings between them they both knew existed but were too afraid to speak of.

  “I bind myself to you in blood. I bind myself to you in magic. You are mine and I am yours.”

  He cupped her cheek.

  “I bind myself to you in blood. I bind myself to you in magic. You are mine and I am yours.”

  He felt it. The bond sunk into their skin. It bound itself around their hearts. Their souls. Dani’s magic washed over them, cementing the two of them together permanently. The ingredients in the bowl crackled and burnt, completing the ritual.

  “It’s done,” she whispered.

  She released his hand. Both the cuts they’d made had healed over already. Her eyes met his tentatively.



  She reached up, holding his face with one hand.

  “I didn’t do this because I can’t live without you or because my father found out about us. I did it because…”

  Her eyes flickered with something he didn’t understand

  “Because of what?”

  “I’m… Jamie… I’m in love with you.” His chest constricted, tightening at her words. “I did it because I love you.”

  She loves me. Dani loves me.

  The words whirled around in his mind. He took her face in both his hands, leaning towards her until their lips were almost touching.

  “Good, because I fucking love you too.”

  He didn’t let her speak. He kissed her, their tongues melding together as he began to thrust inside her again. He picked her up off the counter and they were in the bedroom the next moment. Pressing her down on the bed, his mouth still fused to hers, he fucked her with long, hard strokes.

  Dani’s fingers dug into his back, nails almost piercing his skin. He didn’t care. All he wanted was to send both of them off the cliff. Wanted to make Dani come so hard she saw stars. The fae princess he loved with every inch of his soul. And she was all his now. They’d bound themselves together for eternity.

  “Harder, fuck me harder,” she moaned. “Make me scream.”

  He slammed into her without restraint, giving her exactly what she craved.

  “Naughty girl, begging me to fuck you hard. Do you like this? Love my cock buried deep inside you?”

  “Yes, I do. I love it. Fuck me like the dirty girl I am.”

  He pressed her legs up and thrust harder.

  “That’s it, take it all. I want you to come on my cock, Dani. Scream for me.”

  And she did. Dani’s head fell back and she screamed his name. Her body shook, trembled and clenched around him so tight, he couldn’t help but lose himself in her too. He grunted, thrusting so deep, he buried himself to the hilt as he pulsed inside her. The release was quite unlike anything else. Even when they’d fucked whilst she was high on magic. Something about bonding themselves together had made the whole experience sweeter. The intensity between them burst and overflowed.

  He planted both hands next to her head, so he wouldn’t collapse on top of her. The pulses faded along with the spots in his vision that had arrived when he lost control.

  “Dani,” he whispered. “I love you so much.”

  Her eyes were intent on his, her chest rising and falling as she took several deep breaths. Her mouth opened. Before she could get a word out, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was ripped away from Dani and pressed up against the wall. Gavin was right up in his face, his expression fierce.

  “You fucking promised me, Jamie. Promised me nothing was going on,” he growled.

  Dani covered herself with the blankets and sat up on her knees.

  “Let him go,” she said.

  Gavin completely ignored her.

  “How long has this shit been going on?”

  Jamie pushed his brother off. He didn’t much care that he was stark bollock naked in front of Gavin. What he did care about was his brother appearing in his flat without warning.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Gav?” he asked.

  “Her father came looking for me. Told me she’d got herself intimately involved with a vampire.”

  “You didn’t tell him it was me, did you?”

  “Of course I fucking well didn’t. Did you think I would throw my own sibling under the bus?”

  Gavin paced away, not looking at Dani. She watched the two of them with wide eyes.

  “Put some fucking clothes on. Both of you,” he added.

  Jamie walked over to his chest of drawers and tossed Dani a pair of boxers and a t-shirt before he put some on himself. She tugged the clothes on, hopped out of bed and came to stand next to him, her small hand wrapped around his waist.

  “Look, Gav, it’s not like we meant for this to happen,” Jamie said.

  Gavin’s eyes fell on them, his expression turning dark.

  “This is the last fucking thing I need to deal with. You know how much shit I’m in right now.”

  He stopped, his nostrils flaring. He stared hard at the two of them.

  “You smell different. What the fuck did you two do? Do not bullshit me.”

  Dani trembled by his side. He looked down at her, noticing the resolve in her expression.

  “We bound ourselves to each other in blood,” she said. “Ancient fae magic. It’s unbreakable.”

  Gavin didn’t react for a long moment. Then he rubbed his forehead, muttering under his breath, “The two of you are fucking certifiable.”

  “Or maybe we’re just two people who decided they wouldn’t let anyone tear them apart because we fell in love with each other,” Jamie said.

  He hadn’t meant to tell Gavin that, but the words fell out of his mouth anyway. His brother gave him a hard stare. He walked over slowly and put his hand out to Dani.

  “We have never been properly introduced,” he said.

  Jamie watched Dani put her hand in Gavin’s and give it a quick shake.

  “I don’t suppose I need to ask if you’re sure about this one.”

  Gavin indicated Jamie with a slight nod of his head.

  “I care about your brother, more than words can express.”

  “You two realise you’ve put me in a very difficult position. I should return you to your father. It’s what he’s asked for.”

  She nodded, clutching Jamie tighter.

  “I won’t go back to him. He can’t make me.”

  “I can’t imagine he’ll be pleased to discover you’ve bound yourself to a vampire.”

  Dani looked at her feet, a blush rising up her cheeks.

  “Her father doesn’t give a shit about her feelings,” Jamie said. “Or what she wants. He doesn’t know she’s trying to stop war coming to the fae. He’d rather lock her up on the royal estate and pretend like nothing is happening.”

  “Trying to stop war?”

  Dani nodded, looking back up at Gavin.

  “The unrest, it’s because some of the fae don’t recognise my father as Gwilliana’s successor. They want to give the crown to Gwilliana’s daughter. I’m going to seek out Candace and get her to stop this madness. You must know what happened in America. I couldn’t tell my father, he’d forbid it. He’d rather bury his head in the sand with diplomacy.”

  Gavin was silent again, almost as if he was taking time to mull over her words. Jamie squeezed Dani’s side, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  “You didn’t have to tell him,” he whispered even though Gavin could hear him.

  She shrugged.

  “My father would say I’ve betrayed our kind by telling any of you, but I don’t care. War for the fae means trouble for everyone else.”

  It was true. This would have far reaching consequences across the supernatural community. As would Gavin’s problems if they continued. Jamie desperately wanted t
o help resolve the situation for Dani.

  “You know how to reach Hell?” Gavin asked.


  “I can’t let him go with you.”

  “I know.”

  “Bullshit, Gav. How can she go to see the Queen of Hell alone?” Jamie interjected.

  Gavin rubbed his forehead again.

  “I need you here. If I’m going to sort this shit out, then you have to remain on Earth. I’m sure Dani is capable of looking after herself.”

  He was about to object further when Dani put her free hand on his chest. She stared up at him with warmth in her blue eyes.

  “It’s okay. I can do this,” she told him.

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. He wanted to protect her, but Gavin wasn’t going to back down from this. It was a miracle he’d not lost his shit completely and banished Jamie already.

  He turned to his brother.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Stall the king for as long as possible. This gets back to the Council, we’re all fucked. They’re already on my case over the shit with business. I need your help. Go and see Neave, she’ll fill you in.”

  He nodded. If he couldn’t help Dani, then he’d need a distraction. Otherwise, he’d go crazy thinking about how much danger she was in. Going to Hell wasn’t going to be a walk in the park for her. Facing Lucifer and Candace would make anyone want to run away, but not his Dani. She was strong and brave. She was fighting for her people.

  Gavin’s eyes flicked to Dani.

  “And you need to go to Hell. Make sure you don’t return empty handed.”

  “I’ll try not to,” she replied.

  He nodded slowly at them.

  “I have matters to attend to.”

  He stepped back and the shadows folded around him, leaving Dani and Jamie alone. She wrapped her other arm around his waist, resting her head against his chest.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “I know.”

  She nuzzled her face on his chest. It made him smile. They were in this together even if they had to part for a while.

  “I never thought I’d have a vampire for a boyfriend.”


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