Until Forever

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Until Forever Page 11

by Lynn Hagen

  When Kester was close enough, Mike curled an arm around his shoulders and pulled him tight against his side. Kester felt as though he was in the safest place on the planet. He loved when Mike touched him and wished they were alone.

  Tired or not, having Mike’s beefy arm around him made Kester horny. This is not the time for that. Definitely not. But Kester couldn’t help how his body reacted to having Mike so close to him. He wanted to kick the agent out then strip them naked.

  Was this how he dealt with exhaustion and fear? Kester wasn’t sure, but he couldn’t stop thinking about dropping to his knees and sucking his mate off.

  “I’ll be crashing at Malik’s place,” Gugino said, pulling Kester from his dirty thoughts. “Just do me a favor and don’t leave town.”

  “I’m not ratting on my uncle,” Kester argued. “I’ve already gotten a taste of his brutality. That’s nothing compared to what he’ll do to me if I go before a grand jury. You don’t even have him in custody yet, and I’m supposed to believe you’ll keep me safe?”

  Kester didn’t want to tell Gugino about his mom. If he did, the agent wouldn’t let him out of his sight. Or he’d get the FBI involved in her search, and that would, more than likely, get her killed.

  Nope, he didn’t have any faith in the FBI.

  “Although we’re keeping it on the down low, we captured Strabo last night. He’s being held in a secret location until his trial.” Gugino had a spark of triumph in his eyes.

  Kester’s heart thundered. “But you weren’t even in Arkansas last night.”

  “I didn’t have to be. The field office got wind of his location and made their move. The apprehension went smoothly. No one knows of his arrest, and we plan on keeping it that way.”

  That didn’t make any sense. If the FBI had caught Strabo, they would have made that public, at least Kester thought so. They hadn’t kept it a secret when they arrested some of Strabo’s men. The media had been covering Strabo’s charges and how the attorneys for the state were compiling evidence against Kester’s uncle. Why wouldn’t the feds let everyone know they’d arrested Strabo? That would’ve made them look like heroes in the public eye.

  Something wasn’t adding up. Kester gripped the back of Mike’s shirt and gave it a light tug. He wished he could tell his mate what he was thinking, but Gugino was watching Kester too closely.

  “We’ll discuss this later,” Mike said. “Right now we need our rest.”

  Gugino nodded, but he didn’t move toward the front door. He just kept watching Kester with a strange look in his eyes.

  Mike let Kester go and walked toward the door. He opened it, and finally Gugino pulled his attention away from Kester.

  “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  Kester sighed in relief when the agent walked out. Mike closed the door and looked over at Kester. “What is it?”

  He told Mike about his problem with Gugino’s story.

  “There’s only one way to find out.” Mike pulled out his phone and dialed as Kester looked toward the front window. The curtains were closed, but they were separated barely an inch, giving him just enough of a view to watch Gugino get into his car and pull away.

  His gut told him something wasn’t right.

  “Hey, Malik,” Mike said. “I need to ask you something.” He paused. “No, it’s not about the tavern. I just had a visit from your brother.” Mike listened, and then his features darkened. “Okay, I’ll wait up.”

  “What?” Kester asked when Mike hung up, but he already knew the answer. “He doesn’t have a brother, does he?”

  Mike shook his head. “Malik is on his way over here, but until then, I want you to—”

  It sounded like wood snapping in the kitchen. Mike snatched Kester’s shoes from the floor by the entryway and his keys from the hook to the left of the door. Kester had no idea what was going on when Mike threw the front door open and yanked him out into the cold of night.

  * * * *

  Moose still had a lot of connections from his days working for Lacross Omega Security. A lot of their contracts dealt with top secret government things, and Moose used those connections now that they were Arkansas.

  He called Larry Burr, a judge who’d been kidnapped and nearly killed until Lacross Omega Security stepped in and saved his life. The judge didn’t owe him any favors. Larry had repaid his debt with the handsome fee Moose’s ex-boss, Mitch, had charged the guy.

  But Moose was hoping Larry would help them out of gratefulness that he was still breathing and was now celebrating the birth of his second grandchild.

  But it wasn’t Larry Burr who’d shown up to the park. It was his assistant, Chase Lombardi. “Sorry the judge didn’t come,” Chase said as he joined Moose, Darren, and Deon by the pond. “He doesn’t want to be seen meeting with you guys, but he said he’ll help you in any way possible.”

  It was early morning, the sun barely up. Moose was dying for a cup of coffee and missed Grayson like crazy. He wanted to get this mission over with so he could return to his mate.

  “This is about Strabo Garcia,” Darren said. He explained about Kester and Kester’s mom. “We need a list of his properties if we have any hope of finding her.”

  Chase frowned. “I can get that list for you. But just so you know, Strabo has been arrested. The FBI and ATF are working to dismantle his network. His properties are being raided, evidence collected, and the men who worked for him are being hunted down.”

  This was good news. Kester would no longer have to look over his shoulder. His uncle was locked away, and Moose doubted Strabo would ever see the light of day. “What about Kester Oliver’s testimony?”

  “Although it would help, the case doesn’t hinge on it. He’s Strabo’s nephew, but he didn’t know very much. He was never a part of Strabo’s empire.”

  “But Agent Gugino is determined to have Kester testify,” Darren said. “That’s why Strabo kidnapped Emma Oliver, to keep him from talking.”

  Chase furrowed his blond brows as he scrolled through his phone. He shook his head when he looked at them. “Agent Raymond Gugino was never on the case. He conducted the initial interview with Kester Oliver, but the case was assigned to someone else.”

  “He’s searching for Kester for payback,” Darren surmised. “How much do you want to bet he’s in Strabo’s pocket and it was more than likely a lucrative partnership?”

  “I bet Strabo paid Gugino handsomely to silence Kester,” Deon said. “Gugino probably enjoyed the wealth too much to let it go.”

  “No doubt Mr. Oliver’s testimony will help this case. He witnessed his uncle killing an undercover agent. It was Gugino’s partner.”

  Moose cursed. If Gugino was on Strabo’s payroll, had he outed his partner as a fed? Had Gugino been the one who’d gotten the guy killed? “That’s why he’s after Kester,” Moose said. “If Gugino had his partner killed, then Kester testifying might bring that tidbit of information to light.”

  Chase scowled. “A federal agent in Strabo’s pocket is bad enough. If Gugino set Wilson up, then there’s no telling how many other undercover operatives are in danger. You need to find Gugino and bring him in. We need to know who he’s ratted out as feds.”

  This was bad. Real bad. Kester was a loose end. But worse, how many undercover agents had been killed or were on some bad guy’s radar because of Gugino’s betrayal?

  “First we need to find Emma Oliver,” Darren said. “That’s our priority. Then we’ll hunt down Agent Gugino and bring him to you with a bow tied around his fucking neck.”

  Moose knew how Darren felt. To betray your own partner for profit? Worse, to betray men and women who were risking their lives to take down scumbags? That reminded him of Holbrook, a guy who’d been working for Lacross Omega Security but turned on them for some lions shifters. The DeFranco brothers.

  Moose knew what betrayal tasted like, and now he wanted to take Gugino down in the worst sort of way.

  “I’ll have that list printed out for you within
the hour,” Chase said. “And I’ll also send you some help to look for her.”

  “Thanks.” Moose shook Chase’s hand.

  Seven hours later they located Emma Oliver, no worse for wear. She was dehydrated and had a cut under her eye, but she was safe. Now it was time to track Gugino down.

  Chapter Twelve

  They’d made it through the front door, but that was as far as they’d gotten. Gugino stood on the porch, his weapon aimed at Kester. “Back inside, now.”

  Mike shoved Kester behind him as they backtracked through the entrance. He’d felt something off about this jackass agent the moment he’d laid eyes on him. Mike just hoped Malik got there in time before Gugino tried to shoot them.

  The lion shifter closed the door behind him, his gun still raised.

  “You’re not Malik’s brother,” Kester said from behind Mike. “Why did you lie? Why are you doing this?”

  Gugino waved his gun. “Both of you have a seat on the couch.” He looked at Mike. “Shift and I’ll blow Kester’s brains out before you have a chance to attack.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Kester repeated as he sat. Mike was slow to sit, watching for a chance to rip the bastard’s throat out.

  “I need to know what you saw that night,” Gugino said. “I know you weren’t telling the whole truth when I interviewed you in the hospital.”

  Gugino was a dirty fed, but there was no doubt in Mike’s mind that the agent worked for Strabo. The guy had to be on the take, and Kester was a loose end he needed to tie up.

  “I told you everything I know!” Kester jumped up, but Mike pulled his mate back down to the cushions. He didn’t want to give Gugino a reason to shoot Kester.

  “Bullshit,” Gugino snarled. “Who else did you tell about that night?”


  “He told me,” Mike said. “And he told his mom.”

  Gugino rolled his shoulders. “Then I guess you and Emma will be disposed of next. I can’t have anyone knowing I was in that warehouse when Wilson was killed.”

  Kester gasped. “You stood by and watched your partner get killed?”

  “No,” Mike said as he narrowed his eyes. “He told Strabo that his partner was undercover.” He looked Gugino in his eyes. “Am I right? You sold Wilson out because you’re on Strabo’s payroll.”

  “Was.” Gugino gritted his teeth. “I was telling the truth about him being arrested. That cash flow has dried up for me, but I’m not going to prison. I’m going to silence everyone you’ve told, Kester.”

  Gugino swung his gun toward Mike. Mike was about to shove Kester off the couch, but his mate jumped in the way as the weapon was fired. Kester shouted and went down.

  Mike’s entire world stopped spinning. His heart stopped beating. He stopped breathing. Blood spread over the left side of Kester’s chest. His mate wasn’t moving.

  Mike leapt from the couch and tackled Gugino, slamming him into the wall. Red-hot rage consumed him as he let his claws slide free and broke the hand that held the gun.

  Gugino shouted and head-butted Mike. They fell onto the coffee table, and the wood shattered beneath them. The two of them rolled, fists flying, canines bared. When they rolled again, Gugino gained the upper hand. He straddled Mike and wrapped his fingers around Mike’s throat.

  Mike shifted into his wolf and twisted until he was out from under Gugino. The agent shifted into his lion form, roaring at Mike before he charged him.

  The front door flew open. Malik rushed in. He shifted midstride and joined the fight. Mike had had enough. His house was being destroyed. He shifted back into his human form and grabbed Gugino’s gun.

  Shit. Which lion was Gugino? Mike didn’t want to shoot the wrong one. He held the weapon with both hands, waiting for some clue while he kept looking over at Kester’s prone, unmoving body. Mike wanted to go to his mate but didn’t dare turn his back on the lions.

  When one broke free and charged after Mike, he had his answer. He shot the lion but missed his head. Instead, blood seeped out from his fur by his front leg.

  Malik shifted. “Don’t kill him!”

  “Why not?” Mike shot again, but the bullet whizzed past Gugino and embedded itself in the wall.

  “Darren called. Gugino is working for Strabo. He has to be taken alive so they can find out how many undercover agents he’s exposed.”

  Mike cursed when the lion came after him again. This time Malik took the gun from Mike and shot Gugino in his hindquarters. The lion went down.

  Panicked, Mike spun and ran over to his mate. He pulled Kester into his arms. “Call a fucking ambulance,” he shouted at Malik. “He shot my mate.”

  “I’ll do you one better.” Malik grabbed Mike’s house phone and dialed. “I need you at Mike Cage’s house right now. His human mate has been shot.”

  Seconds later Gavril showed up, Dr. Bjord at his side. They were both dressed in pajamas, and Ari looked barely awake. His eyes widened when he looked down at Kester. “We need to get him to my clinic, now.”

  Mike and Kester were flashed to the clinic. He trusted that Malik would take care of Gugino. Right now Mike had more pressing matters. He took a step back and stared down at Kester’s blood on his hands. They shook as he watched Dr. Bjord work, Gavril assisting him.

  He heard Gavril whisper, “Can’t interfere with fate.”

  “Please be okay.” Mike did his own whispering as his throat grew tight. He couldn’t lose Kester. He couldn’t imagine his life without his little human in it. They had a motel to remodel and a tavern to repair. They still had a lifetime of laughter and love to share together.

  “I got a bleeder,” Dr. Bjord said. “Stem the flow.”

  For the first time in a very long time, tears trekked down Mike’s cheeks. He’d been alone for so long that the tavern had become his life. Now, even knowing his cousin had set fire to it, Mike no longer cared about his businesses or money. Theo could have every last dime if that meant Kester survived. Hell, Mike would live in a cardboard box just as long as he had his mate with him.

  “There’s another fragment,” Dr. Bjord said. “I have to find them all.”

  Mike closed his eyes and prayed like he’d never prayed before.

  “I’m losing him!” Dr. Bjord shouted as Mike’s world came crashing down around him.

  * * * *

  Mike slipped from the room when Sheriff Copache came to the clinic. Thankfully Kester had pulled through and was resting peacefully. Mike never wanted to experience that level of anguish again.

  “How’s he doing?” Grayson asked.

  “Kester’s recovering.” They strode toward the waiting area, and Tessa approached, handing Mike a cup of coffee. “Thanks.”

  She smiled and went back to her desk. He liked the redhead. She seemed to anticipate everything the doctor needed before he even asked.

  And damn if she didn’t make the best coffee he’d ever tasted.

  “Chief Monroe is finished with his report.” Grayson took a seat in one of the chairs, and Mike joined him. He’d been so busy worrying about his mate that he hadn’t given his cousin much thought.


  Grayson removed his hat and scrubbed a hand through his salt-and-pepper hair. “Faulty wiring in the kitchen.”

  Mike opened his mouth to curse Theo’s name then closed it. “Did you say it was the wiring?”

  “Yep. You might’ve updated that kitchen with the newest equipment, but the wiring is old. From what I read on the report, it was the outlet by the industrial fridge that short-circuited and caused the fire.”

  Mike slumped in his seat, thankful Theo hadn’t sabotaged him. It was good to know his cousin had some lines he wouldn’t cross. He still wasn’t giving Theo the twenty grand, though.

  “Something else.” Grayson took a sip of the coffee Tessa had brought over to him. “Strabo Garcia lost it when he found out his son was dead. He attacked two agents, and they had to shoot him to stop him. Looks like all this was for nothing since he’s
not going to trial.”

  “And Agent Gugino?”

  “Deputy Burrows has him in lockup at the station until the feds come to retrieve him. I reckon he won’t be seeing the light of day anytime soon.” Grayson leaned in closer and spoke in a whisper. “Though I doubt the Ultionem will let him rot in prison. I have a feeling they’ll be collecting him soon to take him to the underworld.”

  “But not before he tells the agency who he ratted out as undercover agents.”

  “No, not before then.” Grayson took another sip of his coffee. “And they found Smitty Green. He was an informant for Strabo. He reported where Kester was and kept an eye on him until Nunzio got to town. They found him trying to cross the border into Mexico.”

  Mike was just glad this was all over. Now he and Kester could finally live their lives without having to look over their shoulders. All he needed now was for his mate to recover and Mike’s world would be righted again.

  He looked up when Moose walked into the clinic. The giant went straight for his mate and lifted Grayson from the chair, kissing him square on the mouth. “God I missed you.”

  Grayson blushed. “Let’s go home so I can feed my teddy bear.”

  Darren and Deon walked in, a petite woman between them. “Where’s Kester?” she asked as she looked around. “Where’s my son?”

  Mike set his coffee on the small table and stuck out his hand. “I’m Mike Cage, ma’am. I’m, uh, Kester’s boyfriend.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, but right now, I want to see Kester.”

  Mike led her to Kester’s room and then gave her privacy to sit with her son as he returned to the waiting area. “I’ll be damned. You pulled it off and rescued her.”

  “Piece of cake.” Deon chuckled. “Although now I’m not sure what I’m gonna do since I don’t have to watch your mate anymore.”

  Darren rolled his eyes. “All he kept talking about on the way back was our next mission, even though I told him there wasn’t going to be a next one.”

  Mike clapped Deon on his back. “I have another mission for you.”


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