The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection Page 39

by Stalder, Janelle

  As she walked through the main hall, she couldn’t help but wonder how it compared to the palace in the Capital City. Callum had described it once to her, speaking of the gleaming marble floors and beautifully painted ceilings. Gold sconces hung on all the walls, and crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings. It wasn’t something Rose could easily imagine, but it sounded far superior to this place.

  She walked uninterrupted towards the small wooden door behind the main stairs that led outside. When she stepped out, a gust of wind whipped past her face, sending her hair swirling around. The fresh air was welcome after being cooped up inside, despite the fact that it was cool. Walking briskly towards the stable, there were few people about, and those that were didn’t seem to take notice of her. Keeping her head down, she avoided all eye contact.

  The stable hand was inside the warm building, brushing out one of the many fine horses. Rose smiled at the elderly man as she approached, praying he wouldn’t give her any trouble.

  “Ah, my lady Rose,” he greeted warmly. “How can I help you this afternoon?” She couldn’t remember his name, but there was something about the grey haired, blue-eyed man that had always made her feel comfortable. His face was lined and wind burnt from the harsh weather in the mountains, but he always wore a friendly smile.

  “I was hoping to go for a ride,” she replied. “Could you get a horse prepared for me?” The man hesitated for a moment. “Please,” she added, trying to keep the desperation from her voice. He looked at her thoughtfully, but didn’t move.

  “I’m not sure if that is a good idea,” he said slowly. A sigh escaped her lips. Someone, she reasoned, would have told him not to let her out. “I wouldn’t want to get in trouble my lady. However, there is a horse already saddled over there, and if you were to take it on your own, when I’m not looking…” A thankful smile flashed on her face as he turned back to his work. Rose walked to the back of the stable. Sure enough there was a large black horse eating in a stall, a saddle secured on its back. Greeting it softly, she entered the stall and took the reins gently. The horse’s tail swished in anticipation as she led it out of the stable into the open yard. Before she could get further, however, Astrid, her head maid, crossed her path, with a small boy that Rose had seen on the way over.

  “Where are you going?” she barked.

  Rose cast an annoyed look at the young boy who kept his head down. “I wanted to go for a ride since the sun has come out this afternoon.”

  “That is not allowed, miss,” she snapped. “A lady in your condition should not be outside like this, let alone on a horse. Go back to the library and I will send someone to get you tea.”

  “I don’t want tea,” Rose argued, stopping Astrid as she had turned to leave. Everyone was used to Rose doing as they said, but enough was enough. “I want to go for a ride,” Rose said in a firmer voice.

  “I already told you that is not allowed,” she replied sharply, her eyes narrowing.

  “Callum has no issues with me riding, and quite frankly, I don’t care what you have to say about it.” Rose quickly placed a foot in the stirrup and swung herself up onto the waiting horse. Astrid sputtered in disbelief, her face turning an unattractive shade of purple. Rose took off, leaving Astrid and the boy staring after her. A triumphant smile graced her face as she rode, even though she knew she would be in all sorts of trouble when she got back. It was safe to assume she would be getting cold meals for the next while, but it was worth it.

  She rode for the rest of the afternoon, taking the horse down into a valley nestled between two mountains. A wide lake sat in the middle, now frozen for the winter. The horse ran around the perimeter, completely ignoring his rider’s condition, which made Rose feel normal again. For once no one was there to tell her what to do or treat her like a fragile child. Rose couldn’t help but laugh out loud in happiness as they rode at full speed, the wind whipping through her hair. She didn’t even notice the cold, adrenaline pumping hot through her veins. They ran the perimeter of lake three times before she noticed him standing by the road that led up to the castle. Slowing down, she rode over to him, stopping just in front.

  “Having fun?” he asked, his eyes amused, but the thin line of his mouth gave away his anger.

  “Yes, actually, I am,” she replied defiantly, sitting up straighter in the saddle.

  Callum shook his head slowly, looking down at the ground. “Rose, you can’t just come out here by yourself. You know that.”

  “I know everyone here treats me like a prisoner, which I thought I no longer was.”

  His eyes widened. “Of course you’re not, but you are mine, and carry my child, which means it is dangerous for you out here. It is safer for you in the castle, unless I am with you.”

  There was more than a hint of truth in what he said, but she was stubborn and he knew that. “I don’t want to always be looked after, or accompanied everywhere I go. I like being by myself sometimes. And I like to be outdoors.”

  Sighing, he walked closer to her, absently patting the neck of the large horse. “I know, but right now it is not a good time for you to be doing this. Not to mention that Astrid is furious with you.”

  “I don’t care about that miserable old woman.”

  He chuckled. “Trust me when I say it is better to just stay on her good side. She controls a lot of things around here.”

  The thought worried her, but she didn’t want to back down. “Why are you here? I thought you were in a meeting with Brutus.” Her voice sounded harsh, which she hadn’t meant, but she was frustrated with him and everyone else, so she couldn’t help it.

  “I was,” Callum replied, running his hand down his face. As Rose looked closely at him, she could see the bags under his eyes and the weary way he held his shoulders. He looked exhausted. “Astrid came barging in yelling that you had run off against her orders. What else was I to do but come and get you? Brutus would have had me leave you, of course, but I worry.” The last words finally softened her up a little as she looked down at him. It wasn’t Callum who kept her locked away – he was always willing to take her out when they were together – and it wasn’t fair for her to take out her anger on him when he didn’t deserve it. All he ever wanted was to make sure she was happy. It was everyone else that treated her poorly, and now she was punishing him for their actions. Rose suddenly felt stupid and childish.

  “I’m sorry,” she said finally, smiling slightly at him. “I was just – angry. I wanted to go out and enjoy the day.”

  “I know,” he smiled back. “Tomorrow we can spend the day doing whatever you want, I promise. For now, I need you to come back and find something to do until I’m finished with Brutus.” Nodding her head, she let him take the reins of the horse, leading them back up towards the stables. The horse snorted in displeasure, but didn’t struggle against Callum’s authority.

  “Is everything alright?” she asked, interrupting the silence that had formed between them. He looked back at her, an odd look in his eyes.

  “Things are moving forward, but I don’t want to get into it until we’ve figured out all the details. To be honest,” he continued with a sigh, “it is difficult to decide what we should do when Aziz refuses to tell us his plan. Brutus trusts him completely, but I have my reservations.” Ever since the last battle, Aziz hadn’t been the same. Rose hadn’t seen him for a long time, but everyone who had said he didn’t look right. The power he used to create his beasts had taken its toll on him, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever recuperate. According to Callum and Brutus, he was still creating his army, but Rose wondered if his obsession would end his life. Aziz created terrifying beasts, and rumour had it that in order to make them loyal and connected to him, he had to put little bits of himself in each one. The spells had left him pale and gaunt when he had once been a good looking man. It was sickening to think of someone ruining themselves the way he had, but no one could stop him, and Brutus knew that his beasts would help tilt the scales to their side in the end.
There had been a warrior the last time that was able to beat them, but he was gone now, and nothing could stand in their way.

  “Do you worry about his health?”

  “It is hard not to when you look at the man, but he says he has a new plan that will give him endless power to drive into his army. Neither of us know what it is, but whatever it is he has it in motion, and we’re supposed to wait for his instructions. I don’t like waiting for other people to make decisions for me, but I don’t see what choice I have.” They were back at the stables now, and Callum turned to lift Rose carefully down onto the ground. The old man came out of the stable and grabbed the reins from Callum, sneaking a quick smile in Rose’s direction. He winked discreetly before turning away. At least she had one friend here, she thought thankfully.

  They held hands as they walked back towards the castle entrance. No one looked at them as they entered. Rose had realized soon after arriving that many of the people here were afraid of Callum. She couldn’t imagine why, knowing how kind and caring he was, but he didn’t let that side of him show in public very often. He brought her to their bed chambers, shutting the door behind them. She had decided she would have a nap until dinner time.

  Crawling into the bed, Callum pulled the warm furs up around her chin. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “I will see you at dinner,” he said, kissing her again on the lips. Then he walked out, and Rose turned to sink into much needed rest.

  When she woke up the sky outside was dark. A small servant stood nervously beside her bed, waiting patiently for Rose to notice her.

  “I beg your pardon my lady, but I have been asked to get you dressed for dinner,” she said softly. Rose got up and stretched the best she could, despite the bump in front of her. The girl helped her get into a formal gown for dinner. All her dresses were now made specially by hand, ensuring there was extra room for her growing stomach. This one was a light blue that made her skin look even paler than it usually did. Her long red hair was pulled back and twisted into a bun at the back of her head. She wore simple pearls in her ears, the first gift Callum had given her when they returned, besides the ring she wore on her left hand. Their wedding had been small and brief. Brutus was the only witness, but it had still been one of the best days of her life.

  Walking to the dining hall, Rose couldn’t help but catch hostile looks from passing servants. Great, she thought, Astrid had clearly told everyone about her defiance, and now they all would think poorly of her. Sometimes she wondered who really ran the castle – Brutus or Astrid.

  The dining hall was a dark room, heavy wood paneling on all the walls and ceiling, the only light coming from a massive fireplace along the north wall. A table that could seat more than twenty people ran the length of the room, although only three spots were ever set. When she walked in Brutus was already seated at the head of the table talking, while Callum stood beside the fire, peering into the orange flames. She cleared her throat lightly to let them know she was there. Brutus stood up as Callum turned away from the fire.

  “Rose, my girl!” Brutus greeted in his great, booming voice. “You are looking particularly lovely this evening, isn’t she Callum?” he said, walking over to kiss her gently on the cheek.

  “She always looks lovely,” Callum replied, not moving from the fire. He rarely showed her much affection in public. But he more than made up for it in private.

  “Come, sit,” Brutus said, offering her his arm and leading her towards her usual seat. “I heard you had quite the day today,” he chuckled.

  Rose felt her cheeks slightly heat at his jest. “I wanted to go out,” she explained, as if it were completely natural.

  “Of course, of course,” he continued to chuckle. “I don’t think there is a man, woman, or beast in all of Eden that could stop you from doing what you want should you set your mind on it.” Rose smiled thankfully at him, knowing how much pleasure he was getting from this.

  “Thank you Brutus, I’m glad someone around here understands me.”

  Callum rolled his eyes. “Brutus doesn’t understand anyone, he just likes to push buttons whenever he can,” Callum muttered, shoving a potato in his mouth. Brutus laughed delightfully.

  “Has Callum told you about our plans then?” Brutus asked, turning to look back at Rose. Callum gave him a warning look, which Rose caught, but they both ignored him. This was how Rose always found things out – Brutus. She often wondered if Callum would tell her as much as he did if it wasn’t for Brutus forcing the subject in front of her. He had a wicked sense of humour, but it often came in handy for her.

  “No, he has not,” Rose smiled affectionately at Brutus, knowing how well her smiles worked on him. “Why don’t you tell me? You’re much better at explaining things anyway.”

  “OH for –” Callum started.

  Brutus chuckled. “That I am, my dear, that I am,” he interrupted. “Well, we have decided to move ahead with our next attack, however we’re going to avoid the Capital for the time being.”

  This was surprising. “Where will you attack then?” she asked, suddenly not feeling very hungry.

  “Eat,” came Callum’s voice, a note of agitation in it. She absently raised the fork to her mouth, still waiting for Brutus to continue.

  “I will be taking half our men to the west, and Callum will be taking the others to the south. We plan to attack them at the same time, eliminating the Capital’s allies. The simultaneous and separate attacks will, hopefully, catch them all off guard, and will allow us to attack the Capital again thereafter from opposite sides. Harder to run when you’re surrounded, you know?” A huge smile was set on his face, and a feeling of pure excitement and joy radiated from him. There was no one else that took as much pleasure in war as this man did, and yet he made it seem as if it were such a minute thing.

  “How will you attack at the same time if Callum has to ride all the way to the South?” Rose asked, trying to keep her hands from shaking. “He’ll have to go past the Capital to get there. Won’t that alarm them that something is going on?”

  “You’ve got a clever girl here, Callum!” Brutus beamed. Callum simply shook his head, focusing on his food. He didn’t like to get involved in their discussions, waiting until they were alone to speak openly with her. “We thought of the same problems my dear, but we’ve come up with an excellent plan. Callum and his forces will sail around and approach them from the sea rather than land. Not only do we avoid the Capital, but our ships are the fastest, so he will arrive there at the same time as my troops, if we plan it properly. Nysa is not as protected on that side as they are from the land.” His smile was so proud that Rose couldn’t help but smile back. But the smile did not reach her eyes. Callum watched her carefully from the other side of the table.

  “How long will it take to get to the south by ship?” she asked, her voice betraying her anxiety.

  “I’d say about seven days, with Aziz’s help, which means he’d have to leave two days before us since it only takes about five for us to reach the Riders through the mountain passes.”

  “Seven days on the water,” she said softly, thinking about how awful it was going to be. Her father had taken her out on a boat when she was little once, and all she could remember about it was how sick she had felt. There was no way she’d let him go without her though, so she’d have to make it through. She spent the rest of the dinner in silence as the two men spoke about minor details: what weapons they’d stock, what would weigh the least and thus make it easier for them to move fast – all the things she didn’t care or want to hear about. Her thoughts were lost in the thoughts of her burning village, and all the deaths she had seen in the spring when they had gone to central Eden. The thought of it happening all over again made her feel sick to her stomach, but she continued to eat so neither of the men would notice. Soon they were done and Callum was leading her up to their private chambers. When they walked in he immediately turned to her, a worried look on his face.

“Are you well?” he asked, his hands holding either side of her face.

  “I’m coming with you,” Rose blurted out, and was not happy to see the immediate refusal in Callum’s eyes. His hands dropped from her face.

  “Rose –”

  “Don’t say no Callum, I’ve already made up my mind. I won’t stay here without you.”


  The room felt stuffy from the heat of bodies. Wolf stood against the wall, his arms crossed defensively over his chest. Normally he loved a party, regardless of who was throwing it or where it was, but this time was different. Even the numerous heavily-lined eyes that shot his way couldn’t lift his mood. Currently Logan was surrounded by three lovely creatures, a smile stretching his face from ear to ear. Wolf shot him a weary look, then refocused on who he had been watching the entire night. Elisa. When she had first walked into the hall, Wolf had practically choked on his drink. During the last spring festival she had been dressed up like that, but this was different. Something glowed from inside her, lighting her face up like he had never seen. Her golden hair shimmered in the light, the deep blue of the dress setting off her skin like a star in the sky. It had taken all his control to walk slowly over towards her, his instincts screaming to run before anyone else laid claim to her. Then he got himself in check. It was Elisa.

  Admittedly he had been angry at her when he first saw her in his hotel room. Not so much because she had come, but because, if truth be told, he missed her. Maybe not her specifically, but any other familiar face besides Logan…or maybe her too, he still couldn’t decide. What had really made him angry was that she had appeared right in the middle of a dangerous situation. There was no other girl in Eden that he knew who could handle themselves quite like Elisa could. Despite that, Wolf’s natural instincts were to keep her as far away from trouble as he could. He knew the men that night meant business, and that Markus wouldn’t be far behind. So when he realized who she was, he knew things were about as bad as they could get. Now, as he watched her twirl around the dance floor, all his fears had come to life.


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