The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection Page 55

by Stalder, Janelle

  * * *

  The five of them walked through the halls of the dormitory, heading towards the dining hall. Aiden felt happiness and relief at being back inside the grey walls of Capital City. It felt like home. Seeing his friends again was a soothing balm to his heart. He promised to explain what was happening in the south when they met with the King. He couldn’t wait to see Logan, and was anxious to be able to sit and relax with them all when this was over.

  When he had walked into the room, he momentarily froze at the apparent argument raging between Wolf and Elisa. He didn’t know what was happening with them, but he knew it wasn’t good. It could just be their normal bickering, he thought to himself. But something gave him the feeling that more was happening. That hesitance lasted only a second, until he held Elisa in his arms again. A wave of relief like he never known washed over him as he embraced her. She looked the same, even smelled the same, which was exactly what he needed right then. Seeing her put so many things to rest. He realized that even though he still thought she was beautiful, he didn’t have those feelings for her anymore. She was simply a friend to him, which fit perfectly. Lily was something he’d have to figure out, he thought as he looked down at their intertwined hands, but it could wait. They needed to organize the troops, and fast. His ever confusing love life would have to wait.

  Wolf and Moose walked up ahead of them. Aiden felt an immense amount of sadness for the brothers. Moose seemed to hide it better than Wolf, maybe because he had longer to deal with it, but either way he knew they were both hurting.

  Lily gave his hand a quick squeeze before letting go. He looked down at her, and she motioned slightly back over her shoulder. Aiden turned to see Elisa walking behind the group. He dropped back until she reached him, and then matched his steps to hers. Putting an arm around her shoulders, he tugged her closer to him as they walked. She looked up with a genuine smile that made him smile in return.

  “I’m happy you’re back, Aiden,” she said.

  “Me too,” he replied. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Not now,” she said. “I’m sure you’ll find out sooner or later, but I just don’t have the energy to explain everything.”

  “Fair enough,” he said, giving her arm a squeeze. “Whatever it is, I’m here for you.”

  * * *

  Wolf ignored the pain in his chest as he caught Aiden and Elisa walking behind them. Aiden had his arm around her, but he knew it was nothing more than a friendly act. Why did he feel like someone just punched him then? Maybe because he had never been able to be that way with her, he thought. With everything that had happened, Moose being back, his sister gone, another battle coming, it was amazing he was even still thinking about her. But how could he not? They hadn’t been able to resolve anything. Their argument still lingered in his mind. She was still planning on leaving, and would marry another man. Well, lucky for him, it looked like they were all going down south. He smiled inwardly. Oh yes, they’d be finishing their conversation. Soon.


  The meat was dry, the potatoes boiled, everything was bland, but Aiden couldn’t have been happier. Tiny had given him a huge grin as he filled a plate for him, welcoming him back. When they first entered the dining hall a roar filled the large room, reaching all the way to the wooden beams along the ceiling. Almost everyone there had come up to greet him, embracing him in fierce hugs. Men he had never spoken to when he was first there were now beaming at the sight of him. Aiden felt more welcome than he had ever felt in his entire life.

  Logan waited patiently for everyone to sit back down before coming up. He looked shocked, yet Aiden could see the glee in his grey eyes. His long dark hair was pulled back like it always was. “Do my eyes deceive me?” he said, as he walked towards him. Aiden couldn’t help but smile at his sarcasm. Before he could reply, Logan gave him a tight hug. “I thought we lost you,” he said, before breaking contact.

  “You should be so lucky,” Aiden replied, smiling.

  “That’s what I was just thinking. Now I’m going to have to watch over your butt again,” he smirked. “And that butt seems to have gotten bigger since the last time.” Aiden heard Lily and Elisa giggle behind him.

  “Just hope this butt doesn’t kick yours,” Aiden replied, relishing in the familiar, easy banter between them. Logan laughed, and motioned for the rest of them to sit at his table.

  Now Aiden sat and ate contently as the others talked around him. Introductions had been made, and everyone seemed to accept the newcomers as if they had always be a part of the group. Felix’s absence made Aiden’s chest tighten, but he tried to stay away from those thoughts. His friend would have been happy to see them all safe and together, but Aiden couldn’t deny that there was emptiness now where he should have been.

  “We’re all going to go to the south?” Logan asked excitedly. He turned to smile at Moose, not waiting for anyone to answer his question. “Just you wait until we get there. Wolf and I will introduce you to all the right people,” he winked. Aiden watched Elisa give Wolf a sharp look. He wasn’t looking back at her, but something about the stiffness of his body told Aiden he knew he was being watched. An instant later though, Wolf relaxed and smiled his typical lazy grin.

  “Yes we will,” he replied. “You’ll be able to die a happy man when we’re done with you, brother.” When he finished, his eyes rested on Elisa for a split second, before returning to Moose. What was going on? Aiden couldn’t help but wonder. He didn’t need to be an expert to see the extra tension between the two.

  “Aren’t you going to eat Lily?” Moose called out. Aiden turned to see Lily regarding her plate as if she expected it to get up and attack her. He bit back a laugh.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her.

  “I don’t normally eat – human food,” she answered, hesitantly.

  “Human food?” he heard Elisa ask. Lily looked up to meet her eyes.

  “I am a forest person,” she answered. “I am not accustomed to eating such things,” she continued, nodding her head towards the plate.

  Someone sucked in a breath. “You’re one of them?” Logan asked. Lily nodded her head, her face betraying no emotion at the way he said it. It occurred to Aiden how strange she must feel being around so many humans. He knew she kept her distance, and now, because of him, she had to learn to submerse herself into their world. A new appreciation for her bloomed in him. Wolf reached out and smacked Logan on the back of the head.

  “Show some respect, you fool,” he said, clearly trying not to laugh. “Her people are the oldest in Eden, and she’s probably old enough to be your great-great-great-grandma.” He smiled over at Lily to show he was jesting. She smiled in return. Aiden put his arm around her waist, which made her smile at him.

  “Don’t let him bother you,” he said, giving her a squeeze. “The rest of us just ignore him all together.”

  “Amen to that,” Moose said with a laugh.

  “Whatever,” Logan chuckled. “I’m just happy that now I don’t have to do my shift on the walls.” Aiden laughed at his friend. Apparently he and Wolf had been punished by being given the worst job, night duty up on the city walls, for hiding out in the south for six months.

  Aiden turned his attention back to Lily. “What can I get you to eat instead?” he asked. “To be honest, Tiny doesn’t make a large variety of food.”

  She gave a slight shrug of her dainty shoulders. Her long white hair was braided over one shoulder, which was bare in her green flowing dress. Aiden had asked her if she was cold, but she assured him she did not feel the cold like they do. “I don’t really need to eat,” she confessed. “It’s not imperative for my kind. If I get hungry I’ll find something.” She left it at that, and Aided didn’t push for her to elaborate.

  “Should we get going?” Elisa asked, directing the question to Aiden. He had been enjoying the down time with his friends so much, he had almost forgotten the King was waiting for them.
  “Yeah,” he said, pushing his empty plate away from him.

  The polished floors of the throne room gleamed in the light of the massive chandelier hanging above them. Aiden looked at the intricate gold wall panels with a new appreciation. There had been a time when he thought he’d never see this room again.

  The throne sat in its usual place at the front of the room. A table had been placed before it. Seated there were the King, the Captain, the Chancellor, the High Priest, and someone he hadn’t expected, Diana. Her face lit up as their eyes met. Everyone rose as the six of them walked toward the table. Aiden noticed there was a sixth person that he didn’t recognize. He was built like a soldier, his shoulders broad and his height almost the same as the Captain, but he was dressed in fine clothing. Wavy black hair framed an olive face, and even from where Aiden stood, he could see his bright blue eyes. Those eyes weren’t watching him though; they were focused on Elisa.

  Diana walked away from the table to meet Aiden. “I’ve been so worried,” she said, wrapping her arms around him.

  “I’m fine,” he reassured her. She stepped back, placing her hands gently on either side of his face.

  “I’m just thankful they didn’t succeed in getting you,” she said, her eyes roaming over every inch of his face.

  “Stop babying the boy,” Captain Turk barked. “He’s a member of the King’s Army. Of course he’s fine.” Aiden smiled at his Captain, who reluctantly smiled back.

  “Welcome everyone,” Jameson said, motioning to the empty chairs around the table.

  The man Aiden didn’t know stepped forward, holding out the empty chair beside him. “Elisa,” he said, waiting for her to sit. Aiden watched them curiously.

  “This is Markus, leader of the Sun People,” Jameson introduced. “He is also engaged to Elisa.” Aiden froze, just as Moose let out a surprised gasp. They simultaneously looked to Wolf, who discreetly shook his head. Moose raised his eyebrows but didn’t say a word. Aiden could see the nervous look on Elisa’s face, but she didn’t say anything.

  As soon as she was seated, Markus turned to look at the rest of them. “It is a pleasure to meet you,” he greeted. Looking to Aiden he said, “I’ve heard many things about the great warrior from another world.”

  Logan snorted behind Aiden. “Thank you, sir,” Aiden replied politely, unsure of what to say to this man who was going to marry Elisa. A sudden anger for Wolf’s sake filled him, but he didn’t show it. Maybe Wolf didn’t care, but something about his body language told Aiden this was not the case. The rest of them took the empty seats, as the adults sat down. Aiden was directly across from Elisa, but she refused to meet his eyes.

  “You have brought us a child of the forest,” Alistair said, his eyes gleaming at Lily. The old man, with his long white beard and tall stature, looked exactly the same as Aiden remembered. “It is an honour,” he continued, bowing his head politely.

  “Thank you,” she smiled. “It has been a long time since our people took an interest in your doings, but the Goddess has asked me personally to watch over Aiden while he is in Eden.” Lily and Alistair exchanged a meaningful look that Aiden didn’t understand. They seemed to communicate something that eased the stiffness in the High Priest’s shoulders. Before Aiden could ask Lily, their meeting began.

  The decisions were made. A portion of the King’s Army would stay in the city, in order to protect its citizens, while the rest of them went with Markus and his men to the south. It was clear to Aiden throughout the meeting how anxious Markus was to return home. The recent arrival of a messenger from his city confirmed there was a ship positioned not far off the shore to Nysa. Aiden could imagine how desperately he wanted to return. Hopefully the fighting wouldn’t happen until they reached the south.

  After they had worked out the details, Aiden decided to return to his old room, which was still available. He needed to get some sleep before they headed out in the morning. They would be riding hard again, and his body was already screaming in protest. Lily stayed back to talk with Diana, so he headed out on his own, speeding up when he saw Elisa not far down the hall.

  “Want to tell me what that was all about?” he said as he reached her. She gave him a startled look before slipping on a neutral mask again.

  “What is there to tell? I’m going to marry Markus,” she replied as if it were normal.

  Aiden breathed deeply in an attempt to remain calm. It was funny how he was going to stand up for Wolf now, after he had been so jealous of their betrothal before. Things change, he told himself. “What about Wolf?”

  She instantly stopped, and spun to glare at him. “What about Wolf?” Her whole body radiated anger, but Aiden wasn’t going to back down.

  “Oh please Elisa, as if you can’t see how much this bothers him.” There, he said it.

  Her eyebrows drew together. “I think you’re looking for things that don’t exist. Wolf could care less who I marry! He’s already planning to whore himself out as soon as we get down south, may I remind you. Stop sticking up for a friend who wouldn’t appreciate the thought.” She turned and stormed off.

  “That girl needs a paddle,” Lily said with a low whistle as she stood beside him. He didn’t hear her approach.

  He looked down in surprise. “A paddle? For what?”

  She looked up with a grin. “Because she is definitely rowing up de-nial.” She snickered. He was momentarily taken aback, but then he joined in her laughter.

  “How do you know that?”

  She shrugged. “I know lots of things from your world.” She hooked her arm through his.


  She just winked at him as they headed outside the palace. It looked like he wasn’t going to get any answers. Halfway to the dormitory she told him she needed to do something, and would see him in the morning.

  He walked the rest of the way by himself, having lost the other guys while he had been talking with Alistair. He had wanted all the specific details about what the Shaman had said and done to him when they were in his cottage.

  “He created a portal?” he asked, looking intrigued. “What colour did you say it glowed?”

  “Green,” Aiden answered, wondering if that made any difference.

  “Interesting,” he commented, almost muttering to himself afterward. “And all he said to you was that Aziz wanted you for energy purposes? He didn’t say, or suggest anything else?”

  “No,” he shook his head.

  “Interesting,” he said again, lost in his thoughts for a moment before dismissing Aiden.

  It was good that he had lost the others anyway, since he really did need sleep. Knowing Wolf and Logan, they probably would have insisted on going to a tavern for a welcome home celebration. It was time to crash. His body was in agreement.

  * * *

  Elisa stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. How dare he? She fumed. She was so happy to have Aiden back, but it still made her angry that he had approached her like that. It wasn’t anyone’s business if she decided to marry Markus. Why were Aiden and Moose so mad over something Wolf would get over in a day? Sure, he seemed upset when they had talked to each other before, and maybe he made it seem like he didn’t want her to marry Markus, but Elisa knew him better than that. He was just upset because he lost something to someone he doesn’t like. Yes, that was it, she decided. It had been so clear when they were down in the south together that Wolf couldn’t stand Markus. Now he was just upset because Markus had something that was supposed to be his. Well nuts to that! Elisa flung herself onto her bed, careful not to disturb the piles of things she had been waiting to pack.

  Markus treated her like she was something precious. He liked that she could fight, even though he seemed to prefer her more girlie side, but that didn’t matter. She could learn to like big dresses and expensive jewellery. Surely Markus would still let her do archery while she lived there. She gave her head a rough shake. Everything was going to be fine, she reminded herself again. It was the right cho
ice for her, and she knew it. There was no reason why what the others thought should bother her. On the ride down she would just stick beside Markus, because it would make him happy…and because it would let her avoid everyone else’s disapproving looks. It was certainly not because she was avoiding one person in particular. Her conversation with Wolf might have been interrupted before they could finish, but as far as she was concerned, they had said all they needed to say. It was done. She was going to move to the south, marry Markus, and be happy.


  His children were nothing less than terrifying. Rain swallowed the bile at the back of her throat with extreme effort as the smell hit her nose. It was indescribable. Blood, sweat, and pure animal stench filled the large cavern they entered, after walking deep into the fortress. It was a room similar to the dining hall, in the way that the ceilings rose hundreds of feet above them, but no night sky was open to below. Only cold stone surrounded all sides, glistening from water that seeped through small holes within the walls. She wondered where the water came from. They entered high above the room, so they could look down in a pit. She shivered against the cold that filled the place, despite the large fire built in the middle of the room.

  Hundreds of beasts, both the large kind who stood on two feet, and the smaller ones that ran on all fours like large boars, were leashed to the stone walls. Their angry roars were almost deafening until Aziz walked in. Each pair of yellow eyes immediately sought his form, and their protests ceased. Rain watched as an enthralled look passed over their features. It was as if they worshipped the man who kept them caged in the dark, damp space. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as his look changed to one of pride as he surveyed the creatures.

  “What do you think?” he asked, turning his head to look at her. She looked away, letting her gaze soak in the scene before her. Truthfully, it repulsed her, but she wouldn’t admit it to him. Instead she wore the same impassive face she was used to wearing around others, hiding the emotions that would betray anything about her true thoughts.


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