The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection Page 106

by Stalder, Janelle

  “I don’t know how you’ve been doing this,” Ethan said, riding up beside him, with Melissa sitting behind him. “My ass is killing me.”

  “You get used to it,” Aiden laughed.

  “What are you guys waiting for?” Logan called out. “There is a booth in a rundown tavern, with watered down ale waiting for us!”

  Aiden rolled his eyes. “You really know how to sell that, Logan.”

  He laughed, waving them on. Aiden kicked Ty into motion, following the line of soldiers making their way down to the city gates.

  Callum could barely contain the desire to just breakout into a full on gallop as soon as he laid eyes on the city walls. The loss of his brother was like a constant throbbing pain, one he wondered would ever disappear. The only thing he wanted right now was Rose. His sweet, sweet Rose. The new Queen of Capital City. The scouts he had sent ahead would have already let Chancellor Ottman know of Jameson’s death. He wondered if anyone would think to tell Rose.

  As they entered the city gates, they were met with cheers of welcome. Callum moved through the packed streets, nodding at everyone who had come out. He tried his best to feel the joy they felt, but it just wasn’t in him. Not everyone would have heard the news by now, but Jameson’s absence would not go unnoticed for long. He led the way to the inner walls of the Palace, which stood open for their arrival. Turk rode silently beside him as he had since they’d left. Despite the fact that Jameson was his blood, Callum knew Turk was hurting just as much as he was, if not more. They were more than friends, his brother and his Captain; they were brothers in all the ways that counted.

  Chancellor Ottman stood on the steps of the Palace, his face a mixture of relief and sadness. Callum stopped his horse just in front of him, swinging off as soon as he could. Every muscle in his body ached and felt stiff. He stretched looking around for his wife.

  “Welcome back, my King,” Ottman said to him with a bow. “I am happy to see you are safe.”

  “Thank you, Ottman. How were things here while we were gone?” he asked. Callum admired the way the old man quickly adapted to the changes of court. He had been around since his father’s rule, and never once had let their family down. He had no doubt the Chancellor handled things just fine when he was left to his own.

  “A minor issue, which we will discuss later, happened, but other than that I think we’re all just happy you’re home and victorious,” he answered.

  “And my wife? Where is she?” Callum watched something flash over the man’s face, but it was gone again before he could pinpoint what it was. Being in court all his life had made Ottman a pro at schooling his features, but Callum could tell something was wrong. “Ottman?” he urged.

  The Chancellor opened his mouth, but if he spoke Callum did not hear it. His eyes were now focused over his shoulder at the person coming out of the palace doors. Rose walked out, her long, red hair flowing freely to her waist. She looked paler than normal, but her eyes were bright and a smile was spread across her beautiful face. That wasn’t what had him frozen, however. For instead of a large bump in front of her, there was now a tiny bundle, swathed in thick blankets.

  Callum didn’t know when he moved, but suddenly he was bounding up the stairs to her, his heart racing.

  “Welcome home,” she greeted. His eyes searched her face, soaking in every detail, every perfection. Then they dropped to the baby in her arms and his heart stopped.

  “When? How?” he stuttered.

  Rose chuckled. “I’m afraid he was a little anxious to come out, so he decided he wasn’t going to wait nine months. He is tiny, but the healers say he is strong. They keep a close eye on him to be sure.”

  “Did you say he?” Callum breathed, taking in the sight of the tiny blue eyes that starred curiously back at him, a lock of brown, reddish hair sticking out from beneath the blankets.

  “We’ve been calling him little prince,” Ottman said happily. Callum looked over in surprise, having not heard the other man approach. “You should be proud, Callum. He is a delight, even if he is a bit small.” The Chancellor leaned in, cooing at the child. Callum looked over at Rose with raised eyebrows.

  “Get used to it,” she laughed. “Everyone here is like this around him. I’m afraid our son will be the most spoiled brat that ever lived.”

  Callum looked back as the Chancellor laughed when his thumb was gripped into a miniature fist. “You haven’t named him?” he asked, keeping his eyes on his son.

  “We were waiting for you,” Rose answered. Callum nodded. “Would you like to hold him?”

  “Very much,” he answered, his voice thick with emotion. Rose placed him gently in Callum’s arms. He looked down in amazement. Here he thought his heart would never mend after suffering the loss of his brother, and then he comes home to this. This incredible, wonderful blessing that now looked up at him like he already recognized him. Love bloomed in his heart, so much so he wondered if it were possible for it to burst. “Felix,” Callum said softly. He looked up to meet Rose’s surprised face. “Felix Jameson. That’s what we shall call him.”

  She laughed, tears spilling down her face. “It’s perfect,” she said. He leaned into her, kissing her hard before pulling back to grin at her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “And I you,” she replied.

  “And I love you too, little Felix Jameson,” Callum said to his son.

  “Are we sure about this?” Logan asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

  “What do you mean we?” Wolf replied.

  Logan looked affronted. “I’m just as much a part of this as you are!” he argued.

  Moose laughed, taking a swig of ale. Aiden couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face.

  Wolf just shook his head. “Yeah,” he snorted. “I’d like to see you explain that one to Elisa.”

  Aiden turned to Stefan who had been sitting quietly beside him. The northerner wasn’t much of a talker, and for some reason that’s what Aiden liked about him. He had a silent confidence about him, but there was no doubt in Aiden’s mind that the other man was always observing and taking note of the things happening around him.

  “When do you leave for the north?” he asked, ignoring the fight Logan and Wolf were having in the background.

  “A fortnight from now,” he answered.

  “How did the men take Callum naming you the new leader?”

  Stefan shrugged. “Some of the older men are probably angry, but for the most part it went over well. I don’t think I should have any troubles.”

  “Congrats then,” Aiden said.

  Stefan smiled appreciatively. “Thank you. And you? When do you return? Or have you decided?”

  Aiden sighed, looking over at his friends who were now wrestling on the ground. “Not yet,” he admitted. “I should probably break that up before Wolf ruins his suit.” He heard Stefan chuckle as he got up and motioned for Moose to help him. Once they were apart Aiden brushed off the dirt now covering Wolf’s back. “Elisa is going to kill you if you get married looking a mess.”

  Wolf laughed. “She probably expects it.”

  Moose, Logan, and Aiden stood beside Wolf on the top step outside the Palace. Callum and Rose sat on their thrones looking down at the packed courtyard. Chancellor Ottman stood beside them in the middle, dressed in the white and gold colours of marriage. From the open palace gates came a commotion before any of them saw her. Elisa walked through, her hand resting on the forearm of Turk. She wore a beautiful gown of purple, with white lilies and baby’s breath strung into her hair. A modest silver crown set with pearls sat on her head.

  Aiden watched as she made her way through the crowd and up the steps to where Ottman and Wolf stood. She looked as nervous as Wolf did, Aiden noted with a smile. He looked down at the crowd, spotting Ethan and Melissa standing together, her arms wrapped around his waist, tears in her eyes. Aiden met Ethan’s stare and they both smiled. Ethan shook his head and rolled his eyes when he noticed Melissa crying
. What is it about women and weddings? Aiden wondered.

  The ceremony was short but sweet and when the two kissed the whole courtyard erupted into loud cheers and whistles. Logan was, of course, the loudest. King Callum called them all into his throne room when it was over to have a private dinner in celebration. Aiden was sitting between Lily and Ethan when he felt something in the room change. He looked up, meeting Diana’s gaze from the other side of the table. Just as he was about to ask her what it was, he heard Lily clapping and giggling beside him.

  “She’s here!” she squealed.

  Aiden looked to her, confused. “Who’s here?”

  She winked. “You’ll see.”

  Then, before them all, the air shimmered slightly before a bright light came out of nowhere, blinding them all, and when it was gone there stood a person. Aiden looked at the woman in wonder. Long, golden hair framed an almost unnaturally perfect face. Bright green eyes stuck out against the shimmering bronze of her skin. Flowers decorated her hair, much like Elisa’s, and she wore a long, plain gown of white.

  “Greetings,” she said, her voice filling the entire room.

  “Goddess,” Callum greeted, his surprise sounding in his voice. “It is an honour.”

  She smiled warmly. “The honour is mine. We are pleased to hear of the birth of your heir, High King,” her voice echoed. She looked to Rose, tenderness filling her eyes. “And we are happy to see your wife is in good health.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” Callum replied graciously.

  Her head turned as she looked at each of them, stopping at Aiden. Somehow he knew that would happen. He fidgeted under her stare, nervously.

  “Warrior,” she greeted.

  “Goddess,” he nodded.

  “I am glad to see my daughter has kept good watch over you,” she glanced briefly at Lily with affection. “I’m afraid, however, that the time has come for you to make a choice. As you have learned, you were born of this world, and therefore may decide whether you stay or go. But your friends,” she continued, looking to Ethan and Melissa. “They cannot stay any longer. I must send them home, and you must choose whether you are leaving with them or staying.”

  Aiden’s stomach dropped. He knew he was going to have to make this decision, he just hadn’t expected it to be so soon. He looked over at Ethan and Melissa and saw hope there that he would return with them. Then he looked slowly at his new friends, Elisa, Wolf, Moose, and Logan, all of them smiling at him encouragingly. He turned slowly to Lily, his heart breaking for what he saw there. Acceptance. Whatever he decided she would support him, and it killed him.

  “I know I’m technically from this world,” he said to her. “But my family isn’t here. They might not be my real parents, but they’re the only ones I’ve ever known. I love them, and it would kill them if I disappeared.” He took a deep breath. “I can’t do that to them,” he confessed. Eddie’s face came to mind and he knew there was no way he could go his whole life without seeing her again. “I’m so sorry,” he said softly to her.

  “I know,” she whispered back.

  He looked to the Goddess who was watching him. “I will return to the other world with my friends,” he decided.

  She nodded as if she had expected this. “Then it is time for you to say your goodbyes.”

  Everyone moved at once after that. Aiden hugged each of them in turn. Wolf gave him a tight squeeze saying, “We’re going to miss you.” Logan did the same saying they’d never forget him. Moose gripped his shoulder without a word. Elisa cried, which broke Aiden’s heart a little more.

  “I had myself convinced you’d stay,” she sniffled.

  “I’m sorry,” he replied. “I just can’t.”

  “I know,” she said, smiling through her tears. “I understand. That doesn’t mean I like it.” He laughed, giving her another embrace. He walked over then to the King and Queen, even saying goodbye to little Felix in his bassinette.

  Last he went to Lily who had stood silently by the entire time. He reached up and cupped her face in his, wiping a tear away with the pad of his thumb. “I love you,” he said gently.

  She nodded. “I know,” was her reply. He kissed her quickly, knowing if he stayed any longer his resolve would weaken.

  “You have made many great friends during your time here, Warrior Aiden,” the Goddess said when he went to her, along with Ethan and Melissa. “You will be greatly missed.”

  “Thank you,” he said to her, “for everything.” He wasn’t sure how to put into words what he was feeling, but she looked at him knowingly. If it hadn’t been for this woman in front of him, Aiden would have never been the man he is. He thought of Elex and wondered how he would have turned out had he been raised by Aziz too. The Goddess raised her hands, light coming from her palms, and suddenly the room blurred and Aiden shut his eyes against the brightness.

  Then he was falling.


  The white light filled the room for only a second before everything returned to normal. Elisa blinked back the spots dotting her vision. Where Aiden and his friends had stood was now empty. A sharp pain hit her in the chest as the reality of the situation sunk in. Aiden was gone. He’d left, and she wasn’t sure when, or if, she would see him again. Tears blurred her vision as she sat back down in her seat, the joy of the day seeping out of her.

  The Goddess was no longer there either. She didn’t look around, her eyes fixated on the floor, but she could sense the deity’s presence was gone. The air no longer cackled with energy, so divine and pure one could feel it in every fibre of their being, like it had when she arrived. It had been a moment Elisa would never forget, although now she wished she could. She wished she could turn back time and make it so the Goddess never came and took her friend away.

  Elisa could distantly hear others talking, but her mind wouldn’t focus on one thing. She should really be going to Lily and making sure she was okay. If this was hard on Elisa, she could only imagine how Lily was feeling. But she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. How had the day gone from the best moment of her life, to utterly heartbreaking? It wasn’t fair.

  “Hey,” a voice said softly, close to her ear. Elisa turned to see Wolf crouched beside her chair, his face full of concern. He looked so incredibly handsome in his formal clothes. The memory of when she first saw him as she walked through the Palace gates, and up to where he’d stood with Chancellor Ottman, filled her mind. Their eyes had met, and she would never forget the feelings that had flown through her. Every emotion he was feeling had been there, written plainly in those eyes that had come to mean everything to her. She knew her own would have relayed the same message. They were becoming one, joining together in the way that meant they would be partners for life.

  Happiness so pure had filled her then, and after as she celebrated, surrounded by friends and family. Now it felt like a distant memory, even though it was only a short time ago. She wanted to find that again, but how could she? Aiden was gone. Lily was heartbroken. Elisa was still dealing with the loss of Jameson and Alistair. There was just so much happening still that her mind couldn’t keep up. And yet, before her was someone she knew she could lean on during this time – his face, a mask of worry as he waited for her to say something in reply. The world felt like a heavy weight on her shoulders, but she didn’t have to carry that weight alone. The realization made her want to throw herself into his arms, and beg him to take her away from it all.

  “You okay?” he asked, placing a warm hand on her thigh. She gripped it with her own, looking back up at him.

  “I will be,” she said. “Right now, I just want to be alone with you.”

  A small smile tugged at his lips. Not the suggestive one he would have usually worn after a statement like that. He understood she was dealing with a lot, and she could tell he was trying to be sensitive to it.

  “Come on then,” he said, pulling her up with him. They said their goodbyes to the King and Queen. She gave her father a quick kiss on the ch
eek, before returning to Wolf, who grabbed her hand in his again and led them out of the throne room.

  “We heading to the tavern?” Logan asked, walking out behind them. Moose reached over and smacked him on the back of his head. “Ow! What was that for?”

  “It’s their wedding night,” Moose said. “What makes you think they’d want to spend it with us?”

  “Why wouldn’t they?” he replied, affronted. “We’re good company.”

  “Says who?” Wolf said over his shoulder.

  Logan grumbled something she couldn’t hear, walking down the corridor that led outside. She and Wolf were staying in the Palace tonight, a gift from Callum. Moose stopped in front of them. Elisa looked around as the three of them stood in the hall.

  “Where’s Lily?” she asked.

  “She left not long after Aiden,” Moose said. His mouth pinched in concern. “She didn’t even say a word to anyone.”

  “I’m sure this is hard for her,” Wolf said, draping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Elisa let her body lean into his, welcoming the warmth and comfort he offered.

  “What do you think she’ll do?” Moose asked.

  “Go back to the Forest People,” Wolf answered. “Her kind don’t do well behind walls. And I’m sure there is nothing but painful memories here for her.”

  Moose nodded his head slowly, brows furrowed. “I liked her,” he said absently. “She actually seemed a bit normal, compared to the others.”

  “Maybe this experience will make it easier for the Riders and the Forest People to interact,” Elisa offered.

  Moose shook his head. “It will go back to the way it was. We’re both people of habit.”

  “Are you coming or what?” Logan yelled from down the hall.

  Moose rolled his eyes. “I better go before he gets any louder,” he said. He looked at his brother. “I’ll be leaving tomorrow. Father needs me home. I’ll make sure to tell Mother you send your love.”


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