Do Not Disturb

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Do Not Disturb Page 1

by Lisa Ballenger

  Do Not Disturb

  By Lisa Ballenger

  To D…..Love Always

  Table of Contents































  “Not now,” Allison moaned, sliding her hand under her suit jacket, pressing her palm to her rumbling stomach.

  She surveyed the parents shoulder to shoulder in the elementary school cafeteria. Not a starving face among them. Fast food next time she was running late. At least indigestion wasn’t noisy.

  Tuning out the principal’s voice, she concentrated on the financial statements on her lap. She had to finish these calculations before she got home. Her daughter needed help with a science project and Allison didn’t need another night of working alone at midnight.

  She clutched her pencil and clenched her teeth, launching that pain through her jaw. Relax, her dentist had suggested when he’d taken a peek at her ground down molars. She released her locked muscles by wiggling her lower jaw.

  Soon everything would be better. Graduate school completed, the Chief Financial Officer slot hers and closer to providing the kind of life her daughter deserved – a mother with free time and financial security. Flexing her knotted shoulders, she tackled the column of numbers.

  "To conclude the meeting I'd like to recognize the co-chairs of this year’s Halloween Carnival, Allison Hill and Brett Tyler."

  The Halloween Carnival? Allison's head popped up as she slapped her notebook shut, hiding her papers. She didn’t volunteer to help with that again.

  "I think most of you know Allison.” Sara, the president of the Parent Teacher’s Organization pointed Allison’s way. “But stand up anyway will you?"

  Bodies twisted and heads turned, eyes zeroing in on Allison hiding in the back row.

  Slipping her notebook and calculator onto her chair with one hand and smoothing her skirt with the other, she rose and nodded to the smiling audience. Of course they were smiling, they weren’t nuts enough to be in charge of the Carnival.

  "And Brett’s over here." Sara turned to her left. "He's new to Tampa but anxious to be involved. Brett, I believe your daughter's in the sixth grade?"

  When a man several rows from the front stood and waved, the group rapidly abandoned Allison, clearly more fascinated with the newcomer.

  "Yes, and Caroline loves her new school." His deep voice bounced off the plastered walls as he turned to Allison. "I’m looking forward to working on the Carnival. Don’t have a lot of experience in it, but I'm sure we can make it work." Brett stopped to grin. "Can't we, Allison?"

  “Of course,” Allison said, trying not to stare at him... but gracious he was tall. At least six-four, maybe even six-five. He overpowered the folding metal chair as he grabbed the seat with his hand and pulled it under him to sit down.

  Sinking slowly back to her chair, her eyes glued on Brett, the hem of her skirt snagged her notebook. “Damn,” she muttered, capturing the pad just before it tumbled to the floor. Sitting quickly, she clutched the edge of the notebook, grimacing as the chair legs scraped the linoleum.

  "Sara said he's not married,” the woman in front of Allison whispered to her neighbor, “but I bet that won't last long around here.” The pair craned their necks to gawk between the parents in front of them.

  Allison shifted her head, just enough to see Brett lean forward and rest his elbows casually on his knees. His red knit shirt stretched across his broad back and the short sleeves grew tight at the band as his biceps flexed with his arm movements. There was a shadow of a beard and his thick brown hair was cut short, but not close enough to stop the ends from curling.

  Allison ran a hand down the back of her own hair, nudging at the wild strands that had escaped their tethering at her nape. That was an idea worth considering - controlling crazy curls by shaving them off.

  When Brett lifted his head and glanced her way, she jerked back, moving out of his line of sight.

  She stuffed her work in her briefcase and buttoned her suit jacket over what had started the day as a smooth, tailored cotton blouse but had since disintegrated into rows of disgusting creases. It was going directly into the donate pile when she got home and next time she went shopping, if she couldn’t wad it up in a ball and have it come out wrinkle free, she wasn’t buying it.

  Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she weaved her way to the front of the room. It should only take a second to speak with Brett and schedule a meeting then she could go home. Home, where she couldn’t get caught staring at strange men.

  Several women swarmed around Brett forcing Allison to stop a few feet behind him. The comments she’d heard earlier appeared to be on target. He wouldn’t last the school year a single man.

  "Pardon me. Brett, if you have a minute..."

  "Ladies, please excuse me." Brett turned around slowly, smiling again, flashing those perfect teeth.

  Had to be braces. No one was born with teeth that straight. Allison ran the tip of her tongue along the back of her teeth, recalling the endless years of a metal filled mouth, pushing her lips out so far it was almost impossible to close them. Just what she didn’t need back then, another excuse for the boys to avoid her.

  "Nice to meet you." As her hand became engulfed in his warm, calloused fingers, he glanced toward her feet. "Finish your work?"

  "What?” She dropped her eyes to the bulging briefcase she’d set on the floor and propped against her leg. It now inched slowly down her calf, drawing a red line on her pale skin.

  She looked up quickly, trying to distract him as the handle snagged her shoe. "You know how busy days can get."

  Wow, she thought, forgetting about the mess at her feet, she actually had to look up to see his face. Yes, he was definitely six-five. She was an expert at measuring heights. After years of towering over classmates, some of the guys had passed her five feet eleven inches late in high school, but even then they weren’t wild about dating such a tall girl. Sure, tall was fine for supermodels, but when it came to prom dates...

  "Well, I don't want to hold you up then,” Brett said, breaking into her thoughts. “What do we need to do?"

  He had the most unusual shade of gray eyes. Pale one minute, then dark.


  “Yes?” She blinked. Was she actually getting poetic about a man’s eyes? Whipping her phone from her purse, she changed her calendar to the weekly view. "I thought we’d arrange a time to meet this week." She waited, but he didn’t budge. "To plan the carnival..." she continued.

  Brett smiled. "I don’t need a calendar, I know what I have planned." He peered over her palm. “It looks like you have a full schedule. You sure you have time for this?"

  "Of course I do.” She ran a slim finger over the appointments, stopping on Tuesday. "See. Right here. No that won’t work.” She scrolled to another day, “Yes, we could...” then sighed. “Just great.”


  "I only have a little time during lunch on Thursday –“

  "That's fine. I’ll come by your office."

  "Well, Okay.” She rapidly typed the appointment into her calendar. “I’m sure it’s inconvenient for you, but I really appreciate it.”

  “It’s no problem.”

  “That’s very nice of you...” she dug into her purse, “here’s the address," and tugged out one business card slinging five more against his chest. "Oh my gosh. I'm sorry.”

  She began to kneel when he touched her shoulder.

  "Please, let me." He gathered the scattered cards and stacked them on her phone. "Here."

  She laughed. “We’d better not let me handle the food at the carnival or we won’t have anything left to sell.”

  “Sounds like a smart move,” he smiled, tucking her card in the back pocket of his slacks.

  “Hello Allison. Brett,” a female voice said to her left. “Hope we’re not interrupting, but we didn’t want Allison to get away before we thanked her for some mortgage information she gave us,” Jody said, looking at Brett. “She’s a lifesaver.”

  “You’re welcome.” Allison touched her friends arm. “The rates have actually come down some more and I’ve given John your name, so he’s expecting you to call. You let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Buying a house, Bill?” Brett asked.

  “Just refinancing and putting in a pool for the kids.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Bill rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, now we have a magnet for all the teens in the neighborhood.”

  “But at least they’ll be home,” Jody added, looping her arm around her husband’s waist.

  “Even more fun.” Bill groaned at his wife then narrowed his gaze at Allison. “Well, Allison, are you going to tell us what it’ll be this year? I already have a bet with Tom and Jack that you’ll resurrect the elf.”

  “You know the elf’s dead, Bill,” Jody said. “I say it will be something new and horribly scary.”

  Allison shook her head. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “You an elf?” Brett ran an exaggerated look up and down Allison’s long body.

  “Yes, an elf.” She raised her chin. “And don’t forget, Jody, just because he’s dead, doesn’t mean he won’t show up again.”

  “Allison is the master of Halloween costumes.” Jody jumped in to explain. “You won’t believe it when you see her. At the first Halloween carnival no one even recognized her and we spent all evening trying to guess who she was.”

  “I can’t wait,” Brett laughed, “but I vote for the regular elf, not the dead one.”

  She reached for her briefcase. “Well you’ll just have to wait, too.” She rumbled through her purse and pulled out her keys. “Sorry to break up this utterly charming conversation about me, but I need to get home. I don’t want Kelly’s sitter to quit on me because I'm late again.” Nodding to Brett she twirled away. “See you Thursday at noon. Call if you get lost.”

  Allison pushed through the crowd, the heels of her shoes echoing over the hum of adult voices, but not drowning out the rushing of blood in her ears. Her blood pressure must be sky high. She was going to have a stroke and teeth ground to a nub if she didn’t calm down.

  Throwing her briefcase and wilted suit jacket on the front seat of her six year-old Honda, she slid in and cranked the engine. Turning the air-conditioner on high, she directed the vents to her face.

  She was hot.

  And it wasn’t the heat of the Florida September.

  “This is not good,” she said to the sexy image of Brett replaying in her mind.


  Allison stood at her bathroom mirror poking at the dark circles under her eyes. The claims that cover up makeup worked miracles were lies. The brush in her other hand lay motionless in the air as she backed away from the mirror, but her mind raced.

  It was Thursday and she was nervous.

  Moving the brush to the top of her head, she tugged it through her thick mane, hoping the movement would control her trembling fingers.

  She’d only talked to Brett for those few minutes at the school meeting, but her mind wouldn't let go of him. His face crept through her thoughts at the oddest times.

  Day and night.

  She’d convinced herself that once she saw him again, this peculiar preoccupation would disappear.

  Maybe it had been too long since she’d had a date if she could become this obsessed over a man just because he was tall, had killer gray eyes and a dazzling smile.

  “For heaven’s sake,” she moaned out loud. She sounded like a teenager. She paused as her brush got stuck on her hair. “I am a grown woman...” She gave the brush a jerk. It rolled into her hair, wrapping the curls around the bristles.

  “No,” she cried, delicately pulling the strands loose in tiny clumps. "Blast these curls.” Grabbing a paisley silk scarf, she tied the mass at the nape of her neck. “Maybe I should just cut them all off."

  “Don’t do that, I love your hair.”

  Allison turned to her ten-year old daughter standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Thanks sweetie." She rubbed Kelly's long straight locks. A reasonable light brown, thank goodness. “I guess it could be worse.”

  Yes, it could’ve stayed that ghastly red she’d wanted to rip out when she was a child. She’d even had her cousin hack it all off when they were five, after a friend convinced her it would grow back straight and blonde. At least her mother was right, it finally did darken into a more tolerable auburn. Twenty years later.

  “It could be blue like Sandy’s grandmother,” Kelly said. “Although it looks kind of interesting on her.”

  Allison laughed. “I’m not sure I’m the blue hair type.”

  Suddenly she realized her daughter was still in her underwear. "Why aren't you dressed?"

  "I don't know what to wear."

  "What do you mean? You have plenty of clothes." Allison leaned into the mirror applying lipstick, hoping to add a little bit of life to her face. Maybe she should be a ghost this Halloween. Wouldn’t even need a costume.

  "But it's picture day, Mom."

  "Picture day?" Spinning around, Allison dropped the tube to the bathroom counter, slashing burgundy on white marble. "Today?"

  "Yeah, remember the note from last week?" Kelly raced over and caught the lipstick as it rolled toward the edge.

  “A note?” Allison took the tube, used a tissue to snap off the broken edge and replaced the top. She didn’t remember a note. Surely she hadn’t ignored her child while juggling work, school and the million other tasks on her list.

  Kelly stuck her head under the counter and pulled out a roll of paper towels and a blue liquid spray. “It was with my report card.”

  “Oh. I think I remember. I got so caught up in your grades I must have stuck the note in my purse and...” Allison grabbed the cleaner and towels from her daughter and captured her in a hug. "I’m sorry I forgot.”

  Her daughter pulled back and grinned. “I think you owe me ice cream for this.”

  Allison shook her head and smiled, letting some of her guilt dissolve. “A triple scoop I’d say.” She released Kelly then gently shoved her out the bathroom door. "Let’s go find the perfect outfit.”

  “What about the mess?”

  “I’ll get it in a minute. Your clothes first.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Kelly ran toward her room. “Let’s find something blue. It’s my favorite.”

  “Shouldn’t be a problem since that’s all you want to buy anymore.” Allison set the cleaning supplies on the bathroom floor and followed her daughter. How did she luck up and have such an understanding child?

  "Hi, I'm Brett Tyler. I have a meeting with Allison."

  Hearing his voice outside her office, Allison’s stomach clenched.


  "I heard, Susie." She interrupted her administrative assistant standing in the door. "Offer him some coffee or something and tell
him I'll be just a few more minutes."

  She slid the papers from her desk to their labeled hanging folder in the credenza then located the carnival file.

  This was only a meeting about a school carnival. She was in control. Fidgeting with the file, she positioned it in the middle of her desk blotter. Every day she met with the officers of the bank and breezed right through without a thought. Closing her eyes, she practiced the relaxation technique she’d learned in high school. It had taken her through exams, college interviews, and into her success at the bank, it could surely get her through a few minutes with Brett Tyler.

  Stopping at the door to her office, she watched him.

  Relaxing in a leather chair, he was immersed in a financial magazine. He certainly wasn’t nervous, she thought, as he shifted his elbow to the arm of the chair and kept reading.

  With his short sun tipped brown hair and tan skin, she could tell he hadn’t spent his summer in an office. Distinctive, thin white lines ran from the outer edge of his eyes and into his hairline, obviously made by the sunglasses tucked in his front shirt pocket. Allison remembered her last three months of non-stop work. She would’ve killed to get outdoors, even for a day.

  Dressed casually in a navy long-sleeved shirt with the cuffs turned up at the wrists and pressed khakis, nice loafers, tan legs...

  "You ready?"

  "What?" She jumped at his voice.

  Brett stood, resting his hands on his hips and smiling. "Let’s talk carnival."

  As Brett stepped toward her, she turned, took a deep breath and calmly walked into her office. She was fine. This would be easy.

  "Come on in." She motioned to the visitor’s chair across from her desk. “Hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the office.”

  “Not at all.”

  She reached for her notebook as she sat. She needed to get busy and get him out of here before she did something more foolish than ogling his legs.

  "I've outlined the tasks I think are required for the Carnival." She glanced his way. He relaxed back in his chair, his legs spread wide in a typical male fashion.

  She quickly shifted her eyes to his face when she realized she’d been staring at his large hands resting on the tops of his thighs. She needed to get him out of her office. Now. "I was on the committee last year, so I know what it involves," she said in a rush.


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