Do Not Disturb

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Do Not Disturb Page 11

by Lisa Ballenger

  She ran her hands down her night-shirt, imagining what it would feel like to sleep naked. To cuddle up next to Brett's muscular frame and run a leg down his thigh.

  She had to stop this or she’d never sleep. Maybe if she closed her eyes and thought of work. That should cool her off.

  Interest rates.

  Certificates of deposit.

  Brett's shoulders.

  Oh well...she’d tried.


  Local news droned from the radio in Allison's kitchen as she toasted a bagel for Kelly's breakfast and microwaved water for her instant coffee.

  "It looks like we're in for a late season hurricane, folks. Lewis has turned due north and strengthened to a category three."

  Sticking the knife into the cream cheese, she ran to the television, flipping through stations until she found the weather channel. "Come on, come one, give me a local update."

  The promo promised more information in four minutes. She turned off the radio and stationed herself in front of the television to wait.

  "Yes, it looks like bad news for the Gulf coast of Florida. Just when we thought hurricane season was over, tropical storm Lewis decided to take a wicked turn and head right for the Tampa Bay area. We understand local authorities are meeting now to discuss the possibilities of evacuations.”

  She took a step closer to the television, glaring at the announcer. “You have got to be kidding. Evacuation?”

  The announcer interrupted her accusations. “Typically it's just the coastal towns west of Tampa that have forced evacuations, but, I think it will affect Tampa too this time. We should have an update on their plans in about an hour. For now it looks like the storm should land Tuesday afternoon around two."

  Allison clicked off the television with disgust. She did not have time for this. The audit had just started at work, she had to finish her thesis, she was already behind schedule...

  The phone rang as she threw the remote toward the sofa.

  "Hello." Allison held the phone with her hunched up shoulder, gathered her briefcase and purse, and headed to Kelly's bedroom. "Yes, Mom. I heard. Are you and Dad leaving?"

  "I don't know yet, but I'll call you at Aunt Belle's tonight and let you know what we're doing.” She stopped at the door to her daughter’s room. “Drive carefully."

  Kelly kneeled in her closet, rummaging through shoes as Allison hung up. "We need to leave, sweetie. I have a feeling school will be letting out early today and I need to get a few things done at the office."

  "Why, Mom?" Kelly looked up, tennis shoes in her hands.

  "They say a hurricane's headed this way."

  Kelly screamed. "A hurricane. Wow. Can we go to the beach and see the waves? They're supposed to be fantastic."

  Allison frowned at her daughter. "A hurricane is not fun, Kelly. We may have to head inland if they evacuate the area.”

  “Really?” Kelly followed her mother to the garage. “Where would we go?”

  “I’m not sure yet. Jump in the car.”

  Allison stuck her head in Walter’s office to find him focusing on his computer screen. "You're early."

  "Just a minute." He waved her in, but continued to jot notes on a pad sitting at an angle to his hand. "There. All done."

  He glanced up as Allison sat on the edge of the chair across from his desk. "You ready to leave town?" He closed his leather notebook and slipped it into a briefcase sitting open on his desk. "I can't believe we're getting a hurricane so late. One of the latest ever on record I think."

  She bit her lip. "I know. And I really don’t have time to take off this week. With the audit and my..."

  "Allison.” He warned, typing rapidly on his computer. “You're not staying around here if they order us to evacuate."

  She walked around his desk and leaned over his shoulder. "Oh no." She pointed to the headline of local news. "Looks like I don’t have a choice." She backed out of his office. "I'd better get packed. I'm sure the schools will be out soon.” She raised her voice as she entered her office. “I'll turn on my radio and give you updates."

  By the time she heard schools were closing in two hours, her desk was organized and her computer turned off.

  Should she call Brett? Find out what he’s doing? She hesitated a moment, her hand on the phone. Oh, what the heck.


  "Allison. I was just going to call you, but I wasn't sure where you'd be."

  “I’m still at the office.” She put him on her speaker and scurried around the office, packing her laptop and computer back-up files and talking. "You want me to pick up Caroline and bring her by your place? I’m heading out now to the school."

  "Thanks, but I can get them both if you want. It's closer for me if you're still at your office."

  "Okay. If you're sure." She stuffed her thesis files in her briefcase. "Have you planned where you're going?"

  "I'll be honest, this whole hurricane evacuation thing is new to me. We didn't have a lot of them in Northern Virginia."

  She stopped to consider her idea, then plunged ahead. "Why don’t we go somewhere together?”

  She held her breath, waiting for his reaction.

  “You just lead the way and I’ll follow.”

  “Well, I do know the backroads so we shouldn't get caught in traffic. But you need to pick out a hotel this side of Orlando and reserve two rooms."

  “There are tons of hotels aren’t there? Let’s make it an adventure and...

  “This is no time for an adventure, Brett.”

  “All right, mother. I’ll take care of the hotel. And I'll drive. There's more room in the Range Rover than your Honda." He stopped for a second. "And, Allison. Thanks for calling."

  The clerk at the hotel counter grew more frazzled as the crowds in his lobby expanded.

  Brett smiled smugly. “I had no idea Orlando would be this much of a zoo. Even the backroads were a mess." He nodded as they moved one person closer to the desk. "It's looking pretty bad for the people not as organized as us, huh?”

  She shot him a questioning look.

  “Those that didn't plan ahead," he added with a grin.

  “Right.” She patted his arm. “So glad you thought of it.”

  Caroline and Kelly sat on a nearby bench swinging their legs and giggling as harried travelers swarmed around them.

  "Only children would find a hurricane thrilling," Allison nodded toward the girls.

  "Next," a voice screamed over the noise.

  They stepped up to the counter, Brett speaking. "Two rooms under Brett Tyler. I have the reservation number here, if you need it." He slipped a scrap of paper from his shirt pocket.

  "Let's see." The twenty-something clerk scratched his head as he squinted at a screen. "Oh yeah, here it is. Tyler. You called early this morning I see. Two double beds. Right?" The clerk looked pleased, confident he could finally satisfy a customer.

  Brett frowned. "Well, yes I did say two double beds. But two rooms and two double beds in each room."

  "No. Just one room with two double beds is what we have." The clerk stiffened, obviously preparing for another customer outburst.

  "If you aren't happy here, buster, why don’t you go on up the road and check out another hotel."

  Brett and Allison spun around to the grumpy voice behind them. A red-faced man waved his credit card in the air as he chomped on an unlit cigar.

  Ignoring his suggestion, Brett turned back to the clerk. "We'll take it. But we’ll need a cot."

  "Sorry. We don’t have any more of those. Still want the room?"

  Allison moved forward. "That's fine. We'll manage."

  Brett shot her a grateful smile. "Here's my credit card.”

  Their room was on the third floor of the modern, up-scale five-story hotel. The girls ran into the room, squealing when they saw the refrigerator and microwave sitting next to the television.

  "Wow. We can cook and eat right here." Kelly pointed to amenities she rarely saw traveling with her
budget-stretching mom.

  "Very nice choice, Brett." Allison dropped her bags on one of the muted blue bedspreads. The room also had a couch, two chairs, a desk and was decorated to soothe the weary traveler. Hardwood furniture, nothing veneer. Expensive.

  "How much is this going to cost?" She whispered as the girls scrutinized the pay-per-view movie listing.

  "It's not bad. I can't remember exactly." Brett placed his hand on the small of her back.

  "You're lying."

  He smiled, running small circles over her skin as he slipped his hand under her shirt. "Just enjoy it. We needed a decent place to stay. And I'm glad I picked this now that we're sharing." He motioned to the sofa area. "It has more room to spread out."

  "Can we watch a movie tonight, Mom?"

  Allison tried to wiggle away from Brett's hand, but he’d snuck his fingers around her waist and held her next to him.

  "We'll see, sweetie. First I need to call your grandma and grandpa and let them know where we are." She nudged Brett's hand down with her elbow.

  "I think this hotel has a game room too, girls," Brett said. "Maybe you can check that out after we eat."

  Brett glanced at Allison and winked as she tried to concentrate on her phone call. She rolled her eyes in amusement, realizing he had been plotting free time for them by finding a hotel with activities for children.

  He could plan ahead when it suited him.

  Restless adolescents and teenagers packed the game room. The deafening noise level made the adults groan, but brought grins to the faces of Kelly and Caroline.

  "This is so cool," Kelly squealed. She found the token machine by the entrance and fed it the five dollars supplied by Allison.

  "We'll be over in the bar." Allison pointed to the corner of the lobby teeming with a weary crowd of hurricane escapees. "You two stay together at all times and come get us if anything happens. We'll be back in an hour."

  "Okay, Mom. We'll be fine." Kelly spotted a machine open near the door. "Let's get that one, Caroline."

  They ran over and filled it with tokens.

  "Come on, Allison, they'll be safe here." Brett put his hand on her elbow and steered her away.

  "Are you sure? They're still so young." She looked anxiously over her shoulder.

  "And they're in a room full of young people. Don't worry. They'll come get us if they need us." He located two bar stools and sat down. "Caroline may look frail, but believe me, if she needs to, she can let out a scream that would scare a bear away."

  "She can?" Allison settled back on the wooden stool and rested her elbow on the brass rail running the length of the rectangular bar.

  "I taught her." Brett grinned. "Thought it might be a deterrent if she every got cornered."

  "Interesting theory."

  "What can I get you folks?" A tall thin woman in her mid-thirties slapped napkins and a bowl of nuts on the bar.

  "I'll have a draft beer. What do you want, Allison?"

  "Same for me."

  The bartender retrieved two frozen mugs from a cooler and angled the glasses under the tap. Sliding them down the bar, she wandered off still talking. "Enjoy. My name is Nancy if you need anything. It's crazy around here, so I'll try to get back, but..."

  Allison moved her stool forward as three couples squeezed behind her in a pack. Brett's knee hit her thigh as he twisted toward the bar, making room for the couples to pass behind him. Warmth radiated through his jeans. He left it pressing tightly against her and picked up her fingers.

  "They'll see us." Allison tugged her hand free.

  He leaned in close, quickly kissing her lips before backing up to watch her shocked face. "How can they see anything through this mob, even if they were paying any attention to us? Besides, as I keep telling you, it's okay for them to see us together. I think they’ve figured out we like each other by now."

  She looked down as he rubbed the top of her hand. "I guess you're right."

  "That's better. Let's enjoy the evacuation."

  "You know, Brett, I should be working, not sitting here in the bar. The audit and my thesis -"

  "Relax for a few hours. You can work tomorrow morning." He squeezed her hand. "I'll take the girls to a movie or somewhere."

  "You are a very nice man.” She reached out and gently touched his face. “Did you know that?"

  He smiled as her hand dropped to the bar. "I know what you're going through, remember?"

  "I remember." She was beginning to appreciate the advantage of being with a man who understood her job. Her ambitions. Even if he'd changed the direction of his own life.

  "Do you realize this is the closest we've come to a date?" He raised his eyebrows and grinned. "And we're staying in the same hotel room."

  "Don't get any ideas. This is about as romantic as we'll be able to manage while we're here."

  "Unfortunately you're probably right, so let's take advantage of the privacy created by all these people." He wrapped his hand around her neck, pulling her in for a deep kiss.

  She made a small effort to resist, but he followed her mouth with his own as she shifted in her seat, keeping his lips connected to hers. Her body responded immediately, even as her mind told her to stop.

  "Brett," she mumbled under his lips. "We can't do this in public."

  "Why not? People do it all the time." He shot his eyes back and forth around the room. "See."

  She watched couples around the bar. Arms around shoulders and waists. Bodies pressed tightly against each other. Short, passionate kisses being exchanged in the dim, smoky atmosphere.

  "True. But I wonder how many of them have children across the lobby in the game room?"

  "Probably all of them." He kissed her cheek. "And they're all sharing rooms tonight, so they're making the best of the situation."

  "I think you're making that up to get me to give in.” She narrowed her eyes at his explanation. “Aren't you?"

  "Maybe. But it sounds good, don't you think?"

  "Another round?" Nancy the bartender interrupted the mood.

  "Yes. But put them in plastic cups and bring our bill, please." He scooped a few nuts from the bowl.

  "What are you planning now?" Allison nervously looked at her watch. "We don't have long before the girls will be expecting us."

  "Thanks, Nancy." He threw cash on the bar, picked up the beers and hopped off his stool. "Follow me."

  They weaved through the throng that now packed the bar. He led her down a short hall near the game room, then backed into the exit door at the end of the hall and turned to Allison. "After you." He held the door open with his body.

  "This goes outside." She stuck her head out the door. Bushy trees flanked the concrete walk and although it was dark, she could see the swimming pool a few yards ahead.

  He ushered her through the door. "We'll just sit our here for a few minutes. It's quieter."

  "And windy and cool." Allison wrapped her arms around her shivering body.

  "It's not that bad." He dragged two pool recliners close together and up against the bushes, sat down and motioned to the other chair. "Hardly any wind here."

  She crawled onto the chair abutted to Brett's and took the beer from his hands. "Just for a few minutes. Then we need to get back inside."

  He nodded. "Sure. But it's nice to be alone. Even for a few minutes." He rotated his head toward her, resting his cheek on the chair webbing. "Isn't it?"

  Twisting her body toward him, her face stopped inches from his lips. His gray eyes sparkled in the lights streaming from the hotel rooms surrounding the pool.


  Just as his mouth touched hers, a gust of wind whipped through the pool area, followed by rain.

  "What?" They jumped out of the chairs and ran to the hotel door. A metal overhang projecting over the concrete walk protected them from drowning.

  The looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  "It's hopeless." He hugged her quickly. "I guess we'll get the girls and head back to the room
for a movie.

  She tipped her head up and kissed him passionately. "It was a nice thought." She let him go and opened the door.

  "Wow." He caught up and nuzzled her ear. "Is that what I can expect Friday night on our date?"

  "You'll have to wait and see."

  They stopped at the entrance to the game room and grimaced. The girls were indistinguishable in the mass of youth.

  "Do you want to go in or shall I?" Brett asked, a pained look on his face.

  "You go. You're taller and can breathe above the crowd." Allison snatched his beer out of his hand and gave him a shove with her elbow. "Good Luck."

  Kelly and Caroline, having memorized the movie listings during their afternoon tour of the hotel room, ran to the television, ready to watch.

  "Let's watch Bad News Bears - The Championship Game." Kelly suggested.

  "Aren't those kids a little too old to be playing ball now?" Allison groaned. "How long ago was that first movie anyway?"

  "I don't know." Kelly clicked on the television and began punching the channel selector. "I watched the original on cable reruns."

  "Let me see what other choices we have." Brett picked up the movie guide. "Ummmmm. I think we may have to select another movie."

  He walked over to Allison, holding out the guide and pointing to the movie listings. "Here's their choice. What do you think, mom?"

  Allison's eyes grew wide as she read the write-up. "See the local temp agency's nude girl's baseball team battle the boys from across town for the trophy. Starring porn queen, Babs, as the pitcher. ‘Bad News Bares - The Championship Game’ - Rated XXX."

  "I knew they were too old to still be playing." Allison took the listing. "We'll need to find another movie."

  "But, Mom." Kelly moaned. "Why?"

  "Kelly." Allison tried to maintain a straight face. "You obviously didn't read about the movie, did you?"

  "Well..." Kelly screwed up her face and shrugged. "Not really."

  "It's rated X." Allison scanned the listings, avoiding Brett's eyes. "Several Xs actually."


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