Rachel's Cowboy

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Rachel's Cowboy Page 7

by Judy Christenberry

  “There!” Rachel said, pointing to a skein at the bottom, visible through the clear plastic side of the bin.

  “Yes! That’s it! Oh, I’m so glad you found it, Rachel.” Madge told the salesman who approached them how much she needed.

  J.D. stood there with his hands on his hips. “It sounded like she was describing the color of someone’s eyes,” he muttered.

  Rachel wasn’t sure he knew he’d spoken aloud, but she agreed with him. “Do you know anyone with eyes that color?”

  “I don’t really notice men’s eyes,” he whispered wryly.

  She shrugged, avoiding looking at his brown ones. She didn’t need to. She’d been seeing them in her fantasies for six months.

  Whoa! She’d best not go down that road. Better to focus on the purpose of her shopping trip. Stepping closer to the salesman, she said, “Where are your boots?”

  “Over against the wall. I’ll be right there to help you.”

  Rachel guessed she’d just discovered one of the limitations of shopping in Prairie View. There seemed to be only one person to wait on the customers.

  Several types of boots were displayed against the far wall. She stood there looking at them, at a loss about how to choose the right pair.

  “I can help you, Rachel,” J.D. said in a low growl.

  She took a step away from him and replied, “I need to know what kind of boots to buy.”

  “If you’re going to be a cowgirl, you need this type,” he said, reaching past her for a black boot.


  “The shape of the heel and the pointed toe help you keep your feet in the stirrups.”

  “But I don’t know how to ride,” Rachel said, her eyes wide.

  “You will, sweetheart, you will,” he assured her.

  There they were, communicating with their eyes again! She had to put a stop to this. If she only knew how.

  Chapter Six

  When they returned home, Rachel volunteered to fix sandwiches for all three of them so Madge could work on her project.

  “Oh, no, I can— Well, if you don’t mind, that would be wonderful,” she said. Without waiting for any response, she hurried to her room.

  Rachel refused to look at J.D.

  “Something seems to be going on with Madge,” he finally said. “You got any ideas?”

  “Not unless you have a cowboy with moss-green eyes.”

  “You really think she’s…interested in one of my cowboys?” J.D. didn’t sound as if he’d believe such a thing even if Rachel could offer proof.

  Rachel looked up from the sandwiches she’d begun preparing and glared at him. “So what if she is? What’s wrong with that? Why can’t Madge have a little romance in her life?”

  “Why are you so upset?”

  “Madge told me about her husband dying in Vietnam. She’s been alone for a long time. I think she deserves to find someone else to share life with.” Rachel turned her back so J.D. wouldn’t see the tears that had filled her eyes.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face him. “Why does it mean so much to you?”

  “I—I’ve been alone most of my life. My adoptive mother wasn’t…warm. And I always felt something was missing. I didn’t know what until I was reunited with Rebecca and Vanessa. Now, even though I’m not living in Dallas, all I have to do is pick up the phone and I can share my feelings with someone who cares about me.”

  To her surprise, J.D. put his arms around her. “I wouldn’t begrudge Madge finding someone to share her life. She’s a good woman. But I haven’t seen any signs of it until today.” He pulled Rachel closer so her head rested on his shoulder. “It’ll be all right. I’ll look at all my cowboys’ eyes today and report back to you. How’s that?”

  She raised her head. “That will be good.” Then she stepped out of his arms before she gave in to the feeling of safety…and excitement. “I’ll finish the sandwiches. You have about fifteen minutes until everything is ready.”

  “I guess I’ll work on my papers. I’ve got a lot of info to put into the computer.”

  “I didn’t know you had a computer. Where is it?”

  J.D. walked across the big kitchen to some shelves close to the fireplace and a big lump covered by a tablecloth. He pulled the cloth off. “Here it is. Madge believes the dust will get in it and ruin it. She covered it up before the last sandstorm we had.”

  “Do you mind if I use it to e-mail my sisters? That is, if you have an Internet connection.” Anticipation lit up her face.

  “You know how to use a computer?”

  “Oh, yes. I like to use it to organize my finances and to do research on companies I want to invest in. And, of course, to send e-mails.”

  “Help yourself. I’ve had some basic lessons, but I’m not very good at it. I’m months behind putting in the information I’ve collected.”

  “What do you use it for?”

  “I track the individual cows’ production, which means how many calves they have each year, the quality of their babies, etc. I keep track of which pastures I plant each year, so I can successfully rotate crops, figure how much hay I produce and how much feed I need to buy. And, of course, I keep my finances on it—if I ever get caught up putting in my bills.”

  “I could enter some of the information for you. It would give me something to do that wouldn’t be too physically demanding…if you want me to.”

  “Are you serious?” J.D. asked. “It would be great for me, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind. I enjoy using a computer,” Rachel said before she returned to fixing the sandwiches. While she did so, J.D. gathered up some information he wanted to have entered into the computer.

  “Call Madge to lunch, J.D., please.” Rachel carried various plates to the table.

  “Right.” He put down a pile of papers and turned toward Madge’s bedroom, knocking on the door. “Madge? Lunch is ready.”

  When she came out, she seemed to be the same old Madge, a warm smile on her lips. “Oh, Rachel, you did a fine job fixing lunch.”

  “Thank you, Madge.” Rachel loved the praise Madge gave her at every turn. Her mother had been highly critical.

  They sat down and ate their lunch in silence. Rachel had so much to think about.

  “You want to try out your new boots tomorrow morning?” J.D. suddenly asked.

  She looked up in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “Your first riding lesson. If I only have a month, I should get started turning you into Annie Oakley.”

  Rachel stared at him.

  “J.D., I don’t think—” Madge was silenced by J.D. waving his hand.

  “Well, Rachel?” He stood and placed his hands on his hips, as if ready to do battle. He was throwing down a challenge and expected an answer.

  Rachel knew what she should say. But something in her responded to that challenge in his eyes. “Thank you, J.D. I’d like to learn to ride, though I’m not promising I’ll be up to Annie Oakley’s standards.”

  “Okay. Madge can have you afternoons and evenings, but I get the mornings, before you grow too tired. You’ll have to wake up early, though. We’ll start the lessons at 8:00 a.m.”

  Rachel swallowed. But riding would be good for her, she realized. She’d been very lazy, sleeping until nine every morning. “Okay.”

  J.D. looked even more surprised than she felt. “Good. We’ll start slowly, I promise.” With that proclamation he spun on his heel and left the kitchen.

  Rachel stared into space, still trying to comprehend what she’d agreed to.

  “Are you sure about this, Rachel? Because if you’re not, I can talk to J.D. He’ll understand.” Madge stared at her, waiting for an answer.

  “I’d be crazy to turn down the opportunity to learn how to ride from a real cowboy. All my friends will be jealous.” Rachel tried to smile, but was afraid her lips were trembling. “You—you don’t think it’s a good idea?”

  “If it’s what you want to do, I
guess it’ll be fine. J.D. will be a good teacher.”

  “I’m sure he will be.”

  J.D. was good at everything he did, she thought. Everything. She thought back to their night together. Yes, nobody had done to her what J.D. had—made her feel so special, so loved.

  The silence was broken by Madge. “It’s just that Vivian told me you were upset at seeing him again. I thought maybe you wouldn’t want to be around him.”

  Rachel couldn’t meet the older woman’s gaze. She knew her cheeks were red. “We—we had a problem in communication, Madge, but I’m okay with being here. And I’ll enjoy those lessons.”

  “It’s your decision.”

  “May I have breakfast at seven-thirty tomorrow morning? I’ll be glad to fix it.”

  “Don’t be silly, child. Of course I’ll fix your breakfast. Do you need me to wake you up, too?”

  “There’s an alarm clock beside my bed.” Rachel managed to look at Madge and smile gamely. “I guess I’ll try out my boots in the morning.” She stuck her feet out in front of her. “They look good, don’t they?”

  Madge chuckled. “Honey child, you’ll give Annie Oakley a run for her money even if you can’t ride or shoot anything. You’ll look much better than she did.”

  “Well, at least I can win one way.” When the thought struck her, she felt her cheeks blanch. “J.D. won’t expect me to learn to shoot, will he?”

  “I don’t think that’s in his plans. If you were going to live here for a long time, you’d need to learn, but not for a short visit.”

  “Why would I need to learn to shoot?” Rachel asked with a frown.

  “We’re a long way from nowhere. What if someone broke in? Even if you managed to call the police, it might be half an hour before they could get here. Or what if you were out riding and a pack of coyotes came after you and your horse? Or you ran across a big rattler?”

  Rachel shuddered. “But surely those things don’t happen very often!”

  “No, but when they do, it’s too late to learn. You’ll notice all our men carry rifles on their saddles.”


  “Don’t worry, child, they seldom have to use them.” While she talked, Madge was taking out her knitting. “If you don’t mind clearing the table, I’ll do the dishes later.”

  “I’ll do them, Madge. You’ve done enough work for me lately.” She began stacking dishes, taking them to the sink and running dishwater.

  “You can put them in the dishwasher, dear,” Madge pointed out.

  “I know, but there are so few, I’ll just wash them. Besides, there’s something satisfying about doing dishes.”

  The two women exchanged a smile.

  After she’d finished, Rachel told Madge she was going to lie down for a little while. She had no intention of going to sleep, but when she finally stirred, the clock read four-fifteen.

  She hurried to the kitchen. “Madge, I’m so sorry. I fell asleep. Can I help you with dinner?”

  “Oh, no, dear. I have another casserole in the oven.”

  “I’ve got to learn those casserole recipes. They always taste good.”

  “Thank you, dear.” Madge smiled at her. “It’s just a matter of following a recipe, and you can already do that.”

  “Maybe. Well, if you don’t need me to help, I think I’ll send some e-mails to my sisters. J.D. said I could use the computer.”

  “I’m sure he did. He certainly doesn’t want to do so.”

  “He said he didn’t mind if I input this information on his livestock,” Rachel said, pointing to a pile of papers.

  Madge laughed. “He’ll love you forever if you do all that work for him. It will far outweigh the riding lessons you’ll be getting.”

  “Oh, thank you, Madge. I was feeling bad about the free riding lessons, but I’ll do his computer work in exchange. What a good idea.”

  Rachel sat down at the computer and soon became engrossed, first communicating with her sisters, then sorting through J.D.’s papers. She read through his files and began to find a pattern, moving quickly.

  When he came in for dinner, she had several questions for him.

  “Rachel, I didn’t mean you should begin at once,” he protested.

  “Oh, no, Madge gave me the idea that I could do your computer work in return for riding lessons. Is that okay with you?”

  She looked so pleased with the idea, J.D. couldn’t argue. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the arrangement, just that she was getting the short end of the bargain. The computer work could take forever.

  At least he thought so, until she showed him what she’d already done.

  “Did you spend all afternoon working? I didn’t intend for you to do that. You need to rest.”

  “I took a three-hour nap this afternoon, J.D. I don’t think I’m suffering too much.” She saved what she’d been working on and turned off the computer.

  “I’ll set the table, Madge,” she said as she crossed to the table. She knew the routine.

  “All right, dear.” Madge was checking the casserole. “I do believe this is done,” she said as she drew the dish out of the oven. “Rachel, would you put some hot pads on the table for me?”

  Rachel did as she asked.

  J.D. stood there, feeling out of place in his own kitchen. Rachel seemed right at home. It was a strange feeling. He’d dreamed that she would be in his house once more, but he hadn’t expected to feel left out.

  “Shall I fix the drinks?” he asked.

  Madge stared at him, surprised. “Well, that’d be nice, J.D. Pour some milk for Rachel. We’ve got to make sure her bones are strong if she’s going to start riding lessons.”

  He frowned. “Don’t scare her, Madge.”

  She grinned at both young people. “Of course not.”

  “He’s afraid I won’t finish his computer work,” Rachel teased.

  “Honey, if you finish my computer work, you’ll be here till Christmas,” J.D. drawled. “All I’m hoping is you get me caught up a little.”

  “I’ll do that, J.D., I promise.”

  The smile she gave him warmed him more than Madge’s casserole.

  J.D. CAME BACK to the house at eight the next morning, planning on having a cup of coffee and maybe a biscuit left over from breakfast. He figured Rachel wouldn’t be ready on time. Women never were.

  But when he opened the kitchen door, Rachel jumped up from the table, looking great in her new jeans and cowboy boots. Grabbing a lightweight jacket, she announced, “I’m ready.”

  “Uh, okay. Do you mind if I have a little coffee before we start?”

  Rachel stared at him. “Okay, if that’s what you want.” She sat back down.

  J.D. took one of the biscuits left from breakfast and looked at Rachel. “Have you ever tried jelly on one of Madge’s biscuits?”

  “No, I haven’t,” she replied.

  The way her eyes rested on him, he damn near felt them to his core. What was it with this woman that they seemed to spark off each other whenever their eyes met, even in this domestic setting? “Here, I’ll show you.” He cut the biscuit in half, slathered it with blackberry jelly and held it out to her. “Eat.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m not trying to diet now, J.D. Stanley, or I’d be a very unhappy woman.” She followed his instructions and reached for the biscuit, but J.D. pulled it back. Then he held it to her mouth himself.

  He knew this was trouble—heck, his mind kept screaming a warning at him—but he did it anyway. The second she parted her lips to accept his offering, he thought he’d drop to his knees, forget his vow to Vivian and beg Rachel to kiss him with those full, pink lips. Especially after she took a bite and then licked his finger where the jam had spilled.

  “Oh my, that was really good,” she said in an odd voice. Was she being suggestive? J.D. couldn’t tell. Funny, how the last time she’d been at the ranch he could practically read her mind, but now he was unable to decipher her glances and tone. “Madge, you’re a genius in the k
itchen.” The way she turned on her heel and focused her delight on his housekeeper told him that he’d totally misread her. She was talking about food, not him.

  Damn, but this woman had him all out of sorts.

  When Madge approached, J.D. pulled himself out of his funk.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she said, smiling as she wiped her wet hands on her apron. “Now, get on your way, you two. And be careful. I don’t want any accidents.”

  “We’ll be fine, Madge,” J.D. reassured her. “I’m starting her out on Mandy.”

  “Oh, good.”

  “Who’s Mandy?” Rachel asked, frowning.

  “She’s a horse. Actually, she was my first real horse. I got her when I was twelve. She’s twenty years old now and doesn’t run anywhere if she can walk. So she’ll be safe for you to learn the basics on.” He turned to Madge. “I’ll have her back in about an hour.”

  Rachel followed him out of the house. “I only get to ride an hour?”

  J.D. grinned. “By that time your body will be screaming for a hot bath.”

  “I may have never ridden a horse before, J.D., but I am in good shape. At least I was.”

  “Horseback riding uses different muscles, Rachel. We’ll see how you’re doing after an hour.”

  She found herself gritting her teeth, determined to show him how capable she was, even if she ached in every muscle she had.

  She followed him to a corral where only one horse waited. “Where’s your horse?”

  J.D. looked at her. “My horse?”

  “Well, yes, if we’re going to ride, you’ll need a horse, won’t you?”

  J.D. laughed. “Honey, the only place you’ll be riding for several days will be in this corral.”

  “You mean I’m just going to ride around in circles for an hour? That doesn’t sound like much fun to me.”

  “I don’t remember saying it was going to be fun. I said I would teach you to ride.”

  She glared at him and waited silently for directions.

  He climbed the fence and dropped down into the corral. “Are you going to stay out there, or are you going to join me and Mandy?”

  Without a word, Rachel followed him.

  “Mandy? Come here, girl.” J.D. had half an apple in his hand, holding it out to the horse, who ambled over to take it into her mouth. He petted her, slapping her shoulder affectionately.


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