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Erotomaniac Page 5

by Jon Athan

  There was something dirty in the bathroom, though: the laundry hamper.

  Ethan swallowed the lump in his throat, then he shambled into the room. He grabbed fistfuls of the dirty laundry with his trembling hands. He held the panties, bras, and t-shirts up to his mouth and nose, then he took a large whiff. The scent of a woman lingered on the clothing – and it aroused him profusely.

  He shuddered as he rubbed his crotch. Like a dog at the dinner table, he whiffed and trembled with excitement. He couldn't control himself. His bottom lip quivered as he licked the crotch of a pink thong – delicious. He shoved the pink thong into his pocket and tossed the rest of the clothes into the basket. He tried to organize the dirty laundry, hoping Emiko did not have a photographic memory like him.

  In a nervous whisper, Ethan stuttered, “It–It's fine... It's fine.” He patted his pocket and stuttered, “Th–Thank... Thank you for the... the gift.”

  He returned to the hallway, struggling to keep his composure. He opened the first door to the left. He found himself staring into a small storage closet. He already had her underwear in his pocket, so he wasn't interested in her coats. He thought about sniffing her high heels, but he fought off the peculiar urge.

  Ethan rubbed the nape of his neck as he approached the final door to his right. He stared into the room, amazed. The computer desk, the dresser, the shelves on the walls... None of it mattered to him. He only focused on the queen-sized bed at the center of the room.

  Emiko slept peacefully on the bed, covered in a red blanket as she nuzzled a white pillow. The straps on her blue nightgown could be seen over the blanket. Her hair was tied in a tousled bun, too. In her sleep, her natural beauty shone like the sun on a summer day, Her beauty brought tears to Ethan's eyes.

  Overjoyed, Ethan whispered, “I'm... I'm here. I'm home.”


  Ethan inhaled deeply, then he tiptoed into the room. He carefully placed his backpack beside the bed, then he knelt down as if he were about to pray before going to sleep. He pulled a particulate mask out of the bag, then he put it on. The mask covered his nose and mouth. He pulled a handkerchief and a bottle of ether out of his bag. He poured the ether onto the handkerchief.

  Ethan leaned closer to Emiko's face. He gently rubbed the handkerchief on her nose and mouth. He didn't want to suffocate her, he only wanted to knock her unconscious. He knew it wasn't like the movies. He had to hold the moist cloth over her face for a few minutes before she was really knocked out. The effects of the ether wouldn't last very long, either.

  Realizing she was unconscious, the intruder placed the hanky on the neighboring nightstand. He pulled the blanket off of Emiko's body, then he leered at her figure. He stared at her chest – he could see her erect nipples through her nightgown. He turned his attention to her bare legs, then to her feet. He glanced at Emiko's face, making sure she was truly unconscious, then he started lifting her nightgown up to her belly button – an outie.

  He reluctantly pulled his mask down to his neck as he leaned forward. He couldn't resist. He kissed her stomach, then he licked a circle around her bellybutton. He moved down and pecked at her thighs. He stopped down at her feet. The man had a foot fetish – and Emiko's feet were freshly pedicured. He licked her soles, then he sucked on her toes. A slurping sound echoed through the room, but Emiko did not awaken.

  Ethan moved up and kissed her legs. He stopped at her waist, then he kissed her crotch – planting his lips on her blue underwear. Yet again, he was fully erect and ready to go. He could have pulled her panties down and raped her, but he didn't want to taint her. He was convinced that she was a virgin. She would wait for him as long as he waited for her – or so he thought.

  He shook his head and whispered, “No, not yet. Not like this. I have to... I have to give you what you asked for.”

  Ethan dabbed her face with the handkerchief again, making sure she stayed unconscious during the imminent procedure. He returned the moist handkerchief to the nightstand, then he riffled through his backpack.

  He pulled a jar filled with semen out of the bag. The small jar held approximately 25-milliliters of semen – nearly an ounce of cum, or 4 ejaculations on a good day. He carefully placed the jar on the floor. He wouldn't be able to fill it if he spilled it. He reached into his bag, then he pulled out a needleless syringe with a plunger and a tube.

  Artificial insemination: the act of injecting semen into a vagina without sexual intercourse.

  Ethan knew all about artificial insemination. Again, it wasn't like the movies. He couldn't just jam a turkey baster into her vagina and fill her with his semen. No, the process required finesse.

  He drew back on the plunger with nothing but air, then he pushed down on the plunger – the syringe was ready. He slowly sucked the semen into the syringe. He gently tapped the syringe in order to get rid of the air bubbles. He didn't want to fill her vagina with air after all, he wanted to fill her up with his semen.

  Ethan dabbed her face with the handkerchief again – she was still unconscious. He grabbed her shoulder, then he rolled her onto her stomach. He grabbed one of the pillows and placed it under her waist in order to raise her hips, then he took off her underwear.

  He stopped for a moment as he ogled her genitalia. He spread her cheeks as he stared at her clean pussy and anus. He smacked his lips like a starved man waiting for his meal, eager for a taste of her cinnamon ring.

  He shook his head and whispered, “Stop it, Ethan. It can wait. You have to wait, okay?”

  Misty-eyed, he rapidly blinked as he tried to clear his vision. He connected the needleless syringe to the tube, then he shoved the other end of the catheter into Emiko's vagina. He guided the tube to her cervix, then he pushed down on the syringe's plunger. He attempted to fill her uterus with his semen.

  As he stared at his semen, Ethan whispered, “Go get 'em, little guys. Make us proud.”

  Upon finishing, he pulled the tube out of her vagina. He tossed the supplies into his backpack, then he pulled a white wand massager out of his bag – a vibrator. Artificial insemination worked best with an orgasm.

  Fortunately for Ethan, a state of awareness was not required for orgasms.

  The wand buzzed as he pushed on the switch. He held the wand between the pillow and Emiko's clitoris. He occasionally moved it up-and-down, he even thought about shoving his fingers into her vagina, but he didn't want to wake her with his movements. He was taking a very dangerous risk already. Sweat dripped from his brow as he gently shook the vibrator under her clitoris. He was simultaneously excited and terrified.

  On one hand, he enjoyed pleasuring his lovers; on the other, he was afraid of getting caught. Still, he figured if a privileged college student could get out of trouble after raping a drunk student, he could evade the law as well. He snapped out of his contemplation as Emiko trembled. Her thighs and ass jiggled a little as her toes curled. She didn't moan loudly, but she was undeniably having an orgasm.

  Ethan whispered, “Beautiful.”

  He turned the wand off, then he shoved the vibrator into his backpack. He returned all of the remaining supplies – the jar of cum, the bottle of ether, and the hanky – to his bag. He lifted Emiko's underwear to her waist and pulled her nightgown down, then he flipped her onto her back. He tossed the pillow up to the headrest, too.

  Everything was returned to its proper place.

  Ethan lifted the blanket up to her chest and whispered, “Thank you for inviting me to your home, princess. When you wake up tomorrow, you will still be pure. I'll keep our love a secret, too, okay? I'll check up on you over the next few weeks. I'll make sure the baby is doing well. Our family is going to be perfect, I promise.” He smiled and kissed her, planting a tender kiss on her lips. As he tiptoed out of the room with the bag slung over his shoulder, Ethan said, “Good night, princess. I love you.”

  Ethan tiptoed his way out of the apartment and crept out of the building. Like a shadow at night, he wasn't seen or heard by anyone. He hopped into his ca
r and absconded from the crime scene, hurtling towards a brighter future.

  Chapter Nine

  Happy Birthday!

  “You look beautiful today, sweetie,” Ethan said as he stared at Emiko from afar.

  Ethan sat in the driver's seat of his car in the parking lot beside the diner. The sky was overcast with clouds, rain poured onto the city and cascaded down the windshield, but he could still see the love of his life in the eatery.

  Emiko, unaware of her stalker's presence, smiled as she helped her patrons. She was molested by Ethan only two weeks earlier, but she didn't realize it. Despite the frigid weather and the special circumstances of the day, she still wore her plain uniform with pride – what a woman.

  Why was the day special? Well, it was November 26, 2016. According to her Facebook profile page, it was Emiko's birthday.

  Ethan said, “You look beautiful everyday, but... you're shining today. Twenty-one years old... You turn 21 today, princess. That's special. It's very special. It's when we become real adults. I... I brought you something to celebrate. I hope you like it.”

  He nervously smiled as he patted his chest. He hid Emiko's gift in his coat's interior pocket – just thinking about it made him feel giddy. He took a deep breath, then he climbed out of the car. He pulled his coat over his head and jogged to the entrance of the diner. The bell chime echoed through the eatery as the door swung open.

  Ethan glanced around the diner, searching for his love. A few patrons lingered in the booths, the tables, and the bar. It wasn't as busy as before, though. Emiko had conveniently retreated into the kitchen before he arrived, too.

  Another waitress, a brunette woman, beckoned to Ethan and said, “You can seat yourself, sir. I'll be right with you.”

  Ethan nodded and followed her directions. He didn't want her as his waitress for the day, but he didn't want to cause a scene, either. He sat at the last booth to the left – the same booth where he first met Emiko. It seemed appropriate.

  As he twiddled his thumbs and stared at the table, Ethan whispered, “Emiko, Emiko... Come on out. Please, come out. Just tell them we're friends. Tell them we're really good friends. Please, come out and talk to me. Come–”

  “Sorry for the wait,” the brunette waitress said as she approached the booth. The peppy woman smiled and said, “My name is Patricia. You can call me 'Patty' if you'd like. I'll be your server today. I can get you a drink now while you look over the menu. What will it be?”

  Ethan responded, “No, um... No offense, but I'd really like it if Emiko served me – Emiko Takahashi. Can you send her out here? Please?”

  Patty furrowed her brow, baffled by the customer's request. She had never had someone ask for a specific waitress at the diner. She glanced over at the kitchen, then back at Ethan.

  She said, “Emmy is on her break right now.”

  “I can wait.”

  “O–Okay. Well, I'll... I'll ask her to come see you as soon as she's free. Let me know if you need anything in the meantime.”

  “Thank you, miss. Again, no offense. I just prefer Emiko's service.”


  As Patty departed from the kitchen, Ethan simpered like a misbehaving child. He pulled his coat open and peeked into his pocket. He hid a black ring box in the pocket. There was a 10-karat white gold diamond promise ring inside of the box. He considered purchasing something more expensive, but he didn't want to appear 'obsessive' around Emiko.

  “What are you doing here?” Emiko asked as she stood beside the booth, her arms crossed as she tapped her foot like a disappointed parent.

  Ethan said, “Emiko, it's good to see you. I was–”

  “I thought we were done with this?” Emiko interrupted in an uncertain tone.

  “Done with what?”

  “Done with this. I don't understand what you're doing here. I don't even want you to be here, either. I... I just don't want to see you, okay? I don't want to be mean, but... I don't want to see you. That's all. Please, leave.”

  Caught off guard by Emiko's hostility, Ethan responded, “I... I understand the problem, Emiko. You have to say that because...” He leaned closer and whispered, “Because they're listening and they don't want us to be together. But, I know we're meant to be together. I understand, Emiko. I know how to play their game.”

  Emiko stared at Ethan with a furrowed brow – curious, baffled, terrified. She was conflicted by a mishmash of emotions. She was afraid of Ethan's unhinged mind, but she also pitied the young man. She couldn't conjure the words to respond to his bizarre claims.

  Ethan smirked and whispered, “Listen, we can just tell everyone we're friends until we're ready to tell them the truth. Okay? Everything will be fine that way. Trust me.”

  Grimacing, Emiko responded, “I don't know what you're talking about, but you're really starting to scare me. I think you should leave before we have to call the cops.”

  “The cops? Why?”

  “Please, leave before–”

  Ethan held his index finger over his lips and waved his other hand – shush. He could see Emiko was about to scream for help. He believed she was trying to play the role of a reluctant lover. She was playing it a bit too authentically for his liking, but he forgave her.

  In a soft tone, Ethan said, “Okay, okay. I didn't realize it had to be that much of a secret. I get it, though. I'll get out of your hair in a minute and no one will ever suspect a thing. I... Well, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes.”

  Emiko did the opposite. She glared at Ethan, refusing to even spare a blink.

  A sheepish smile on his face, Ethan shrugged and whispered, “Or don't...” He pulled the gift out of his pocket, then he opened the ring box. Balancing the box on his palm, Ethan presented the ring to Emiko and said, “Happy birthday.”

  Emiko stared at the expensive ring, then she glanced at Ethan. The ring caught her off guard – she had never received such an expensive gift from anyone outside of her family. However, she was more concerned with Ethan's message: happy birthday. The baffled expression on her face spoke volumes about her thoughts: how the hell does this man know about my birthday?

  Noticing Emiko's reluctance, Ethan said, “I want you to have this. It looks expensive, but it really wasn't that much. So, don't worry about the price or anything like that. It's not an engagement ring, either. It's just a, you know... a promise ring. Go on, take it.”

  Emiko said, “No. I don't want your gifts. I don't want anything from you, sir.”

  “Wha–What? I don't understand. I did what–”

  “How did you even know it was my birthday today? Hmm? I never told you that. I don't even know you. Have you... Have you been stalking me?”

  “No, no, no. I would never do that, Emiko. I just... I... Look, I don't know what to say. I just wanted to give you a gift for your birthday. That's all. I didn't think it would bother you. Hell, I didn't want it to bother you. Why would I want to do something like that to someone like you?”

  Emiko shook her head, befuddled. She couldn't read Ethan's intentions. She understood his words, but she didn't understand the reasoning behind his actions. He appeared gentle and bashful, but she was not pleased by his persistent pursuit. She couldn't take any risks. She wasn't trying to hurt him, but she didn't want to give him any false hope, either.

  There was no relationship between the pair – and she had to make that clear.

  Emiko shouted, “Burt! Burt, I need you out here! Now!”

  Ethan sighed in disappointment, then he muttered, “Burt... Damn it...”

  Burt emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands with a white towel. He casually marched towards the booth, then he stopped upon spotting Ethan. The manager clenched his jaw and inhaled deeply through his nose, clearly frustrated.

  Burt asked, “What are you doing here, sir?”

  Ethan responded, “I was coming in for a meal and I thought I'd give Emiko a gift for her birthday.”

  “It's true,” Emiko said. “But, I don'
t want his gift and I don't want him here. He's bothering me, just like last time.”

  “No, I'm not. I just told you that I'm not trying to bother you. I'm trying to do the opposite. How could you say that about me?”

  “That's enough,” Burt interrupted in a stern tone. He jabbed his index finger at Ethan and said, “I want you to get out of my diner. Today, tomorrow, and the next day. You're not welcome here anymore. You understand me? I'm calling the cops if I see you anywhere near my diner or my employees. Get up and get out.”

  Ethan stared down at the ring box, disappointed. He returned the gift to his coat pocket, then he stood from his seat. He gazed into Emiko's eyes, begging for a chance to talk without uttering a word – please, don't do this to me.

  Burt grabbed the nape of his neck and pushed him away from the booth. Ethan lurched towards the center of the diner, barely keeping his balance.

  Burt shouted, “Don't look at her like that! Get out of here!”

  As he staggered to the exit, Ethan waved at Emiko and said, “I'm sorry. I didn't want it to be like this. I'm so sorry. I'm going to fix it. I'm going to fix me. I promise, I'll be a better man in the future. I'll be... I'll finally be good enough.”

  Ethan sniveled as he stepped into the rain. He didn't cover his head with his jacket or his arm. He just shambled to his car – soaked and disappointed.

  As they watched him from the diner, Burt said, “You need to get rid of that guy, Emmy.”

  Eyes full of pity, Emiko watched as the sedan peeled out of the parking lot. She said, “I really don't know him.”

  “Well, then you should really think about calling the police and making some sort of report. You don't know what these creeps are capable of until they actually do something. By then, it's always too late... Go ahead and take a few minutes for yourself. Holler if you need anything.”


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