Call of the Wolf (The Kohrinju Tai Saga)
Page 87
Feltier (fel-tee-YAIR)
Fhai’Tuhra (fye-TOO-rah)
Fieunas (fee-YEW-ness)
Gahjurahnge miu Grandé (GAH-jur-onj, me-yew, GRAHN-day)
Gahrbrondi (gar-BRON-dee)
Garrote (gah-ROTE; also gah-ROTT)
Geoff (jeff)
Gh’Nshyko (guh-IN-shye-kow)
Ghespahrrtha (gess-PAR-r-tha)
Ghyd (ged)
Gohbashai (GOH-bah-shye)
Gohruvae (GOR-oo-vay)
Gojai (GOH-jye)
Gondishaey (GOHN-deh-shay)
Gon’yia (GON-yay)
Gorinel (gor-in-el)
Gressit (GRESS-it)
Gymitsachi (gem-it-SAH-chee)
Hahjiufae (HAH-jew-fay)
Haht’swei (HOT-shway)
Hamges (HAM-giss)
Hestä (HESS-tah)
Hestlin (HEST-lin)
Hezk’Lien (hez-kah-LEEN)
Hmdovun (HIM-doe-vun)
Hnugh (huh-NOO-uh)
Huk-nu’Sis (hook-NOO-siss)
Itahro (ih-TAR-roh)
Izner (IZZ-ner)
J’Whanté (jh-WAN-tay)
Jann (zhahn)
Jaymes (JAY-miz)
Jethroas (jeth-ROH-us)
Jh’Rhohai (zhu-ROH-hye)
Jha’Ley (zhah-LAY)
Jhi Sung (zhee-SUNG)
Jiuk (JUKE; also JEE-yuke)
Johqu (ZHOCK).
Josephus (joe-SEE-fuss)
Kact’Ha’Juingo, yuen poh Tahnna (KACT-hah-jew-EEN-goh, yew-in-poh TAH-nah)
Kact’Ha’Shuintei, yuen poh Tahnna (KACT-hah-shoo-IN-tay, yew-in-poh TAH-nah)
Kahdjit (KAD-jit)
Kahfotaur (KAFF-oh-tor)
Kalisha (kah-LEE-shah)
Karthanook (KAR-than-ook)
Kelshinua (kel-SHIN-yew-ah)
Keoghnariu (kee-AHG-noh-roo)
King Zeuxo II (ZOOX-oh)
Kisparti (kiss-PAHR-tay)
Kiubejhan (KEW-beh-zhan)
Kl’Duryq (kel-DUR-ek)
Km’Jhai (KIM-Jye)
Kn’Yang T’Oun Shu (KIN-yang, tt-OWN, shoo)
Kohrinju Tomi (koh-RIN-jew-TOH-mee)
Komain (koe-MANE)
Kohnarahs (koh-NAH-russ)
Kohntia (koan-TEE-yah)
Kowan (KOH-one)
Kowi (KOH-wee)
Kynear (kye-NEER)
L’Sol (Lah-SOL)
Lafia (LAFF-ee-ah)
Lahnumae Ahk’Nohra (LAAN-yew-may, ack-NORE-ah)
Lahrcus (LAHR-cuss)
Lahrunce (LAAR-runce)
Lamen (LAY-men)
Lamindo (lah-MIN-doe)
Lemahr (leh-MAHR)
Leuma (LOO-mah)
Lihtosax (LEH-toe-sox)
Liu (LEW)
Lonahki (low-NAH-kee)
Lushandri (lew-SHAN-dree)
Lychiwal (LICH-ee-wall)
Mahrq (mark)
Mahrufael (mar-ROO-fay-el)
Marduk (mahr-DOOK)
Mahtoya, Gohnshier (mah-TOY-yah, gon-shee-ER)
Mehio (MEE-hee-oh)
Meidra (MEE-drah)
Melphai (MEL-fye)
Melphashic (mel-FAH-shik)
Mentahk (MIN-tahk)
Mhn’O’Quai (MINN-oh-kwoy)
Micheullous (MIH-shoo-luss)
Ml’Shain (MILL-shane)
Mohndi (MUN-dee)
Mok’Taevun (mock-TAY-vun)
Mon’Gouchett (mohn-GOH-shett)
Mon’Cique (mon-SEEK)
Montao (mohn-TAY-oh)
Mythril (mith-RILL; also MITH-ral)
N’Jiun (neh-ZHUNE)
Nahkonn (nah-KOHN)
Nakoai (nah-KOY)
Neh’Krac (neh-KRAHK)
Neispao (NAY-spow)
Nigel (NYE-gul)
Nihler (NYE-lur)
O’Zydarr (oh-ZYE-darr)
Okhliyne (ok-LYE-yins)
Orance (ORE-ance)
Oshang (OH-shang)
Panjé (PAHN-jee)
Papallo (POP-all-oh)
Parnell (par-NELL)
Patriohr (PAH-tree-or)
Pehnaché (pin-NAH-shay)
Pel’Fynqiuah (pell-FINE-kee-yew-ah)
Phalquas (FALL-kwess)
Phaul (fall)
Phostein (FOE-steen)
Ponshiu (pon-SHOO)
Pu’tahii (poo-TAH-yee)
Puhtnam Jai (PUHT-num, Jye)
Pyntahr (pin-TARR)
Qiuthox (kYEW-thox)
Raul (rah-OOL)
Ravus (RAY-vuss)
Rem’Nai Sezukte (RIM-nye-she-SOOK-tay)
René (rin-NAY)
Rh’Omé (ruh-OH-mee)
Rh’Tosh (ruh-TOSH)
Riuger (ROO-gur)
Rok’Shutai (ROK-shoo-tye)
Roveir (roe-vee-AIR)
Ruez (roo-EHZ)
Sahnuck (SAH-nook)
Sahrjiun (sahr-JOON)
Saimea (sye-MEE-ah)
Saukeir (saw-KEER)
Scientelli, Onigha (sinn-TELL-lee, oh-NYE-guh)
Setdyruhp (SET-hur-up)
Sh’Nika (shu-NEE-kah)
Sha’Rhunza (sha-ROON-zah)
Shakeil (sha-KEEL)
Shavokahf (sha-VOH-koff)
Shihnuthai (SHINN-yew-thye)
Shizen (SHYE-zen)
Shizet (SHYE-zit)
Shophut (SHOW-futt)
Shudoquar (SHOO-doe-kwar)
Siago (see-AH-goh)
Siu (SEW)
Sn’Ahquay (sin-AH-kway)
Sn’Yter-Guymar (sin-yeh-ter-GYE-mar)
Soh’Kai (soh-KYE)
Sophoria no Sha’Deim (soh-fohr-ee-ah, noe, sha-DEEM)
Sormiske (sore-MISS-kee)
Soyvette (soy-VET)
Ssuhonites (SOO-hoh-nites)
Stagus (STAY-guss)
Strattengar (STRAT-in-gar)
Sunaktat (soo-NUK-tat)
T’dahrosheim (tu-DAH-roh-sheem)
T’Kiemmer (tuh-KEE-mur)
T’romonfia Bosiur (tu-roh-MOHN-fee-ah, boh-see-YUR)
Tahlormun (tah-LOR-mun)
Tahnus (TAH-nuss)
Tahrum Shiu’Fahrah (TAR-room, shoo-FAR-rah)
Tai’Jhi Sao (tye-zhee-SAO)
Tega (TAY-guh)
Teshucarr (TESH-yew-kar)
Th’Khai (thu-Kye)
Thahndurai (THANN-dur-eye)
Thannael (thah-NAY-yel)
Thel – dohnarize Kn’Shuratt (thell-DON-ahr-eyez-ken-SHUR-att)
Thenahgo (thin-AH-goh)
Thon’Cier (thon-see-AIR)
Tiamat (TEE-ah-moht)
Tohrna-Te Sao (tor-NAH-tay-SAO)
Tohrnacios Dorcé (tor-NAH-see-ohs-DOR-say)
Trevos (TREE-vuss)
Travious (TRAV-ee-uss)
Tuat nio’Huatka (too-AHT-nee-oh-HOUT-kah)
Tyorrin (tye-OR-rinn)
U’Lahna (yew-LAH-nah)
Uke (OO-kay)
Uven (YEW-vin)
Vadid (vah-DID)
Val’Ihrus (val-EAR-us)
Val’Nahahl (VAHL-nah-hall)
Valiedo (vah-LEE-doh)
Vambrolini (vam-broh-LEE-nee)
Vensi (VIN-see)
Vyet (vuh-YET)
Verage (ver-AJH)
Vienwerbalt (VEEN-herr-balt)
Vier (vee-YEHR)
Volnien (vol-NEEN)
Wahyene (wye-YEEN)
Wihlabahk (WILL-ah-bahk)
Wydorra (wye-DOOR-ah)
Xenias (ZIN-ee-uss)
Xiahstoi (zee-AH-stoy)
Xibalba (szeh-BALL-bah)
Xiscoe (ZISS-coe)
Xn’Csero (zin-CIR-oh)
Xun-Xiudanga (zun-zoo-DANE-gah)
Y’Nesia (yah-NEE-see-ah)
Yazeir (yah-ZEER)
Yazer (YAY-zer)
Yoh-yok-tan-xio (yoh-yoak-TAN-zee-oh)
Zaeghun (ZAY-gunn)
Zahgitite (ZAG-ih-tite)
Zapcana (zap-KAH-nah)
Zhymathatt (ZHYE-mah-thaht)
Ziulnoch (ZOOL-nok)
rtio (zVER-tee-oh)
Zynshai (zin-SHY
About the author
Of German-Irish-Cherokee descent, J P Nelson was born 11.10.1960 in Stuttgart, Germany to American Military parents. Diagnosed in 1989 with Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder, J P was raised in an abusive home, was not allowed to interact with others and called the Family Shame due to his tics.
J P found identity in combat martial arts, was undefeated as a full contact shoot-fighter (1983-1992) and was inducted into the Sport Karate Living Legends Hall of Fame in 2004.
In school J P found the wonderful world of books. Inspired by the “Tarzan” series, “Planet of the Apes” and various television westerns, J P began developing his own stories. As a freshman in high school his science teacher, Mr. Vernon Dyer, required a fiction story to explain something about space. This story became the foundation for The Kohrinju Tai Saga.
As an adult J P has worked such diverse jobs as factory production, Active Army (1982-1984), body guard, pro wrestler, restaurant manager, musician, ran a dramatic club for over 20 years, has been married and divorced once.
J P opened the Family Self Defense Center of Hickory, NC in 2003 where he teaches Street Wise Martial Arts, T’ai Chi Gong, beginning acoustic guitar and is a Personal Strength Trainer.
Connect with JP online: (or search J P Nelson)