Red Or Dead

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by David Peace


  On Saturday 16 January, 1960, Sheffield United came to Anfield, Liverpool. That afternoon, thirty-three thousand, two hundred and ninety-seven folk came, too. In the ninth minute, Jimmy Melia scored. In the fifteenth minute, Roger Hunt scored. And in the sixty-eighth minute, Roger Hunt scored again. Fifteen minutes later, Dave Hickson was sent off. But Liverpool Football Club still beat Sheffield United three–nil. At home, at Anfield –

  Every morning, every morning of the week. In the ground, in the dressing room. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club took off their suits and ties. And their shoes. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club put on their tracksuit bottoms and their sweaters. And their boots. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club walked out of the dressing room and down the corridor. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club walked out of the ground and into the car park at Anfield. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club climbed on board the bus to Melwood. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club travelled on the bus to Melwood to train. And every morning, after training and a nice cup of tea. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club climbed back on board the bus. And every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club travelled back to Anfield. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff got off the bus in the car park at Anfield and walked back into the ground. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club walked back down the corridors and back into the dressing room. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff took off their boots. Their sweaters and their tracksuit bottoms. And every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club went into the showers and into the baths. Every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club washed and then changed back into their suits and ties. And their shoes. And then every morning. The players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club said, Goodbye. See you tomorrow. Take care now. See you. This was the Liverpool way. Every morning –

  The Anfield way –

  And every morning. A young lad with a broom in his hand stood by the bus in the car park at Anfield. Every morning. The young lad with the broom in his hand watched the players and the coaching staff of Liverpool Football Club climb aboard the bus to Melwood. And every morning. The young lad dreamt of the day he would no longer have a broom in his hands. The day he would have boots on his feet. The day he would climb aboard the bus to Melwood –

  What’s your name, son, asked Bill Shankly.

  The young lad jumped. Out of his dreams, into the car park. And the young lad said, Christopher Lawler, sir.

  What are you doing just standing here, son, asked Bill Shankly. Why aren’t you changed? Why aren’t you on the bus, lad? Hurry up.

  The young lad said, But I have my work to do, sir. My work.

  And what work is that, son, asked Bill Shankly.

  The young lad said, During the day, I have to clean the place up, sir. That’s my job. That is my work, sir.

  So when do you do your training, son, asked Bill Shankly. When do you play your football, lad?

  We do our training at night, sir.

  You train at bloody night?

  Yes, sir. At night. All the boys do.

  Not any more you don’t, son, said Bill Shankly. So you go now and you get all the boys together, all the ground-staff lads. And you tell them to get changed and get on board this bus. Because you are here to play football first and to clean up second. So you’ll play your football during the day and you’ll do your cleaning at night. Is that clear, son? Is that understood?

  Yes, sir.

  Well, don’t just stand there then, son. Get to it. Hurry up, lad! We haven’t got all bloody day. We’ve got football to play!


  After their lunch, in the afternoon. The directors of Liverpool Football Club were sitting in the boardroom at Anfield. The directors of Liverpool Football Club were waiting for Bill Shankly. Again. The directors of Liverpool Football Club heard the footsteps in the corridor. Again. The fast steps, the heavy steps. And the knock upon the door.

  Tom Williams said, Come.

  Bill Shankly opened the door. Bill Shankly stepped into the boardroom. Again. Bill Shankly looked around the boardroom –

  You wanted to see me, asked Bill Shankly.

  Tom Williams said, Yes. Sit down, please, Mr Shankly.

  Bill Shankly sat down at the long table. Bill Shankly looked up the long table at the directors of Liverpool Football Club.

  Tom Williams said, I am afraid you have upset the routine of the club, Mr Shankly. The young boys are needed to help the staff clean up the stadium. That is their job, Mr Shankly.

  I know that, said Bill Shankly. I know that is part of their job. But first and foremost they are here to play football. They can still do their cleaning, they can still help the ground staff, but they can do it at night. During the day they should be playing football. They should be training. Developing. Not cleaning toilets.

  Tom Williams smiled. And Tom Williams said, We all know how passionately you feel about bringing on the younger players, Mr Shankly. That is one of the reasons we wanted you to be the manager of Liverpool Football Club. Because of your success with the younger players at Huddersfield Town. But we have our routines. We have our ways. And if you don’t agree with those routines, those ways, then you should come to us first, Mr Shankly.

  Well, if you don’t want me to develop these boys, these lads …

  We never said that, Mr Shankly. We are not saying that.

  Then you need to let me buy some players. Some decent players. Because frankly speaking, the players you have got here are not good enough for Liverpool Football Club.

  Tom Williams sat back in his chair. And Tom Williams said, And so who do you have in mind, Mr Shankly? Which players should we buy? Go on then, Mr Shankly. Please give us their names.

  Well, said Bill Shankly. I can tell you two names.

  Tom Williams said again, Go on …

  Denis Law of Huddersfield Town, said Bill Shankly. And Jack Charlton of Leeds United. For starters, that is. Just for starters.

  The directors of Liverpool Football Club smiled. The directors of Liverpool Football Club laughed. And one of them said, Denis Law? Mr Shankly, you must know better than any man how much Law would cost. Huddersfield are already asking over fifty grand for the lad. He’s a player for the likes of Arsenal or Spurs. For Manchester United or City. Not for Liverpool Football Club.

  And there’s your problem, said Bill Shankly. Right there. Right bloody there. Your thinking is the problem. You should be thinking Denis Law is a player for Liverpool Football Club. That only players as good as Denis Law can play for Liverpool Football Club …

  But we don’t have the money, Mr Shankly.

  You don’t have the ambition!

  Tom Williams sat forward in his chair. Tom Williams put his hands out before him. And Tom Williams said, Mr Shankly, Mr Shankly, please. We all want the best for Liverpool Football Club. The very best. But we simply don’t have the money for Denis Law. I wish we did. I really do. But we don’t. But now what about Jack Charlton? Do you honestly think Leeds United would sell him? They are fighting for their lives in the First Division. They are hardly likely to sell one of their best players now, are they, Mr Shankly? Their centre-half?

  I think they might. I think it’s at least worth asking.

  Well then, ask them, Mr Shankly. Ask them.


  After their late lunch, in the late afternoon. The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club were sitting in the boardroom at Elland Road, Leeds. The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club heard the footsteps in the corridor outside. The fast steps, the heavy steps. The knocks upon the door. Fast and heavy.

  The chairman of Leeds United
said, Come!

  Bill Shankly opened the door. Bill Shankly stepped into the boardroom at Elland Road. Bill Shankly looked around the board room. From director to director. And Bill Shankly smiled –

  My name is Bill Shankly. I am the manager of Liverpool Football Club. And I’m here to buy Jack Charlton.

  The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club stared down the long table at Bill Shankly. And then their chairman asked, And how much would you be willing to pay for Charlton?

  Fifteen thousand pounds, said Bill Shankly.

  The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club shook their heads. And their chairman said, Charlton will cost you twenty thousand, Shankly. Twenty thousand pounds. And not a penny less.

  How about eighteen thousand pounds, said Bill Shankly.

  Twenty thousand pounds, Shankly.

  Fine, said Bill Shankly. Twenty thousand pounds it is then. But I’ll need to make a telephone call.

  The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club smiled. And their chairman said, Then make your call, Shankly.

  After his early dinner, in the early evening. Tom Williams picked up the telephone in his hallway. And Tom Williams said, Yes?

  Mr Williams? This is Bill Shankly.

  Tom Williams said, Good evening, Mr Shankly. What can I –

  I’m at Elland Road. At Leeds. And I have fantastic news. Unbelievable news! Leeds United will sell Jack Charlton to us. They will sell him. It’s unbelievable. It’s fantastic news!

  Tom Williams said, I’m very glad to hear that, Mr Shankly. And so how much are they asking for Charlton?

  Twenty thousand pounds. Just twenty thousand pounds, sir.

  Tom Williams sighed. And Tom Williams said, But we sanctioned eighteen thousand pounds, Mr Shankly.

  I know that. I know that, sir. But for two thousand pounds more, just two thousand pounds more, they will sell him. And then Jack Charlton will be a Liverpool player.

  Tom Williams sighed again. And Tom Williams said, Mr Shankly, as you know, I have spoken with the other directors and I am afraid we can go no higher than eighteen thousand pounds. That is our final offer. Eighteen thousand pounds.

  But I know they will not sell him for eighteen thousand pounds, Mr Williams. They are asking for twenty thousand pounds. Just another two thousand, Mr Williams …

  Tom Williams said, But our offer is eighteen thousand pounds.

  Mr Williams, I have watched Jack Charlton since he was in his teens. I have watched him many times. He plays with authority. He plays with courage. He will be the very backbone of Liverpool Football Club. The very backbone, Mr Williams. And all they want is another two grand. Another two grand and he’ll be ours. Ours …

  Tom Williams said, I am sorry, Mr Shankly. It’s eighteen thousand pounds. That is our final offer. Goodbye, Mr Shankly.

  After their brandies, with their cigars. The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club were sitting in the dining room at Elland Road. The directors of Leeds United Association Football Club heard the knock upon the door. Not so fast and not so heavy.

  The chairman of Leeds United said, Come!

  Bill Shankly opened the door. Bill Shankly stepped into the dining room. Bill Shankly looked around the table. From director to director. And Bill Shankly waited.

  The chairman of Leeds United said, Well then, Shankly? What do you have to say for yourself?

  Our offer is eighteen thousand pounds, said Bill Shankly.

  Close the door on your way out, Shankly.


  On Saturday 30 January, 1960, Manchester United came to Anfield, Liverpool. That afternoon, fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-six folk came, too. In the rain and in the wind. Fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and thirty-six folk to watch Liverpool Football Club play Manchester United in the Fourth Round of the FA Cup. At home, at Anfield. In the dressing room, the home dressing room. The players of Liverpool Football Club looked up from the benches. The players of Liverpool Football Club looked at Bill Shankly. Bill Shankly in his best coat, Bill Shankly in his best hat. Bill Shankly looked around the dressing room. From player to player. From Slater to Molyneux, Molyneux to Moran, Moran to Wheeler, Wheeler to White, White to Leishman, Leishman to Melia, Melia to Hunt, Hunt to Hickson, Hickson to Harrower and Harrower to A’Court. Bill Shankly rubbed his hands together. And Bill Shankly smiled –

  What a day this is, boys. What a great day! The crowd that are here, the people that are here. There must be sixty thousand. Sixty bloody thousand. And the team that is here, the manager who is here. Just across that corridor, in that dressing room. I mean, I know Matt well. Very well. He was a player I admired and he is a manager I admire. A man I admire. The things Matt has done at United. The teams he has built, the club he has built. The way United play, the way United work. It is an inspiration, boys. An inspiration to us all. I mean, I don’t need to tell any of you what he has been through, what that team have been through. I mean, I’ll never forget that day. I was in my office at Leeds Road when the telephone rang with the news. The news from Munich. And I drove straight back home. I put on the television and I waited for news. I waited and I prayed. But then I heard Harold Hardman, the chairman of Manchester United. I heard him say that Matt had died. That Matt was dead. And I could not believe it, boys. I refused to believe it. And I don’t mind telling you, I got down on my knees and I prayed. I prayed like I had never prayed for anything before. And my prayers were answered. Thank God. Matt survived. But Tommy Curry was one of the dead. One of those twenty-three dead. And I knew Tommy well, from my time at Carlisle. And Tommy was dead. And eight of those players. Men we knew. Men who died. But Matt survived. Against all the odds. He refused to give in, he refused to surrender. And he went back to work, he went back to United. He began again. He built them back up again. He resurrected them. And here they are. A new team, a new United. And so Matt is an inspiration to me, boys. An inspiration. And so let his team be an inspiration to you, boys. An inspiration. But don’t you forget to beat them, boys. And if you cannot beat them, then make sure you learn from them. And you enjoy every bloody minute of the lesson …

  In the thirteenth minute, Charlton scored. In the thirty-sixth minute, Wheeler equalised. In the forty-fourth minute, Charlton scored again. In the sixty-ninth minute, Bradley scored. And Liverpool Football Club lost three–one to Manchester United in the Fourth Round of the FA Cup. At home, at Anfield –

  After the match, after the final whistle. In the rain and in the wind. Matt Busby walked down the touchline. The Anfield touchline. Matt Busby smiled at Bill Shankly. Matt Busby put a hand on Bill Shankly’s shoulder. Matt Busby shook Bill Shankly’s hand. And Matt Busby said, You showed plenty of fight today, Bill. And plenty of spirit, too. So you’ll be all right, Bill. You’ll be all right.


  In the empty, semi-detached house on Bellefield Avenue, West Derby, Liverpool. Bill and Ness went through the rooms. Bill and Ness went up the stairs. Bill and Ness went into one of the bedrooms. Bill and Ness stood in the window. Through the glass, through the trees. Bill and Ness could see men kicking footballs on a pitch.

  What team is that, asked Ness.

  Bill said, Everton.

  Is that where Everton train then, asked Ness.

  Bill nodded. And Bill said, Yes. That’s Bellefield, love.

  That’s handy then, said Ness. You’ll be able to keep your eye on them then, love, won’t you?

  Bill smiled. And Bill said, Aye, I will. I certainly will, love.

  So you like this house then, asked Ness.

  Bill said, If you do.

  I do, love.


  In the office, at the desk. Bill opened up the newspaper. Again. Bill looked down at the final League table for the 1959–60 season. Aston Villa were Second Division Champions with fifty-nine points. Cardiff City were runners-up with fifty-eight points. Cardiff City had been promoted to the First Division with Ast
on Villa. Liverpool Football Club were third with fifty points. Liverpool Football Club had not been promoted. Huddersfield Town had not been promoted either. Huddersfield Town had finished sixth with forty-seven points. Since Bill had left Leeds Road, since Bill had come to Anfield, Liverpool Football Club had won eleven games, drawn five and lost five. In the office, at the desk. Bill opened a drawer. Bill took out a pair of scissors and a pot of glue. Bill cut out the final League table for the 1959–60 season from the newspaper. Bill opened his book. His book of names, his book of notes. Bill stuck the final League table in his book. His book of names, his book of notes. In the office, at the desk. Bill turned the pages of his book. The pages of names, the pages of notes. The names of players, the notes on players. Bill had moved on Doug Rudham, Fred Morris, Reg Blore and Barry Wilkinson. Bill had brought in Kevin Lewis from Sheffield United. Bill had brought in Alf Arrowsmith from Ashton United. Alf Arrowsmith was seventeen years old. Bill had wanted to bring in more players. More experienced players. Better players. Bill still wanted to bring in more players. In the office, at the desk. Bill closed his book. His book of names, his book of notes. Again.


  In the car park at Anfield. In his tracksuit bottoms, in his sweater, Bill was standing in the car park at Anfield. Bill was looking for the bus to Melwood. The bus was not here. The players of Liverpool Football Club came out of the stadium. In their tracksuits, in their sweaters. Bill greeted every one of the players of Liverpool Football Club. Bill shook their hands, Bill patted their backs. Bill asked after their families, Bill asked after their holidays. Bob, Joe, Reuben, Arthur and Albert came out of the stadium. And Bill looked at his watch. Bill looked at Bob, Joe, Reuben, Arthur and Albert. And Bill said, Where’s the bloody bus? It’s the first day of pre-season training. And the bus is not here, the bus is late. What’s going on?


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