Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War) Page 1

by White, Angela

  "The Slavers are coming...I can almost feel their hate."

  Adrian’s hand rested lightly on his gun. "The Eagles want them to. After all the hell they've caused, my Army can't wait to make them pay."

  Hello avid reader,

  If you are not familiar with the first books in this series, please flip to the very end for a summary. Without it, you’ll probably be lost.

  For everyone else:

  “Get set. There’s a long, vivid ride ahead, even with Kyle’s Eagles leading the way.”

  Waving at you,


  *For deleted scenes, sneak peeks, and character profiles, see the last few pages.

  Life After War

  Book Four

  Adrian’s Eagles


  Angela White

  Edited by Kim Fillmore

  Angela White © 2012

  All rights reserved

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Standard Copyright laws apply. Made in the United States.

  Table of Contents


  Welcome Back

  Hook, Line, & Sinker

  Island Drama

  Troopers & Trackers

  Fists at Dawn

  Liquid Steel

  The Madness Spreads

  That’s a Pass

  Welcome to My Army

  Snap, Rumble, & Wait

  Best Served Cold

  Tropical Heat

  Hard Lessons

  Playing with Fire

  Taken Twice

  Leveled Playing

  The Killin’ Fields

  Timing is Everything

  X Marks the Spot

  Adrift in Hell

  Third Time’s a Charm

  Tick Tock, Hands on a Clock

  All Hell’s Day

  All Hell’s Night



  …Named Eagle Teams

  …Sneak Peek 1

  ....Sneak Peek 2

  ....Deleted Scene

  ....Character Profiles












  …Life After War Summary

  …Alexa’s Travels

  …The Bachelor Battles

  Our Hero

  Blond and blue

  He stands at attention

  And it’s easy to mention,

  He’s beautiful

  He would give his life

  Without being asked

  And though his emotions are masked

  We feel his love

  A gun on his lean hip

  That has seen too many days of action

  At home and among the foreign factions

  Who loathe his courage

  He is our hero

  A ruthless fighter

  To stand beside Her

  And guard the path

  Leader of the people

  US Marine

  Secret Combat team

  We salute you!

  Take care

  So far from home

  And keep in mind while you roam

  That America will always be your home



  April 5th, 2013

  Rapid City Airport, SD


  "Get down!"

  The order over the radio made Angela duck as the well-aimed dart plunged through her open window and stuck into the seat instead of her neck. She instinctively hit the gas pedal, throwing them all back in their seats as she headed for the safety of camp, for Marc!

  Her fingers fumbled for the mic as bullets began to slam into the blazer.

  She jerked them to the other side of the two lane road, putting up the windows to protect the screaming kids in the back. “Help! Sniper!"

  The call went over both mental and CB waves and every man she had a connection with felt it, including those who were too far away to assist.

  More bullets ricocheting off the ground in front of them had her veering violently, and she dropped the mic as the blazers tires lifted. Ignoring the shrieks, Angela turned them in a sharp arc, and was relieved to feel earth slam into the rubber. Before she could get out of the sniper’s range, a faded green army jeep appeared on the narrow road ahead of her.

  "Hold on!" She slammed her foot against the brakes, throwing them all forward.

  The jeep rolled slowly closer, cutting off her escape, and the grinning madman behind the wheel was sickeningly familiar.


  Angela slammed it into reverse, vaguely aware of her CB blaring with panicked male voices.


  “Get to Neil!”

  Leaving a cloud of dust, she flew backwards into the ravaged airport and the men coming to her rescue scattered as the sniper switched targets. The guards returned fire and Angela slid to a stop in the middle of them.

  Dillan’s jeep was coming fast and so were the slugs, the Eagles now using her armor-plated blazer as a shield. Angela’s eyes searched hard. Where was he? Her heart sank as she picked up Marc’s thought, realized what it meant.

  “Tell the boy about me.”


  Her scream drew attention and the men followed her line of sight to the muddy blazer flying at them from a nearby access road. As they watched, the 4x4 picked up more speed, heading for the grinning madman who hadn't seen him yet.

  “Love you, Angie. I never stopped.”

  “No, Brady!”

  Marc swerved out of the decaying trees and the Eagles saw a rare glint of sun flash off his dog tags, bright enough to hurt. The blazer lunged onto the cracked airport road as the army jeep reached it. Before Dillan had a chance to react, Marc slammed into the driver’s door.


  Flames and heavy smoke immediately billowed into the air from the twisted wreck and Angela was out and running toward it, unmindful of the bullets slamming into the debris-covered ground around her boots.


  Angela and Neil were there to catch Marc as he stumbled out of the crushed blazer and the Eagles came with them, rushing to be sure Dillan wasn’t a threat anymore.

  “He’s dead. Jeep’s a total loss, too”

  Their extra men rolled into view as Kyle’s words gave them their answer and the bullets stopped as suddenly as they’d started, leaving the sounds of burning, cracking wreckage.

  Doug pulled up next to Neil, but it was Angela who took charge as she assessed the damage to the glassy-eyed man leaning against the Trooper. "There’s a sniper. See to the kids in my blazer."

  Under the red beard and wild hair, Doug’s eyes were wide, but he didn’t hesitate, just waited for the next vehicle to go around so he could pull over and climb out.

  "Get her down!"

  Seth's shout at a glint of light had Marc reacting automatically and he swung Angela around as the shot echoed. His body jerked and he grunted, falling heavily against her. The Eagles returned fire, creating a line of vests between them and the sniper.

  "Brady!" Shoving his long coat out of the way, her hands plunged under his shirt, expecting the worst. Angela sighed in relief when she felt only dry cloth. "You wore the vest!"

  Marc tensed against her arm, heart thumping as his lungs throbbed with sharp, heavy hurt from the wreck. "Eagles are... required to."

  Angela leaned back to look at him as he gently wiped the tears from her dark lashes, smiling when the pain increased. "Anything for you…"
/>   Fresh tears spilled over. "I can help, hang on!"

  Marc's eyes closed, breathing labored. "Not this…time, honey."

  His eyes shot back open, but they were glazed with coming death. "Always love you!"

  Angela held out her hands and those around her saw them begin to glow a deep blue.

  “This can only be done once without payment. You would continue?"

  The Eagles heard only her answer. "Yes! Quickly!"

  Doors in the halls of her mind slammed open and power exploded from her outstretched fingers.

  The Eagles watched in stunned silence as thousands of tiny, brightly colored orbs flew from her like shooting water. They hit Marc's chest and sank into him, covering his body with a constantly changing flash of synchronized red, blue, and purple light.

  Marc trembled, body shutting down and the Witch strained, grunting with the effort. A huge swarm of orbs gushed into his side, where two of six broken ribs had punctured his lung, collapsing it.

  Those watching were torn between his injuries disappearing and the fierce concentration shining from Angela’s face. She was the magic Adrian had been searching for!

  When her shoulders went from tense to tired, Kyle got the new men up to speed about the airport threat, but didn’t look away from the miracle happening behind the line of vested Eagles.

  “Top two up high, next five low. Move!” His team quickly set up the ordered guard.

  Angela stumbled as the orbs began to swarm back and Neil was there to gently steady her. He drew in a breath. Her skin felt like it was frying, but there was no sweat. When she trembled under his fingers, the need to comfort her, to hold her, was nearly overwhelming. Neil stepped back instead and pulled his state hat more firmly onto his head. That wasn’t in his job description.

  Marc gasped, sucking air into a lung that hadn’t had any a moment before, and he immediately started to cough, rolling over.

  Angela felt the weariness sinking into her, drifting toward the darkness. She’d done it! She’d… shown her true gifts in front of strangers. The fear returned with that thought. When Marc slowly rose and steered her toward a truck, she went without protesting, too tired to even read their faces.

  Marc opened the door and glared at the driver, Billy, with foreign eyes. "Take her to Adrian. Don't stop... for ANYTHING."

  Angela got in without looking at any of them, but her heart throbbed when Marc closed the door without even meeting her eye. Now he knew what a freak she really was and so did the Eagles. Brady would stand by her. That's why he'd put her in here, to be safe from the others, but did he need to? Would Adrian's men be able to accept how different she was or would they drive her…

  "Recon team, check in!"

  She jumped at the unexpected radio call. She waited to see how they sounded during the report, but when her driver only looked over expectantly, she understood. Everyone else was out of earshot and Billy wanted her to answer the call.

  "Recon team, check in now!"

  Angela picked up the mic with an unexpected feeling of authority that she wasn't sure she wanted. Being careful with her words came naturally as she hit the button. "We had a… delay run into us. We're okay now. Hang on for one of the guys."

  "Do you need more men?"

  Angela heard his real question clearly. Should I come? Do you need me?

  Watching most of the guards, including a slightly limping Brady, pick up the gas cans and head for the main terminal, she was relieved. Still set to get the fuel tankers and eliminate the walking dead taking shelter here, the Eagles didn’t seem to be treating him any differently. Maybe they wouldn’t her either.

  "No. They're about to blow this place, literally."

  "Copy on the noise coming. You found survivors?"

  "Yes and I'm sure they could use a good meal and a hot shower. What's for lunch?"

  Angela wasn't sure where that had come from, but knew instantly it was the right way to help him keep the listening camp and new kids calm. She felt Billy’s approval next to her and realized he’d had her answer the call to calm her down.

  "Ham and cheese sandwiches, applesauce, chips. The entire team is 5-by?"

  Angela grinned as Doug pulled in behind her, driving her blazer full of nervously talking kids. She knew that one. "Roger."

  "Copy. Hurry home."

  "You know it."

  Angela hung it up, knowing she’d impressed Billy, but better than that, feeling more like herself. The short words with Adrian had told her he would handle whatever had happened.

  Her driver returned a small grin and Angela settled back. "Home, please. You drive.”

  Dark eyes set in lines of sorrow and alive with hatred watched the jeeps and fuel trucks move out of sight. Dean was furious and hurt beyond words. His brother was dead! It was the first emotional pain he had felt. Even physical wounds were viewed with apathy (at least they had been until the Witch had taught him fear) and he was unprepared for how awful it was.

  The sense of loneliness, of complete failure, was undeniable and Dean was stunned by the tears that fell. He would bury his brother and then he would make that bitch suffer! If he couldn’t get to her on his own, he’d take over the Slaver’s camp and attack. Vengeance was on the way. It might take a week or a month, but it burned with a red hot fury that nothing would calm.

  Chapter One


  The guards were unable to keep from talking about what they'd seen and the story flew through Safe Haven despite the quarantine. Overheard while setting up camp for lunch, small, worried whispers of magic began to circulate, and Adrian headed for the taped-off zone.

  The gossip had few details and would die out quickly, but he was very curious as to the reactions of not only the Eagles who'd been there, but from Angela. The panic in her voice had run through him with a horror he would never forget. Would she now back out of the ideas he'd planted? The life he foresaw for these refugees was no picnic, but as an Eagle, she would face dangers like this daily.

  He spotted her at the center table with the rest of his chain of command, Brady on her right in his crisscrossed gun belts and looking like he'd taken the worst of it. The timber wolf appeared at his master’s side for an inspection and a quick rub of confirmation.

  From there, Dog went to Angela and curled up at her feet, letting her gentle fingers stroke his soft fur comfortingly. The big animal was bonded with Brady. Losing Marc might have sent Dog back out into the wild and he was grateful to the woman and her Witch for saving his Master. She would be well-protected and so would their pup, Charlie.

  Adrian let his sight reach out, that part of him that was able to sometimes see what was hidden, and felt Angela rush out to greet him nervously.

  “The girl in the parka leads their group. She doesn't know she’s pregnant.”

  Was she right to be worried about their reactions? Adrian looked over the new people, seeing them putting away the food and talking easily with the Eagles around them. They were thin, strong, and young. Smart too, he realized, seeing mended glasses, walkie-talkies, and loaded weapons with extra ammo in reach. They were survivors.

  And his men? Adrian recognized the satisfaction on their faces, the kind that came from winning a battle, and relaxed. She was safe here and he was now looking forward to the unabridged version the camp would never hear.

  Surprising only them, Adrian went straight to the college kids, eager to make welcome the first Angela had risked her life for. It took only a few minutes to see the kids were already won over. He sat with them, pushing more food toward the girl in the parka as he stored every word of their vivid story. When he began to speak of quiet loyalty and of helping, they were hanging on every word.

  Angela felt very exposed, both sides of the caution tape that lined the camp full of those eating, but Marc had almost died for her and she wouldn't hurt him by moving away. She worried over it though, knowing Kenn would see it and be sure there was more than friendship between them.

  “He already kn
ows that. We'll handle it."

  The Leader sounded pleased and Angela was glad he didn’t seem upset that she'd risked so many of his men for so few people. She sent him an apology, telling him she just couldn’t leave them for the team to come back to.

  Adrian turned to her with a silent communication that made the man on her right, Brady, frown.

  “Don't feel that way. Each life to me is without price and I want them all. You won't be punished. The need to help is what makes you one of mine.”

  His sharp eyes went to Brady, who tensed, also expecting the blond to be mad about how he'd taken over.

  “Same with him, he just hasn’t accepted it yet.”

  “I’ll work on that.”

  Adrian turned back to the curious new arrivals. “Me too, and when they find out he saved your life today, so will the camp.”

  Hoping to calm things down, Angela looked at Kyle and Neil. "Sorry for putting you guys in a hard spot and I'm sorry Marc's so pissed at you."

  Marc let out a sigh, understanding she wanted him to let it go. "I'm cooling off, but yeah, they fucked up. Adrian wouldn't have let you go back alone."

  Adrian slid onto the seat across from them. "No, I wouldn't have, but I’ve served all my life, learned the tricks. Now they know. It won't happen twice.”

  Marc's answer was fast. "Because you'll train them better or because she won't be there?"

  Angela waited to see if she was as free as Adrian claimed and was surprised by how much he meant the words.

  "Neither. She's to have full reign among my army, though I prefer only the higher people know it for now. As her protector, I expect you to teach them to not make these mistakes. Who better for that job, than the man who brought her over a thousand miles through this new hell?"

  Marc’s heart fell. There was no way she'd turn that down. Stupid, Angela was not. "Kenn won’t let this happen without a fight."

  Marc could feel her growing anger, her annoyance with the conversation, but didn't take it back.


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