Davenport Mysteries 04-Loose Ends

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Davenport Mysteries 04-Loose Ends Page 9

by Vashist, Varun

  “Well, it doesn’t matter that he knew about his job or not. What matters is that he had found a way to earn money, and that lured him to his death,” Jake said thoughtfully, “The only surprising thing is that why a man with such hardships would take a risk of investing money in stocks and that too with loaned money.”

  “That indeed is surprising, but we have a new thread. Right?”

  “In fact, two threads – we have to check why he was confident of paying his rent that day and who was agreeing to loan money to a guy without any financial back-up. Also, we need to check Travis Nelson’s background,” Jake said while strapping on the helmet.

  “Why Travis?” Ryan asked.

  “He looked indifferent to James’s problems. He hated him from the beginning because of his age. James was doing great before Travis joined here. I want to see if James’s performance went down because of the pressure put by Travis,” Jake explained.

  “Okay…I’ll see if I can find something on that,” Ryan said while nodding.

  “Great,” Jake said and started the motorcycle. “Let’s go.”

  While Jake had taken a cue from Kiara’s thinking and had investigated the lead that he got at James’s apartment; Kiara was taking a different route.

  She knew that with her record of not following the orders, Jeff and Robert would be doubly careful. She had to ensure that everything looked normal.

  She had reached the office on time, had spent half an hour in the cafeteria and another hour having lunch with Jake. The entire second half had been spent talking to anyone; she could get a hold of. She wanted to clock all the hours in the office and wanted to create an impression that she had given up on her case.

  By the time she reached her apartment, it was already half past seven. She knew how she was going to spend the evening. A few pieces of the whole investigation were only known to her and if she didn’t explore them further, she was not going to get the peace of mind.

  She pulled a beer from the fridge and jumped on the computer. Although, she had some information on the Connelly Foundation, she wasn’t completely aware of Edward Connelly’s background.

  She looked up for Edward Connelly, and as expected, there were hundreds of pages about his charitable persona. She kept scrolling until she found a link that made her grin.

  ‘Billionaire playboy has a change of heart.’

  “That’s more like it,” she said to herself as she clicked on the link.

  ‘In an unprecedented turn of events, Edward Connelly, the billionaire founder and chairman of Connelly Group of companies, has pledged all his money to charitable causes.

  This is unprecedented, not only because it’s a rare gesture from a shrewd businessman, but also because Edward Connelly has been known over the years to live a lavish lifestyle that possibly led to his heart condition.

  Over the years, the competitors have accused Edward Connelly of using this lifestyle to influence the decision makers and grow his business at such a rate.

  It should be worth noting that Edward’s fortune took an upswing twenty years back when he entered the real estate market and won a major contract for building a thousand-acre housing project backed by the government.

  We wish Mr. Connelly a speedy recovery and hope that this change of heart salvages him of some of his alleged wrong-doings.’

  “Well, I don’t think he had a change of heart – it was just a change of business,” Kiara said as she closed the browser window. She took a sip from the beer can and tried to put the pieces together.

  “I found something at James’s place that’ll interest you,” Jake said as he and Ryan reached their desks. He opened the drawer and showed the idols to Ryan.

  Ryan looked at them carefully, “This looks similar to the one we saw at Donald’s place.”

  “Yeah, even I was surprised to see them. I’m sure; at least Donald and James are linked to each other. We’ve just to put our brains together to find it,” Jake replied. “Did you see how these look unfinished just like the ones that Donald has?”

  “Yes, they look almost like each other,” Ryan said while still looking at the idol.

  “Almost? You found some difference?” Jake asked.

  Ryan came forward and placed his finger on the right side of the idol. “This one is incomplete on the right side while the one we saw yesterday were unfinished on the other side.”

  “I don’t remember that,” Jake said while trying to picture Donald’s idols.

  “I do,” Ryan said and paused, “Maybe, James Reed was right handed, unlike Donald.”

  “How so?” Jake asked.

  Ryan gave a faint smile. “When you gave him water, he took it with his left hand and even when he pulled the chair, he used his left hand.”

  “That’s right, but you missed one thing – his right hand was vigorously shaking when I passed on the glass of water. So, maybe the right side of his body has grown weaker making the left-hand dominant. He may be right handed in reality,” Jake replied with a slight nod making the smile vanish from Ryan’s face.

  “Doesn’t matter which is the dominant hand. He uses his left hand more than the right one, and that’s important,” Ryan stressed.

  “What’s your point?” Jake asked.

  “The idols tell us two things, first, that Donald and James are linked to each other and maybe followed the same cult or something like that, and second, the idols are unfinished on the opposite side because they had different dominant hands. It means they followed someone in common and for the rituals it was important that they made the idols themselves,” Ryan explained.

  “I didn’t think that far,” Jake said.

  “I know,” Ryan said immediately before realizing his tone, but it was too late.

  “Enough about my incompetence,” Jake said with a smirk, “What about your visit to the store?”

  “Yeah, I have also found something that you may like. Not only did Donald purchase the saw from there; the store did sell the same saw seven years back, and I suspect that’s the killer we’re looking for,” Ryan said calmly, but it had an opposite effect on Jake.

  “When were you planning to tell me this? We wasted so much time in following my lead when we should’ve worked on yours,” he said in disbelief and got up, “Come on, man… So, you are saying that you’ve found someone who has seen the actual killer. Really?”

  Ryan shook his head, “I knew you were going to get excited without giving it much thought. That’s why I didn’t tell you about this up front.”

  “Stop confusing me,” Jake said, “I’m again going to ask the same thing – you found someone who has seen the killer?”

  Ryan took a deep breath. “Please listen to me completely first. It isn’t that straightforward.”

  “Okay… You've five minutes to explain everything. After that, we’re going to visit this store again.”

  “You’re jumping to conclusions, again,” Ryan protested. Jake showed him his watch. Ryan nodded reluctantly.

  ‘The saw that we found at Donald’s place was bought around the same time as the first murder. I felt that Donald might have some connections to the murder after all. And, my theory was further substantiated when the salesman said that Donald had employed a young boy to purchase it for him meaning he wanted to keep the affair discreet.”

  “How are you so sure that the young boy bought it for Donald? I mean, other customers must be purchasing this stuff?” Jake asked.

  “That’s the strange part. This kind of saw has been out of circulation for years now. Even this store has only a few left that they’ve dumped them in the storage room. That boy is the only one who has bought this type of saw in the last seven years,” Ryan explained.

  “WHAT?” Jake jumped out of his seat.

  Ryan nodded. “Yes. And, that’s why the cashier specifically remembered someone buying it from them seven years back.”

  “Wow! Any idea on who bought it seven years back?”

  “It was some middle aged
guy with long hair and thick glasses,”

  “That looks like a disguise,” Jake mused. “So, we now know the murder weapon; we know from where it was procured... this is good.”

  “I also felt so, but there are a few things that don’t make any sense.”

  “What things?” Jake asked.

  “Well, for starters, if Donald is behind the murders, then who attacked him and if the attacker was someone else, then why did Donald purchase same saw and that too from the same store?”

  Jake looked at him and started makings some calculations. He remembered something, and that made him smile.

  “Did you see the injuries on the dead bodies?” he asked. Ryan nodded. “Did you notice any similarities? For example, the location of the injuries?”

  “Yeah, all of them were on the right side…” Ryan said before realizing, “Only a left handed person must have inflicted those upon his victim.”

  “And, Donald is left handed, meaning we have got our suspect,” Jake replied.

  Ryan smiled finally. “So, he does some rituals; maybe involves some people to follow him and then kills them – we now have the suspect; the murder weapon and the place from where it was procured. This is awesome. You removed all the confusions.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Jake said. “Let’s go to Pine Hill. I’ll inform the officer who is keeping an eye on him. Let’s talk to Donald and if needed we’ll bring him back here.”

  Ryan got up at once. “This is exciting.”

  “It is,” Jake said and pulled out his gun. Ryan looked at the gun with a scare, but Jake kept grinning.

  By the time Jake and Ryan reached Pine Hill, it was already half past eight.

  “Remember, we don’t have any warrant for his arrest. So, let’s have a civilized discussion,” Ryan said while still staring at the gun.

  “Don’t give me the textbook bullshit. I know what I’m doing,” Jake said as they reached the old bridge. “There is Ron.” Jake pointed at the officer waiting near the old metal factory.

  Jake parked the car near the bridge and got out quietly. Darkness had engulfed the whole area with the only source of light being the dim light filtering through the papers covering the windows of Donald’s house.

  Ron was standing near one of the large metal gates to the factory, and as soon as he saw Jake and Ryan reaching the other end of the bridge, he walked to them.

  “Hey, Ron. Did you notice anything?” Jake asked as Ron joined them.

  “Nothing. He has been inside the whole day,” Ron replied as they reached near the gate.

  “Any visitors?” Jake asked.

  “No one,”

  “Hm... Keep your gun handy. This guy is a psychopath,” Jake said.

  “That won’t be needed,” Ryan said while looking around nervously.

  “Don’t pay attention to him,” Jake said as he pushed the gate. The gate was bolted from the other side, and it took some effort from the three of them to break the lock.

  “We could’ve just called him,” Ryan interjected.

  Jake turned to him. “You don’t get it. Do you? If our theory is right, and he is the one behind the murders, then he is definitely going to attack us. Remember, he is been working anonymously for seven years, and this meeting could ruin all his plans. He is a psychopath who won’t even blink twice before killing anyone. So, be careful when you say that I’m trying to be over-enthusiastic.”

  “Why don’t you do one thing? Just look outside for any clues that can help us solidify our case,” Ron said and looked at Jake, who gave his consent. Ryan gave a muffled grunt and left.

  Once Ryan was out of the equation, Jake and Ron walked slowly towards the door while keeping an eye on the room from where the light was coming.

  “Mr. Coleman,” Jake shouted as he knocked at the door. There was no response from the other end. “Donald, open the door,” Jake yelled again with no result.

  “Let’s check the backyard,” Ron suggested.

  They walked to the backyard, and as they passed by the shed, Jake noticed something but ignored it for the moment.

  “That’s the van,” Ron said. Jake nodded.

  As they reached the other side, they found the back door open. Jake ran inside followed by Ron.

  “Mr. Coleman, are you there?” Jake shouted as he looked around the hall. “Please, don’t get alarmed if you’re in there.”

  Ron checked the kitchen and came out. “He’s not there. I’ll check the bedroom. You check the bathroom.”

  Jake nodded and rushed to the bathroom, but Donald wasn’t there.

  “He is onto something,” he said and walked to the bedroom.

  “Not here,” Ron said shaking his head. Jake looked around the room. Everything looked untouched.

  “What should we do?” Ron asked.

  Jake started walking across the room while making some calculations. He turned to Ron.

  “Let’s check in the town,” Jake said, “If he hasn’t taken the van, he may have gone for some personal errand.”

  “I hope so,” Ron said. “I didn’t lose his sight for a moment. I don’t know when he slipped out.”

  Jake was about to say something when they heard some commotion outside.

  “Jake,” Ryan shouted from a distance.

  “Let’s go,” Jake said while firming his grip on the gun.

  As they ran past the shed, Jake stopped for a moment. He glanced at it, and a shiver ran down his spine. “Son of a ….”

  “What happened?” Ron asked.

  “The murder weapon is missing. I hope Ryan isn’t in danger,” he said and ran towards the bridge.

  “Jake,” Ryan’s voice echoed through the quiet of the night.

  “It’s coming from the factory,” Ron said. As they closed in, they saw light coming out of the factory.

  “Ryan, are you okay?” Jake shouted as he took position outside the broken metal door.

  There was a momentary silence before he heard the sound of the door being pushed from the other side.

  “Come inside. I’ve something to show you,” Ryan said.

  Jake took a deep breath. “Man, you freaked me out.”

  “What happened?” Ryan asked as Ron entered. “If you both are here, then who is keeping a watch on Donald?”

  “He isn’t there. What do you want to show?” Jake asked as he navigated through the metal scraps.

  “That,” Ryan said and pointed the flashlight at the right corner.

  “Care to explain?” Jake asked while shaking his head.

  “I present to you… the eight Suns,” Ryan beamed as he took a lamp out of the pile. “These are sodium vapor lamps. Just like the saw that Donald used, these are also an old technology. I think he used these to confuse his victims.”

  “Yeah… may be,” Jake said and turned to Ron, “We need to go to the town.”

  “What? You think I said something stupid?” Ryan asked while pointing at the lamp.

  Jake looked at him. “We thought that Donald might have gone to the town for some routine errand, but the saw is missing from the shed. I think, he gave us a slip when Ron came to receive us. He is on the hunt – someone’s life is under threat. These lamps and their proximity to Donald’s house may mean something. But, right now, we have to catch him before he commits another murder. Do you get it?”

  Ryan threw the lamp back. “Yeah… let’s go.”

  Jake nodded and looked at Ron. “Let’s go.”

  “It better be some good news,” Carlson said from the other side.

  “Sir, the saw we found at Donald Coleman’s house fits the description of the murder weapon. We checked with the store from where it was bought, and we found that a similar saw was purchased around seven years back from the same store,” Jake said in a single breath.

  “What? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, this type of saw is not available in the market any longer. These were the only two instances when someone bought it from that particular store
, and both were bought around the same time when the murders happened. But…”

  “But, what?” Carlson asked.

  “There was a slip up on our part,” Jake said in a low voice while looking at Ron, “When we went to interrogate Donald…. He wasn’t there.”

  “What do you mean, he wasn’t there? Ron was there to keep an eye on him. Right?”

  “Yes, sir… but somehow he deceived us, and…” Jake was reluctant, but there was no way out, “And, the saw is also missing from the house.”

  “That’s great. First Kiara and now you,” Carlson shouted.

  “Sir, we’re on his trail. But, need one help from your end.”

  “What help?”

  “An arrest warrant and a look-out notice for him to all the nearby divisions and precincts,” Jake said.

  “Warrant will happen only tomorrow. I’ll inform the area police,” Carlson said and paused, “I’m really disappointed in you… rather both of you.”

  “Sir, I’m getting into the town. Will speak to you later,” Jake tried to end the discussion.

  “Okay. But, we need to talk about this later,”

  “Absolutely,” Jake said and threw the phone on the backseat.

  With that, he turned to Ron, “Man, you have put me on the spot.”

  “You should’ve told me in advance that I was following the trail of a psychopath murderer,” Ron replied. “And, you should’ve put two people behind him. It’s not a job for a single guy.” He said and started looking out the window.

  Jake shook his head in frustration and looked at Ryan who too gave a look that meant it was Jake’s mistake entirely.

  “Unbelievable,” Jake said in frustration as they entered the town. It was almost nine P.M., and only a handful of shops showed some life. “Okay, let’s keep it this way. I tell you what to do, and you pass on the blame if it goes wrong.” Jake said in a demeaning tone. “So, I’m going to check the shops on the right side, and Ron will check the ones on the left side.”

  Ron got out and rushed to the other side of the road.

  “What about me?” Ryan asked looking at Jake.


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