Davenport Mysteries 04-Loose Ends

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Davenport Mysteries 04-Loose Ends Page 12

by Vashist, Varun

  She went back to the restaurant door one more time, and this time got a good look at the right corner where Eva was sitting with a man who too looked from the upper echelons of the society. Kiara looked at them for a moment and tried to decipher their body language. They looked comfortable in each other’s presence.

  She walked back to the other end of the lobby. After a few seconds, she went back to the restaurant one more time, but to her surprise, everything had changed by now. Eva had covered her face with her palms while the man threatened her. His eyes were burning with anger. Before Kiara could’ve understood anything, Eva also got up and shouted back. To add to Kiara’s surprise, even after such a commotion, the restaurant staff didn’t turn up.

  Kiara kept looking at them while keeping an eye towards the reception. In a few seconds, Eva picked her bag and walked towards the door. Kiara knew she didn’t have much time.

  She walked to the main door hurriedly.

  The receptionist looked at her. Kiara made a sad face. He didn’t bother to respond. She stepped out and rushed to her car.

  “That can’t be a business meeting,” she said as she got inside the car.

  In a few minutes, Eva stormed out of the restaurant. The man she was arguing with followed her. Kiara got a good look at the man – he was the same age as Eva and looked utterly confident.

  Eva got inside her car and looked at him with pure hatred while he kept his stony glare at her. Kiara too started her car as soon as Eva’s car came out of the parking area and entered the road. As Kiara entered the road, she noticed Eva’s car turning right towards the road that led to Connelly foundation’s headquarters.

  Kiara made some calculations and parked her car again on the roadside. She looked at the steps leading to the restaurant. He wasn’t there anymore. She cursed her luck and was about to leave when a black Mercedes emerged from the restaurant parking and stopped in front of the steps. He was in the backseat giving instructions to the driver. He looked satisfied as the driver nodded.

  As soon as the car entered the road, Kiara started following it. The car kept moving through the length and breadth of the city for another forty-five minutes. After reaching the other end of the city, the car finally stopped in front of a posh building.

  Kiara parked her car at a safe distance from where she could keep an eye on the building. He got out while looking impatiently at his phone screen. The tension left his face as the phone was picked from the other end. He spoke for five seconds before disconnecting. With that, he walked inside the building.

  Kiara couldn’t understand what was happening, but thought of staying there for some more time. Within ten minutes, a black BMW stopped just a few yards behind his Mercedes. Kiara’s eyes widened as she looked at Chris Connelly stepping out of the car.

  “This is interesting,” she whispered and intently looked as Chris entered the house. However, within two minutes, Chris came out of the house, followed by the man.

  Kiara opened the window slightly.

  “At least look at it,” the man shouted as Chris was about to get inside his car.

  He pulled out a packet from his blazer’s pocket. Chris stopped where he was and turned around. He took the packet reluctantly and pulled out the papers from it. As he was about to pull them out altogether, he changed his mind and pushed them back.

  “I can’t accept this. You’ve to do it… my way,” he said firmly and threw the packet towards the man who dropped it on the road while trying to get hold of it.

  “You’re making a huge mistake,” he said as he kneeled down to pick the packet. Chris ignored him and got inside the car.

  The man got up and looked at the road until Chris’s car disappeared at the end of the street. With that, he went inside the building. As soon as he got inside, Kiara started her car and drove in the direction Chris had left.

  While driving, Kiara tried to connect the dots – who was the mystery man? He had met Eva and then he had called Chris, who came to meet him immediately. Just like his discussion with Eva, even the discussion with Chris had ended up with an argument. And, what were those documents and what did Chris meant by ‘his way?

  She was still in her thoughts when Chris’s car took a right turn and entered a small street. The street opened into a wider street that led to a residential area. Chris’s car stopped at the end of the road. Kiara too parked her car at a safe distance.

  Chris got out and looked around for a moment. He crossed the street and walked inside the house at the corner.

  After fifteen minutes, he stepped out with Eva who looked shaken – her red eyes showed that she had cried.

  Kiara started her car as soon as they got into their car.

  ‘Who is this mystery man?’ she wondered seeing Eva’s condition.

  The traffic had begun to build up, and she was finding it difficult to keep track of their movements. And, finally, she lost their sight at one of the traffic lights. All she could see was their car taking a right turn and then merging with the swarm of vehicles.

  She also took a right turn and was surprised to see that she was on the backside of ‘Park Plaza hotel.’ She gave a muffled grunt and made a U-turn.

  Jake knocked on the door twice before a young woman opened it.

  “Yes,” she asked tersely while looking at him with suspicion.

  Jake showed his badge, “I’m investigating the murder of John White. I was hoping that you could help me with a few questions.”

  The woman nodded and opened the door. She guided Jake to the living room. Jake looked around the house. It was a small but well-maintained house.

  “You live here alone?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied and sat opposite to Jake.

  Jake pulled out his journal. “How well did you know John?”

  “Not much,” she replied.

  Jake looked at her and gave a faint smile. “You don’t like me asking questions?”

  “This is the third time someone has come for investigation. I’m not sure if there is going to be an end to these questions. I’m still trying to help, but I’m losing patience,” she said in a complaining tone.

  Jake took a deep breath. “I understand completely. However, there won’t be any visits after this. Believe me.”

  “I’ve heard that before too,” she said with a sneer. “Anyhow, John always kept to himself. In fact, most of the neighbors didn’t have any interest in knowing about him.”

  “Why so?” Jake asked.

  “He was fighting some case – for some insurance claim; I suppose,” she said, “It had something to do with his old house. Everyone believed he was the one who set the house on fire for the money.”

  “Why would someone think that way?”

  “There were rumors that the insurance company had proved it in the court, and he was on the verge of losing the case,” she explained, “He had turned a recluse after those rumors. In fact, we hadn’t seen him in the last two months before his death.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He was working night shifts for the last two months. Everyone says that he did that to avoid facing anyone in the day time.”

  Jake noted down and looked at her, “I assume there were no visitors to his house.”

  “No one except his lawyer,” she replied.

  “You know a lot about him, though,” Jake said with a smile, but it angered her.

  “I live alone, and the neighborhood isn’t that nice. I’ve to watch my back,” she replied angrily. “This is the exact reason why I don’t want to co-operate with you people. You treat everyone as a suspect.”

  Jake waved his arm in a defensive stance. “I’m really sorry. Offending you wasn’t my intention. Just one last question and I’ll be out of here.”

  She nodded reluctantly.

  “Very well. Did you notice anything strange in his behavior recently apart from working night shifts? Any small clue could help.”

  She thought for a moment. “I had heard from the neighbor
s that he was thinking of leaving this place around the same time he was murdered.”

  “Must be the money,” Jake thought for a moment and got up. “Thanks for your help.” He walked to the main door. The woman accompanied him.

  “Don’t you want to see his house?” she asked as Jake stepped out.

  “I’ve read the report from earlier investigation and besides the house must have been cleaned by now,” he said with a smile. “Once again thanks for the co-operation.”

  The woman nodded and closed the door.

  Jake gave a glance to John White’s house. It was a small two-bedroom house that didn’t look in a good condition.

  ‘He lost all his money fighting the case. Another common factor,’ Jake murmured as he walked towards the car.

  Jake must have driven for five more minutes when his phone rang. He glanced at the phone screen and stopped the car on the side of the road.

  “Give me some good news,” he said in desperation.

  “I’m not sure if it’s good or bad,” Ryan said from the other end, “We’ve found two addresses. He lived in the first house for three years and two years in the second one. He lived on rent, and the lease terminated as soon as he left them. Our guess was wrong – he doesn’t have a house here at present.”

  “It can’t be a coincidence,” Jake said, though not with much confidence, “Let’s visit the house where he lived seven years back when he was attacked.”

  “Okay. I’ll text you the address,” Ryan replied, “Shall we inform Carlson?”

  “No, that won’t be needed. It would’ve made sense if the house lease was in his name,” Jake mused, “We’ll check with the current tenants and the neighbors if they know anything. Though, it seems to be a waste of time now.”

  “Hmm… I’ll meet you there in an hour’s time,” Ryan said.

  Jake looked at Ryan’s text for an instant before going back to the call. “One hour seems fine. It won’t take me much time from here. I’ll visit the bookstore where Mark Harris worked, on my way.”

  “Okay. Anything else?”

  “Nothing, right now. My brain has ceased to act,” Jake replied. “See you in one hour.”



  Jake looked at the phone screen for a second before getting into the car.

  It took Kiara another forty- five minutes before she reached her apartment. She started thinking about what she had seen today – there was a man who knew something about the Connelly family; something that made Eva cry and not only that, even Chris came to meet him within minutes. However, both discussions – with Eva and Chris ended up in an argument. He wants them to sign some proposal. However, it’s not an ordinary proposal; it’s something they don’t want to accept, but they don’t look in a position to reject it completely either.

  And, then they went to meet Niklas at the ‘Park Plaza hotel.’

  ‘How is Niklas related to this?’ she said to herself, ‘Or there is no link. Maybe, you wasted the whole day following them for nothing. They may have gone there for a drink.”

  She knew she wasn’t going to get any leads sitting in her apartment. She pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

  “Hey, Jason,” she said.

  “Hi,” Jason said with surprise, “I heard you were sick.”

  Kiara feigned a cough, “It’s just a mild fever. Who told you?”

  “Jeff was telling… anyhow, why did you call?” Jason asked.

  “Can’t I call to check what’s happening with you?”

  “Yeah… not going to work on me. I know you very well. You won’t bother if it weren’t for some work,” Jason said dryly.

  Kiara knew she had to be direct too, “Are you busy?”

  “Not much,” Jason replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

  “What happened? I thought you would be with Jeff and Robert keeping a watch on Niklas’s movements,” Kiara asked.

  “They don’t need me for that. I’m in the division,” Jason said and paused, “Why did you call?”

  Kiara knew Jason wasn’t happy with his current team, and that was going to help her.

  “I’ve found some leads on your case,” she said.

  “What? Aren’t you supposed to stay away from the case?” Jason asked with surprise, “You know the consequences if Carlson comes to know about your activities.”

  “Whoa,” Kiara said at once, “Stop right there. I’m not doing an investigation or something of that sort. Whatever I have found is based on my thinking and a little search on the internet. You think I’m following the people related to this case… I don’t want to lose my job.”

  “All right,” Jason replied, “I don’t think we need any help from you. As I said, you’re no longer a part of this case, so…”

  “But, you’re working on this case and are being sidelined,” Kiara interjected.

  “Is this some plan to sabotage my rapport with Jeff and Robert?” Jason asked.

  “Sabotage,” Kiara said with a faint smile, “Listen to me first completely. I’m not a part of this case, and I don’t even want to pursue it. But, during our investigation, I had found a few things that no one else knows – not even you. I’ve been thinking about those points and have found more information on the internet that could help you and when I say you, I’m not talking about the team, I’m talking about you – Jason.”

  Kiara’s words had the desired impact as Jason went silent for a moment. “Why are you helping me?” he finally asked.

  “I’m actually helping myself,” Kiara replied, “You know I had a belief that we were really close to solving this case. I know I’m out of the case and can’t take any credit for solving it. However, if you solve it, I’ll at least have the satisfaction that what I had interpreted was right. I can’t tell anyone about anything as it may affect my job too. You, on the other hand, can become a hero. So, it’s a win-win. You get the credit, and I get the satisfaction.”

  “That’ll depend on what you actually know. Maybe, I’m already aware of it,” Jason wasn’t going to concede that easily either.

  “Maybe, let’s see,” Kiara said and coughed again to keep the charade going on, “Sorry… do you remember I told you to get some information on Niklas, Jannik and Edward Connelly while I went home that day?”

  “Yes,” Jason said and paused. “You didn’t go home?”

  “I went to Niklas’s restaurant instead.”

  “Are you mad? What if he actually knew we were following him?” Jason asked with surprise.

  “Relax. I knew he wasn’t aware of our presence. But, I didn’t want to tell anyone as Carlson had ordered us to stay away from the case. Anyway, that’s not important. What I found is important?”

  “What did you find?” Jason knew the discussion had started to veer in the direction he wanted it to.

  “I saw Edward Connelly’s son, Chris, having an argument with the restaurant manager. Have you done any background check for Chris Connelly?” she asked.

  “We’ve done a check on the whole family, but haven’t gone deep. Right now we’re focusing on Niklas and Jannik,” Jason replied.

  “I think you should do it. Chris runs all the business deals globally. He is the face of Connelly Foundation. He inked the deal with Jannik, and I believe he has some more common business interest with Jannik and Niklas apart from the foundation. I could find only that much but with Bob’s help you’ll be able to find more,” she suggested.

  “Yeah… that does look promising,” he agreed reluctantly.

  “Not only Chris, but you also have to get the background check done for Eva Connelly,” Kiara said.

  “What about her?” Jason inquired.

  “She was the one inside Niklas’s car when we thought he gave us the slip,” Kiara said.

  “Are you sure?” Jason asked with excitement.

  “I saw her from two feet distance. Remember, I was standing beside her car,” Kiara said.

  “Yes… you’re ri
ght. Now it makes perfect sense,” Jason replied.

  “What makes sense?” Kiara inquired.

  “As I said, we did some background check on the whole family. She heads the board, so we did check a few things about her past, but she is clean. We thought she had no link with any of these activities. But, if she was in Niklas’s car; then she has something to do with all of this and not only businesswise.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Maybe, her closeness to Niklas is the reason for her divorce,” he said.


  “Nothing,” Jason replied at once, “I really appreciate you helping me with the case, but I’m still not sure of your intentions.”

  “You think I’m trying to extract information from you?” Kiara asked with surprise. “Let me reiterate why I’m helping you – I’m trying to give you information that no one has. You’re not going to solve this case in million years by just following Niklas and Jannik. You need to investigate from all the angles. And, I’m providing those angles. My hands are tied, I’ve questions, but to get the answers I need the details to which only you’ve the access. After this discussion, you can use Bob or anyone to extract those details and solve this case. You don’t even have to tell me what you found or how you solved the case. I may come to know about it in the team briefing or from somewhere else. You’re the only one who can get credit out of it and no one else. After this discussion, you’ll hold all the cards – if you play them right, you’ll be the only one to get the credit. You understand what I mean?”

  “Wow! That was some explanation,” Jason replied. “If you’re okay with me investigating it my way and not sharing anything with you, then I’ve no issues.”

  “Great,” Kiara finally heaved a sigh of relief, “I believe Edward Connelly didn’t have a change of heart. He just changed the mode of operations. All the players – Niklas, Jannik, Chris, Eva and Eva’s estranged husband are linked to it. I’ve a few theories – it’s up to you to decide which one of them seems plausible to you and could be investigated further.

  First -Niklas isn’t a good businessman, still Jannik funded his restaurant business. He knew Niklas was in debt and would do anything for money. He made him the face of the restaurant business – a business where he collaborated with Edward Connelly or rather Chris Connelly. Chris runs the Connelly Foundation that has clientele provided by Jannik. They’re the people who donate the money to the foundation. So, Chris gets the donation – what is Jannik getting in return?


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