Davenport Mysteries 04-Loose Ends

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Davenport Mysteries 04-Loose Ends Page 16

by Vashist, Varun

  “Are you sure?” Jake interjected.

  “As I said, I think he had a working lunch. I can’t go inside the building. Can I?” he said irately. “I knew I wasn’t getting anything. So, I used my resources to find out more about him. Now, my resources are not as efficient or as well paid as yours, but they found out a lot about him online – about his education, his professional experience, etc.”

  “Anything suspicious?” Jake asked knowing beforehand that some stinging reply was coming his way.

  “No one puts anything suspicious about their education and professional experience online,” Ron replied, “It was all the usual stuff. He spent his childhood in California and then moved to Washington for higher studies. Worked in a bunch of companies across the whole country before joining Alliance Insurance – Washington, Boston, Arizona, New York… everywhere.”

  “What did you say?” Jake asked hurriedly while getting up.

  “He worked everywhere,” Ron replied.

  “No, before that,” Jake said, “Something about Arizona.”

  “Yeah, he was there before this job,” Ron said, “Do you want the name of the company?”

  “He has worked with Alliance Insurance for five years,” Jake mused ignoring Ron’s words, “How long did he work in Arizona?”

  “Let me check,” Ron said and went quiet for some time, “Three years.”

  Jake closed his eyes, “He was there the same time Donald was attacked.”

  “What?” Ron asked.

  “Thanks, Ron. You don’t have any idea what you have found,” Jake said.

  “I’m glad I could help,” Ron replied with confusion.

  Jake disconnected immediately and turned to Kiara. “Time to pay Travis Nelson a visit. I knew he was up to something.”

  “Let’s go,” Kiara said and held her hand out. “I’m driving. You’re too exhausted.”

  “I got my strength back now,” Jake smiled while handing over the car keys.

  “Do we need to inform Carlson?” Kiara asked as they reached the main door.

  “Not yet,” Jake said. “I don’t want him to stop me from getting the information my way.”

  “I’m there for that,” Kiara said with a grin.

  Jake looked at her face. “No, you’re not. You enjoy this as much as I do.”

  Kiara nodded, “Yeah… I do.”

  “Let me check with his office if he is there,” Jake said as Kiara turned on the ignition.

  “I understand,” he said and pulled out his journal. He jotted down the address. “Thank you. We have to go to his apartment – Galaxy Heights,” He said as he disconnected.

  “That’s posh,” Kiara said while glancing at the address.

  “All the victims were lured by money - so the mastermind has to be rich,” Jake said, “He knew we’ll question him after James’s death. That’s why he made us believe that he was about to fire James. I don’t think there was any issue between him and James.”

  “That’s possible,” Kiara mused, “But, what could be the motive?”

  “I have an idea why he did it. Even I had my doubts initially, but now that I put all pieces together it makes more sense,” Jake replied, “He became nervous when I asked him about him being a ruthless manager who didn’t care about the employees. There are a few other things that are bothering me, but, I want to speak to him first.”

  Kiara knew Jake was preparing for the meeting. She concentrated on the driving while thinking about her case that had gone to the background for now.

  It took them half an hour to reach Galaxy Heights and another ten minutes to find a parking spot and to reach the elevator.

  “You ready with your questions?” Kiara asked as she pressed the tenth-floor button.

  “I’ve no doubt about this,” Jake said with a faint smile. “I’m just thinking about Ryan. I hope he is fine.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s going to be all right. We’re almost there,” Kiara said as the elevator came to a halt.

  Jake took out his journal and looked at the apartment number as they came out of the elevator. He looked around and then pointed at the door at the corner. “That one.”

  A woman opened the door after the doorbell rang three times.

  She looked at Jake’s badge with surprise before turning around, “Honey, the cops are here to see you.”

  “Actually we aren’t cops… Anyway, can we come inside?” Kiara asked.

  The woman took a moment before opening the door completely and stepping aside.

  “Cops?” Travis asked while coming out of the bedroom. Jake was lost in his thoughts while Kiara admired the expansiveness of the living room.

  “Oh… it’s you,” Travis said looking at Jake while remembering something, “Agent Carter? Right?”

  “You’re right,” Jake said without any emotions and turned to Kiara, “That’s my partner Agent Kiara Davenport.”

  “But, your partner was Agent Davis?” Travis asked.

  “You had to think hard about my name but remember his name clearly,” Jake sneered.

  “What?” Travis asked.

  “Please be seated. We have a few questions for you,” Kiara said.

  “Is this regarding James Reed’s murder?” Travis asked as he sat down.

  “No… it’s regarding Agent Davis’s kidnapping,” Jake retorted. Kiara pressed Jake’s hand and gestured him to control his emotions.

  “Mr. Nelson,” Kiara said calmly, “Agent Ryan Davis has been missing, and we think that it’s linked to James Reed’s murder. We had a few questions for you that could help us to find him.”

  “I don’t understand,” Travis said with surprise.

  “You will,” Jake said. “You said that day that you were about to fire James?”

  Travis looked at him. “I know why you’re asking the same question. I showed some nervousness that day when you asked me about James and I think that’s what you want to ask actually.”

  “You’re much more perceptive than what I had thought,” Jake smirked.

  “James was murdered within a few days after discussing his financial condition with me,” Travis replied, “I didn’t want you to think that the two were linked. That’s why I reacted that way, and there is nothing more to it.”

  “Well, I would’ve bought your argument, only if you hadn’t tried to derail the investigation,” Jake said.

  “What do you mean – I derailed the investigation?” Travis asked angrily.

  “You not only hid the fact that you were aware of James’s financial condition; you also told us that he was having a bout of depression,” Jake said firmly, “You know who killed him?”

  “Who?” Travis asked.

  “Someone who promised him money to bail him out of his financial condition. He went to meet this person for money but instead lost his life,” Jake said. “But, that’s not the interesting part; the interesting part is that James didn’t want to go to this person. In fact, he was trying to find a different… a legal way to get out of his financial distress. But, you didn’t let him have that,” Jake said and came forward. “You denied him extra leads around the same time when his murderer offered him money.”

  “You think I knew he was being offered money by someone,” Travis said, and when there was no response from Jake, he got up. “I want you to leave my house. And, next time come with a court order and inform me in advance. I’m not going to hear your stupid theories without my lawyer.”

  Jake smiled. “You should call him now itself. Because, we’re going to meet again tonight and this time I’m not going to visit you; you’re going to be summoned to our interrogation room.”

  Jake’s words added fuel to the fire. “GET OUT,” Travis shouted.

  Jake smiled and got up. Kiara followed suit. Travis opened the door and got aside. Kiara left at once, but Jake stopped by Travis for a second and said something in his ear that shook his whole body. Kiara looked at Travis with surprise.

  “What did you tell him?” she
asked as Jake joined her in the elevator.

  “I told him that he isn’t only connected to James’s murder. We know that he was in Arizona when Donald Coleman was attacked,” Jake said with a smile. “I don’t think after hearing this, he will do anything to Ryan. We’ve just to get him inside the interrogation room and then I’ll make him sing.”

  “We shouldn’t waste time, then,” Kiara said as they came out of the elevator. “You should call Carlson.”

  “You’re right,” Jake said and dialed Carlson’s number.

  Kiara kept looking at him as he explained everything to Carlson. After five minutes or so, they walked to the car.

  “He will make the arrangements, but he isn’t happy that we went to meet Travis without consulting him,” Jake said, “He thinks if we’re right about Travis, then we have compromised Ryan’s safety. We have to stay here and keep an eye on Travis’s movements.”

  “Let’s move away from here first. He might have noticed where we’re parked,” Kiara said pointing at Travis’s apartment that had a clear view of where they were standing.

  They drove to the end of the street. Jake got down and walked to the other side of the road. There was a small park at some distance from where he was able to see Travis’s apartment as well as the entrance to the building.

  Kiara took some time to find a parking spot and as she was about to step out of the car, her phone rang.

  “Jake?” she said with surprise, “What happened?”

  “We were wrong,” Jake said anxiously, “Ryan…Ryan.”

  “What happened?” she asked again. “You’re scaring me.”

  “We have to go to the division immediately,” Jake said hastily. “We don’t have much time, I think. Oh… God.”

  With that, Jake disconnected. Kiara turned the ignition on and backed up the car hurriedly. Her heart was pounding while her head was filled with all the negative thoughts.

  Jake was standing where she had left him. His face had turned pale, and his body language suggested that something bad had happened. Kiara didn’t care about the incoming traffic. She stopped the car and got out.

  “What happened?” she asked. Jake didn’t even notice her presence. She had to tap on Jake’s shoulder to bring him out of his thoughts.

  “Ryan called,” Jake said with great difficulty.

  “What?” Kiara shouted. “You’re killing me. Don’t tell me something happened to him.”

  “We were wrong – it’s not Travis. It’s something else,” Jake said, but his words didn’t make any sense to Kiara. She got hold of his arm and opened the car door. She pushed him inside and rushed to the driving side.

  She gave him the water bottle, but Jake refused.

  “What did he say?” she asked.

  “Eight Suns,” Jake said with fear in his eyes.


  Jake looked at her. “He said that he was surrounded by the ‘eight suns’ and pleaded to save him.”

  Now it was Kiara’s turn to shake nervously. “Are… are you sure?” she asked.

  “It’s real,” he said in a low voice. “My theory that they’ll not hurt Ryan as he didn’t fit the profile was wrong.”

  Kiara knew Jake was not in a right state of mind, and if she also agreed to these theories, it was only going to make everything more difficult.

  “It can’t be true,” she said, “Even if he has seen something, that doesn’t mean it’s real. Someone is playing mind games with us. And, think of it this way – we can now trace the call back to the place where they’ve kept Ryan.”

  Jake showed her the phone screen and clicked on the call history. Kiara took the phone from him.

  “It’s an online call. I don’t think we’ll be able to trace the IP; it must be routed through some server outside the country,” Jake said.

  “Still, I’ll get it checked,” Kiara said. “And, stop sulking. They think that they can play mind games; we’ll show them how this is done.”

  Her words didn’t evoke the response she had expected.

  “I get it,” she said. “You want some proof to trust my words. Okay, let’s go to the division. I know who can help us. I guess it’s time I get introduced to Donald Coleman.”

  Jake kept staring at the road. Kiara tossed Jake’s phone on the back seat and started the car. She knew they were on the receiving end of the case, but she wasn’t going to accept defeat – not that easily.


  Donald Coleman was sleeping, and his face didn’t show any signs of stress that such investigations brought on the faces of ordinary criminals.

  “He was right when he said that he felt much safer in here than out there at his home,” Jake said with a faint smile. “He is enjoying in here and Ryan…”

  Kiara ignored his words. “We don’t have time for this. I’m going to talk to him. You speak with Carlson and keep one unit on standby. We may need them anytime now and check the source of the call also,” she said and walked to the interrogation room.

  Jake looked at her as she got inside and left for his desk.

  Donald was brought out of his slumber by the scraping sound made by the metal door. He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses.

  “Who are you?” he asked Kiara with a smile.

  “Your worst nightmare,” Kiara said and pulled a chair opposite to him.

  “Wow! Where did I hear it before? Is this some tactic to change the Agents to pressurize me?” Donald smirked, “I’m not going to change my statements whether you ask the questions, or he asks. You know why… Because whatever I said is true and truth doesn’t change.”

  “We have found Ryan’s co-ordinates,” Kiara said looking into Donald’s eyes, “A call was made to us, and we have traced the location. We’re going to raid that place any moment now.”

  Her lie brought the expected impact on Donald. The smirk was wiped off and was replaced by a nervous demeanor. Kiara knew she had set the tone right; she had to build on it.

  “Why are you here, then? That’s what you’re going to ask now. Right?” Kiara said and came forward. “I’ll tell you that in advance. I’m here to inform you that finding Ryan’s location by tracing a call means the people behind this aren’t extraterrestrial; otherwise they wouldn’t have made such a rookie mistake. I’m here to ask you the same questions but this time I want answers from the point of view of human involvement and not some made up creatures.”

  “That’s… that’s impossible,” Donald said. His face was of a man whose whole belief system was crashing in front of his eyes.

  “Nothing is impossible,” Kiara said coldly, “What were you doing in Arizona that night?”

  “As I told seven years back, I was on a business trip and not for the first time,” Donald replied drily. “I’ve crossed the same road several times, and nothing happened.”

  “What was the nature of the business?” Kiara asked.

  “Gardening equipment… I used to sell them. Come on, this is in your file. Isn’t it?” Donald shook his head.

  “I told you. I’m going to ask the same questions – don’t get frustrated. This isn’t a courtesy call; you have to co-operate. The quicker you answer, the faster I’ll be out of here,” Kiara said looking in his eyes.

  Donald didn’t respond. Kiara kept staring at him. After a few second, he gave his consent. “Go ahead.”

  “Great,” Kiara said, “Did you stop anywhere before the attack?”

  “Yes, I had a cup of coffee a few miles before Sedona,” Donald replied, “But, I didn’t speak to anyone except the coffee shop staff. I’ve also thought about this for years, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the attack.”

  “Okay… Who were you meeting in Arizona?”

  “I was supposed to meet an apple farm owner. I was meeting him the first time, and again I have…”

  “Yes… you have thought about it several times. I get it. Who knew about your trip?”

  “Only my office. I had no one else in my life,” he

  “That’s a commonality among the victims,” Kiara mumbled and looked at him, “You had a drug habit…”

  “This is ridiculous… how many times do I’ve to tell that I’m clean for twenty years now, and even your report says that I had no drugs in my system on that night.”

  “I know that. I want to know if someone from your drug days had something against you,” Kiara asked, “It’s a long shot.. still.”

  Donald calmed down and gave it a thought. “I don’t think so. It was twenty years back. If my dealer had something to do with it, he would’ve done that years back.”

  There was a gentle tap at the interrogation mirror. Kiara glanced at it. She knew Jake was standing on the other side.

  “Is he not joining?” Donald smirked.

  “Why do you care?” Kiara said firmly, “You’re absolutely sure that none of the other victims were known to you?”

  “You’re not getting it. Are you?” Donald said, “There is no one in my life or the other victim’s life, but it has nothing to do with this. These attacks are a random act. Maybe, I was unlucky that day, and they were unlucky when this happened to them. It could’ve been anyone. It’s an experiment. It doesn’t matter who is subjected to it.”

  “Then why all of you are the same age, are broke; are or were depressed from your lives?” Kiara questioned.

  “I was not broke when this happened to me. My job paid me well,” Donald retorted.

  Before Kiara could have said anything, the door opened. Jake entered in haste and walked to the table.

  “What did you say?” he asked.

  “Welcome back,” Donald smirked.

  Jake punched the table. “What did you say?”

  “Tell him or next punch will be on your face,” Kiara said.

  “My… my job paid me well,” Donald said with question-filled eyes.

  Jake shook his head in frustration. “No… before that.”

  “I was not broke…” Donald said before Jake interjected.

  “Maybe, that’s why you were spared,” he said with a glow in his eyes. All tiredness had left his face.


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