Douluo Dalu: Volume 37: Seagod’s Trident

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 37: Seagod’s Trident Page 10

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “Gaga, attacking the Slaughter King with evil energy, I can only feel sorry for you. Kid, you’re already enveloped in my Slaughter Domain. If you give me the antidote now, I can still leave you with an intact corpse. This is your last chance.”

  The Slaughter King didn’t pursue, but instead stared fixedly at Tang San, his eyes even more focused on the Seagod Trident in Tang San’s right hand. Clearly, he was extremely wary of this weapon.

  Tang San had suffered two setbacks in succession, but his expression still didn’t change. Listening to the Slaughter King, he suddenly smiled,

  “By that, you shouldn’t be called Slaughter King, you should be called Evil King. You’re right, evil energy of course has to be resisted with the energy of justice. Do you really believe your Slaughter Domain is unparallelled? Unfortunately, your level is still far too lacking. Just let me use justice energy to to help purify you. You shouldn’t exist in this world.”

  While speaking, Tang San raised the Seagod Trident, and the Seagod Trident brand on his forehead suddenly brightened. No matter how powerful this Slaughter Domain was, it still couldn’t stop him from using the ability that stemmed from gods, the Seagod’s Light.

  Brilliant golden light turned into a pillar of light, shining perfectly straight down on that rhombic gem on the trident. Instantly, Boundless Nature burst forth. Intense light even more dazzling than the sun, rendered Tang San’s body completely golden.

  At this moment, a dignified, divine aura filled the whole forest, and the previous wide expanse of vicious red light shattered.

  What Tang san said about insufficient level, of course didn’t mean that the Slaughter King’s strength was below his, but rather that no matter how powerful the Slaughter Domain, it was still just a domain of the human world. But what this Seagod Trident possessed, was divine light.

  Tang San had already started to figure out a way to defeat the Slaughter King since he saw him. Without a doubt, the ability the Slaughter King possessed was evil energy, and the Seagod’s divine power was definitely a just and honorable energy. Adding the difference in levels, this was why Tang San didn’t use his attack abilities all out before.

  The divine power of the Seagod Trident spreading out immediately had an evil vanquishing effect, simply breaking through the Slaughter King’s Slaughter Domain, cleanly sweeping away the evil aura in the air.

  At the same time, this was also the first time Tang San used the Seagod Trident’s power in a true sense. Through the connection of the Seagod’s Light, a torrent of information rushed madly into him from the Seagod Trident. Tang San was completely enveloped by the golden light of the trident, and his mind frantically absorbed the information reaching him. It was only at this moment that he truly understood how powerful the divine instrument he got from the seventh trial was.

  Different from the mad rush of energy Tang San felt, as the Seagod Trident’s dark form turned golden, covered with a dazzling golden pattern, the golden light that dispersed with the rhombic Seagod’s Heart as center was calm.

  The gentle golden light was filled with a radiant flavour, as if it would heal all pain, and also like it would awaken dormant life. However, this gentleness still held a stubborn attachment, to expel the darkness.

  No matter how powerful the Slaughter Domain was before, even suppressing and forcing back Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain, at this moment, in front of a truly divine power, that wicked Slaughter Domain quickly melted like ice, broke like tile.

  The Slaughter King was completely immersed within the Seagod Trident’s golden light, so much that he still maintained the previous stance with both arms spread, the two giant wings on his back unfolded, looking vicious and evil. Now, his body seemed to be frozen in place, even the malicious expression on his face was frozen. As if influenced by something.

  Hu Liena had already crawled to her feet. Seeing this scene, she hurriedly covered her mouth. If the feeling the vicious and powerful Slaughter King gave her before was beyond terror, then the strength Tang San now revealed gave her heart a kind of fantastic and complex feeling.

  It was happiness for Tang San’s strength, but at the same time also a deep grief over how formidable he was. She understood too well that the enmity between Tang San and the Spirit Empire couldn’t be settled. He would only be the empire’s enemy. Having an enemy like this clearly wasn’t a good thing for the empire. If he was still in his twenties, but already had the power to contend with Title Douluo level powers, then, in ten years, twenty years? What would he be like then?

  Hu Liena’s mind was already in chaos, blankly watching Tang San, feeling that golden light warm her body and disperse the fear in her heart, she didn’t know how she would face Tang San.

  The scene of the battle was a bit strange. Both sides stood there motionlessly. Tang San was suffering the enormous information attack from the Seagod Trident, and was unable to move for the moment. But the Seagod Trident also seemed to have merged together with him, plating his body with a bizarre defensive energy.

  And the Slaughter King was frozen in the divine light the Seagod Trident radiated, clearly influenced by that evil vanquishing force. But his body was also just frozen there, without undergoing any significant change.

  Time passed second by second. The golden light over Tang San’s body began to grow more and more intense, the Seagod Trident in his hand even more emitting ten thousand rays of light, each magic line on its surface becoming exceptionally distinct.

  And at this moment, the Slaughter King also finally showed a change. Red light began to roam across that sword shaped blood colored magic line on his forehead, gradually growing from faint to more intense, a red faint luster appeared over his body, unexpectedly blocking the divine light of the Seagod Trident. And the Slaughter King’s pale complexion also began to change, gradually replaced by an unhealthy flush. The wings on his back broke into fragments, turned to ash and blown off by the Seagod’s Light. His hair also gradually went from red to black, the same change occurring in his eyes at the same time. All over his whole body, only one place remained red, only that magic mark on his forehead.

  Tang San’s eyes gradually recovered their clarity, but after he woke up, his expression was shocked. Because he clearly sensed that, even though the Slaughter King in front of him had shed the bloody color, his wings shattered, the aura he radiated was still rising geometrically, as if it would continue without limit. The red light protecting his surroundings began to overflow outside, unexpectedly slowly pushing back the Seagod Trident’s golden light.

  How was it possible, this was the Seagod Trident’s evil vanquishing light, even though he still wasn’t the true Seagod and couldn’t use its full power, this divine light was still a genuine divine force. It was unexpectedly unable to break the Slaughter King’s bizarre red light, this was just……

  Using all his spiritual force to target the Slaughter King’s body from all directions, Tang San finally discovered a fundamental change in the Slaughter King’s basic nature. His killing intent was not only not weakened by the Seagod’s Light, but on the contrary rose geometrically along with his strength, however, his original wicked aura had disappeared completely. That red light was unexpectedly the purest killing intent, even more pure than his own Deathgod Domain.

  It couldn’t continue. Tang San sensed an intense danger. The situation had exceeded his expectations for the first time. After the Slaughter King’s strength, originally not beneath Seadragon Douluo, rose severalfold like this, it wasn’t something he’d be able to resist.

  Raising the head of the Seagod Trident to slowly point forward, until it was parallel with the ground, Tang San gave a loud shout, once again displaying the Blue Silver Avatar, eight rings circling around him, left foot heavily stepping forward, his whole body shooting towards the Slaughter King like an arrow, the trident’s long blades stabbing straight at the opponent’s chest.

  Tang San’s spirit power pushed the, in his hands, only one hundred and eight jin Seagod Trident
to a high velocity, but the trident’s actual weight was one hundred eight thousand jin. At the same time as Tang San operated the Seagod Trident, the pattern covering it rippled like water, from the end of the shaft to the tip of the central, longest blade, the tip of the blade radiated golden light like a small sun, energies combined into one, body and polearm uniting. Even though there was no technique to speak of, his spiritual force and the Seagod Trident’s aura had already completely targeted the enemy.

  Rousing the Seagod Trident’s energy required the immense support of the Seagod’s Light and Tang San’s spirit power. Even with Tang San’s present strength, he could still only do it for a very short time. He wasn’t the Seagod, and using the Seagod Trident wasn’t easy. This kind of all out attack style was something he could only use three to five times at most right now. Now all his strength was thrown into the attack, in order to settle it in one stroke, completely eliminating the enemy. No matter how powerful the Slaughter King was, once he was run through by this truly divine weapon, he wouldn’t escape even if he was a god.

  But in the instant Tang San launched the attack, the Slaughter King’s eyes suddenly brightened. His eyes were black, an incomparably deep black. His features also seemed to have changed. Even though he still looked middle aged, he’d become a lot more handsome, all the evil replaced by a healthy impression. The black hair behind his head moved without wind. Standing there, he no longer had the previous Slaughter King’s fleeting form, but was solid as a mountain.

  Red light rushed out from the wide hands that were no longer claw shaped, without the slightest influence from the Seagod Trident’s targeting. In this moment, the imposing manner erupting from his body was already formidable to an indescribable degree. The shadow of a giant hammer filled with infinite killing intent flashed behind his back. Strangely, after that giant hammer appeared, it very quickly transformed, in the blink of an eye the hammer seemed to have melted, transforming into a more than two meter long giant sword.

  The Slaughter King held the sword with both hands, advancing rather than retreating, all the red light around him smelting into one whole, the heavy sword swung up from below with the power to scorch the Heavens, meeting Tang San’s Seagod Trident.

  From Hu Liena’s perspective, all that could be seen was a dazzling golden light colliding with a gaudy bloody light.


  Golden and bloody colors fused together for a moment, then instantly exploded. Hu Liena only felt an enormous energy hit her like an avalanche, all she could do was curl up as tightly as possible, surrounding herself with that giant fox tail. The next moment she was thrown out like a pebble, going far into the distance. Hu Liena completely lost consciousness while still in the air, but fortunately, she still released her Deathgod Domain at the same time as she was attacked, and so eliminated the worst outcome.

  The energy fluctuations didn’t spread very far, only three hundred meters or so. However, within this range, all plants and rocks completely vanished. It wasn’t that they turned to ash, but that they disappeared into nothing.

  On the ground appeared a three hundred meter diameter crater, more than a hundred meters deep.

  A golden light shot out of the crater like a roving dragon. The golden rays of light dulled as it flew, and as it reached the highest point it was already completely black. But even so, when it landed next to the crater, it still once again caused a loud boom, sinking a whole ten meters into the ground before coming to a stop.

  There was no dust cloud, the scene inside the hundred meter crater was perfectly clear. The golden figure had darkened, but that red radiance was still intense.

  In the moment the Seagod Trident was knocked out, Tang San’s body was flung into the wall behind him. Even the solid rock couldn’t stop him, and he finally came to a rest in a hole five meters deep. But he still madly spurted blood, his five viscera and six bowels seeming to roul, his spirit power and spiritual force both suffering an unprecedented suppression.

  If he had to describe the feeling of the collision, then it would be like that fight with Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi before he had gotten the Seagod Trident.

  The feeling of the split second the Seagod Trident met the opponent’s heavy sword was clearly branded in Tang San’s mind. He hadn’t sensed any effect from the Seagod Trident’s weight, on the contrary the opponent’s explosive strength had far surpassed his. That blood red light of slaughter energy filled with the purest killing intent wasn’t in any way inferior to his own Seagod’s Light, so much so that his Seagod’s Light had even been comprehensively suppressed in the moment of the collision.

  Chapter 259: Slaughter King? Great Grandfather?

  His full strength attack was easily beaten by the opponent’s heaven scorching strike, and all that happened to the enemy was that he sank into the ground to his knees. That enormous pit was caused by the force of Tang San and the Slaugher King simultaneously warding off the explosive energy of the trident and long sword colliding.

  In just a single exchange, Tang San was already completely defeated, so much that he even lost hold of the Seagod Trident. Ever since he started cultivating Spirit Power as a child, Tang San had never experienced such a crushing defeat. Even back when Xiao Wu sacrificed herself from him, he was surrounded and besieged by multiple enemies. But the Slaughter King was just one man, but had still defeated his divine tool.

  Tang San was completely unable to understand how the Slaughter King, who had previously been within his calculations, had unexpectedly grown so powerful after being enveloped in the Seagod’s Light, so powerful he basically couldn’t contend against him.

  It wasn’t just his spirit power that was powerful, there was also that sword in his hand. Because Tang San believed that even Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi couldn’t have blocked his previous all out attack this easily. But this Slaughter King was not only not weaker than Bo Saixi, that sword he held also didn’t seem to be inferior to his Seagod Trident. That’s why he was defeated so miserably.

  Only, even though he was seriously injured, Tang San somehow felt that the opponent could obviously have used an even stronger attack, but the Slaughter King seemed to have finally held back, without letting that sword energy cut him. Otherwise, he might have already been beheaded.

  Always the one who fully calculated the battles, Tang San’s mind was now in chaos. He could take the physical pain, but the heartfelt sense of defeat and inability to contend was extremely painful. He’d never felt like this, even against his most formidable opponents he’d still been able to think of the best way to deal with them. However, the Slaughter King’s suddenly exploding strength, as well as the current situation, made him feel despair.

  There was already no meaning to regret. The only thought in Tang San’s mind right now was how to save Xiao Wu after he was killed. Perhaps he could somehow help Xiao Wu complete the resurrection inside the Wishful Hundred Treasures Purse while he got killed. After all, his true strength had long since reached the Title Douluo level.

  Just as Tang San’s mind was in chaos, the Slaughter King’s voice echoed,

  “This is the Seagod’s strength, why do you have the Seagod Trident? Do you know Bo Saixi?”

  His voice had undergone very large changes compared to before, no longer sharp or vicious. It had become heavy with age, and the voice that was originally unlike a middle aged man was that of a dignified elder.

  En? Tang San was after all an intelligent person. Even though he had suffered an enormous blow, hearing the changes in the Slaughter King’s voice, his despairing heart was aflame with hope. Releasing his spirit power, he pushed himself free of the surrounding rock. When he stepped out into the deep pit, he once again spit out a mouthful of blood due to the exertion and his injuries. But he still immediately stood straight. He would never forget what his father once taught him.

  The Slaughter King really was different from before. Even though his whole body was still sheathed in bloody light, his eyes had become especially bright. Gazing
deeply at Tang San, the expression in his eyes was thoughtful and somewhat complex. It felt as if he had awoken from a dream.

  “You know senior Bo Saixi too?”

  Tang San asked doubtfully. He had no plans on running. The strength of the man in front of him wasn’t below Bo Saixi’s in the slightest, and that heavy sword in his hand was even more formidable than any weapon Bo Saixi had. It would be impossible to escape even with the Vast Sea Barrier’s hiding effect.

  A deep grief flashed in the Slaughter King’s eyes,

  “Many years ago, even I don’t know how many. Is she still well?”

  Tang San said faintly:

  “I don’t know if I should say how well she is. Just who are you?”

  “Who am I? Who am I? Hahahahaha……”

  The Slaughter King suddenly faced towards the sky and laughed loudly. But within the laugher, his expression was still extremely suffering, two tears of blood flowing from the corners of his eyes.

  “Did I win? Or lose? As far as I’m concerned, there’s no longer a meaning to anything. Was I wrong? Was I right? Decades like a dream. I fell to such sin. Asura, well done Asura. In the end I still couldn’t pass your trial. There’s no right or wrong, perhaps it’s time and fate.”

  Wild energy fluctuations made everything in the surroundings tremble. The heavy sword in the Slaughter King’s hands also constantly overflowed with bloody light.

  Tang San only stood there, quietly watching him. He vaguely understood that there was a major difference between this slaughter king and the completely blood colored one from before. Apparently, the current him was the original. But he still couldn’t guess what had happened.

  After a very long time, the Slaughter King finally calmed down. The bloody tears stopped falling, and his eyes once again grew focused.

  “Judging by the Seagod Trident you have, and that you have the Seagod’s Light capability, you should be the Seagod’s chosen.”

  Tang San couldn’t easily hide it, and nodded.


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