Sazon (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 4)

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Sazon (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 4) Page 27

by K. J. Dahlen

“Oh, how did I do that?” Sebastian asked.

  “You followed me on the river. I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “You took my son. Did you really think I wouldn’t come after you to get him back?” Sebastian asked quietly.

  Tucker chuckled. “I underestimated you. Don’t worry, I won’t do that again.”

  “Did you call just to tell me how quiet it is on the river or did you have something else to say?” Sebastian asked.

  “Aren’t you interested in how your boy is doing?”

  Sebastian’s hand tightened around the phone but that was the only outward sign that showed just how tense he was. “I know he’s still alive and you’d better keep him that way.”

  “Oh, why is that?” Tucker wanted to know.

  “Because if anything happens to him, I will hunt you down and take great pleasure in ending your miserable life,” Sebastian spoke with such conviction that even Tucker was taken aback by his tone.

  After a moment of silence, Tucker told him, “You have to catch me first. Oh and I did pick up another passenger, just to make things more interesting. But you’ll have to hurry to save her life.” Then the line went dead.

  Sebastian smiled to himself. He’d had given Tucker something to think about. The other man had to wonder just how far Sebastian would go, and that might be enough to keep him off balance and even things up again. Then the smile faded as he thought about what else Tucker told him. Not only did he have to get his son back, now he had to rescue someone else. He ran his hands over his face tiredly and wondered if this nightmare would ever end.

  * * * *

  Dawn was just breaking when Jesse woke up to the engine humming underneath him. Glanced at the window, he saw the early morning light flittering through and knew that Sebastian wouldn’t wait any longer. He joined Sebastian up on deck a few minutes later.

  Sebastian looked disheveled. Jesse doubted he’d gotten any sleep. He desperately needed a shave and hadn’t combed his hair.

  Jesse didn’t say a word, instead turned around and went below. He needed to make some coffee. A few minutes later, he came running back on deck. Sebastian had killed the motor and yelled.

  Jesse looked at Sebastian and then followed his line of sight. There half hidden by trees was the boat Tucker had left New Orleans on.

  Sebastian restarted the boat and brought it in closer to Tucker’s boat. Tucker’s boat looked deserted but it was early, so not that many people were up and about yet.

  Jesse disappeared below and when he reappeared, he had Sebastian’s gun in one hand and his own in the other. They both boarded Tucker’s boat.

  Jesse took one side and Sebastian took the other. Together, they searched the deck. As they made their way below, everything was quiet. When they reached the sleeping quarters, the door was closed. Sebastian reached out a hand and turned the knob. He nodded at Jesse and shoved the door open. Both men rushed into the room with their guns ready.

  Looking around the only person they found was a man, passed out on the big double bed. An empty bottle of liquor lay beside his unconscious body. Several empty beer cans littered the cabin floor.

  Sebastian shoved the gun into the waistband of his pants then reached down and grabbed the unconscious man. Shaking him awake, he began asking questions.

  The groaned and opened one eye. He found Sebastian scowling at him.

  “Who the hell are you and where is the owner of this boat?” Sebastian shook him again. “Where is Tucker Briggs?”

  “Who?” the man asked still not thinking straight. His head was pounding and nausea was churning in his stomach. He tried to swallow back the vomit that threatened to erupt.

  Sebastian leaned closer to him. “I asked you who the hell are you and where Tucker Briggs is and you’d better tell me right now. Where is he?”

  Jasper swallowed hard. His heart jumped and fear was in his throat. “My name is Jasper Wiley and I don’t know where Tucker is. He left late last night. He could be anywhere by this time.”

  Jesse asked. “How do you know Tucker?”

  Jasper didn’t take his eyes off of Sebastian. He knew by the look on the other man’s face that only the truth would satisfy him. “I’ve known Tucker for about ten years. We go fishing together when he’s in the area.”

  “How did he leave?” Sebastian asked.

  “He borrowed my boat,” Jasper told him finally. He wasn’t going to tell him anything, but one look at Sebastian’s face made him change his mind.

  “What kind of boat did he borrow?” Sebastian demanded. “Did you see anyone else with him? A little boy and maybe a woman?”

  Jesse jerked his head around to glare at Sebastian. “A woman? What the hell are you talking about?”

  Sebastian nodded not taking his eyes off Jasper. “He called me last night to confirm he took another woman.”

  “Fucking hell.” Jesse swore softly.

  Jasper grew pale at the news. “Oh dear lord, what the hell did I get myself into now?” he asked softly.

  Sebastian grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him to his feet. “You just got a one way ticket to prison if we don’t find them quickly. Charges will include accessory to murder if he kills either the boy or the woman.”

  “Hell’s bells.” Jasper swore.

  Just then, they all heard a noise coming from the closet. Sebastian and Jessie snapped their heads around to stare at the closet door.

  Jasper paled and began to shake. “That’s been going on all night. I thought I was dreaming it. But then I’ve been drinking all night too. I wasn’t sure if I was just hearing shit or what. I mean Tucker’s never had anyone on board with him any of the times we’ve met up. Besides, he was leaving. We were supposed to meet up again in Hannibal in a couple of days.”

  “You didn’t think to look?” Jesse snapped.

  Jasper shrugged. “It didn’t affect me, so I didn’t ask any questions. I ain’t stupid.”

  Jessie approached the closet door. His gun was in his hand ready to shoot if there was any threat behind the door. He turned the key in the lock and stood back. When he twisted the door handle, it flew open and someone fell to the floor.

  A young woman fell to her knees. She was bound and gagged and there was a look of great fear in her eyes as she took in the occupants in the room. She looked up at Jessie and he caught the look in her green eyes.

  Jessie was stunned. He couldn’t move, so it was Sebastian who rushed over to help her to her feet and untie her hands. “Are you ok, Kelly?”

  Kelly pulled her gaze away from Jesse and nodded. “Yeah, I’m ok. He didn’t really hurt me, just roughed me up. I didn’t even get a good look at him. He tied me up and blindfolded me until he got me onboard the boat then he shoved me in the closet. I thought I heard him talking to someone else but I couldn’t really hear him too well.” She rubbed her sore wrists and looked around. Her throat was dry and she could hardly speak.

  Jesse looked around the room and grabbed up a bottle of water. Handing it to her, she drank the whole bottle down and nodded at him.

  When she saw Jasper, she looked quickly at the other two. “Who is he?”

  “He’s someone that going to tell us everything he knows about the man who took you,” Sebastian told her. “Then he’s going to jail for a very long time.”

  “But I didn’t do anything.” Jasper tried to protest.

  “You helped Tucker get away with my son.” Sebastian growled. “That’s accessary to kidnapping, you provided him with a way to escape getting caught. He’s wanted for at least eight murders and she would have been another victim if you hadn’t told him we were looking for him.”

  “But I didn’t know that did I?” Jasper whined as he tried to argue his innocence.

  “We’ll have to allow the police to figure that one out,” Sebastian told him coldly. “Until you’re proven innocent, we have to assume you were part of it.”

  “I’ll call the local police and have him picked up,” Jesse added. “But not until h
e tells us everything he knows about Tucker.” He glanced over at the girl Kelly. “They can take her in too.”

  “Oh no,” she protested. “I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with you.”

  “You can’t come with us.” Jesse shook his head. “We’re going after a killer and you’ll just be in the way.”

  “Yeah, well you don’t have a choice buddy.” Kelly assured them. “The only place I feel safe is with you. I’m not going to be alone for him to come back and finish the job if he manages to get away. I’d rather take my chances with you than wait around for him to come back.”

  Sebastian glared at her but she was looking at Jesse. When Sebastian checked him out, he found Jesse looking back. He frowned at that thought but didn’t say anything.

  * * * *

  Three hours later, they were almost to the Missouri border. Jesse was still manning the binoculars while Sebastian manned the steering wheel. They knew they were looking for a black houseboat called Jasper’s Folly now and they weren’t wasting any time getting to their destination. It had taken too much time to get Jasper to the police and explain the situation to the local LEO’s. They were afraid the word might get out and news travel fast on the river.

  Kelly was below decks getting cleaned up. She wanted a shower but settled for a thorough wash up.

  It would be sometime tomorrow before they would reach Hannibal, but Sebastian was determined to get as far today as he could.

  As they passed another river island, Sebastian had a terrible thought. Would Tucker Briggs be crazy enough to leave a six year old boy out alone on one of the islands between here and Hannibal? Sebastian killed the boat’s engine.

  Jesse turned around and looked at him.

  “You don’t think your cousin would leave Wyatt on one of these islands do you?” he asked Jesse. “As sort of a bargaining chip, I mean? In case we run into him again.”

  Jesse frowned at his question and hesitated. He looked at the island they had just passed and then he looked north at another island. “I don’t know. I simply don’t know if he would do that or not. I would hope not, but he’s done worse than that I guess.”

  “That’s the reason I asked. He has done worse than that,” Sebastian reasoned.

  “If we take the time to check, he’ll probably beat us to Hannibal,” Jesse countered. “He’s got a lead on us now. But maybe it won’t slow us up too much to just have a quick look. At least then, we would know for sure.” Sebastian steered the boat closer to the next island they came to.

  Both he and Jesse looked over the island as best as they could without docking the boat. There didn’t seem to be anyone on the island. They moved up river and stopped at the next island. Traveling this way was a lot slower but at least they knew that Wyatt wasn’t on any of them.

  Kelly joined them and wondered what they were doing. “What are you guys looking for?”

  “The man that snatched you took my six year old son as well,” Sebastian explained. “When he left his boat, he took Wyatt with him. We’re searching the islands to make sure he didn’t drop him off on one of them in order to get away without the baggage.”

  Kelly was horrified by the thought. “Oh, my god—do you really think he’d do that?”

  Jesse nodded. “Unfortunately, it would be something Tucker might do.”

  “Can I help you search?” she asked.

  Jesse handed her his binoculars. “You and Sebastian can search while I drive the boat.”

  As the afternoon passed, travel was slow and frustrating. There was no sign of Wyatt or Jasper’s Folly anywhere.

  After a while, Sebastian disappeared downstairs.

  Kelly looked at Jesse with a question in her eyes.

  Jesse shrugged. “This is very hard for him. Tucker Briggs murdered his wife two weeks ago and then murdered her mother and took his son. The man is running on empty right now. He didn’t get much sleep last night. Right now, he needs rest and some decent food to renew his body.”

  “Why don’t I make us something to eat?” she offered.

  Jesse nodded. “You can try but I doubt he’ll eat much.”

  She disappeared below deck.

  Ten minutes later, she handed him a sandwich and a can of soda and took a chair to eat her own food. “He’s asleep for the moment.’ She informed him.

  “Good he needs to rest. He was awake all night.” Jesse looked out at the river. He wanted to stare at Kelly but didn’t dare. His first glance at her stunned him but he didn’t want to freak her out. He’d never found anyone he felt a connection to at first glance and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. All he knew was there was something different about her.

  Kelly watched him and was curious. “So what’s your story?”

  “My story?’ Jesse questioned.

  Kelly nodded. “I heard you tell the cops back there you were FBI and Sebastian was New Orleans PD. What’s up with that?”

  Jesse sighed and looked out over the water. He hated to have to tell her the truth but thought she deserved to know it. “Tucker Briggs in my cousin. I’ve been after him for the last four years, since I knew the serial killer I was looking for was him.”

  “Your cousin?’ Kelly paled. “Serial killer? Are you for real?”

  Jesse nodded. “Yeah, we grew up together, as close as brothers. Where he turned into what he’s become I have no idea. All I do know is that I have to stop him. You would have been his ninth victim.” He paused then added, “Except I don’t think he really wanted to kill you.”

  “Why do you say that?” she asked softly. Her voice was shaky as she thought about just how close she’d come to dying.

  “Because if Tucker wanted to kill again, he would have slit your throat.” His answer was brutal.

  Kelly shivered and for a moment neither of them said a word.

  Then Kelly had to ask. “Then why would he kidnap me, if he wasn’t going to kill me?”

  “I think he snatched you to keep Sebastian in the game he’s playing.”

  “Game?” Kelly frowned. “You think this is some kind of game? What kind of game is your cousin playing?”

  Jesse turned to look at her and sighed. “I’m not sure but I think Tucker wants this all to end. He’s grown tired of life but can’t stop. I think he wants someone to stop him before he loses it and I think he’s very close to that point right now.”

  Kelly shivered and looked out over the river. “Do you think he’ll hurt that little kid? Is he that kind of monster?”

  “I’d like to think he wasn’t but I just don’t know at this point,” Jesse admitted. “I didn’t want to think he was the kind of monster he turned out to be. We know of eight victims but I’m sure there are more bodies out there.”

  Kelly was silent for a moment then asked, “So where do we go from here?”

  “We know where he’s going. We plan to confront him there.”

  “What’s going to happen to me?” she wondered out loud.

  “I won’t let him hurt you,” Jesse assured her.

  “You may not be able to stop him from coming after me.”

  Jesse looked at her for a moment then turned away.

  Kelly got up and moved away from him, going to the very front of the boat where she sat down and kept watch on the river.

  Jesse sat there and watched her carefully. His eyes ran over her body and he liked what he saw a lot. She was more his type than Tucker’s and he knew it. Her body was curvy yet slim. Her hair was long and red in color and her eyes were the deepest green he’d ever seen. Tucker usually went for a different type of woman altogether. He had to wonder if Tucker realized this when he took her. He picked up Sebastian’s cell phone and placed a call. A few minutes later, he started the engine and slowly he took the boat north.

  Hours later, the sun was down and the heat of the day was cooling off the river. It’s was a clear night and the full moon was lending its brilliance to the night sky. The river was calm when Sebastian rejoined Jesse on deck.

p; “Where are we?” he asked finally. Not recognizing anything around them.

  “We’re just south of a little town in Tennessee called Golddust.” Jesse sat on a deck chair sipping a beer. The empty plate beside him told Sebastian that Jesse had at least eaten something.

  Sebastian looked around but didn’t see Kelly. Turning back, he gave Jesse a look as if to ask where she was.

  Jesse nodded at the front of the boat.

  Sebastian turned his head and saw her laying there. She was sound asleep.

  Jesse disappeared below deck and reappeared with a sandwich and a beer. When he handed the plate to Sebastian, he looked toward the front of the boat and nodded. “I think I’ll just carry her downstairs. That’s can’t be a comfortable place to sleep.”

  Sebastian grinned slightly as he watched Jesse pick up Kelly and carry her below deck. When he joined him a few minutes later ,he sat down and Sebastian continued to eat his sandwich. “So how far did we come today?” he asked Jesse between bites.

  Jesse looked out onto the river. “Not as far as I would have liked. We’ve been checking each island as we passed it, but I haven’t seen anything.”

  Sebastian nodded. “It’s possible that we’ve been wasting our time, but you have to understand, I had to be sure.”

  Jesse nodded. “I understand completely. If Wyatt were my son, I would have expected no less from you. I can’t fault you on being a good parent.” He took another sip of his beer, and then told Sebastian. “I called my uncle this afternoon.”

  Sebastian was bringing his beer bottle up to his mouth for a drink and hesitated half way there. Then he put the bottle to his lips and took a swallow. He set the bottle back on the table and grabbed his sandwich. “And what did your uncle have to say?”

  “They haven’t seen or heard from Tucker in ten years. They had no idea what he’s been doing either. Ethan couldn’t believe what I had to say.”

  “Did you tell them what Tucker has been doing?” Sebastian asked.

  Jesse shook his head. “I couldn’t. Ethan and Joyce wouldn’t understand. Hell, there are times when I think all of this is as nothing more than a nightmare myself.”


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