Sazon (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 4)

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Sazon (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 4) Page 59

by K. J. Dahlen

  “They’re watching everything real close right now, but I’m not sure they understand what’s going on,” Reva explained.

  “Were they any trouble last night?”

  “No trouble at all.” Reva smiled. “It was kind of nice having them in the house.”

  Marnie cocked her head to one side. “Are you falling for them?” she asked softly.

  Reva laughed. “Yes, I am. Hook, line and sinker. Gator and me, we never had kids of our own and I’ve always missed that.”

  Marnie patted her hand. “Then I will leave them in your very capable hands.”

  Reva winked. “Yes, you will.” She turned back to what she was doing and soon handed Marnie a cup of something hot. “Take this to Cassie. It’s not coffee but it’s hot and strong. Better for the baby.”

  “What is it?” Marnie asked.

  “It’s tea. She looks like she needs something and as neither her nor Peaches drink alcohol this should do it.”

  Marnie frowned. “They don’t drink? Did they ever say why?”

  “No and it’s not my place to ask them why.”

  “Okay, just curious that’s all.” Marnie turned and went over to Cassie. “Hey girl, you look like you could use this.” She handed over the cup. “Reva says its tea and better for the baby than coffee.”

  Cassie nodded. Taking a sip, she grimaced. “I switched over to this stuff weeks ago but I still can’t get used to the taste. I do miss my java in the morning.”

  Marnie sat down on the floor beside the sofa. “Your uncle is worried about you.”

  Cassie nodded. “I know, everybody is.”

  “I need to ask you something personal.” Marnie was nervous and her hands trembled slightly.

  Cassie put her cup down and looked at the other woman.

  “I know I just met him and all but…there’s something between us.”

  “You don’t need my permission to be with him, you know,” Cassie said softly.

  Marnie nodded. “I know but I wanted you to know.”

  Cassie wrapped her arms around Marnie’s neck. “If you feel ten percent for him what I feel for Deke, then we’re both lucky women.”

  “You know Peaches is with my brother, Iceman right?”

  Cassie smiled. “Yeah, I know and she loves him very much.”

  “I hope so because he felt the zing with her.”

  “The zing? What’s that?”

  “My mother explained it to us when we were kids. She said we would find our soul mate when we kissed the person we were meant to be with and we felt the zing.” She shrugged. “That’s just how it is in our family. The zing has been felt for generations.”

  “And did you and Deacon feel this zing?”

  “Oh yeah, we damn near came in our pants, it was so strong,” Marnie admitted in a whisper.

  Cassie gasped a little then grinned at her. “Then you find the time to be with him,” she insisted. “Don’t wait. Life is too damn short not to grab your happiness wherever you can find it. Drag him away if you have to. Find the nearest bed and go for it. I may not have known him all that long but I have a feeling he’s just like my mother. If that’s the case, he deserves all the happiness that life has to offer.” She reached for Marnie’s hand. “He may not have much to offer you but himself but I think it’ll be enough. I almost lost my chance at real happiness when my pride got the better of me. I almost lost Deke. I won’t make that mistake ever again.”

  Cassie looked over at Peaches and Iceman.

  They were huddled together at the table talking and touching each other. Peaches almost glowed she was so happy.

  “You know something.”

  “What’s that?” Marnie asked.

  “When I first met Peaches, I had a strong feeling that I was supposed to save her. I knew in my heart I had to return her to her family. I may have only been a kid but I knew that much. I had no idea how I was going to do it but that was my goal.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Cassie stared at Marnie. “I don’t know if I do either. But when I saw her standing in Mrs. Pierce’s kitchen I almost heard my mom’s voice calling out to me. She told me it was my mission in life to return Peaches to her family. She needed my help and I had to protect this young girl until I could get her back to her father.”

  “Did Peaches know?”

  Cassie shook her head. “You are the first person I ever told that to.”

  “Why did you tell me?”

  “I don’t know. I just did.” Cassie shrugged. “It wasn’t very often my mother spoke to me after she died, but she did that day. I could hear her as plain as day.”

  “Wow,” Marnie whispered.

  Deke came back over to where Cassie and Marnie were talking. He looked at Cassie. “I think it’s time for you to rest again. You’ve been out of bed for too long. I want you back to healthy sooner rather than later.”

  Cassie smiled. “I suppose. I am getting sleepy.”

  “I’m going to the club for a while but I’ll be back before too long. If you want, I can carry you back out here when I get back.”

  “Okay, big guy.” Cassie chuckled. “I’ll have a nap as long as you bring me back out here later.”

  Deke leaned over her and gathered her into his arms. Marnie tucked the blankets around her and Deke carried her back to the bedroom they shared. He laid her carefully in bed and covered her gently. Leaning over her, he kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  Deke turned as Cassie closed her eyes. When he left the room, he closed the door gently behind him.

  ~* * * *~

  Neither of them noticed the window was slightly open or the pair of eyes staring from the darkness of Deke’s closet. Only when he heard the growl of motorcycle engines, did Robbie come out of the closet. Quietly, he crossed the room and snapped the lock on the door. Then just as quietly, he crossed over to the bed and stood there watching her sleep.

  In his hand was a knife. Sunlight coming from the window gleamed on the steel of the blade, almost making it sparkle. His hand gripped the bone handle.

  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a couple of colorful scarfs. He laid them down on the bed then leaned toward her. He allowed the cold steel of the blade touch her neck slightly.

  ~* * * *~

  Cassie opened her eyes slowly. Her mind went blank when she found herself staring into the cold eyes she thought she would never see again.

  His eyes had a crazy look to them and his lips were curled into a nasty snarl. “If you scream, they won’t get close enough to rescue you before I kill you,” he whispered. “You and I have a date that’s long overdue.

  “You won’t leave here alive Robbie,” Cassie whispered.

  Robbie smiled cruelly. “You’ve taken most of my life away from me already. All I can do now is make sure you go to hell before I do. Now, get up carefully.”

  Cassie sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Her belly hurt but that was the least of her worries right now. He handed her a t shirt and pair of shorts. She quickly stripped off the hospital gown and pulled the clothes over her body. Usually, Cassie would fight someone who tried to do this to her, but she was too fearful for her baby and was forced to go along with this psycho killer. She shivered at the thought of that knife being plunged into her and right through her baby. No…the baby comes first and she just couldn’t chance it.

  “Put your hands behind your back,” he ordered. When she complied, he wrapped one of the scarves around her wrists securing them. He reached for the other scarf and tied it around her mouth. Then he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her over to the door. “Those fuckers nailed the window shut a few minutes ago, so we will have to go out of another window.” Nudging the door open, he peeked out. Then he tugged her across the way to the opposite door. Pushing it open, he pulled her in and quietly shut the door. Then he tugged her to the window. He then climbed out and pulled her with him. Peeking around, he began dra
gging her with him. He dragged her all the way down the fence to an opening he must have made earlier and then he pulled into the woods.

  Cassie was crying and struggling but not too hard. She wanted to live long enough for Deke to get back and help her. She couldn’t help but pray he would get there in time.


  It was mid-morning when Zipper found Deke alone. He was sitting at the desk in his office at the club and he hesitated before he knocked.

  When Deke saw him standing in the doorway, he motioned the other man in. “What do you need Zip?”

  “I thought of something and I wanted to run it by you,” Zipper stated.

  Deke nodded. “I’m listening.”

  “I have a friend in town, she’s a K-9 trainer. You know as well as I do we can’t protect Cassie twenty four seven.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Deke muttered angrily.

  “We can’t but a specially trained dog could,” Zipper suggested.

  “Go on.”

  “I spoke to Glory this morning and she agreed. A dog can stay with her every moment we can’t be there. These dogs are trained to protect their owners, trained to die for them if necessary. They are also trained to stop anyone who goes after their owners.”

  “I see.” Deke was busy thinking. “How long does it take to bond with the dog?”

  “Not long at all. Once Glory introduces the animal to Cassie, he’ll know it’s his job to protect her.”

  “Does she have a dog in mind?”

  Zipper nodded. “I asked her about getting one today and she said Demon would be the one she would recommend.”

  “Get her on the horn and have her bring the dog out to the clubhouse,” Deke replied. “I’m almost done here and I’ll be heading out in a few minutes. As soon as we get back, we’ll be going on lockdown again until that bastard is caught.”

  Zipper turned to make the call when Deke called him back. When Zip turned Deke held out his hand. “Thank you man.”

  Zipper grinned. “That little girl has come to mean a lot to all of us. You are one lucky bastard. I don’t think there’s a one of us that would allow anything to happen to her.”

  “Let’s hope we never have to find out.” Deke sneered. “If that fucker comes here, he isn’t leaving here alive.”

  “Amen to that,” Zipper vowed.

  ~* * * *~

  Robbie dragged Cassie deep into the woods. He’d already picked out the spot he was looking for. It was far enough away from the compound and he was sure no one would hear her screams. It was also in the path of some very predatory night creatures. He’d seen them the night before. Several large gray wolves roamed this part of the woods.

  He jerked her over to a nearby tree he’d already prepared. A rope was strung around the trunk and he’d found several wolf prints in the area. He wrapped the rope around her waist and throat and when he was done, he tightened the knot. He ripped the gag out of her mouth and appreciated the blood dripping from her lip.

  “What the hell are you doing Robbie?” Cassie snarled. “How did you get inside the clubhouse without being seen?”

  “I got in last night,” Robbie told her. “I followed the FBI guys when they came to talk to you and I’ve been watching you for days. When everything was quiet, I came through the window and I hid until you were alone.”

  “So, what are you going to do now?”

  “Just giving you a taste of what you turned my life into.” Robbie growled. “The night you cut me, you ruined my life. When the doctors told me and my mother I could never live like a real man, she began to hate me. For the first time in my life, she gave me rules. She’d been a cruel bitch to everyone but me until that day.”

  “Poor little monster you.” Cassie sneered.

  Robbie backhanded her face hard. “Shut the fuck up bitch.” He snarled.

  Her eye instantly swelled and blood ran down her face from the cut on her cheek. “I saw the autopsy photos of what was supposed to be you.” She stared at him steadily as if he didn’t just hit her. “Why did you have to kill Willy? What the hell did he ever do to you?”

  Robbie tipped his head back and laughed. “You knew that wasn’t me huh? He was my way out. I made a vow the day I came home from the hospital. I vowed that one day I would find you and make you pay for what you did to me. For every time you cut me, I’d cut you back three times. That was the day I began to actually hate you.”

  “And now that you’ve found me?”

  Robbie smiled. His eyes grew cold and his lip curled. “You’ll still die but this is going to mean a whole lot more. You found love and now you carry the bastard’s baby. I can get my revenge by taking not only your worthless life but also your child.”

  “What are you going to do?” Cassie asked calmly.

  “My mother actually came up with the plan to use Will as my surrogate. She thought if we killed him and pretended he was me I could find you one day and get our revenge,” he explained as he paced in front of her. “We had it planned very carefully. Once she killed Will, I had to stay out of sight until I was old enough to start hunting for you.” He paused then looked at her carefully. “Do you remember that hidden room off the kitchen? That’s where she forced me to live. I could see everything that happened in that house but no one knew I was even there. She thought I was her prisoner but I soon, found a way to get out. I’d leave the house after dark and come back just before dawn. She never knew I was gone.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “I went into the city,” he admitted. “I told you, I was hunting for you.” Robbie shrugged. “I almost had you one night. This creep was beating hell out of you and I just stood there watching.”

  “You’re the one who killed Jeremy aren’t you?”

  “Was that his name?” Robbie asked. “I never knew who he was. I stopped him a couple of nights later and wanted to thank him but he took a swing at me. It pissed me off and I lost control. He was dead before I knew it.”

  “Who were the other two you buried in the woods behind the house?”

  Robbie sneered. “I watched you rebury the brats, did you know that? I used to watch you all the time and I’ll bet you never saw me do it either, did you?”

  Cassie shook her head.

  Robbie gave her a cold grin. “You were the only one in that house that ever came close to breaking her, you know? My mother was a horrible bitch. She bullied everyone. She could break the hardest of the men that came around there, but there was something about you, a snot nosed little kid, she never could break you.”

  “It wasn’t as if she didn’t try,” Cassie whispered.

  “It made me almost respect you, almost.” Robbie began to pace again. “Anyway, about six years ago I was out looking for you, walking the streets of Boston when this young chick stopped me. She said she was hungry and asked if I would buy her a sandwich. She kept looking around almost like she was waiting for someone else. When she got me in an alley, someone jumped me. I got mad and killed them both but not before the other guy hit me several times. I always carried a knife back then. I stabbed them both and carried their bodies back to the woods with me.” He shrugged. “It was easy enough to bury them beside the others my mother killed in her business. I never asked her name and she didn’t give it either. I simply didn’t care who she was.”

  “Why did you leave my locket there?”

  “I took that locket from my mother and I carried it with me for years. After you and Peaches left I wanted something of yours, so I wouldn’t forget how much I hate you.” He shook his head. “It slipped out of my pocket and I didn’t even know until it was too late.”

  “The police know you’re still alive,” Cassie informed him.

  He stared at her. “Now how would they know that? I’ve taken care not to get caught. No one has seen me during the daytime in years. I only go out at night and stay close to the shadows.”

  “They brought your autopsy photos with them. Peaches and I told them the body wasn’t y

  He raised his hand and slapped her again. “You bitch!” He shouted at her.

  Cassie screamed.

  Robbie laughed. “Scream all you want bitch, no one can hear you. No one that is on two legs, but you are attracting the attention of the four legged variety of male persuasion.”

  Cassie turned her head and looked around the area. At first, she didn’t see anything. She almost called him on it when she noticed dark eyes staring back at her. The eyes were set on either side of a long snout, above a mouth full of snarling teeth. She swallowed hard.

  “You woke them up.” Robbie laughed. “I’ve been watching them and they aren’t usually up and moving this early.” He turned and watched the wolf for a moment. When he turned back to Cassie he said, “I guess we’ll wait for his brothers and sisters to get here.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  Robbie nodded and stared at her for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about that for a while now. I thought about killing you slowly and I’ve thought about the many ways I could kill you. Then…” He turned and stared at the wolf again. “…Then I thought about something else entirely.”

  “And what would that be?” Cassie asked.

  “When we die, we all become food for the worms and other creatures that live underground. Why should they be the other creatures that eat you? So, I found a place that was perfect for what I had in mind.” He lifted his arms and swung around in a circle. “I brought you here to this spot, so you could become dinner for the wolves.”

  “So you’re going to leave me tied to a tree in the belief that the wolves will eat me?” Cassie asked.

  “Wolves are drawn to their prey sometimes by the scent of blood and the promise of fresh meat,” he explained. “Did you know that? Anyway, I plan to leave you for them, heavy with the scent of fresh blood and unable to get away.” He smiled again without humor. His eyes were cold and soulless. “They won’t be able to resist tearing you apart. They will dig their very sharp teeth into your flesh, tearing big strips of it off your bones. You can scream if you like, but no one will hear you.”


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