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Werewolves of Chicago: Howard: The Underdog

Page 8

by Faleena Hopkins

  “He’s done,” Xavier says in a voice so calm it settles my blood. “He won’t get up.” He motions for me to look at the girl. I do, and see her staring at me with wide blue eyes, her lips open, mascara in streaks. Draik was kneeling by where she sits on the ground and as I pad over to her on four strong paws, he stands to walk away. Our eyes are bound to one another’s like a lock that’s found its only existing key.

  I’m something out of horror movie.

  I have no delusions that’s how society sees us.

  I am wondering what she thinks.

  When I am little more than a foot away, I bow my muzzle, casting my eyes to her knees, bloodied, embedded with gravel. Pain twists inside me at the sight and then I hear her speak. “Come closer,” she whispers, gentle and hoarse.

  I do, and keep my head down to show that while I am a wolf covered in blood, I’m not going to hurt her. I know my eyes are glowing hot, bright gold with iridescent yellow flecks, but I cannot dim them with her being this close and me this angry at Tahl.

  I don’t smell fear on her.

  It was heavy in the alley when we arrived.

  But now…her heartbeat is quiet and her breathing, soft.

  She reaches out slowly like she did in the club, and touches the bridge of my nose where my fur is short and rough. Running two tender fingers down my muzzle her hand begins to shake. Her eyelashes flutter and out of a desire to console her, and assure her she’s safe, I shift into my human form, kneeling naked before her. Her eyes flash up and down my body, and she faints. I catch her just before she hits the ground to pull her close, looking instinctively to Xavier for guidance. He’s still holding the door closed, but the people on the other side are no longer there. Like most humans, they probably wondered who forced the door closed in an alley this late, but then turned a blind eye and went home without calling the police, or checking for themselves. That’s why we’re needed. We don’t do that.

  “What just happened? Is she terrified?”

  Xavier smirks and strolls over. “I think she was overwhelmed by your cock.”

  I blink at him as Draik chortles, then mutters, “Yeah, that’s it. Or the near rape and the whole werewolf thing.”

  “Fuck you guys and your sick sense of humor,” I mutter, staring down at her lovely, passive face. There’s some gravel in her hair and I gently pick it out. “She’s beautiful.” At their silence, I look up. My packmates are watching me with a look I can’t describe. But I can’t describe a lot of things. I’m new to all of this and here I’ve found this girl who all I want to do is protect. Tracing her lax jaw with my fingertip, I shake my head and whisper, “Tahl.”

  “We have to get him out of here. Hard to explain a nude, beaten man.” They head off and call behind to me, “Bring your beauty with!”

  Buck naked, scratched up and bitten, I carry a passed-out blue-haired girl up a dark alley in the heart of Chicago. Padding now with feet instead of paws, I head for the car as they toss Tahl in the trunk. “He still alive?”

  “Of course he is. And since he can’t be trusted, he rides in here.” Xavier shuts it.

  “It’s time to call his father,” I mutter. “He’s like mine, left that pack long ago for similar reasons. Tahl’s mother is almost as domineering as mine. Strong, she likes to call herself. Cold, unyielding, demanding and judgmental bitch, is more like it.”

  Xavier gets behind the wheel. “People don’t realize how important the role of a father is until they’re gone and it’s too late.”

  “Do they know how to get ahold of him?” Draik asks, holding the seat so I can climb in, carrying her with me.

  I get comfortable with her cradled across my lap and held closely to my chest. While he climbs in and shuts the door, I explain, “Yeah. He’s an alpha, which is why he wouldn’t take the disrespect and also why he stayed in touch. His honor kept him bound even with the distance.”

  Pulling out of the alley Xavier and Draik search for witnesses before turning onto the street. Under his breath, thinking aloud, Xavier says, “If he’s an alpha, he won’t show Tahl mercy. Unless he’s bad and sympathizes. Is he?”

  “I don’t think so. I haven’t seen him since we were…God, I don’t even remember.”

  “Tahl’s his problem now,” Draik announces with finality. He hands me my phone as we drive to the loft. The shards of clothing and our shoes are in a pile on the floor of the front seat where he dropped them.

  I dial my mom and when she answers, I tell her without emotion, “Tahl’s gotten worse. He almost raped a girl. He’s cut up badly. I won’t heal him this time.”

  She’s silent until, “Who took him down?”

  “I did.”

  I can hear in the pause her disbelief but she’s all too aware that I’ve been different since Kruglov’s. Because of this there is great restraint in her tone. “How is the girl?”

  “Safe now. I’ve got her.”

  I can hear the rustling of papers. Probably caught her in the middle of signing contracts on a new partnership in the cozy suburb she lives in and practically owns all of. “Where can we pick him up?”

  Giving her the address of the loft, I don’t tell her I’m moving into it and will be their new roommate soon. In good time, I might.

  I drop the phone on the seat, wrapping my arms around my girl. Staring down at her, I whisper, “You’re safe now,” and press my forehead to hers, closing my eyes. The car speeds along. No one speaks for the rest of the ride.

  I’m not who I was. I am much more than that. Only tonight am I beginning to learn what that really means. Every day we choose who we are. I make the choice to be greater than I was. Not just because I am stronger and faster now—although that came from a choice to do something bold and was of my doing, too—but because I will it. I am as capable as anyone is of self-mastery. It is a choice and I have made it. No matter what I come across I will face my fears and kill them.



  I feel warm and comfortable but there is arguing in the distance. I’m not sure where I am. That doesn’t sound like Lynnie’s voice. My body hurts.

  Now I remember…I was attacked.

  My eyes fly open but I stay put, turning only my foggy head to see what the angry shouting is about. A vast loft apartment comes into focus. Exposed brick walls. Sparse furniture, all masculine and rugged with worn leather, parts here and there torn. Bearded guy and Blondie are watching me from where they sit—one on the couch, the other on a large leather chair.

  Mophead is wearing jeans and a t-shirt now, like his buddies. He’s arguing with a woman who, by her clothes and coiffed hair, is a high-society type. On the other side of them are two more mattresses with stacks of five and six books each beside them. These beds, including the one I’m lying on, are all on the floor.

  “She’s a human!”

  “Yes, Mom. She is.”

  Are they talking about me? My head is pounding. Of course I’m a human. What else would I be? My eyes flash to Blondie. He holds his finger to his lips for me to be quiet. He did that before.

  “You do NOT tell our secrets to humans!”

  “I didn’t have a choice. Tahl was going to—”

  “—You could have kicked his ass!” The woman throws up her well-manicured hands, burgundy tips flashing. “The three of you could easily have overpowered him. He’s no stronger than any normal wolf!”

  My lips part as the memory explodes into my consciousness of him turning into an actual, real live wolf right before my eyes.

  He called her mom. Is she one, too???

  “You don’t understand.”

  “NO, I DON’T. I don’t understand. Not at all. Why don’t you enlighten me?!”

  “I couldn’t help it. When I saw him hurting her…I couldn’t NOT shift.” His eyes steel with impatience. “They had my back. It’s time for you to stop worrying about me. I’m not your problem anymore.”

  “My problem?!! Is that what you think?” She throws her hands on her h
ips. “And it’s not just you, you know. I’m worried about us all! This secret belongs not just to you. It is ours to protect. For our SURVIVAL.”

  I glance to War’s friends, and they’re still watching me, their faces grave and it sobers me even more. My awe vanishes as I realize the extent of what I’ve learned. People don’t know what I do. Supernatural creatures are not a myth.

  I shut my lax jaw and get really still not wishing to incur this lady-wolf’s powerful wrath. My heart starts to pound as it dawns on me that I’m in a room full of werewolves.

  They both whip around and look right at me at the exact same time. I blink, sit up and pull the blanket tight around my body. I’m still wearing my mini-dress, and I’m sure my makeup must be a mess. Not to mention my hair. What a way to meet his mom. “Uh…hi.”

  War smiles at me, and the whole room lights up around him. But she dims it immediately as her eyebrows rise and distaste contorts her striking features. She’s got hair the color of his, light brown, but hers is controlled. She’s gorgeous, a real powerhouse, conservative if I had to guess her political leanings.

  “Great. It’s awake,” she mutters.

  My chest tightens with anger and embarrassment.

  War’s arm flies up, muscles tensing as he points to the door and yells, “OUT.”

  Eyes ablaze, her head whips toward him. “Did you just tell me to leave?”

  “You will not treat her like you treated me.”

  “I never treated you badly.” Her chest puffs up, the expensive necklace rising with heaving anger. “Stop pointing at the door.” When he doesn’t, she says it again, more slowly and with a dangerously low volume. “Stop pointing. Now.”

  He walks to the wall and leans on it, shaking his head as his gaze drops over to one of the windows. It’s dark outside. I don’t know how long I was out but it’s not morning yet. “Mom,” he says on a long exhale before meeting her furious glare. As he shoves his hands in his pockets, he tells her slowly and carefully, “You don’t run my life anymore. We are either going to change together or grow apart. Your choice. You can’t strangle my leash when you realize you’re losing control, like you did with Dad.” He holds her shocked stare with calm assurance, and I can’t help but admire the fuck out of him right now.

  The hardness in her facial lines soften and she turns away from him, from all of us. She walks toward the window, staring out, her beautiful heels clicking along the hardwood floor. “That was not a very nice thing to say,” she whispers.

  My eyes flash to the couch. His buddies are watching her now, not me.

  “Mom, I love you. But you’ve gotta let me go.”

  The silence that follows encases the room. No one moves. No rustling of clothes. No breathing. And finally his mother turns and locks eyes with me. Mine widen, because I really don’t think I’m to blame for what’s happening. I couldn’t be. But she’s looking at me like I am.

  “She cares about you,” I say, tearing away from the hold she has on me. My voice is thrashed. “I didn’t have that. My mom is too busy worrying about how to get my dad to stop drinking. You’re lucky.” My fingers go to my throat. It’s so dry I could barely finish, “Don’t take it for granted.”

  The bearded one rises and goes to the kitchen area. He grabs a glass and starts filling it with water for me.

  “Well, a complete stranger is defending me to my own son. I never thought I’d see the day,” she mutters, going for her purse. “And a human!”

  “Mom…” She turns to him with eyebrows raised. “Think about what I said. This has to change.” He motions between them.

  With shoulders squared and head held high, she leaves. No words to anyone, though I’m sure her mind is filled with four-letter ones.



  I take the offered glass and sip from it while I watch the bearded one return to the couch with a tired expression. He throws his feet up on a coffee table that looks new and a little out of place. Everything except it, is rustic. My gaze drifts back to War. He’s staring at nothing. Because the mind is a funny thing, a new memory explodes of him transforming from wolf back into the boyishly handsome guy he is now. He knelt before me completely naked. All scratched up and glowing with sweat, he was incredible. Stunned, I’d quickly raked a glance down him and then caught sight of his…everything. It was gorgeous. Huge. Erect. Veins crimson and pulsing.

  In the present time, War looks over at me. “Sorry about all that.”

  I take another sip, glancing away with that image sticking. “It’s okay. Family is hard. But she loves you.”

  “She loves power.”

  I nod a little. “Did I pass out?”

  “You did.” Pointing to the coffee table, he tells me, “Your purse is over there. We didn’t open it.”

  “Of course you guys didn’t open it,” I mumble, glancing to the water. My throat hurts with ever sip.

  “Can I look at your knees? You were badly scraped up.”

  My eyelashes rise and when I lock eyes with him, my chest squeezes in an odd way. He’s paying no mind to his friends being our audience like he doesn’t even know they’re here. But I know. I’m awake—very, very alive to every movement any of these supernatural creatures makes.

  Slipping my legs out of the blanket I keep the rest of me covered for modesty, and to stave off the chill I have in my bones. The stress of what happened has my body in a weird state.

  As he kneels down, his mop of soft hair falls forward. It’s kind of like mine, now that I think about it. We’ve both got shaggy haircuts, only his isn’t dyed. I want to reach out again and touch it, but I keep my hands where they are.

  War stretches out to reach over by the wall and pulls a leather satchel to us. From it he produces jars of salves, white gauze and medical tape. He lays them down, rummaging around for tweezers. Leaning in, he uses them to carefully remove gravel from my skin. “It’s starting to scab over. I’m sorry I didn’t do this earlier. I didn’t want to wake you up. You’ve been through enough.” He glances up for half a second, long enough for me to nod, then goes back to working.

  “I wouldn’t expect a guy like you to be so nimble with his hands.”

  “It’s no biggie,” he shrugs. I think I see redness in his cheeks. Did I really just make him blush? So the act was real. He’s a softie. One with hard muscles and a rugged jawline I want to nibble on.

  Blondie calls over, “He’s a doctor,” like he’s bragging for War.

  In a quiet voice I ask him, “You are?” My throat hurts something awful. “Where is…uh, what is his name? Tahl?”

  They’re silent. War looks over to his friends. “He’s been taken care of.”

  Sucking in air through my teeth, I try not to cry out as he disengages a spiky pebble from my wounded skin. When he pauses and looks at me with concern, I shiver, but nod. “I’m alright. It’s going to hurt. I can handle it.”

  He smiles with what can only be described as admiration, then ducks his head and continues his intensely focused task. Hope starts to form. I haven’t had a man look at me like he just did, in a long time. I had a first love once. He looked at me like that. He was kind, but I wasn’t. I let him treat me as someone special for a little while just to see what it felt like. I knew I was anything but…so it couldn’t last. If I ever see him again, I will apologize. I swear I will. He wasn’t the one, but I could have handled things differently.

  “What are your names?” I ask the two who are watching.



  I nod, and the room goes silent again until I lean down and whisper, “War…” His eyes flash up rather quickly, and it makes me pause.

  “My name is really Howard. Draik told you my name is War, because he hates my name.” He blinks at me and reaches up to push shaggy hair back from his eyes. “What’s your name? I can’t believe I don’t know it.”

  “Alisa McKinley.”

  He whispers it to himself, memorizing it and glancing ba
ck down to remove two small pieces of gravel.

  “Ouch. No, I’m fine.” Watching him, I smile, “I like the name Howard. It’s different. I don’t think I’ve met one. Are you afraid of War sounding…I don’t know. Egotistical?”

  Xavier bursts out with one very loud guffaw as Draik sits up very straight and calls over, “Hey!”

  I roll my eyes. “Well, it is. I mean, it’s hot. Don’t get me wrong.”

  Draik mutters, “Whatever. I’m calling him War,” turning around and for the first time not watching us. “Let’s go get some food.”

  Xavier rises from the couch in silent agreement. They both smack the back of Howard’s head as they pass him, like brothers would. He smiles and his gaze follows their exit, his hands wrapped around one of my calves. As soon as the door closes and locks, his eyes start to shine like a bright light was turned on inside them.



  I want to ask him about his friends. I want to ask a lot of things. “I’m sorry I told you off earlier.” I play with the blanket, pushing the fabric under my nails as I fight back unexpected tears. “If you hadn’t showed up when you did…”

  “I know. Don’t think about it. I can’t, it makes me furious.”

  “Well, about earlier when I was rude to you. I was having a hard time believing…”

  “You were giving me a hard time is what you were doing.”

  My eyes flash up to find him smiling. “Oh. You’re fucking with me.”

  “Totally fucking with you. Yeah,” he chuckles. “I really want to clean this up. It’ll just get more painful the longer it dries. Let me focus and then we can talk.”


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