The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 7

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  A dismal heaviness crept over me when the streetlights came on - still no sign of him. I began to wish I had just stayed home and finished my schoolwork. The two loud men looked my way and the blonde one stood up as though he planned to come toward my table. I snatched up my purse and headed in the opposite direction to the ladies’ room, my hair swishing behind me. I spent more time than necessary in there in the hopes that Blondie would take the hint and leave me alone. Finally, I sneaked back to my table, but kept my eyes on the floor. I didn’t want to give those guys the wrong impression by any stray eye contact. Edging my way back, I inhaled a remarkable fragrance that I hadn’t noticed earlier - a cross between something sweet and musky with a hint of spicy smoke. Someone must have just blown out a candle or two.

  I sat back down, adjusting myself as I slid in, and risked a quick glance toward the bar for my potential stalkers: they were on the other side of the dance floor, shooting pool. Success! I picked up my fork and attempted to stab a tomato - which promptly flew up into the air, bounced once on the table and then took flight out onto the floor! I felt my face burn as red as my flying tomato. Flaming hell - how embarrassing! I was glad the lights were dim, and nothing but faint candle flame flickered through the room casting irregular shadows at each table. I glanced around furtively to see if anyone had noticed my acrobatic food display - and there - right at the booth next to mine, facing straight toward me, looking deep into my eyes, sat the man with the long black hair and unfathomable eyes. My heart pounded hard and wild within my chest, taking my breath away. My memory eluded me, my mind now completely blank. I blinked, trying to catch my breath and gather my thoughts together, feeling dazed and quite stupid. What the hell had I planned to do once I found him?

  The corners of his mouth turned up a little. Smile! I had planned to smile! And so I did. He returned the smile more fully, and our eyes locked. I wanted to look around so I could get a full view of him, but it hardly mattered any more. He was here! And I could behold those wonderful, dark eyes again, though it felt more like he was beholding me; they bore into me so deeply. I wondered how long we would keep this up: smiling and staring. I blinked again, picked up my glass, and took a sip of tea. For one second, I glanced away as I reached for my napkin. When I looked back he had moved and now stood right beside my table. Not wanting to miss a thing, I took my time studying him, directing my view upwards - slow and easy. He wore black pants and a black shirt, and when he removed his dark, blood red scarf, I noticed a silver chain with some sort of medallion. There was a tattoo on the side of his neck, but from where I sat, I couldn’t tell what it was. His ebony hair fell down past his shoulders, straight and silky. He had a strong, square chin with a smoky 5 o’clock shadow coming down along his jaw-line and surrounding his smooth, hard-candy lips; his nose was straight and narrow like a Greek sculpture, and his eyes - my God, his eyes! They were so dark now that they were purple. Once again he peered far into me, holding me firmly in place, captivating me by his determination, fascinating me with his stunning, good looks. The way he gazed at me with purpose and intent told me there wasn’t a thing I could hide from him - ever.

  I cleared my throat, trying to find my voice. “Please, sit down.”

  Did I just say that out loud? I must have: he nodded and eased himself in across from me. I was able to see his eyes straight on now. It was nearly impossible to speak, to breathe, or to look away. I supposed we could spend the whole evening staring; I could live with that. Raising an eyebrow, I pushed my hair back behind my shoulder, wondering if he would ever speak.

  “Your hair is lovely,” he said, as if he had read my mind. His voice was velvety-deep, strong and sincere.

  “Your hair is...” I groped for the correct word. What should I say? Lovely in a handsome way? It was the length that made it so arresting, so beautiful.

  “Long,” he said, finishing my sentence for me.

  “Right, but that’s not what I meant. What I mean is, I don’t think you should ever cut it... it becomes you. It belongs where it is, not on some barber’s floor.” My mouth had gotten ahead of my brain. I wasn’t trying to be funny and hoped I wasn’t blabbering like an idiot.

  “No worries,” he said with a brief smile.

  It was then that I noticed his British accent and asked, “Are you from England?”

  “Yes. I am here on holiday.” His voice was as alluring as his eyes and his hair.

  How insane is this? My mind reeled. I’m already in love with him and I know nothing about him. Why did I feel so giddy - like a frivolous young schoolgirl? I shook my head slightly trying to clear my foggy brain. This is so unlike me, so unnatural.

  “It is completely natural,” he said quietly.

  I wasn’t positive, but I thought I had kept that last opinion to myself. Or... was he talking about his hair?

  “What?” I asked, feeling a bit perplexed.

  “I am sorry, I have been rude.” He stood and extended his hand across the table and said, “Allow me to make a proper introduction. My name is Emrys Blake Bertrand.”

  Well, that’s different. I took his hand and, initially, thought a static shock had just jumped across us, but when he continued with a solid grasp, the sensation became a live electrical current which traveled through my entire body. He bent his head down as if to hide his smile, but I had already noticed. I didn’t want to let go of his hand. The energy flowing from him was startling, yet exciting.

  “Elizabeth Amarande Rose.” I didn’t usually give my middle name, but somehow, it seemed not only appropriate, but also necessary.

  “Magnificent.” He let my hand go and sat again. His already steamy eyes glowed deeper in the soft light. He continued to maintain eye contact, but he reached over to the table beside ours and picked up his glass. It looked like red wine, and after he took a small sip, he licked his beautiful lips and said, “Your name matches your beauty.”

  I knew he watched my every move: he saw my eyes move to his mouth, to his hair, and back up to his eyes again. How was he able to concentrate so fully on my eyes alone? I even tried to flip my hair a few times, to run my fingers through from scalp to the ends, but still, his eyes remained fixed on mine.

  How does one make small talk with someone like him? I wished he’d speak first.

  On cue again, he asked in soft tones, “Tell me about yourself, Elizabeth. What brings you out on a cold, dark night such as this?”

  How do I tell him that I came here to meet him without sounding like a compete fool?

  “I think you know what brings me here,” I said, surprising myself with a new boldness.

  My heart raced. I had never ever been this daring with a man. I had never wanted a man this badly before, and if truth be told, I hadn’t ever had a man before in my life.

  I detected a twinkle in his eyes as a slight grin appeared. He can read my mind! Now what do I say?

  “I do know,” he said. “It is the same reason I returned as well.” His eyes revealed the truth.

  Someone dropped a glass near the bar, and it shattered clamorously before I could say anything. I looked up and saw the two loud men getting their jackets and gawking at me past Emrys’ shoulder. Then they started making mocking gestures in reference to his long hair. The one guy grabbed his friend by the head and pretended to stroke his hair as though it went below his shoulders.

  Emrys stood, but never looked back. Unhurried and with care, he removed his black trench coat. He smoothed it out and laid it across the back of the seat with slow, deliberate care. He pushed up his sleeves revealing rather large, muscular arms and a few more tattoos, and as he did, I spotted a silver thumb ring that had bright red designs engraved inside a chain of squares that went all around the ring. He adjusted his silver medallion and sat back down keeping his eyes on me the whole time.

  “Ignore the insolent adolescents, Elizabeth. These men are so far beneath you - they cannot even fathom your grace and your undefiled beauty. It is their jealousy that motivates them, for I sit
where they never will. In addition, they envy and are fascinated with my ability to maintain a rational and reasonable attitude in the presence of their incorrigible and riotous actions. Just then, when I stood to remove my overcoat, they assumed I would join them in their display of unpolished and unsociable behavior. I would never dream of such unprincipled reactions. I could not fathom leaving you here alone while I attend to them and altogether bash their frail little heads together - tempting as that thought may be.”

  That had been the longest string of sentences he had said so far, and I had to remind myself to close my gaping mouth. He had never even turned around once!

  I didn’t look, but I was sure the calm, but perfectly choreographed, little dance that Emrys had just performed had worked. I heard the door swing open and close, and the whole pub had quieted down. I didn’t believe that anyone else heard what Emrys had said – but quite possibly just his presence came off as overwhelming and demanding, as though he were royalty.

  I saw his eyes flicker down to my mouth when I licked my lips, but just as quickly, they were back locked again with my own.

  “I think they left,” was all I could say.

  “Of course they did.” Emrys smiled. “And I am pleased that they have gone. Shall we return now to our previous conversation?”

  “Yes, please.” I drew in a deep breath, getting another whiff of that sensuous smoky aroma. Can he hear how fast my heart is hammering inside my chest?

  “I had hoped you would return this evening, Elizabeth. I wanted to be able to speak to you without your friends about.”

  “Those people were my sister’s friends. I mean, I was with my sister and two of her friends.”

  “I presumed as much. You and your sister are very close?” He had such a velvet voice when he spoke, as soft and as deep as his tangible gaze.

  “Yes, we’re twins. I’m sure you saw that.”

  “I did not give it much thought. It was you that I wanted... to meet.” He seemed a little apprehensive as he clasped his hands together, and cleared his throat. “I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you.”

  “My sister and I are identical twins,” I said, ignoring his premature compliment. “I mean, we’re exactly alike, mirror images of each other. You didn’t notice her?” Is he blind? Maybe that was why he seemed to look so far into my eyes, and how he could sense things around him so well. No, that couldn’t be right - he definitely looked at me, not through me, not past me. I decided to test it with a little smile.

  He smiled back.

  “I only have eyes for you, Elizabeth. I did not notice anyone else in the room and I have not been drawn to anyone...let me rephrase that. When I saw you last evening...”

  Even though my thoughts had been consumed by this man for the last twenty-four hours I wondered...where was the small talk; the casual verbal dancing familiar to all new couples? I started to think he’d been moving our relationship along a bit fast, when he stopped mid-sentence and sat straighter in his chair. All of a sudden a strange feeling crept over me, not fearful, not apprehensive, or anxious. Nothing I could put my finger on, just strange.

  “I must take my time. Please, accept my sincere apology. I have been too forward,” he added in an earnest and soft tone. “I do not wish to frighten you away.”

  “I’m okay. Please, go on - don’t stop.” Did the expression on my face change to make him modify his wording? I hadn’t said what I was thinking, had I?

  “Very well then. When I saw you last evening, I truly wanted to meet you, but you were with another.”

  I stifled a giggle. “No, that was not a date; he was just a friend of a friend,” I explained.

  “I see. Is there anyone you see regularly?” he asked point blank.

  Once again I held back my laugh. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Emrys wasn’t at all into the dating scene. But that could not be possible, not with his great looks and apparent good manners. Who wouldn’t want to go out with this guy? I certainly hoped he’d get around to asking me!

  “No, I’m not,” I answered, and then added, “I’ve been too busy this semester to even think about dating. I may be a twin, but I am definitely a single Rose.”

  His eyes flew open wide, and he cleared his throat. He nodded and took a sip of his drink. I sensed something different - a distinct reaction to my last statement. I took a moment to analyze his odd behavior, and then it dawned on me.

  “Are you married?” I leaned back into my chair and folded my arms, expecting the worst. He was too good to be true. And no wonder, all the good ones are already taken.

  “Of course not!” he snapped, shaking his head.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, thinking I had offended his integrity. But there couldn’t be anything wrong with asking.

  “No, you were correct to ask. It caught me off guard. I...I never expected this question. I forget that most people are not as...old-fashioned as I am. I would never approach a woman if I were married.” He absentmindedly touched his medallion as he spoke. “Though I have never been married, I consider it a sacred union. To be perfectly honest, I have not thought about romance or courtship for a long time. However, I do find myself feeling new emotions this evening. I feel as though I have known you my entire life and I do not want this evening to end. You are quite stunning, Elizabeth Rose – an absolute beauty.

  His words, though sweet and generous, made me a bit uncomfortable. He sure had all the right moves, but could he be real? Courtship? Who talks like that?

  I gave him a quick thank-you, but turned to look out the window near our table while reviewing everything he’d said.

  “What do you see out there - beyond the glass?” he asked in a soft voice, following my gaze out the window.

  I took a deep breath, and let the air out more like a sigh. “I see someone walking their dog just beyond the parking lot under that row of trees. I see leaves twirling in the wind. I can see a few stars in the sky, and I see the lights of an airplane overhead.” I paused for a moment as I gazed up into the darkness. “I know it’s silly, but every time I see a plane flying above me I imagine all the people inside, and can’t help but wonder where they’re all going.”

  He smiled.

  “Why, what do you see?” I asked, resting my chin on my hand and looking into his eyes.

  He turned his head toward me and never looked away. “I see the face of an angel. Her eyes are blue oceans of gentle purity. I see within her mind a sharp intellect - laced with sweet innocent naiveté. She is a kind-hearted soul with a noble and generous spirit. I see a delicate garden of loveliness and desire.”

  My cheeks burned.

  His penetrating eyes softened as he continued: “A blushing rose, a rare and beautiful flower, a prize of infinite value.”

  He paused for a moment. I attempted to gather my thoughts, to weigh his words. I licked my lips as a new nervousness set in. How do I respond to such words of praise, to the never-ending gaze?

  “I cannot stop staring, Elizabeth. Do you wish to know exactly what I see?” he asked in a serious manner.

  A tiny whisper escaped my lips. “Sure.”

  “The pathway to my future.”

  My heart believed that he was genuine and meant every word that he had uttered, but my mind was at war with my emotions. Did love at first sight actually exist? Had I started to allow my feelings to rule my better judgment? He made me feel so special, so beautiful, and desirable. But everything seemed to be happening so fast that my head began to spin. My pulse raced again, my heart playing inside my chest like a drum roll.

  “I am not quite sure how to respond, Emrys. No one has ever spoken to me this way. Your words are sweet, but I just don’t know what to say.”

  He sat back into the chair, deep in thought, like he was listening. Oddly enough, I saw the music in his eyes before it reached my ears. I recognized the tune at once. You’re Beautiful by James Blunt, was on the radio every day lately, and it was just about at the end.

w what? I thought. Where do we go from here? The way he was talking, I had to assume he was about to ask me out, and I hoped he would, but not Friday, any day but Friday. He sat forward in his seat when the song ended.

  “I would be honored to take you out on a proper date. What might you be doing tomorrow evening?” His voice seemed to change mid-sentence, not quite a chuckle, but I noted a definite shift, my first inkling that he wasn’t being one hundred percent upfront with me.

  “I have to go out with a friend tomorrow. I promised her.”

  I wanted to tell him about it: how silly it was that Fiona believed all this nonsense, and that I had even let myself slip into her fantasy-world for a while. But I couldn’t. I had to keep my word no matter what. I couldn’t say a word to him and I had to go to the party. At the very least, I could make an entrance with her, and then beg for a ride back home.

  “I understand.” He nodded his head. “Perhaps another day then?”

  “We could go out on Saturday. Or even on Sunday. Whichever…whenever you’re free.” I turned into a blathering idiot again. When would I learn to just shut up and smile?

  He reached across the table and took my right hand in his. Electrical currents ran up and down my spine. The hair on the back of my neck rose up, and as I became light-headed, there was a vibration in my chest. What the flaming hell was going on? Never before had I reacted to anyone like this. My legs ached; my breath came in short gasps. I had to forcefully keep myself from rushing into his arms and consuming his entire being. I needed to have this man. It was a demanding, unstoppable, essential requirement – a requirement much like air or water. I didn’t think I could live another day without him. I wanted to be with him in every possible way. I wanted him until the end of time.


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