The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 34

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  I felt like an idiot, and whispered, “Sorry.”

  “Jumping to conclusions doesn’t become you, Elizabeth.” I had to laugh at her mothering tone, but I held it in.

  “I said I was sorry, but it’s your own fault. You insinuated that you were sleeping with him. Why else would you tell me to not be all judgmental?”

  Melinda pushed her hair back over her shoulder and smiled. “Because… I’m living with him. We’re just not sleeping together....yet.” She raised an eyebrow.

  I took a deep breath and sighed. “Okay, why don’t you just explain what’s happening, and I’ll shut my mouth and listen.” I clamped my mouth down and pressed my lips together.

  Lindy gave me a wide smile and said, “He wants to protect me. You know, keep me for himself. I think he’s afraid I may meet someone else or something, and this way it looks like we’re already together, so no one else will even try. I know, it’s crazy, but if he had his way we’d be married already. I just want to be sure, that’s all.” A sad look came over her face and she added, “I wish I could have been as sure as you and Fiona were. It’s really not fair…”

  I was at a loss for words and I reached for her hand.

  “I don’t need your pity, Elizabeth. I need your advice.” She started to pull her hand from me but I grasped it firmly.

  “Fine, then here it is: I think you should accept Gavin’s proposal. I see how he looks at you. I believe he is trustworthy and loyal and I believe he will be a very big part of your future anyway.”

  “My future?” she asked, raising a speculative eyebrow.

  “Yes, I think I had a vision of you two that seemed to be off in the future.”

  “What was it?” She leaned forward eagerly.

  “I just know you were a couple, that’s all.” I omitted the part about the kids - to protect her. I needed a little more proof before I would go into any details, and besides I couldn’t take the chance of her getting hurt all over again by reminding her of her inability to have children.

  It seemed this was enough for now, and she nodded her head approvingly. “I see.”

  “So what’s your suite like? Do you have two bedrooms?” I changed the subject.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, we do. But there’s no hot tub and only one fireplace. Also, our living quarters are completely different. When you walk in the main door you’re in the living room. There are no foyers, no fancy tables, and lamps. I mean, it’s very nice and comfortable and all, plenty of room for us both. The bedrooms are enormous, and there are two bathrooms. We’re way on the other end of the mansion, though. I guess the largest quarters are on the ends of the building, and the smaller ones in the middle. I still haven’t seen the whole place, myself.”

  Lindy curled her legs up and sat on her feet, leaned back into the sofa and grinned. “Okay, tell me all about your honeymoon.”

  I sighed and said, “Oh, it was so romantic. Emrys was wonderful, so sweet, and gentle with me. We had a great time.” I raised my eyebrows up and down and grinned. I went on to tell her all about our evenings by the roaring fireplace, delicious meals, and walks on the beach and how completely beautiful Prince Edward Island was. She asked me about the horseback riding fiasco and we had a good laugh. As I remembered the quiet evenings alone with Emrys, for one brief moment I imagined a shadowy figure lurking in the bushes outside of our chalet. The thought made me sick as I realized we had rarely pulled the drapes shut; we’d felt so secluded and alone being so far away from any other buildings. I immediately put the revolting thought away and changed the subject.

  “Okay, it’s your turn, Sis. Tell me all about you and Gavin.”

  Lindy straightened up then and tilted her head to the side. “I do like him, Lizzy. But it’s sad that my feelings aren’t as strong for him as his apparently are for me. I mean, he’s sweet and he has many of the good qualities I’ve always wanted in a husband. There’s just one thing I am not at all happy about.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He’s been married before,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, clearly distressed by this fact. “He really loved her, and I’m just not sure I’ll ever live up to his memories of her, or if I’ll ever be enough for him.”

  “What on earth happened? I thought the Ravens married for eternity?” My mind began to wander through all sorts of horrible scenarios.

  “No, it’s not what you’re thinking. It’s even worse.” Melinda had always been good at reading my face. She leaned forward and explained in a choked voice, “Gavin’s wife had started out as a donor before they fell in love. She wanted kids and refused to be turned. She had several miscarriages within a seven-year period and became severely depressed. And then she got sick, really sick: ovarian cancer. Gavin took care of her right up to the end, knowing all along he had the power to heal her; but he had made a promise to her and he kept it. Her name was Vanessa.” Melinda sighed and said, “He gets the saddest look on his face when he speaks of her. I think he feels so guilty on so many levels.”

  “Wow - that is a heavy burden to carry.” I thought about how horrible Gavin must have felt and said, “No wonder he was such a basket case the night you were turned. He had to be reliving at least some of those same feelings.”

  “I never thought of that,” Lindy answered, looking thoughtful. “But I do understand how Vanessa must have felt; I totally get why she kept on trying.”

  I had no idea what to say to cheer her up, nor did I have any brilliant advice about Gavin’s loss. I moved closer and gave her a hug, and said, “Lindy, all I know is that Gavin truly cares about you. I doubt he sits around and compares you with Vanessa, and besides, this is your proof of how much integrity he has and how unselfish he is. He could have saved her for himself but, instead, he gave her what she wanted.”

  She pulled back nodding her head, suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and bounced over to the bar. It was obvious she needed to change the subject now, “Let’s get something to drink, sis. Enough with this heavy talk.”

  I joined her behind the bar, and we found a delicious supply of Ambrosia in the refrigerator. After we warmed it in the microwave we toasted to our futures. Not in a million years did I ever imagine myself toasting with my sister as we sat together sipping on the exact kind of fluid that, not so long ago, had flowed through our own veins, keeping us alive. This life-force now gave us renewed energy, healed our bodies, calmed our minds and reminded us of our eternal existence. No longer just a common life-force, but now, the very thing we craved, thirsted for, and sometimes lusted after.

  We spent the next hour chatting about our new lives and all the possibilities and experiences ahead of us. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed this time with my twin, now and then I’d get a creepy feeling crawl up my spine and I wished Emrys would hurry back. A few moments later I heard the sound of keys in the lock in the outer doorway and then deep voices speaking quietly. Lindy and I both jumped up and went to the foyer just as Emrys and Gavin entered the room, and within seconds I was in his arms.

  “Speedy little one, is she not?” Emrys laughed and winked at Gavin.

  Gavin strolled over to Lindy and bent to kiss her on her cheek. “She certainly is, but here’s the woman I’m looking for!”

  I glanced at Melinda and saw her wide grin. She was definitely smitten. I could see it written all over her face. I couldn’t see why she had such a hard time admitting it to herself and began to wonder just how long it would be before she did.

  My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock at the door. “Are you expecting anyone?” I asked, gazing into my husband’s adoring eyes.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. My loving sister has informed me that she wanted to bring her wedding gift over before we retire for the night. Now, remember, you must act surprised,” he reminded me.

  I had to chuckle at the thought. Eventually everyone would realize my newfound gift anyway.

  What did it matter if I already knew what her present would be?

p; Emrys searched my eyes with a slight frown as he reached for the doorknob, pausing to say, “Just do it for me then. I believe Amrita’s intention is to show you her acceptance and love. It was our mother’s at one time, remember?” he whispered.

  “Yes, I do. Alright, open the door already!” It was beyond me how I could keep forgetting his ability to read my mind so fluently.

  Emrys opened the door and two large men carried in the antique vanity table. Larkin carried the stool. It was beautiful. The dark mahogany looked brand new and even the mirrors seemed to look clear and new. Amrita followed with a beautiful gift-wrapped box and a huge grin on the darkest of red lips.

  “Surprise!” she squealed proudly. It was still difficult for me to separate the dark-Goth look from the bouncy, good-natured person she actually was.

  Emrys showed the men where to put the table as I greeted his sister. It was after she’d handed me the box that I noticed her medallion. Apparently the gothic garnet she had on at the party was just part of her outfit that evening. Dangling from a silver chain, this one sported a rather big silver owl with burning amber eyes. I wondered if it was her totem, as Emrys had called mine the day he gave it to me. I’d have to ask him later. I gazed down at the gift she’d handed to me, and smiled.

  “This is so sweet of you, Amrita! You’re so thoughtful, but really, you didn’t have to!” I hoped my enthusiasm sounded genuine, and I added, “The vanity is beautiful!” Of course I loved my gift, but my fear was that she’d see past the fake surprise.

  As she pushed aside the wrapped box in my hands she hugged me tight said, “You have no idea how long I’ve wished for my brother to find happiness, and how much joy it is to finally have a sister! The vanity was our mother’s, and it is your turn to enjoy its beauty. I can picture you quite clearly as you brush your hair each evening.” She gave a quick glance toward Lindy and smiled.

  “Melinda has informed me about your long standing ritual,” she said as she reached out and touched my head. “I just thought it would be nice to have a beautiful place to sit each evening as you brush your lovely hair.”

  “Thank you so much, Amrita. It is quite generous of you. But it was your mother’s table. Isn’t it hard to part with something that belonged to her? “I asked, feeling a little distressed.

  “Not to worry, sweet Elizabeth. Larkin will be more than happy to explore the antique shops with me to find a replacement. We adore antique stores and estate sales. Now, open the box!” she said, her impatience obvious. Every time she spoke, my eyes traveled to her lip ring. It amazed me she wasn’t in constant pain.

  When I opened the box I found a lovely vintage dresser set: hand mirror, brush, and comb, all in gold tones with delicate details: etched swirls of pink flowers and green leaves. I absolutely loved the gift and said, “I’ve always wanted a set like this! How did you know? Thank you!”

  Amrita gave Melinda a knowing wink and said, “Oh, I’ve got my connections.” Her swift eye movement now had me wondering if the eyebrow ring ever pinched too.

  Gavin looked down at Melinda, put his arm around her, and said, “Good job!”

  “Well, I have known her all my life! It wasn’t really all that hard once Amrita told me what she planned to give her,” Lindy explained. She looked a little embarrassed as Gavin continued his open show of affection, though she made no move to pull away. I guessed she just wasn’t used to all the positive affirmation and compliments, much like me.

  The two men who had carried in the table came back through the foyer and left after nodding respectfully toward Emrys. Gavin mentioned retiring for the night, and started guiding Melinda to the door, but she broke away and wrapped her arms around me before he could whisk her out of the room. She whispered in my ear as she hugged me, “It is so good to have you here, sis. I missed you so much.”

  I kissed her cheek and said, “I missed you too! I love you, Lindy. See you in the morning.”

  As she and Gavin left us with the lingering scent of jasmine I realized just exactly how glad I was that things turned out as they had. Even though I was completely sure of my love for Emrys, I didn’t think I would have been able to leave my sister back in the States, unable to see her for ten years. The thought was unbearable.

  I would rather face Rohan again than to have that happen.

  Emrys scowled at me as he read my thoughts, and the uncomfortable silence engulfing the foyer seemed to cause Amrita and Larkin to call it a night as well. After a slew of hugs and expressions of thanks, they too left us alone in our suite.

  Alone at last!

  It had been hours since we had any time alone, and both of us felt a sense of relief as we melted into one another’s arms. We walked arm in arm to our bedroom after Emrys locked up and turned off the lights behind us. When I saw where they had placed the vanity table I realized instantly: it was exactly where it belonged.

  I was curious, and desired to know if at one time this suite had been the one Ambrose and Phoebe shared, but before I could ask, Emrys said, “Yes, it was. Of course, the room with the hot tub was a bedroom then. But, yes. My parents lived here many years.” His voice trailed off as he led me to the vanity and had me sit down on the bench. I placed the brush, comb, and mirror on the table and he picked up the brush and started to pull it through my hair with a deliberate slowness. I closed my eyes, becoming thoroughly absorbed in the exquisiteness of having someone play with my hair. I had not only the goose flesh rise up all over my body, but the electrical energy from the top of my head to the soles of my feet; it was heavenly. Emrys then set the brush down, and I opened my eyes just as he began to massage my neck and shoulders. The reflection in the mirror reminded me of the vision I had while still back in the States, though I distinctly remembered seeing myself in a nightgown, not regular clothes. And that, most likely, was one of the reasons why what had transpired in my futuristic vision took place anyway, what with the nightgown being semi-transparent and all. I tried to recall what it had looked like and realized that I didn’t even own one like I had seen.

  Just then Emrys had me up on my feet and twirled around to face him. He kissed me with great passion and scooped me up without any effort at all, carried me to the bed and set me down with an easy gentleness.

  I discovered a small package wrapped in light blue tissue paper half-hidden between all the throw pillows. “Is this for me?” I asked, pretending to be shy about it.

  “You already know what it is. It will be next to impossible to ever surprise you. You saw this before I even picked it out of the catalog.” He acted as if he was upset about it, but I knew better. I smiled and ripped open the package. It was my nightgown!

  “Oh, Emrys! It’s much more beautiful than my vision gave it credit! Thank you!” I ran into the bathroom before he said another word and stripped off my clothes to try it on for size. It was a perfect fit, and then I looked into the mirror. There wasn’t nearly enough material to hide my birthday suit; one thin veil from pure nudity. The material was pearl white, extremely sheer, and the spaghetti straps edged with a thin blue trim. It had matching panties, also barely there, and the gown came to just above my knees. I had never felt this sexy in my life. When I walked out into the bedroom, Emrys had already pulled back the covers and was lying on the bed, wearing nothing but his medallion…and a big grin from ear to ear.

  “Exactly as I imagined!” he exclaimed, his eyes surveying easily right through his gift. His voice came low and husky when he added, “Come here, my love, and leave the lights on please.”



  I slept soundly and don’t remember dreaming all night long. The sound of the beeping microwave woke me; my dear sweet husband was preparing a fresh serving of Ambrosia.

  “What a pleasant surprise!” I said, feeling my fangs popping through my gums. I rolled onto my back and stretched out, luxuriating in the comfort of my new surroundings, eagerly anticipating the taste and subsequent satisfaction. Emrys sat on the edge of th
e bed and handed me the glass.

  “Good morning, sleepy-head.” His voice was smooth and gentle. His ever-present sweet, yet musky aroma flooded my senses and when he bent to kiss my forehead, his long black hair fell forward, lightly brushing over my face. If he hadn’t just handed me the full glass, I might have been tempted to pull him down on top of me. But common sense took over, and I kept my hand steady and managed to kiss his chin just before he pulled away. His eyes locked with mine as he straightened up.

  “I did not want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.” The way he gazed at me made me think he was holding back - an unspoken comment or a question; I was not sure which.

  “What’s going on, Emrys?” I sat up and took in a few sips, and then, focusing on his facial expression, offered him a drink.

  He accepted the glass from me and took a long slow swallow himself, and then said, “Nothing.”

  His eyes flashed away momentarily, and immediately I knew that he was keeping something from me. And, just as quickly, he knew my thoughts on the matter.

  “Elizabeth,” he started, sounding a bit defensive.

  I did not let him finish.

  “I may not be able to read your thoughts, my dear husband, but I can see something in your eyes. Please, tell me what it is.”

  He handed the glass back to me and then reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. His touch was gentle yet electric as usual. Clearing his throat, he sat on the edge of the bed and said, “There are rumors.” He took my hand and held it tight, which made me wonder if he was afraid I would storm off after whatever his next statement was. His strange and serious look now began to make me nervous, and my heart started beating faster.

  “Rumors? What kind of rumors, Emrys?” My throat went dry.

  “I am sure it is nothing, but we will take every precaution.” He took a deep breath and continued slowly. “One of our employees mentioned seeing Rohan in town earlier this week. It was brought to my attention last night.”


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