The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 52

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  “No, you didn’t. Go back to sleep. It’s just a bad dream.”

  Her irritation had turned to anger.

  “But Lindy, I never fell asleep. I know what I saw. And the weird part is that I can only see it in the reflection of the mirror. When I look right at the door, it’s not there.” I could hear the trembling in my voice, even though it was barely audible.

  “Hmm.” She sounded a little less miffed, but then gave a wide, loud yawn.

  “I saw it twice, Lindy, and the second time it was even closer.” I felt the goose flesh rise up on my arms as I told her what had happened.

  “Stop talking so stupid. It had to be a dream,” she said, yawning. “Now go back to sleep and leave me alone.”

  “Melinda! I was not sleeping!” My shrill, panicked voice hissing through my clenched teeth finally forced her to turn on the light.

  “Look, there’s nothing there!” she blurted out, almost yelling.

  I opened my eyes, slowly turned my head and looked toward the hallway and then into the mirror. She was right – nothing that I could see that moment anyway.

  “If you keep this up you’re only going to talk yourself into believing there really was something, when clearly, there isn’t. Next you’ll be telling me it’s at the foot of your bed!”

  I jumped up then and closed the bedroom door: not quite a slam. “Fine, don’t believe me, but I’m leaving the light on,” I announced, frowning at her with anger.

  She scowled at me and turned over facing away from the light and my fear and said, “What-ever.” Her tone could be downright mean-spirited when she was over-tired.

  Within minutes she was asleep again, leaving me alone with my fears. I took a large silky scarf out of the drawer and draped it over the lamp to take the brightness away, while still allowing enough light to keep me from imagining shadows in the darkness. I turned over and faced away from the mirror and closed my eyes.

  When I woke up hours later in a pool of sweat, the sheets sticking to me like I had rolled myself in glue, I simply had to open the door; it was the only way to get any cross ventilation through our one window, and any small breeze would be a welcome relief at this point. As I lay on top of all the covers the fresh night air finally cooled my damp skin. I decided then to turn off the lamp; the idea of shadows in the night suddenly seemed so childish. I forced myself to look into the reflection of the mirror once more. Surely it had been my imagination all along, and quite possibly my sister had been right; I could have fallen asleep and dreamed the whole incident. I inched my head to the side and opened up one eye at a time, waiting for the emptiness to come into focus. Surprised and horrified, I realized my shadow had returned - looming not only larger, but also closer than ever. I screamed like a banshee.

  My shriek not only woke me up completely, but Emrys had leapt out of the bed and stood poised to strike whatever or whoever it was that so rudely entered our room. I looked up at him as he stood there completely nude, wearing nothing but his medallion and a look of intense readiness on his face. I realized at once my dream had caused me to yell loud enough to awaken him, and my nerves switched gears from fright to insane giddiness at the very sight of him. I started laughing - hysterically.

  When I finally caught my breath, he sat on the edge of the bed looking more serious and not at all amused with me. There was a break in the storm just as the sun began to set; letting a sudden burst of light stream through the window, and it gave him that angelic glow as it came to rest on his shimmery black hair. He glanced over his shoulder at me in disbelief. “What is so bloody hilarious? I thought someone attacked you, and all you can do is laugh?”

  “I’m sorry, Emrys. It’s just that you looked so...” I had to repress another giggle, “So cute! So gallant and heroic, ready to meet my attacker, and yet....” I reached over and stroked his bare thigh, “…wearing nothing but your medallion!” I started to giggle again.

  “Would you care to tell me why you screamed out like that?” He was definitely trying to hide his grin.

  “I just had one of my recurring dreams. I thought I already told you about this: the one I started having when I was about sixteen or so. My sister used to make fun of me. She hated it too, when I’d wake her up screaming.”

  “I never said I hated it, now did I?” He leaned toward me and kissed my cheek. “I just was not prepared. I thought someone had broken in and…” He suddenly stopped himself.

  His remark freaked me out and my laughter ceased abruptly.

  Did he really believe that could happen?

  I put my hand on his bare chest and felt his heart beating wildly through his chilled skin. “Come here,” I said, trying to ignore his comment. “Let me warm you.” I pulled back the covers so he could rejoin me. He slipped under the blankets and pressed himself up against me from head to toe. “I guess I should have warned you. I haven’t had that dream in a long time. I thought I wouldn’t be tormented by it ever again.” I went over it in my mind then.

  He propped his head up with his hand and looked into my eyes, seeing the dream for himself. “I can certainly see why you screamed. Perhaps this will be the last dream to frighten you, now that you know you have your gallant hero at your side!” He teased, raising an eyebrow, and snuggling closer.

  “That would be nice,” I whispered, brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. He leaned in and our lips met. When he pulled back I said, “Though, if this is what I had woken up to all those times, I would have welcomed the dream and gladly.”

  I reached around to the back of his head and pulled him to my lips again as the sound of thunder rumbled far off in the distance.



  Several days later the rain finally let up. During our first outdoor fencing lesson, Emrys jumped up onto the short brick wall that surrounded the pond with the black swans. He ran around half the circle, turned to face me, stopped and froze. He held his sword high above his head, much like a swashbuckler in a corny movie. The look on his face was as comical as his antics. When I laughed, he laughed: happy he had succeeded in making me giggle.

  As I watched him hold this pose just for my benefit, one of my visions came back to me. I glanced down at my feet, realizing I had seen these large flat bricks before. I scanned the circle of the fountain. There was another circle of bricks beyond the one we stood on, exactly like I remembered from my vision. I recalled that the vision had left me hanging, not knowing the outcome of the fight. And now I realized that apparently it wasn’t an actual fight I had observed, it seemed to be just the two of us - practicing. This realization gave me great relief and made the whole morning more enjoyable, although the lesson was still very strenuous and I was exhausted by the time we finished. I looked forward to the time afterwards when we could soak together in the hot tub, which would always be my favorite part.

  As we made our way back to the estate I glanced at the trellis leading into Kelsey’s garden, which reminded me about our previous plans to go shopping. I had completely forgotten about it, with everything else going on lately. I knew that Kelsey would never have enough courage to bring it up, even though we spent plenty of time together each day. I stopped in my tracks and stared at Emrys. Shaking my head, I said, “I can’t believe neither of you reminded me!”

  “I merely assumed you were not up to it yet,” he said calmly. “I am just glad you have been agreeable to continue your lessons every day.”

  “Well, today was especially nice,” I said with a sigh. “I really do like it much better outside; and you seemed to have more fun too.” Remembering his antics, I added, “You really made me laugh today, Emrys.”

  He smiled. “There will not be many more days like today. Soon it will be too cold outside. And I agree; it was great to be out in the fresh air.” He glanced at his watch and added, “But, it is still early enough. If we skip the hot tub, we can be in London within a few hours. Perhaps you should give Kelsey a call, and I shall get a hold of Royal.”r />
  “Okay,” I said, nodding in agreement as we approached the door.

  I called Kelsey the minute we entered our suite and then took a quick shower. While I dressed and finished my hair, Emrys showered and then prepared us a drink. We heard the knock at the door just as the microwave beeped.

  Perfect timing.

  Royal looked a bit uncomfortable as the three of us drank our Ambrosia, but he tried to pretend the smell didn’t bother him. He casually made mention of the fact that my brilliant red blouse matched the contents of our glasses, apparently in an attempt to make normal conversation. Emrys did his best when he attempted to ease the young man’s mind - and even made him laugh a bit when he said, “Look at that, Kelsey’s sweater is the same color as your iced tea.”

  I glanced at Kelsey and giggled, mostly for the desired effect of easing Royal’s tension.

  “And, if I may say, it’s quite becoming on you Kelsey,” I added. “Where did you get it?” I wondered if she had gone shopping without me. I was sure I’d never seen this top before. It was a soft fuzzy material of brown with three tiny golden buttons on the front, and it went well with her tan dress slacks. It was nice to see she’d dressed up for our day out on the town. And now I didn’t feel as bad about wearing my red blouse and black dress pants either. Of course, Emrys was all in black – as usual. And seeing Royal wearing a gray sweater was a really good change from his drab blue uniform that he always wore when he drove.

  “Oh, this was a gift from me mum,” Kelsey said. Turning to Emrys with a wide grin, she added, “She took your advice and went out for a day with Constance. They took a detour from their normal routine of food or fabric shops and actually went into a department store. She told me she had a grand time of it too.”

  Emrys gave her a warm smile and a quick nod.

  “I think that’s great. And now it’s your turn to get away for a change,” I said, getting excited. It had been ages since I had gone shopping myself, not counting the day we went for my fencing things. But today was going to be fun, shopping for clothes and household items.

  The drive seemed longer than I had remembered and a little awkward as well. Kelsey chose to sit up front with Royal, which made perfect sense to me, but seemed to make Emrys a bit anxious.

  He must be upset that they seemed to get along so well, or perhaps he’s worried that Royal will be less attentive to his driving.

  Emrys leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I am the Regent. How do you think it looks from the outside; an unattached human male sitting beside a female Raven who...”

  I jerked back, glaring at him with wide eyes, “Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it.” I didn’t want to anger him with my words of reproach, but I also didn’t want to take the chance of anyone overhearing him. Reining myself in, I shook my head and said, “Please, don’t.”

  “You do not even know what I was about to say…” he started, surprised at my anger.

  “It wasn’t going to be nice, Emrys. No matter what you called her,” I whispered, furiously. “She is simply a woman who was wronged. Cast aside like an old dishrag after being promised all sorts of lies. She has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve anything negative from anyone. She didn’t even ask for this life. Her mother dragged her into it. The least we can do - is not call her names.” I took a long slow breath and folded my arms across my chest.

  Emrys took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I was about to say that she is a woman who is still attached to another Raven,” he whispered, clenching his teeth. “Now, if she had taken a seat back here, it would look like Royal is just our driver, and no one could assume anything.” He took another breath, trying to lighten up and said, “I would never allow you to sit up front with one of our drivers either. It just does not look right, my love.” I noted a thin condescending flavor in his tone.

  “Tell me something, won’t you: what is the difference between those two,” I asked, pointing to the front seat, “and Steven and Barbara Lee?”

  He thought about it for a moment before answering. “Barbara Lee chose Steven at the gathering. They are planning their wedding. Neither of them is taken. There is a very big difference.”

  Sighing, I let my head fall back on the headrest and glared at the ceiling of the vehicle, completely exasperated by the whole conversation.

  “Royal grew up in our society, and Kelsey has been here for decades,” Emrys continued quietly. “You know her story. It just does not look proper, and that is all.” He seemed annoyed at my lack of understanding concerning the rules, even though he tried to conceal his growing impatience by using a monotone voice.

  “Emrys,” I said, starting slowly and keeping my voice low. “We aren’t living in the Victorian age. This is the twenty-first century. People divorce and get on with their lives. I just think that Kelsey has been alone long enough. She is a grown woman with wants and needs. And furthermore, it’s not as if the streets of London are lined with vampire police, making sure we follow each rule to the letter, keeping an ever-watchful eye on our comings and goings! Right?”

  “There are more of us out there than you think,” he said, raising an eyebrow. I could see he was going to stand firm no matter what I said, and again I folded my arms across my chest in a huff.

  “Wait a minute. You said she’s attached. Did they ever have an actual ceremony?”

  Would this be yet another lie that had spewed forth from Rohan?

  Emrys gave me a serious look, and a quick nod. But I stood my ground, and continued.

  “Well, in the human world, he broke their vows many times over, and in my opinion, Kelsey should be free to do whatever she wants, rules or no rules. There’s nothing you can say to change my mind. I’m sorry, but that’s just how I feel.” I glared at him.

  He didn’t succeed in hiding his sullen look; his forehead wrinkled before he turned away and stared out the window. I assumed his silence meant that he was finished with this discussion, and I had said all there was to say, so I turned my head and looked out the opposite window. Not to mention, it was extremely difficult, and a bit frustrating to defend my opinion in a whisper.

  A few moments later Kelsey twisted around to face us, breaking the silence, “Hey Lizzy. Did Master Emrys tell you the news?” Her face was bright and cheery and I was thankful that she never noticed the emotional chill in the back seat.

  I answered her with a slight frown, “What news?”

  “Royal has asked to be turned. He wants to join with us and be a part of our society. But the best part is that he’s asked for me to be his maker!” Her grin was contagious, and I smiled back.

  “I certainly did hear about it, Kelsey, and that is great news! When is the big event?”

  “Next week, on Royal’s birthday. It’s a grand birthday present, don’t you think?” She reached across and patted his shoulder. I saw his involuntary twitch when he felt her electrified touch. Obviously, he still wasn’t used to it.

  “It is, isn’t it Emrys?” I turned my head, and our eyes met after what felt like an eternity of blindness.

  An instant later, his eyes became tender, and his small smile melted away my anger at once.

  “It is, if that is what he sincerely desires.” He took my hand in his, and we both looked forward when Royal gave a chuckle.

  “Oh yes!” Royal’s head turned as he glanced into the rearview mirror for a moment, nothing visible but his dark green eyes, and added, “More than you can even imagine, sir.”

  Surely, Emrys had to notice the deep feelings within those eyes. It was definitely more than just a desire for eternal life. I was convinced it was love. Emrys just nodded, thoughtfully.

  Kelsey sat back, facing the front and started chatting with Royal again. I couldn’t make out what their conversation was about and just as I turned to Emrys, he squeezed my hand and said, “If we don’t follow the rules there will be chaos.” The tone of his statement was resolute.

  I stiffened for only a moment but kept my voice low an
d reserved: “Then change the damn rules.”

  “If the rules are changed, then what my parents went through will be even more ludicrous and pointless.” His jaw was clenched and his brows furrowed; he let go of my hand and rubbed his temples.

  “Emrys, my love,” I said, hoping my voice was soft and gentle. “That is a poor reason to keep a bad rule. What took place with your parents was as nonsensical and tragic as it could possibly be. Nothing can make it worse than it already was, but it isn’t fair that others should have to suffer the same as they did - as you and Amrita did. If you have any pull at all, any influence at all, you must at least try to change things.” With a deep sigh, I added, “At least, this one particular rule.”

  His whole face crumpled as he peered into my eyes and said, “If this one rule had never existed, my mother would be alive. My father would still be Regent.”

  I rested my hand on his leg and with a quick nod, said “I know.” Without trying to sound indifferent I added, “And Kelsey could have a decent life.”

  He was silent for quite a while, staring ahead. I kept my hand firm on his leg and waited patiently, knowing he needed a moment to gather his thoughts.

  “I already told you that I will bring this up at the next Regent assembly in June.” He sounded resigned and gave me a fleeting glance.

  “Yes, you did. But lately, it seems that whenever we speak of it, you become so angry and upset. I do understand your pain and resentment, but I think you need to look at it from a different perspective. Try to step in another’s shoes. Or, if it helps,” I said, lowering my voice again, “imagine for a moment what life would be like if Rohan had succeeded with his assault on me. Do you seriously think you could send me away that easily?” I flipped my hair back, and searched his eyes. As much as I tried to look calm and collected, my stomach did a quick flip.

  “Whoever said it would be easy?” A deep line creased his brow as he stared at me.

  “Well, no one,” I admitted. “But you’d have a hard time getting rid of me – no, on second thought, change that to impossible time. Because, I - will- never - leave. No one can make me. I belong here with you, and there’s nothing on earth that can change that.” I squeezed his leg to emphasize my meaning. “No ridiculous rule can force me out, especially if it’s not even my fault!”


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