The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 62

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  She bent back down and began to set dainty new flowers in each hole, covering them up with loose soil and then packing it down around the stems.

  “Do you mind if I keep working while you talk?” she asked. “I’ve got to get these in the ground before they shrivel up on me. The roots have no more room in the seedling boxes and they need the earth to grow now.” She peered up at me through the hair that had fallen in her face again.

  “Sure,” I said, sitting down on a stone bench. The coolness of the stone came right through my blue jeans.

  Fiona glanced at her cell phone, then looked at me and asked, “Lizzy, do you mind if I run back in and let Barbara Lee know I won’t be able to go see the movie we talked about?”

  “Oh, Fiona, I’m sorry; I didn’t know you had plans,” I said, frowning. I then explained to Kelsey, “Lindy had another one of her headaches, and she farmed me off on Fiona.” I smiled back at my friend, and said, “Go see your movie! Don’t worry about me. I’m safe here with Kelsey. Go!” Of course, just on the other side of the garden my other guard tried to look inconspicuous, but wasn’t doing a very good job of it. His hulking body took up all the space under the trellis as he stood with his arms crossed, peering into the garden at us.

  “Are you sure?” Fiona asked. “We have to leave in a half hour if we want to make it. Hey, you guys should come along,” she added. “We haven’t had a girl’s day in a long time!” I was glad she included Kelsey. The girl was insecure enough as it was.

  “No thanks,” I said, shaking my head. “When Emrys is finished up I want to spend some time with him. He’s been so busy lately and he’ll be leaving soon. I just feel like staying home. But thanks for asking.” We both glanced at Kelsey.

  “I have to get these plants in today.” Kelsey raised her head and shook her hair out of her eyes. “Maybe next time?” A gleam of hopefulness softened her mood a bit.

  Fiona was already edging to the trellis. “Ok, sure. That would be fun! See you guys later, then.”

  The guard moved from under the shadows to let her out, taking a quick glance behind toward the sound of the mower. The sun glistened on his forehead, and he wiped his sweaty brow.

  Ha! If he shaved his big head, he’d look just like Mr. Clean!

  “Have fun!” I called, as she ducked under the hanging flowers and disappeared from sight. “And now I am farmed off to you, Kelsey! I feel like a yo-yo today. Everyone has plans, everyone is busy. I can’t wait for this to be over!”

  Kelsey chuckled. “You and me both, Lizzy. It’s terrible to live like a prisoner. I do know how you feel.” She placed a few more plants into the damp earth. “I’m so nervous about the meeting. What will I do if Emrys can’t persuade the rest of the Regents to change things? What - will - I - do?” Her voice was shaky and weak, her words choppy.

  “According to Sibelle, something new is coming for the Ravens,” I announced, “at least, for our society - our family here at Ravenswynd. We’ve got to believe her. She’s been right about everything else.”

  I leaned back and put my head up, letting the afternoon sun beat down on my face. I kept my eyes closed as I fondly remembered her cottage, her smile, and her reassuring words.

  “I’ve seen a brent new wey wi the corbies.”

  “She was so sure of herself and so excited for us. It was weird. And yet, she was so vague.” I went on, saying, “I believe it has to do with the Regent meeting coming up. What else could it be? I’ve been nagging Emrys for months now.” Shaking my head, I added, “He won’t let us down.”

  “Well I certainly hope not. I really don’t want to leave,” Kelsey said, then peered toward the trellis, anxious and nervous, and whispered, “but if that is our only way to be openly together, Royal and I have decided we must move away. I don’t know where, or even how. But that is our decision.” Her mouth turned down and her eyes were sad. The very thought caused a lump to form in my throat. I’d grown to love her like a sister.

  “I hope it never comes to that, Kelsey,” I said, fighting back the sadness.

  All of a sudden, the puppy jumped up and started barking. Someone was coming into the garden. I caught her scent before I saw her: one of the newer kitchen girls. She was around twenty years old, fresh and sugary sweet smelling. I recognized her aroma immediately. We still had a fresh supply from her in our fridge from a few days back, and I was instantly thirsty. Licking my lips as the familiar small pin pricks popped through my gums, one on either side behind my eyeteeth, my fangs clicked in, and for the first time, I seemed to be completely losing control the closer she came. I had gone past the three-day mark, and, not only was my chest tight again; electrical waves flowed from my head to my toes. I grabbed onto both sides of the stone bench with all my might. My fingernails dug into the sides and I clung on as hard as I could. Kelsey must have recognized my combined terror and thirst at once. But I could no longer keep a hold on the bench. My thirst far outweighed my ability to stop myself, and my body lurched forward with a mind of its own. In an amazingly swift movement Kelsey blocked me, latched onto my arms with a heavy grip, and turning her head over her shoulder, she yelled, “Heather, go back!”

  I supposed the donors were all trained quite well, especially regarding the importance of complete obedience. Either that or the girl recognized the extreme urgency in Kelsey’s voice and decided whatever it was she had come to say, would be better left unsaid. She turned and ran before another word was spoken by any of us. All I saw was the back of her blond hair flying away. The dog continued to bark like crazy, but now she directed her yelps at me.

  Kelsey kept one hand on my arm, and with her other hand, picked a doggie treat out of her pocket and tossed it to the puppy. She immediately stopped barking and started chewing on the little bone.

  Kelsey waited a few moments, all the while glaring at me. She turned her head, making sure the girl was long gone, wiped her hands quickly together to get the loose dirt off and grabbed onto my elbow again. I’d never seen her move this fast before. We nearly rammed into the guard as we flew past the trellis, and I had to run hard and fast to keep up with her. She kept to the back stairway out of anyone else’s view, and we skipped up the stairs two at a time, always aware of the hard steps of the guard following close behind us. Reaching down under her collar, Kelsey pulled up a chain that held her keys, opened my door, checked quickly for Emrys, who was not back yet, and practically shoved me into my bathroom, hollering, “Stay put!”

  I stared into the mirror, shocked at myself. My blue eyes had turned bright, deep red. A flash of an image came back to me then: Emrys just before he bit me. I opened my mouth to examine my teeth and ran my tongue over their sharpness. I did the same behind my bottom teeth but felt nothing. I was about to open my mouth wider to check them out, but Kelsey came back, an angry look settled on her face, her brown eyes still glaring.

  “Here! And don’t ever do that again!” she snapped, shoving a large glass into my hand. It felt warm to the touch and even warmer going down my throat. Sweet! She managed to find the rest of new-kitchen-girl in the fridge; exactly what I’d been lusting after. My heart pounded hard, and my taste buds burned with delight. Total satisfaction.

  I stood in front of the mirror as I drank. Kelsey sat down on the commode and put her head in her hands, sighing. “You scared me, Lizzy. I thought you were going to attack her! What the bloody hell were you thinking? When is the last time you fed?”

  Too many questions. I was busy drinking. “Umm.” Swallow...sip...swallow.

  She glared at me still, but I kept drinking like there was no tomorrow. I had not realized how thirsty I was until now.

  “Do you have any idea what almost happened?” Kelsey asked. “You could have killed her!”

  I swallowed the last of the glass. “Don’t be ridiculous. I wasn’t going to kill her!” I licked my red lips and glanced into the mirror. Blue eyes once again.

  “I know you wouldn’t do it on purpose, but, once you start feeding on a human, you
must be prepared to turn them. If you are not prepared, they will die. You know the rules, Lizzy. If you allowed such a thing to happen, even by accident, you’d be banished. Please be more careful, Lizzy.” Her voice was growing softer as she calmed down. “If you had been alone when it happened - I don’t know what would have become of that poor girl - or you for that matter!”

  “Do you really believe Emrys would banish me?” I felt stronger now that I’d had my fix. “I’ve always told him there was no way I’d ever leave him.”

  “Do you really want to take that chance?” she asked, looking up at me with a frown.

  Her question stung.

  “Well, no, but...”

  “We do not allow murder,” Kelsey interrupted with all seriousness and more than a touch of sternness. “That’s how we’ve lasted so long living among the humans. The ones who know about us - trust us. We cannot afford to let that trust die. If we don’t have donors, we would be forced to go back to the old way. The old way was barbaric.” She shook her head.

  She sounds just like Emrys.

  I knew she was right, and I had no excuse. Normally I was thirsty every other day. Perhaps I was subconsciously stressed about Emrys’ trip, and maybe it had me not thinking clearly. “I’m sorry, Kelsey. And thank you. I’m so glad you were there to help me. I feel so horrible. Did the girl see what happened?”

  “I don’t think so. I blocked her view when I stood in front of you and she left immediately, so I don’t think she saw what really happened. Heather’s her name, by the way. I just hope you didn’t scare her into quitting. She’s only just started this week.” Kelsey sighed heavily and added, “I won’t tell anyone else about this, and you should make sure you don’t either. I only hope your bodyguard is as discreet.”

  Her warning sounded ominous.

  “I won’t.” I felt like a child being reprimanded by a parent.

  She stood and headed for the door, but I stopped her, reaching out for a hug. “Thank you so much.” I felt ashamed, like a criminal. I had almost let myself turn into a real killer, and I shivered at the thought.

  “You’re welcome, Lizzy,” she said holding me tight. “Just be more careful...” She pulled back, shaking her head, clearly upset with my blatant lack of responsibility, and then as an afterthought, added, “Oh, what was it you wanted to ask me earlier?”

  “Oh wow, I nearly forgot. I wanted to ask you if you’ve seen Emrys’ thumb ring? You know - the one he wears all the time. It’s silver with black squares and red designs all around. He took it off after practice today; his thumb swelled up a bit, and he swears he put it on his dresser top.”

  I shrugged my shoulders in an attempt to let her see that I wasn’t all that concerned. I didn’t want to make her think I was blaming her for the missing ring.

  “No, I haven’t,” she said, shaking her head. “But I’ll keep an eye open for it.”

  “Thanks. He was quite upset about it. He thought maybe you moved it, or even found it in the wash today.”

  Kelsey frowned at me, looking puzzled.

  “Did you do any laundry today? Or any dusting or organizing?” I asked.

  “I didn’t do anything this morning. I went out to my garden first thing and I was out there until you found me mid-day. I haven’t even been in your quarters since the day before yesterday.”

  A short surge of queasiness swept through my stomach as I thought about her statement.

  “Are you sure?” I rubbed my hands together nervously, feeling my wedding ring between my fingers. The metal felt hot on my now cold, numb hands.

  “Of course I’m sure. You can even ask Royal. He met me at my door and walked me to the garden just after eight. We even saw you and Emrys out by the pond with your shiny new sword. Don’t you believe me, Lizzy?” she asked, now looking sad.

  “You know I do. It’s just that Emrys was quite positive about when he took the ring off, and where he put it.”

  She shook her head thoughtfully and frowned again. “Well, the guard would know who’s come and gone, wouldn’t he?” she wondered. “If you don’t believe me, go on and ask him.” She crossed her arms over her chest, clearly upset.

  “No, not during the time Emrys is home. He allows the guard to take a break when he’s home with me. But that’s beside the point, Kelsey. I’m not accusing you of anything. Please don’t think that.”

  “Well, Lizzy, I’m sorry, but I don’t know what else to say. I’ll keep my eyes open for the ring, though. I’m sure it’ll show up; probably stuck in some clothes or what not. I will be extra cautious on laundry day. I promise.”

  “Kelsey,” I said with a start, and then sucked in a large breath, “does anyone else have a copy of our key - the one to our private suite?”

  “I only have one copy, and you know where I keep it.” She patted her chest lightly. “I only take it off when I’m in the shower and I have never lost it, if you’re wondering.”

  She still looked uneasy, and I knew she was worried that I blamed her for something she had not done.

  “I know, Kelsey. You have always watched out for me, and I appreciate that, I really do.”

  “Perhaps Master Emrys is mistaken,” she suggested. “Could he have left it in another room?”

  I shook my head slowly, feeling a tightness gathering in my throat. “I don’t think so.” I rubbed the back of my aching neck as Kelsey took my empty glass and started to ease out of the doorway. I followed her into the living room, listening as we walked.

  “Well, no one could get in here without a key. You did make sure the door was locked, right?” she asked, trying her best to be helpful. But I was more annoyed with the thoughts whizzing through my mind. “Oh, of course you did,” she said, seeing my look of irritation, “why wouldn’t you after all you’ve been through?” Another rhetorical question and I’d have to scream.

  Actually, if I was completely honest with myself, it was easy for me to be more lax when Emrys was around. I tried to remember who came in through the door last when we came back from fencing practice, but my mind was blank. Maybe one of us did actually forget to lock it. Not that this thought made me feel any better. His ring was still missing, and certainly no one would take it since everyone knew he wore it every single day. It simply was not even a possibility. Obviously, he misplaced it and that was that.

  “Well, I’ve decided I’m not going to worry about it. It takes more energy to worry than I intend to use. And I’m sure the ring will show up in time,” I said shrugging.

  Kelsey looked somewhat relieved that I had decided to let it go for now. I could see that her insecurity made her feel like we didn’t trust her; she still lacked in the self-confidence area. Smiling now, she said, “You’re right, Lizzy. It’ll show up sooner or later.”

  We changed the subject then and talked about her garden; she told me all about the new plants she was introducing this year and how excited she was. I knew she was trying to keep busy on purpose, so she didn’t have to keep thinking of the Regent meeting that was coming up. I could not imagine her actually leaving Ravenswynd but didn’t bring it up for fear of upsetting her all over again.

  As soon as Emrys returned, Kelsey jumped up and excused herself, saying, “I must finish planting before dark.”

  She never did wipe the smudge of dirt off her face, a reminder of her often-childish ways. I supposed that sometimes she felt deprived of being able to grow older, at least to the age where most adults felt respected just for being an adult. She would perpetually look seventeen. That alone couldn’t be easy to deal with for anyone.

  After walking Kelsey to the door and locking it behind her, I sat down on the edge of the sofa, put my hand on Emrys’ knee, and gave a gentle squeeze. Taking in a deep breath, I said, “Well, my dear husband, guess what I just found out?”

  He looked up from his notepad and said, “Hmm?”

  “Remember when you suggested that Kelsey might have moved your ring?”

  He blinked several times before he s
poke. “What about it?”

  “She told me that she has not been in our suite for a few days. No laundry and no cleaning.”

  His dark eyes looked right through me, as though he was deep in thought. And then, all he said was, “Is that so?”

  “Are you even listening Emrys?”

  He nodded and gazed into my eyes. “Yes, I am. I have been retracing my steps, wondering if I really did set the ring on the book. Perhaps my mind was elsewhere, since I distinctly recall seeing the most beautiful view ever. If you recall, I had my eyes on you! And you were disrobing. I suppose I could have been a little preoccupied.” He raised an eyebrow and smiled as I remembered along with him. It had been an amazing ending to an incredible workout.

  I noticed him rubbing the empty place where his ring should be, several times, as he explained the plans for his trip in June. The Fellowship of Regents meeting was in Italy this year, not too far from where Vartan assembled his concoctions of perfumes, and I was invited to go along so that I could meet him. Emrys had hoped there’d be enough spare time to take a short tour of the factory too. Of course, the rest of the time Emrys would spend at his council meetings, and I’d be locked up in a hotel room with some random hulking guard. With such a dim prospect looming in front of me, I opted out. At least if I stayed home I’d be able to spend time with loved ones, walk out in the gardens or around the ponds, and not feel quite as trapped as a caged animal. Besides, Lindy already promised me she’d be here that week and, furthermore, she’d make sure to be available to keep me company. It had been a while since my sister and I had spent any quality time together – alone. And a part of me was even a bit excited. Although I was positive I’d miss Emrys terribly, a little sister-time would definitely do me some good. I thought that quite possibly I’d even have the guts to tell her about my vision of the three children. Maybe.


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