The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 64

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  “I know for a fact your husband is nowhere near Ravenswynd. The council hasn’t yet settled on their most recent discussions. I spoke to one of the members only a few hours ago. They plan to reconvene early tomorrow morning.” Raising an eyebrow he continued even more scornfully, “I guess our esteemed leader is just too busy to call his beautiful wife.” He reached out and touched my chin, but I yanked my head away with a jerk.

  Racking my brain, thinking of ways to get out of this mess, I recalled some of the things that Emrys had taught me during my self-defense lessons. Frantically, I went over them in my mind: Keep your head - literally, but also emotionally. Sometimes winning requires more than just the ability to defend oneself, you must also be sure to control your anger. Rage could push you to make errors in judgment. I realized then that I needed to rein in my anger - and terror, so that Rohan would not get the upper hand. I quickly decided to engage him in a few questions, hoping a diversion would give me enough time to think.

  “How did you get in here, anyway?” I asked, telling myself all the while:

  Breathe - think this through - you can do this.

  I took another step back.

  His revolting snicker made me cringe as he said, bragging, “Your new security measures are ridiculous. They didn’t slow me down a bit. And besides, I lived here long enough to know all the secret passageways, and I found all the flaws in your system. By the way,” he added, cold and unconcerned, “you will find you’ll need to hire a few new guards. It was pretty stupid to employ a measly human for the gatehouse. They are so easy to take down. And the big one - just outside of your door… what a pity.”

  Oh – my - God! Did he really did kill my bodyguard?

  My heart sank and I bit my tongue, trying to maintain a calm exterior. My insides were on fire, and sweat trickled down my back. But I couldn’t let him see me squirm.


  He didn’t have an ounce of remorse and his blind arrogant pride made him that much more dangerous. It showed me how determined he truly was - that he still planned to use me to destroy Emrys; that he would stop at nothing to reach his ultimate goal. Nothing short of death would ever make him stop.

  “And speaking of easy,” he went on, sneering, “that pathetic wench and her annoying mutt...”

  I lost my composure and screamed, “If you hurt Kelsey, I’ll…” Taking a shaky step forward I raised my hand to slap him.

  “You’ll what?” he smirked, latching onto my wrist with an iron grip.

  With his other hand he reached into his pocket, pulled out Kelsey’s chain, and twirled it in a taunting circle. The keys jangled together making my ears ring. The sour tang of stomach acid rose up in my throat as horror seized me. Dizziness alternated with grief and rage as I imagined poor Kelsey - injured or… dead? I had all I could do to hold back the tears now.

  A strange look came over his face, not quite pity, but perhaps a leftover soft spot for Kelsey. His grip relaxed a little. “Don’t worry. Your servant girl and her little mutt are fine. She never even heard me from inside the shower, and she won’t realize I switched the keys until she tries to get in here.” He held up the chain of keys for another moment and then dropped them on the vanity table, no longer needed or necessary for the coming events.

  Relief flooded over me, yet my heart raced faster as my mind began to weigh my options. Amrita and Larkin had gone to the city for the night and were not due back until tomorrow. Melinda and Gavin’s quarters were on the far side of the estate. If Kelsey really was alive, she had probably gone to bed by now; she’d never hear me, no matter how loud I screamed. I had only two choices: to run or to fight. I glanced at the open window, two floors up from the ground level. Maybe I could make it with only a broken ankle or two, but then, I remembered Rohan was a flyer. He’d beat me to the ground and just whisk me right back up here.

  “I see your busy mind working, Scarlett. Face it, we will mate tonight, and this will be the beginning of your husband’s destruction.” His right hand gripped my wrist tighter again, and he reached over with his left hand, the one that wore Emrys’ ring, and he pinched my nipple. His pinch was not quite hard enough to hurt, but enough to get the point across. A lecherous anticipation came over his face, freaking me out completely.

  Without a second thought, I quickly raised my knee to ram him in the balls, but he was too fast. He turned away just in time, and my knee caught him in the thigh, barely grazing him. At the same time, with his free hand he pulled a very large gun out of his pocket and aimed it directly at my head. I never realized how loud the sound of cocking a gun could be.

  I froze as he snarled between his clenched teeth, “One way or another I will win, and the Bertrand family will be finished. I will avenge my father even if I have to destroy one sodding member of this miserable family at a time. And then, after I annihilate Emrys, I will be Regent. And you - my pretty little liar; if you wish to keep your head, you can stay on as my mate. No one else will want you anyway.” A satisfied sneer stretched across his mouth. “You can be damaged goods, or you can be dead. It doesn’t matter to me.” His eyes were malevolent, crimson, and full of hate.

  “I wouldn’t be your mate if you were the last damn Raven on earth,” I said, seething. I yanked my arm free and tried to cover myself, crossing my arms again. I had never felt so vulnerable in my life. He took a quick step forward and caught my wrist, pulling me firmly to him. Wedging himself up against me, he pressed his mouth down on mine. I tried to turn away but he released my wrist and grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking me back with a jerk.

  His mouth was pungent, tasting of alcohol, and his groping hand was rough and unrelenting. I flinched forward as the cold metal of the gun raked across my back.

  “You only have two choices, Scarlett,” he said, pulling back, his face only inches from mine. “Give yourself to me freely and live, or I’ll take what I want and you’ll be mine anyway. He won’t want you either way, so it doesn’t matter to me how we do this.” He smeared his mouth on mine again and then licked my face, from my jaw-line up to my eye, as if I was an ice cream cone. His breath was hot, and his eyes were full of lust. I was scared to death that this time, he might actually succeed.

  The first time he had attacked me, I was able to call Emrys to my side with my mind - and I knew that it had worked only because Emrys was nearby. The second time, pure dumb luck had saved me, and the fact that I knew nothing about driving a manual transmission. When Rohan had kidnapped me, I escaped his evil grasp because of his own stupidity. I had to think fast, now. Emrys was so far away, there was no one around to help me, and I had to assume Rohan had worked out his whole plan to the smallest detail. Why else would he take such a huge risk by coming here, right into my own private dwelling? I felt woozy as I speculated exactly how many men he had already killed to get in here.

  I would have to get away from this monster using my own wits. He knew I had lied earlier, but, if I could get him to believe me, to trust me, then maybe I’d have half a chance. And somehow, I had to get that gun away from him. If I opted for deception, I’d have to be very convincing, even if it meant the worst: allowing him to touch me. Cringing at the thought, I knew it would make my skin crawl, but he was so strong and so fast, I didn’t know what else to do. I had to stop fighting him. I had no other choice.

  I willed my body to relax into his grasp, even going so far as to heave a deep sigh of surrender. As difficult as it was, I forced myself to look into his eyes and say, “I give up. Just don’t hurt me. Now that I think about it, I don’t think Emrys cares anyway. If he did, wouldn’t he have asked me to go with him on his all-mighty important trip? I mean, if I was your mate, you’d take me with you, wouldn’t you?” I used a most convincing insecure voice.

  Could he possibly be this stupid?

  “He’s a fool for leaving you home alone, Scarlett.” A note of hope in his voice - this was promising. “But, my little black-haired beauty, don’t think for a moment you’ve got me fooled. I thin
k you still love him. If not, you’d give yourself to me freely without another fight.”

  I wasn’t going to be lucky enough to use reverse psychology. Obviously, he now tried to use it on me. I shrugged. “I just assumed you liked a good fight. You do seem the type who likes to be the winner. And, if I just gave in, it would’ve been too easy for you.” His hold relaxed a little, though I was sure my arms already showed bruises where his fingers had dug deep. I tried to look untroubled by the whole situation and hoped he didn’t see the quick shudder that screamed through me.

  “You think you know me, don’t you?” he said with an arrogant chuckle. “And I bet living with you would be a challenge every day. You like getting your way too, don’t you, sweet Scarlett?” His tone had turned just a tad softer.

  “Yes, I do. And if I am completely honest here, my main goal is to remain the Regent’s mate. It is quite a high place in this society, and I certainly do not choose to lose my station.” I hoped to appear aloof and arrogant, since that seemed to be the language he understood best. “And I suppose, if your invitation still stands, that would be my choice.”

  “Oh mark my words: I will be the next Regent.” He held his head up high. “It is my destiny.”

  What an arrogant piece of crap.

  I raised my eyebrows and tried to look alluring as I pulled back a little, putting a hand on his chest. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, Rohan.” Saying his name as though I liked him made me sick inside, but the way he reacted encouraged me to continue with my charade. “You know, I’ve often thought about the way you kissed me the night I was turned. You were actually very tender while my eyes were closed. To be honest with you – you really did turn me on, and, ever since, I’ve even imagined what it would have been like if we had...continued. I’ve even had dreams about it.” I smiled coyly. “You recall what happened. If Emrys hadn’t interrupted us, we would have finished what we started.” His right hand slackened enough for me to brush the hair out of my face, and I reached up and ran a finger over his lip, hoping this phony tenderness would convince him. “Do you remember?”

  “How could I forget?” He bent down and kissed me, softer than before, and I had to pretend to enjoy it. His free hand went back to my breast and I forced out a pleasurable moan, though inside - I was screaming. I kept my hand on his chest and casually opened up one of his shirt buttons. With any luck at all, I thought my ploy might actually work. The hand holding the gun hung straight down at his side now.

  “If we’re really going to do this, we need to do it the right way,” I said, unbuttoning another button. I lowered my voice. “I mean, seeing you will help me, you know...get ready. And it will be much better if I am ready, trust me.” I smiled and lowered my eyes, trying to be seductive. This inviting behavior had always come so natural and easy with Emrys – but with Rohan, it was a forced, painful playacting on my part. And I couldn’t let him see that.

  He grabbed my chin and yanked my head, forcing me to look up at him, “I won’t trust you until I am inside of you.”

  That revolting image repelled me, but if there was anything to be glad about, it was that he could not read my mind, and luckily, he seemed oblivious to my never ending involuntary shuddering. Perhaps he thought I was actually excited.

  What a flaming idiot.

  I licked my lips and raised an eyebrow saying, “Well then, the sooner I am ready, the sooner you will be where you want to be.” He let go of my chin, and I tugged at his belt. His eyes became wide with anticipation. He pushed me toward the bed as he ripped off his shirt, one handed, still not giving up the damn gun.

  “Oh…” I mumbled and stuttered, hoping he’d take all of my idiotic expressions as a compliment. He clumsily fell on top of me, pushing me down onto the mattress. I put my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair, pulled him to my mouth and kissed him as though I meant it. I pulled back and said, “I do have one small request, Rohan.”

  He lifted his face and glared at me. “Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much, Scarlett?” He buried his face in my neck as he tried to position himself between my knees, and at the same time lifting my nightgown slightly, groping my breast - not in the least bit gentle.

  I ignored him, let my lips brush against his ear and whispered, “I want you to take it slow. Can you, please? Some men...don’t have that ability. But I have a feeling you do.” I sighed into his ear and added, “You do, don’t you?”

  I thought that if I could get him to think I was now talking behind Emrys’ back, my chances that he’d trust me were even greater. His breathing came heavier and he said, “Oh baby, I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.” His hands were all over me, and I knew I didn’t have much more time to stall him. I forced a few more moans out, hoping they sounded pleasurable. In reality, I was within moments of throwing up. I tried to see where the gun was, but I couldn’t see past him.

  “Oh wait a second, Rohan,” I said, trying to appear anxious to proceed, “Let me make sure the bedroom door is locked. Kelsey isn’t the only one with a key to the suite, and I don’t want to be interrupted this time.” I deliberately arched my back and rolled him over, straddling him. I leaned down and kissed him, long and deliberate. When I sat up again, I pressed my weight down, teasing and tempting, watching his eyes as he responded to my movements. I hoped to convince him I was truly into this, and of the pleasure I planned to give him. But I was so grateful he hadn’t ripped his pants off yet.

  “Do you mind?” I asked sweetly. He had an urgent grasp on my hips as he countered my movements under me, and my only response was to moan. He had to believe me now. I was quite sure that I had him right where I wanted him. I felt the cold metal of the gun on my leg, but before I had a chance to try to grab it, he moved his hand off my hip and placed it over the gun.

  Flaming hell!

  Reluctant to let go of me, he gave my hip a squeeze and groaned. Finally, breathing heavy, he said, “Scarlett, do hurry back.” His other hand dropped to his side.

  Did the fool actually trust me now?

  I walked slowly on purpose, glancing over my shoulder with as sexy a look as possible. Turning away, I felt his eyes on me as I sauntered closer to the door.

  The door... my only escape…

  Just as I reached my destiny, he cleared his throat as if to warn me once more. The loud clicking of the lock was alarming and foreboding. If not for the gun, I could have bolted out, but feared he was quick at the draw. Now what? On the return walk, I instinctively wrapped my arms over my front again.

  “Stop!” he bellowed, suddenly pointing the gun at me. “Raise your arms. How do I know you really mean any of this, if you keep hiding yourself from me?”

  I took a deep breath and raised my hands, trying desperately to keep up the charade. I had stopped dead in my tracks, but my stomach felt like it still lurched forward - ready to empty itself. I hoped my face didn’t give away my true feelings and I forced another seductive smile.

  “Put the damn gun down,” I said, with a sigh. “This is no way to turn a lady on; you should know that.”

  He rested his arm down on the bed, still holding the gun, but at least it was no longer aimed at me. A sinister grin appeared on his face as I stood in the middle of the room, still as a statue. His eyes traveled up and down my body, very purposefully and slow. I wished I could just disappear like vapor. If only my nightgown wasn’t quite so sheer.

  “Scarlett! You are just so damn sexy. I really like what I see,” he said triumphantly. “Turn around again.” He grabbed himself, like the disgusting degenerate that he was.

  I gave a twirl, laughing. He thought I laughed at his compliment, but in reality, I laughed because I had an idea. A great idea!

  “Hey, as long as I’m already up, perhaps you’d like a little Ambrosia? With all this excitement, we’re both going to need a little extra energy. Don’t you think?”

  “Are you stalling now?” he asked, licking his lips.

  Aha, he’s

  “No, no, I have some ready; I warmed it just before you arrived. I’ll share mine with you.”

  “Bring it here then,” he sighed. I knew he would not be able to resist. I’d never met a vampire yet who could refuse when offered blood.

  I retrieved my cup from the table and sat on the edge of the bed, taking a small sip. I sighed, and murmured, “Mmm.”

  He sat up and took the glass from me. I was right: he guzzled it all down like the selfish pig I knew he would be.

  “Hey! You could have saved a sip for me!” I said, half-whining.

  Grinning at me, he laid his head back on the pillow. His teeth still red-rimmed, a tiny drip leaked out of his open mouth and started to roll down his cheek. I leaned forward, licked his lip, pulling back and feigning a pout, and complained, “I’m thirsty too. I’ll go get another glass for us. There’s some on the table right over there.” I pointed to a large blue pitcher and stood slowly.

  Rohan caught my wrist, and I sensed his distrust of me was all but gone. I turned to face him with a raised eyebrow. “Yes?” Phony calmness oozed out from me.

  “Make it quick, Scarlett.” He took my hand and put it between his legs, showing me he was still in a state of readiness. “We have unfinished business.” And then, without another word, he let me go.

  My heartbeat came fast and wild as I made my way to the table. What Rohan didn’t know, was that the blue pitcher was empty. But the table sat next to the cabinet where we kept our store of weapons. I had no reason to think he knew what the cabinet contained, since the two solid oak doors kept everything hidden. I turned the latch and as I opened the door, it creaked, giving me a sudden attack of panic. I stole a quick glance over my shoulder and could see that Rohan was deeply in touch with his inner child as he tipped the glass upside down and let the last droplets fall into his open mouth. The gun was lying next to him, unattended.


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