The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 85

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  “You mean you wouldn’t mind not being the Regent?” I asked, completely surprised.

  “Oh, I would mind...I would mind greatly. But no matter what happens, with you by my side, my life will be wonderful.” He leaned down and kissed me, and when he pulled back breathless, added, “As one, for all eternity.”

  I plucked the notepad from his hand and flung it to the floor, wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to the bed. “You always say all the right words, don’t you?”

  * * *

  When I spotted the ever-present raven atop the archway, a warm happiness filled my soul. As much as I loved to travel, getting home was always a great joy. I couldn’t wait to see Lindy and the babies. We had only been away for a few days this time, but I really missed my family. As the car pulled through the gate, I rested my head lightly on Emrys’ shoulder and he squeezed my hand, agreeing with my silent sentiments.

  “There is no place like home, is there, my love?” Emrys sighed. The car pulled around the circle and stopped in front of the big doors to Ravenswynd. “I knew you would grow to love this place as much as I do,” he added with another squeeze.

  I lifted my head and nodded. “You’re right. I never felt a sense of home anywhere else, like I do here.” Imagining I’d be feeling quite different if Melinda hadn’t joined with us; a quick uneasy shudder went through me, picturing my life without her. Shaking off the dark thoughts, I said, “I can’t wait to see my nieces and nephew!”

  “They certainly do grow on you - those little ones,” he said with a chuckle. “I too find myself with a special place in my heart for them.” A quick frown crossed his face; though only a short moment, I still caught it. No doubt, thinking back to his baby sister; this must have triggered the sad memory of his mother, whose banishment had left him with a profound sense of loss.

  Emrys glanced away from me and gazed up at the building. I was sure his thoughts drifted back to that pitiful day, but I only put a hand on his and didn’t say a word. Royal opened my door and I slid over the seat.

  “Miss Lizzy,” he said, taking my hand and helping me out of the vehicle.

  “Thank you, Royal,” I said, smiling. I was about to question why he hadn’t brought Kelsey along for the ride; she usually came with him - especially on those longer trips to London, but just then the big oak door flew open, and there she was. Kelsey flew into Royal’s arms before he even closed the car door.

  Emrys had stepped out on the other side of the vehicle and caught my eye. We smiled at one another over the top of the car. Of course, any time I could, I’d rub it in…how right I had been about these two young lovers. I hummed a few notes from the Matchmaker song and Emrys laughed aloud. Turning back to the couple I noticed Kelsey whispering in her husband’s ear. His eyes popped open wide, he stifled a gasp, and then he gave a fleeting glance toward Emrys. Kelsey pulled back, grabbed Royal’s hand, and yanked him away and up the steps. She never even said hello to us. As she drew him through the door, he looked back over his shoulder with a puzzled, sorry look. He hadn’t gotten our luggage out of the trunk yet, and we stood there speechless.

  “I wonder what the bloody hell that was all about,” Emrys said, half-joking. As he made his way to my side of the car, I heard a flapping noise and gazed up toward the roof. I spotted a big white owl, similar to the one that had perched on Sibelle’s chimney. Emrys reached my side, pulling my attention back to him.

  Shaking my head, I said, “No clue, my husband. Perhaps Priscilla made her famous dessert again, and Kelsey wants Royal to get first dibs.” I laughed as Emrys took my hand. “I guess we’ll have to get our luggage later, since we have no key for the trunk.”

  We started up the stairs to the big doors, and I thought it strange that Lindy hadn’t found her way to meet us yet. Usually after each trip, she’d be so happy to see us return, she’d greet us with loud cheers before we made it over the threshold.

  Emrys reached for the door, and an old vision flashed through my mind. For one brief moment, I pictured the mysterious limo driver again, and my heart skipped a beat. Little did I know that once Emrys opened the door and we stepped into the foyer, our world would be forever changed.

  * * *

  At first I thought they must be throwing us a surprise party in celebration of our return. Halfway up the wide stairway and all throughout the foyer, smiling faces greeted us. Everyone was there, but no one spoke. It was actually quite freaky. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I slipped my hand into Emrys’ and glanced up at him. His eyes darted about from face to face, a slight frown began to appear, and he cleared his throat.

  “What the bloody…” he stopped when I squeezed his hand, but then said, “Has everyone lost their minds? Or are you just happy to see us?”

  Amrita was nearer to the top of the steps, slowly making her way down, Larkin at her side. She was the only one not smiling, and my heart flip-flopped again. I searched through the crowd and found Lindy. Her huge smile told me everything was all right, but that just confused me even more as I wondered what was wrong with Amrita. Priscilla stepped out of the crowd and took Emrys’ hand from mine. Before she could speak, Latimer made a loud noise in his throat, evidently to stop her, and she nodded, only saying, “Welcome, Master Emrys. Welcome home.”

  Latimer stepped closer and removed his glasses, looking Emrys squarely in the eye. “We’ve some good news, my lad. Some very good news.”

  I found it strange that Latimer had called Emrys lad, rather than by his name, or even ‘sir’. Most of our fellow Ravens were careful to give him an overabundance of respect, and all of the servants still called him Master. It was almost as if Latimer was treating him as a son, or perhaps a relative. Emrys didn’t seem to notice or care.

  “Well, out with it then!” he said, losing patience.

  I put my hand through Emrys’ arm as he studied Latimer’s face. A quick rush of giddiness filtered through the crowd, but I kept my eyes on Latimer. He put his glasses back on after inspecting and wiping them off with a hanky. He then glanced at me, giving a cordial nod, and cleared his throat once again. I felt Emrys’ bicep clench as his impatience grew, yet he remained silent and stoic. I was about to burst, but bit my tongue to keep from embarrassing myself. At long last, giving his Regent the full attention he deserved, yet waiting another moment for the room to be silent - so silent in fact, that I could hear the ravens calling outside, Latimer took a large breath, exhaled slowly, and finally opened his mouth.

  “Your father has returned.”



  Before Emrys could respond; the murmuring started - excited murmuring, for the most part. I heard only bits and pieces of sentences, but a few startling words stood out clearly. Someone said ‘rightful Regent’, and I twisted my head back to Emrys just as he glanced up the steps toward Amrita. He nodded to her and she attempted a weak smile. Larkin slipped his arm around her waist and she leaned into him, apparently disturbed.

  My head began to swim and I couldn’t begin to imagine the conflicted thoughts going through Emrys’ mind at this startling news. Of course he’d be happy to see his father, but he had to have a million questions. But his heart would ache for Amrita. She’d grown up so terrified of Ambrose. And she hated him for banishing their mother. Emrys stared down at the floor, deep in thought.

  Guessing that Sibelle’s prophecy was about to come true, I could only hope my advice would be helpful. At this moment, however, my mind spun in circles as I speculated what would become of our family of Ravens. Apparently we now had two reigning Regents. And then I wondered where Ambrose was.

  As if on cue, the crowd parted. Latimer moved back and a tall man dressed all in black stepped out into the opening, making his way toward us. My breath caught in my throat as I studied him, utterly fascinated. He looked exactly like an older version of my husband! If not for the fact that Ambrose had shorter hair and appeared to be around 40, they could almost pass for twins.

  Emrys looked up
and their eyes met. A dead silence filled the room as they hunted for the right words. What does one say after all these years?

  “Father,” Emrys sighed. I could feel his emotions bubbling up, and I swallowed down the lump in my throat. I had to hold it together – for Emrys. I pulled my hand from his arm, and they stepped closer to one another, slowly at first.

  And then I saw the love well up in their eyes. My heart pounded wildly as Ambrose reached for Emrys. With his voice breaking, he whispered, “My son.”

  When they embraced, I lost it. I remembered all the times Emrys desperately held back his sorrow. All the times he stifled his heartbreak, maintaining an air of indifference. As I wiped away my tears, I glanced up at Amrita and our eyes met briefly. She gave me a smile, truly happy for her brother, but I knew that deep down she ached for the mother she never knew: an emotion that was not lost on me. Amrita then gave me a nod, turned, and went back up the stairs with Larkin. Their footsteps generated a response from the rest of our family, and everyone began to quietly drift away.

  Fiona gave me a quick wave as she left and Melinda came up next to me as Emrys and Ambrose continued to reunite. “I’ll be in my room if you need to talk, Sis,” she whispered. “It’s good to have you home.” And then with a quick kiss to my cheek she added in a whisper, “Armand misses his auntie! He’s so used to you rocking him for his afternoon nap; we couldn’t get him to sleep at all.” I smiled at Lindy as she hurried away back to her three loves, Gavin hot on her heels.

  “You must have questions, my son,” Ambrose said quietly. “But we shall talk later. Right now, I must meet your beautiful wife.” Ambrose turned to me and extended his hand. He didn’t seem at all like the crazy man I’d dreamed about, and I wondered what could’ve changed him back to normal.

  As we shook hands, Emrys said, “Father, this is my wife, Elizabeth.”

  “I assumed as much, and I must say, she is even more beautiful than I expected. I have heard much about you, my dear. I am very pleased to meet you.” His eyes met mine with a gentle kindness and he gave a slight bow. And suddenly it hit me. I realized I’d seen him before…in the vision! He was Mr. Feldspar’s limo driver!

  “Pleased to meet you too…” I said, nodding my head - not sure what in the world to call him. After all, I didn’t want to call him Sir, since I felt that Emrys was the rightful Regent, and yet, there was no way I could call him Dad, or anything even close to it.

  He detected my uneasiness immediately and stated, “Please - call me Ambrose.”

  God, please tell me he can’t read my mind!

  I didn’t think I could take another one with that ability. Emrys put his arm around my waist and gave me a gentle squeeze.

  “Ambrose,” I said flatly. “I’ve heard a lot about you too.” I had to bite my tongue. I was thinking so many negative thoughts.

  How could you do something so horrible to your son? Leave him for so many years?

  But that would be a tad harsh to say to someone you’d just met.

  Priscilla jumped in then and said with a giggle, “Oh my. Tis so good to have ye all home again. So good, indeed. Ambrose turned to her and gave her shoulder a gentle pat.

  “It is good to be home, Priscilla. But I have much explaining to do, and I believe my son has many questions for me.” Turning back to Emrys, he asked, “Perhaps we can retire to the smoking lounge?”

  Priscilla knew this was her cue to leave, and after a quick nod she smiled and said, “Oh yes, that would be a lovely idea. Perhaps later ye may enjoy a cup of my chocolate mousse, sir?”

  At first I wasn’t sure who she was calling sir, but she glanced from Ambrose to Emrys, and I took it to mean both of them. They both nodded, and she scampered off into the kitchen, happier than I’d seen her in ages.

  I walked with Emrys and his father to the smoking lounge, but stopped after Ambrose stepped through the door. Emrys gazed at me, looking puzzled.

  “I think you need some time alone with your father, Emrys. I’m going up to visit Lindy and the babies, if it’s okay with you.”

  He nodded, still a bit dazed by this new turn of events. “If this is what you want, my wife; but I would be more than pleased if you joined us.”

  I peeked past him and saw Ambrose sitting on one of the high-back chairs. “No. I really believe you two need this time. You can fill me in later.”

  He pulled me into his arms and kissed me, adding, “As you wish.”

  Before he turned to head into the room, I grabbed his hand. “I’m so happy for you, my husband.”

  He gave me one of his sweet, endearing smiles, nodded, and squeezed my hand, and even though I believed he was truly pleased to see his father, I sensed a new concern behind his smile. He picked up my thoughts even before they finished forming in my mind, and with another nod, said, “Thank-you, my wife. I too am worried about Amrita.”

  After a quick kiss goodbye, I turned and left. While on my way down the hallway and up the stairs to Lindy’s quarters, I thought about Sibelle’s latest prophecy. Perhaps there were a few Ravens who believed their true leader had returned. But I had to believe the majority of them would realize Emrys was their only possible choice, given that he’d stepped up so willingly after his father left. And not only had he assumed the responsibility, he had been an honest and fair leader as well. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. How could anyone think that after all these years, Ambrose deserved to get his title back? It just didn’t seem fair to me. By the time I found myself at my sister’s door, I was downright livid.

  “What’s wrong, Lizzy?” Melinda asked as I marched right past Gavin without even saying hello. Lindy was on the sofa, feeding one of her babies.

  “Come on in, Elizabeth,” Gavin said, making light of my rudeness. “Make yourself at home.”

  I turned and gave him a sheepish grin. “Oh, sorry.”

  “No worries. I’m sure you’re all in a tizzy, just like everyone else around here.” He smiled and added an understanding nod.

  “Speaking of everyone…has there been any talk about Ambrose being the Regent? I mean, now that he’s back,” I explained, “Won’t there be some who think he is still their leader?”

  I sat beside Lindy, my heart now in my throat. I couldn’t imagine anyone expecting Emrys to step down without blinking. But on the other hand, I couldn’t stand the thought of him needing to defend the title he’d held for so long. And worst of all, I hated thinking that perhaps Ambrose would actually fight for the title. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

  Gavin sat across from us on a brownish red overstuffed chair. “To be honest, the thought has crossed my mind. Ambrose was highly respected, and it wouldn’t surprise me if one or two of the elder Ravens brought up that subject. But no, I have not heard anyone say so.”

  “Yet,” I said, clenching my teeth. Jumping up like a spring, I started pacing. “Sibelle gave us another prophecy. I think someone will question Emrys’ authority, now that Ambrose is here. And it’s driving me crazy.” I covered my mouth, realizing my excited anger came off too loud.

  “She said those words?” Lindy asked with a frown. Lifting the baby up to her shoulder, she patted his back with a firm gentleness. The white blanket fell onto Lindy’s lap, revealing a blue outfit and I knew it was Armand. A moment later, multiple cries echoed into the living room from the nursery. Gavin and Lindy popped out of their seats, and I reached for Armand. I’d much rather finish burping him than deal with the inevitable diaper changes in the other room. And since it was most likely my fault they woke up - and I was already pacing, I figured I ought to make myself useful.

  Armand’s body was so soft and warm – and such a comfort to me; I calmed down while pacing and patting his little back. He finally let out a tiny belch in his sleep. I kissed the top of his fuzzy head, smelling the sweet scent of baby lotion, and I was all smiles by the time Gavin and Lindy came back, both with bundles of their own. Once again, I was awed at how well they managed this circus throug
hout the day and night. It seemed like a never-ending routine of feeding, burping, diapering, and sleeping.

  “So tell us about that prophecy,” Gavin said, continuing our earlier conversation.

  “Well,” I sighed, no longer worrying about the outcome. “Someone will imply that Emrys step aside, but I can’t remember the exact words.” After a short pause, I went on saying, “Apparently Emrys will have to be very careful how he leads the family, and for some strange reason, he’s supposed to listen to me!” I gave another loud sigh and turned back just in time to see the questioning frown on Gavin’s face. Lindy smiled at me and nodded.

  “Well, you know what they say stands behind every successful man!” She giggled, and then rolled her eyes at Gavin - who was still frowning and looking even more serious.

  “Actually, you’re correct, Melinda. If Emrys feels the same about Elizabeth as I do about you, then it makes all the sense in the world. We would do anything to keep our wives happy and content. It only goes to follow, that any advice you give me would benefit both of us. I mean, think about it. If it makes you happy to be with a successful man, of course you would stand behind him in any major decisions he must make. But if you’re miserable, for whatever reason, he would end up to be miserable right along with you. It just so happens that I get it.”

  I didn’t completely understand what Gavin was getting at, but it was great to see the huge smile erupt on Lindy’s face when her husband agreed with her. And of course, I’d do anything to keep my husband happy too. I resolved to really ponder all these things so I would be ready if and when he came to me - needing any advice.

  Our conversation had died down and the room grew quiet as the baby girls finally stopped whimpering. I put Armand down in his crib and covered him with his blue blanket, touched his velvety-soft cheek, and tiptoed out of the room.

  “I’ll let myself out, Sis,” I whispered, bending down behind the sofa and kissing the side of her head. “Nice chat, Gavin.” I waved and breezed past his chair, turning once more before closing the door behind me. “Good night happy family.”


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