The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 90

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  If only we had time.

  A minute later we heard the horn beep. I jumped back, took a deep breath, adjusted my rumpled clothes, and licked my swollen lips. Emrys gave me a sideways glance and said, “We have a date.”

  Putting his hands on his hips, he took a moment to recover. He then took me by the hand and together we went to the big oak doors. I waited in the doorway while Emrys stepped outside and opened the limo door, helped his mother out, and led her up the steps, followed closely by Ambrose. Royal carried their luggage in, set it down in the foyer, and then went to park the car, leaving the four of us alone. Emrys made a quick call to Larkin while I chatted with Phoebe.

  “I’m so excited, Phoebe. I can’t even begin to imagine how you must be feeling.”

  She nodded - her amber eyes bright with anticipation, but just smiled at me. I could only assume she must be pretty nervous. Meeting your grown daughter all these years later had to be quite nerve-racking, and at the very least, somewhat intimidating. After all, what if she didn’t like you? But that feeling probably went both ways, I mused. I wondered how Amrita was holding up now too.

  Emrys took my hand and nodded toward his mother. She took a step in front of us, focusing only at the top of the stairway. Phoebe and Amrita had locked eyes for the very first time.



  It was a most captivating scene. However, I was not nearly as surprised at the change in Amrita as the rest of our family would be; I’d already witnessed this transformation in a vision. Ambrose, Emrys, and I stood silent staying a few steps behind Phoebe, who had moved to the center of the huge foyer. Staring up at Amrita as she glided down the steps, I had to squeeze Emrys’ hand in an attempt to suppress his gasp when he first observed his sister. She had completely altered her Goth-like appearance, and looked absolutely lovely. Her golden-brown hair fell softly around her face, curving in gentle waves to her shoulders. The dress she wore was cream colored, edged in lilac trim, and filled with splashes of lilac and pink flowers. It gathered at her waist with a soft purple sash. Her face was literally glowing; and from where I stood, I couldn’t see any piercings at all. Her shimmery pink lips parted as she smiled hesitantly. A bit of apprehension clouded her expression as she stared down at her mother. Excitement mixed with anxiety vibrated through the air. What a wondrous day for her and Phoebe!

  It was a smart move to have the siblings greet their mother one at a time, and since Emrys had his reunion already, this moment was all for Amrita. And even though she had insisted Emrys and I be there for moral support, I almost felt like I was intruding. I noticed that Larkin followed close behind his wife, giving her the full advantage to see her mother waiting in the foyer. All the other members of our Raven family had followed instructions and were waiting elsewhere in order to give Amrita ample time to meet with her mother. After all, this homecoming was truly extraordinary, even more so than the surprising return of Ambrose.

  As Amrita made her way down the steps, I took another quick peek at Phoebe. In this bright light she didn’t look any older than I remembered from my dreams. I recalled that Ambrose had explained to us that he turned her eleven years after she left Ravenswynd. Her chocolate brown hair had turned pure white, but her bright amber eyes were clear and wrinkle free. And her brilliant, joyous smile grew even larger as she gazed up at the daughter she’d been silently watching and yearning for through so many decades.

  My heart was in my throat as the two women stepped slowly closer to one another. Ambrose watched them as intently as Emrys and I did, and I knew that after this day, Amrita would finally be able to forgive the man who’d sent her mother away.

  Phoebe reached for her daughter, took her trembling hands, and held them at arm’s length, just staring. Amrita’s eyes filled with tears. Phoebe’s face crinkled up as she tried desperately to maintain her composure. Amrita bit her lower lip. I held my breath. Emrys squeezed my hand as I leaned my head on his arm and swallowed the lump in my throat, sighing deeply.

  In a soft, choking voice Phoebe finally whispered, “How I have longed for this moment - for nearly a century. Come; let me hold you, my darling daughter.”

  Amrita melted into her mother’s welcoming embrace as Phoebe wrapped her arms around her baby girl. One of Phoebe’s hands cradled Amrita’s head and the other patted her back as they swayed together for a few tearful minutes. It was nearly inaudible, but I heard Amrita whispering through her tears, “Mama.”

  Emrys put his arm around me when an uncontrollable sob escaped my throat. This renewed relationship affected me much deeper than I expected. I was truly happy for them, but knowing I’d never get to experience this type of reunion with my mother made me feel sad and a bit envious. As troubling as this revelation of envy was, I had to remind myself how fortunate my situation was; always having my sister close to me so we could help each other through the loneliness. Sighing, I pulled myself together at once, dried my tears, and raised my head, forcing a smile.

  Phoebe drew back, holding Amrita by her shoulders and in a quivering voice, said, “Amrita, my fair, lovely daughter. You are a beautiful young woman, and I am so sorry that I missed your entire childhood. Will you ever forgive me? Can we begin again?

  Amrita nodded her head, still unable to speak. Phoebe hugged her again, and when they finally pulled apart, Amrita said, “Of course I forgive you, Mother,” she sobbed, and whispering, she added, “It wasn’t your fault.” Glancing behind Phoebe, she looked directly into Ambrose’s eyes. I held my breath again.

  “Ambrose…I would like to…thank you. Thank you very much for giving me my mother back.”

  “Yes,” Emrys agreed, nodding. He put a hand on his father’s shoulder. “It was a brave thing you did for us. It could have gotten you killed.”

  Ambrose smiled. “You should both thank Elizabeth. She’s the one who pushed for the rule changes. I cannot take credit for this wonderful turn of events. And if truth be told, all those years ago when I decided to search for your mother and turn her, it was purely for selfish reasons. It was against all the rules, and yes, it forced us into hiding. But I simply could not live without her.” Ambrose stepped closer to Phoebe and placed his arm around her waist. Smiling down at her, he said, “She is my mate, and no matter what the Elders say, I had to go with my heart.”

  Emrys hugged me and said, “Thank you for pushing me, Elizabeth. You were right all along, and for far more reasons than any of us could have imagined.”

  Amrita nodded her head, agreeing with Emrys and gave me a blurry-eyed grin.

  “Well, if I’m being completely honest, when I endlessly fought for changes, I was acting out of selfishness too,” I said smiling, glancing at Emrys. “I was afraid that if Rohan attacked me I’d end up the same as...well…Phoebe. I was also rooting for Kelsey and Royal, and with her being tethered to Rohan, she didn’t have a chance.” I glanced at Phoebe and Amrita. “I’m just so happy for everyone. But I don’t deserve any special recognition.”

  Amrita turned and grabbed Larkin’s arm. All this time, he’d been patiently waiting behind her. “Mother, this is the love of my life, Larkin. I believe we have the same kind of special love that you and Ambrose have.”

  Larkin beamed as he put forth his hand to his mother-in-law. “It is certainly a pleasure to meet you…Phoebe.” Taking her hand he gave a quick welcoming nod.

  “Larkin, of course. I believe I knew your family.” Phoebe smiled as she studied him, trying to remember.

  “Yes, my half-brother, Rufus is the nephew of Ambrose. We have different fathers,” he explained. He stepped back and took Amrita’s hand. “Perhaps we could all retire to the lounge, my dear? Surely everyone is thirsty after such an exciting and emotional day.”

  “That is a grand idea, Larkin,” Emrys announced. Turning to me, he said, “Come, my wife.” He took my hand and wrapped it through his arm, saying, “Larkin, lead the way, please.” We waited as everyone filed out of the foyer and into the hall
way that led to the lounge, Emrys and I bringing up the rear.

  As we turned the corner, heading straight toward our little group was Veronica, far too bouncy for my tastes. I wondered if she had been hovering in the hall listening to us. I stopped for a second and whispered, “Why is that woman always lurking everywhere we are, Emrys?”

  He chuckled at my dubious suspicions and, just before she reached us, he yanked me into his arms kissing me passionately - taking my breath away with his sweet, demanding lips. Emrys had succeeded in taking my mind off Veronica, but as she scampered past, I got a whiff of her over-powering perfume. I couldn’t remember the name of it, but I hadn’t worn that much perfume since I was fourteen.

  How gross.

  He pulled back laughing and we continued down the hall. Just before we caught up to everyone, I spotted Phoebe twisting her head around, eyeing Veronica as she made her way in the opposite direction behind us.

  Did Phoebe sense it too? Maybe there would finally be someone around here who agreed with me. This was more than just jealousy. Veronica was not to be trusted!

  “Did you see how your mother looked at Veronica?” I whispered.

  “I did not. My mind is far too occupied with thoughts of our forthcoming date!” He raised an eyebrow with a wicked grin, grabbing my hand as we walked.

  “Oh, Emrys. There’s so much more going on here than that! Get your mind out of the bedroom,” I hissed. “I really think Phoebe felt something when Veronica passed. Too bad you missed it.”

  “Perhaps she only noticed our newest donor,” he said, sounding despondent.

  “Emrys! Are you upset with me? I was just kidding.” I sighed. Changing my tone I added, “You know I can’t wait to get upstairs and get you undressed!” I gave him my most beguiling smile.

  He seemed to cheer up a little, but we couldn’t finish our conversation; we’d arrived at the lounge. I spotted Phoebe and Amrita sitting close, deep in conversation. I didn’t want to interrupt, so I hung back near Emrys and just watched them. Every now and then, Phoebe would reach out and gently touch Amrita’s cheek, always smiling. Amrita responded with an almost shy grin, apparently enjoying her mother’s attention. I was truly happy for them, but now and then I still felt the tug of jealousy. Emrys put a soothing arm around me with a wistful sigh.

  “I am sorry this hurts you, my wife.”

  I looked up at him and saw the tenderness in his eyes that I knew would be there. “It’s okay. I’m not hurting, not really. I think the correct term would be envy. But I am so glad for you and your sister, Emrys. Believe me when I say that.”

  “I believe you, Elizabeth. I am still sorry, though. Sorry there is no way to give you this same kind of happy ending.”

  “But Emrys, you are my happy ending.” I gave him a warm smile, hoping he’d understand.

  He nodded, engulfing me in his arms and bending to kiss my forehead. “I know. But it is not the same.”

  “You are all I need, Emrys. I want you to believe that.”

  Once again, our conversation went by the wayside when the whole room exploded with family members as they filed in to greet Phoebe. One by one they all hugged her and made her feel welcome. I glanced over at Ambrose as he leaned casually against the edge of the bar, chatting with Latimer. Every now and then he would nod at whatever Latimer was saying, but his focus was primarily on his wife. His smile echoed his approval as he witnessed each fellow Raven favorably receive her back into the fold. And then when it came time for Priscilla and Phoebe to greet, everyone seemed to quiet down and watch in awe as the two long-time separated friends reacquainted with a long, tearful embrace. My heart melted, seeing them laughing and chatting up a storm.

  Amrita took it upon herself and introduced the new additions of our household to her mother, and even though I knew that Phoebe was already aware of my twin sister, she still seemed a bit stunned when they met. I noticed her glance my way once or twice and then back to Melinda. We’d always had that effect on people, but for some reason I didn’t expect it from her. She even reached out and touched Lindy’s hair, although I couldn’t hear what she said, I assumed it had to do with how identical we were.

  “I believe I could tell you two apart even if you wore your hair the same,” Emrys quipped, amused by my thoughts.

  “I would really like to know how you think that is possible, my dear husband.”

  “She does not look at me the way you do,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  “And just how do I look at you?” I asked.

  “I can see the love in your eyes.”

  “But what if I was angry with you? Then how would you know?” I grinned.

  “Trust me, I would still know,” he said, licking his beautiful lips.

  “Perhaps one day we should try a little experiment then. Lindy and I used to fool Fiona when we were kids. We only pulled it off a few times, but it was great fun, torturing her like that.”

  “Be my guest,” he said, daring me. “But you have forgotten one thing, my lovely. I can read your mind.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and said, “Whatever. If we both just stood in front of you not saying a word, I don’t think you could tell.”

  Emrys laughed. “As I said a moment ago, be my guest. But I still believe your eyes would give you away.”

  Melinda and Gavin approached us, and our conversation turned yet again. After a while, Gavin excused himself and went to say hello to Ambrose, and then Emrys went to join his mother and Amrita, still on the sofa. I stayed back with Melinda, wanting to give the siblings some catching up time with their mother. As if it would be possible to catch up in one evening after one hundred years or so. I chuckled to myself, realizing this reunion was going to take a long, long time.

  “Wow, what’s with Amrita?” Lindy whispered, leaning close. “She looks so different!”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. “I suppose, she just wants to impress her mother, Lindy. It doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “Have you had a chance to talk to Emrys yet?” Lindy asked, ignoring my snide tone.

  “About what?” I asked, frowning.

  “Baby-sitting next week.”

  “Not yet. It’s been a bit hectic, Lindy. I’ll talk to him later.”

  “Elizabeth, if you don’t want to baby-sit, just say so. I’ll just get someone else then.” Melinda looked pissed.

  “What? Why do you have to be so negative, Lindy? I said I’d find out soon enough.”

  Melinda took a big breath and said, “Sorry. I guess I’m just nervous about leaving them. I haven’t left them for more than an hour at a time, and…” she stopped, and I followed her gaze out into the hallway.

  Veronica was standing in the doorway, eyes scanning the room slowly. No one else was aware of her presence besides Lindy and me.

  “That figures. Ronnie must be bored. I suppose she’s on the prowl again.” I said sarcastically.

  Melinda looked like she was deep in thought. I frowned, wishing the blonde bimbo would just go away. As if on cue, Veronica twirled around and walked off. I glanced back at my twin, and just as I was about to say another derogatory remark about Miss Bimbo, Lindy grabbed my arm.

  “That reminds me; I had a disturbing dream about you and Veronica! You were fighting with her, but I can’t tell you who actually won, since one of the girls woke me up – again. This, by the way, is most likely why I’m so crabby. I can’t remember the last time we slept for more than three hours in a row, but I’m not sure what your problem is, Elizabeth.”

  “Well, I can tell you the end of the dream. I win, of course!” I laughed, throwing my head back, dismissing her comment. “I am much stronger than she is; she’s nothing but a mere human!”

  Lindy shook her head and said, “Lizzy, I don’t understand why you still hate that poor girl. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know what would have happened the night Allie was sick. She may have saved my baby’s life.”

  “There’s just something about her that I don’t trust, Li
ndy,” I said shaking my head. “Ever since that first moment at the airport, she’s either been flirting with Emrys or lurking around here like some kind of spy. I’ve tried to like her. I even had a fairly decent chat with her that night after she helped Allie. Maybe I’m just insecure, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you right now, if we ever got into a real brawl, I would definitely win!” I made a gesture, slicing my finger across my neck and Lindy grimaced, imaging the scene.

  “Well, I certainly hope you’re wrong about her. She’s been coming up to help me with the triplets whenever she can. I’ve even left her alone with them a couple of times, and she doesn’t seem to get as flustered as Gertie always does.” As an afterthought, she added, “Oh, maybe I’ll ask her to babysit next week if you can’t.”

  “That’s nice that she’s been so helpful to you,” I said, dryly. “But it’s much easier for you to like her, since she’s not after Gavin.” I clenched my teeth to avoid saying more.

  Lindy sighed. “I suppose I would feel differently if she flirted with my husband.”

  “Who flirted with your husband?” Fiona nearly shouted, appearing out of nowhere.

  “Shh!” I said, putting a finger to my mouth.

  “No one!” Lindy whispered, glaring at Fiona. “Man, Fiona, you could be a little more discreet!”

  Fiona shrugged and lowered her voice saying, “You’re right. But I heard you say someone flirted with Gavin.”

  “No, you heard the tail-end of my sentence, Fiona. No one has flirted with Gavin, at least not that I know of; we were talking about Veronica and Emrys.”

  “Ah. Yes, there has been some talk about that subject.”

  I grabbed Fiona’s arm and asked, “Who said what?”

  “It was nothing, really. Kelsey told me that Priscilla had warned Veronica not to mess with anyone like she had been doing with Emrys, back when she first got here.” Fiona’s eyes were wide, in full gossip mode. But when she caught the look on my face, realizing how much this was bothering me, she quickly changed her expression, trying to look impassive.


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