Moon Rapture Book 7

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Moon Rapture Book 7 Page 14

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Staying up during the day hours and spending nights hunting and helping Haley with the pups had taking a toll on his strong body. The Indian woman he hired to clean and care for the pups wouldn’t come until tomorrow, and he thought then he could get some rest and take them down to his Grand Canyon home where he knew it would be difficult for the Samsas to find him and Haley.

  He sat down on a large fur rug placed it in front of the fire and took the pups and placed them on the side of him in a small bassinet he built with his own hands. They were asleep and they would be like that for hours. He closed his eyes not expecting to fall asleep, but he did. The two other male pups were being fed by Haley.

  Brian didn’t hear when Hunter and Tracker crept up to the house. Brian didn’t hear them when they stalked him stepping carefully without even the owls noticing them. Each werewolf standing at the window. They were hunters, but they weren’t the king of the hunters. The king of all jungles was lying in front of a fire sleeping with Hunter’s pups nearby.

  The dim light from the fire was enough for Hunter and Tracker to see Brian lying as if he was dead. Was he just luring them in with a false sense of security only to pounce on them with his strong body and large paws, and tear them apart with his strong jaws? Hunter had estimated that it would take the lion a few seconds to shift. In that time he and Tracker could go for the jugular and it would be all over.

  But then he moved and lay on his back and Hunter saw the small crib, and what he thought were cubs in it. These were newborns and he couldn’t distinguish one shifter from another.

  Shifters didn’t take on their hair color, facial, and body definition until they were a month old. These cubs had been born only a few days by a human female, Hunter thought.

  Hunter readied his bow and arrow and signaled for Tracker to come through the window, and he would break down the door and come in that way. The confusion would distract the lion shifter and he would try to protect the cubs leaving him vulnerable to Hunter and Tracker.

  When Hunter raised his foot and batted in the door, the redwood door split from the hinges and from the door frame. At the same time Tracker dove through the window. Brian’s eyes were quick and his shift was faster, but Hunter had the bow and arrow aimed at the cubs as Tracker flicked his large long fangs.

  The lion shifter stood hulking over them. “You don’t want to test me,” Brian said his eyes flashing between Hunter and Tracker.

  “You are the one at a disadvantage.” Hunter held the bow and the arrow aimed at the two newborns.

  “You can’t do that. You don’t want their blood on your hands,” Brian cautioned.

  “Tell me why not.”

  “One is a female. You two are hunters with a hunter’s principles.”

  “Then we’ll take the female with us after we kill you and your male heir.” Hunter raised the bow and aimed it at Brian’s heart. He knew if he didn’t strike him just right that the lion shifter would have enough strength to reach him, and kill him and Tracker before he could fire off another arrow.

  Hunter extended his left arm with the bow and arrow ready.

  “Where is she?”


  “You know who I mean. The female you’ve been pursuing. The one you had your sons kidnap. You wasted the life of two sons for one female.” It wasn’t that Hunter wanted to discuss Brian’s sons as much as he wanted to weaken him.

  “That’s there lot in life. They are lions and if they can’t destroy their enemies then they will be destroyed by them.” It hurt Brian to say this, but he didn’t want to reveal how the news of his son’s demise had made him feeble. He had received the news from his other sons and put it out of his mind. Now Hunter was having him relive it again. Brian legs grew shaky but he held steady.

  Then something caught Hunter’s eyes. It was a weak Haley standing holding on to the doorway. “What are you doing here, Hunter?” she said holding on to the frame of the door unable to make another step. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear. Brian tried to make a move in her direction, but Hunter aimed the arrow at the babies and he stepped back.

  “Were you going to kill your own babies? Then you are as bad as he was.” Hunter didn’t want to explain. Of course he wouldn’t kill the babies, but he had to make Brian the lion shifter think he would.

  “These are not mine. You have lain with him, and now you are trying to save him by saying these are my pups. If they were mine they would be dead by now, and by that shifter before you.”

  “You have a stubborn one track mind like your father. You’ve let your emotions color your judgement. I couldn’t give birth in a few weeks of being with Brian. Open your eyes. You can’t even tell your own kind or recognize your own babies?” Haley said with a cold tired hoarse voice. “I see I fell in love with the wrong shifter.” She glanced over to Hunter, then to Tracker who was ready for Hunter to say the word, and the lion shifter would be history.

  Raising his bow and taking aim at Brian, Haley rushed in front of Brian. “You can’t do this Hunter.” Brian pushed her out of the way.

  “That proves it, these are his cubs. Why would you stop me from killing him?”

  “Because he’s more of a human than you are.” Brian glanced over at Haley standing holding on to the back of a chair. When she gathered her strength Brian waved for her to take the babies.

  Hunter nodded and Haley stooped and picked up one pup and then the other. She turned and looked at Hunter before scurrying into the bedroom where there were more cries.

  “There are two more, Hunter,” Tracker said his thick eyebrows meeting. These are the cries of werewolves, not lions.”

  Hunter’s eyes shot to Brian. “Don’t you know the cries of your own pups? Obviously you don’t. If you don’t believe me then listen to your brother. I can see that he’s your brother. I don’t have to guess about that. And why can’t you see the pups are yours. Are you so inflexible and blind with hatred and revenge?”

  “It’s enough talk from you. And Hunter let the arrow fly. It passed through the lion shifter’s shoulder and impaled him into the wall. Hunter placed another arrow on the bow ready to finish him off when Haley came running in and stepped in front of him.

  “Move, Haley,” Hunter warned her.

  “What are you going to do? Kill me too. You can’t forgive me for being here with Brian. Did you believe Katie when she said that I chose to be with him? Right now I would prefer to be with Brian than you. You can’t forgive the weakness in others and yourself.” Haley stood in front of Brian as the blood dripped from his shoulder.

  “Let him kill me, Haley. I don’t want you to plea for my life,” Brian said standing straight up after pulling from the wall and crossing in front of Haley.

  “I’m not pleading for you. It’s me that don’t want Hunter to do this. If it hadn’t been for you my children might not have been alive.”

  “It was him that kidnapped you,” Hunter said, “remember.”

  “It was you that didn’t realize that you loved me until it was too late. I want to go home Hunter, and I don’t want Brian’s blood on your hands. I couldn’t live with you or love you if I thought you could kill someone who didn’t do me any harm. What he did by taking me was to make you realize how much you needed and wanted me.”

  Haley walked slowly to Hunter. “Take me home and take your pups home. We’ve had enough of this.” Haley watched over at Tracker. She could tell he had had enough by the tired look on his face and he wanted to go home, too.

  When Haley faced Hunter she heard a loud thump. Brian had fallen to the floor. Haley rushed to him. She glanced up at Hunter and then to Tracker. “Help me. He’s passed out. He lost a lot of blood. I can help him. You aren’t going to leave him like this to die,” she said her glance wavering between Hunter and Tracker.

  Hunter’s expression still cold.

  Chapter 25

  Silence lingered wrapping Hunter and Haley inside its shell. Tracker drove without the radio or any music of any kind. M
usic would have broken the tension. But when Tracker made a move to turn on a station, Hunter’s hand covered his. He turned facing Tracker, his blue eyes growing dark, signaling to Tracker not now.

  Every so often Hunter would look down at his two small male pups he held in his arms, and then he would look in the back seat at Haley holding on to a female and a male, the ones Brian was taking care of.

  “Did you name them?” Hunter asked his voice a whisper.

  Haley glanced up at him, not wanting to meet his eyes. “That’s for their father to do.” Her voice is dry. “I will name the girl,” she said defiantly. Her eyes fiery with contempt for Hunter. She looked down at her babies. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I had to,” Hunter said.

  “You didn’t have to leave Brian alone without a doctor.”

  “We shifters can’t call regular doctors, you should know that. He will survive no doubt. And come back to disrupt my life.”

  “It’s not just about your life. It’s our life and he will not bother us.”

  “My father would have killed him. That is the only way to prevent him from revenge.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just know because Damon and Thorn killed his sons. If it had been my sons, I would never let him rest one day of his life.”

  The gap between Haley and Hunter appeared to be widening. It didn’t get any narrower as they drove up the winding driveway to the door of the Samsa Ranch.

  When they entered the boundaries of the ranch, it appeared the news had traveled by Robert. Most of the Samsas had congregated at the large house to discuss the state of the situation. Wilder walked out first.

  He hugged Hunter. “Good to see you son.” Then he hugged Tracker. “Thank you for being there.”

  Hunter looked to his father, “I need a nurse to help me. Haley is in the truck with my pups.” Wilder stood back in surprise. He appeared speechless. Hunter turned and walked outside opening the door to the truck. Haley looked up in his once cold blue eyes, to see they were warm when she handed him two male pups.

  They remained asleep when she handed them off to Wilder. The only one crying was the girl. “She’s going to be a hand full,” Hunter said smiling trying to bridge the gap between him and Haley. Haley didn’t look at him but stepped out of the car with Trackers help.

  Wilder had gone inside to get Adrienne and tell her the news.

  Walking slow and uncertain about entering the house, Haley paused but she saw it as her home because Adrienne had made her welcome and tried to help her. And she was glad to be there. She felt safe once more. She was fond of Adrienne and she knew even if she and Hunter had a problem between them Adrienne wouldn’t take sides.

  Haley walked away from Hunter. The pain of loving him was too difficult and as much as she wanted him, she had disliked him because he didn’t return her love when she thought he should.

  When Haley stepped inside the house, Wilder and Adrienne were waiting inside the large foyer. She glanced around. It was good to be home. Wilder wasn’t a werewolf that smiled often. He may have been one of the most serious werewolves alive but he extended his arms to Haley and brought her to him as she held two of Hunter’s pups. Hunter gave the others to the nurse and Adrienne.

  She was welcomed with a smile from Adrienne. She was welcomed with a warm hug from Wilder that signaled that she was now a part of the Samsa family, but did she want to be?

  Hunter looked around, “Where is Devin and Katie?” Before Adrienne could answer, Haley handed the pups to Wilder, and sprinted up the stairs with Hunter standing wondering what had gotten into her.

  Adrienne turned to Hunter, “You are just like your father, go after her. Can’t you see what she wants?” A confused Hunter dashed up the stairs and banged on the door for Haley to open up.

  “I don’t want to see you anymore, Hunter.”

  “Open the door, Haley. Everyone will hear you reject me, and everyone will hear me beg you.”

  “Everyone, meaning Katie will hear you.”

  “No. Everyone will hear when I break down the door. I can’t tell you how much I love you and how proud you have made me. I want to marry you as soon as possible. And I don’t care who knows this.”

  Haley’s back was to the door, her hands were wiping her eyes, and she was choking back tears. “I don’t want to marry you. I thought I did, but I would rather be with anyone except you.”

  “If you say that one more time, I’m coming in.” There was silence. But Hunter could hear Haley step back from the door. He raised his foot and kicked the door with one boom and the door was opened and Haley stood there with her hands over her mouth laughing.

  “Look at you big bad wolf. Huffing and puffing and kicking your door down. Now what?” They gazed into each other’s eyes. The warmth, need, and desire that lived between the two could not be denied.

  “I have never wanted you more than I do now. I have never wanted a woman more than I want you.” He stepped closer to Haley and she stepped back meeting the bed. She had no place to run. It was impossible to out run a werewolf and she knew it. His body close to hers. His lips on hers.

  The insatiable desire running through Hunter and Haley. “There could never be anyone but you for me. I knew it the first time I met you,” Hunter said. “I knew you were for me the first time I saw you in those little shorts and I throbbed for you. But you looked too young. You let me believe that you were fifteen.”

  “That was my father’s idea because he knew how yearling werewolves are,” she said. Hunter walked closer to Haley.

  “I was a fool to think you weren’t for me. I’m sorry for putting you through this. When I asked for Devin and Katie, I wanted to show them my family, and leave no doubts that I had finally found the woman of my dreams.”

  “How do I know you want me and not because I’ve given you and Wilder more pups for your pack?”

  “I will try to make it up to you.” Hunter grabbed Haley in his arms and backed up to the door which barely stood because he had broken it off its hinges. He tried with one hand to close it and the other to hold on to Haley. The door wouldn’t close completely so he pulled her on the side of the bed and grabbed the comforter and dragged it to the floor.

  Hunter placed Haley down and they sat on the side of the bed away from prying eyes. It was as if he was lying in a cave near a fire and he had Haley with him covering her in his arms.

  The confines of the space they were in made them feel as if it was just them. He placed Haley on her back and he leaned over and down and kissed her. Their lips meeting, their tongues twisting, his long tongue dropping down her throat. She bit his lip. That didn’t turn him off it had the opposite effect.

  He was more turned on by that. He raised up and watched at her. Her breast heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. Then he pulled off his shirt and she looked up at his wide chest. The muscles straining as he braced his body over hers. He nipped her neck and smelled her hair.

  “I can’t wait to be inside of you again.” He glanced at her sheepishly trying to hide the hard budge. “How long do I have before I can have you again?”

  “You never stopped having me.”

  “I mean when will I be able to...”

  “Have sexual intercourse,” Haley said smiling. She wanted to punish him but she was afraid Katie would come between them just when she and Hunter had found each other. It would be a full moon again and she didn’t want to risk losing him to an eager female even if he had professed his undying love. She would have to satisfy him and she knew what she had to do and she would do it. “It could be months.”

  Falling on his back and to the side in shock at her answer, Hunter took a long breath and said, “I guess I have to wait.” Haley leaned over him. “There’s nothing wrong with a little foreplay.” She reached for his jeans and unzipped them and his hard cock sprang free. His eyes opened wide.

  His shoes had been taken off before the lake house when he shifted and never plac
ed on his feet. He could travel fast without shoes.

  Haley reached and helped a curious Hunter out of his jeans.

  Leaning down and watching at the fine hair making a trail to his groin, she kissed his chest, then his muscles. Holding on to his muscular thighs she massaged them. They were tight.

  “Where did you learn that?” he said his body relaxing. She could feel the rise of his manhood push into her stomach. She felt his pulse drum against her now full breasts.

  “My father was a doctor remember,” she said looking up at him. She slid down further as he watched at her. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t tell me you have never had this done to you.” Hunter remembered the werefemale in Alaska. It was with her that he had enjoyed oral sex. It had been exciting and satisfying but it was a substitute for what he desired and that was the warmth and tightening of Haley’s opening, and the feel he got when her muscles squeezed down on his penis.

  Haley looked up with her green eyes into his deep blues and she covered his cock with her soft warm lips. Hunter fought the feeling to howl. After all he was committing a private act in a not so private place because the door was barely standing.

  “Where have you been all my life,” Hunter moaned opening his mouth letting out a breath of pleasure. He reached for Haley’s soft long hair and fist it in his hand. He guided her along as her head bobbed up and down, her mouth and tongue over the head of his penis causing the most violent pleasure to escape from him.

  The ache in his body responded to the kiss and the tip of her tongue as it circled the head of his penis. “Why didn’t you tell me you were all I ever wanted and ever needed in a mate?”

  “I did tell you, but you had to discover that for yourself.” She placed her mouth over it and Hunter abandoned all thoughts of Katie to the passion, fire, and love which Haley presented him.

  Hunter’s strong body tightened and he moved his hips violently when Haley took all of him down her throat. He had to hold on to the edge of the bed to keep from howling from the pleasure of his release into Haley.


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