Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior

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Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior Page 20

by Acres, Natalie

Cade laughed, took a seat on the edge of her bed, and said, “You believe all that, right?”

  “How long was I out?”

  “Two days,” Cade replied.

  “But how are you okay?” she asked David.

  “I was dehydrated and banged up, but I’m a fighter.” He shot her a wink and quickly added, “Besides, from what I hear, I’ve been missing out on a few illicit activities. I couldn’t let these boys have all the fun.”

  “Don’t even think about it.” Scott shot Cade a cold glare, apparently blaming him for revealing too much.

  “Don’t look at me. If you think I’m sharing her with anyone else, you’re out of your mind.”

  Drake turned to Manny. “Hope you haven’t been making promises.”

  “Of course not, boys.” Manny grabbed hold of Maria’s ankle and gave her leg a playful shake. “I only make promises I can keep.” He pointed at Scott. “And he’d kick my ass if I even thought about touching his woman.”

  “You sure about that, Manny?” she asked playfully.

  “Are you propositioning me, m’lady?”

  “That sultry voice of yours could lead me anywhere.”

  “It led you to fresh air and for that I’m eternally grateful.” Drake grabbed Manny’s shoulder and gave him a firm slap on the back.

  “Me, too. Thank you, Manny. Thank you all.” She fell against her pillows and let the pain meds have her. Shaking her head, she whispered, “We’re mighty damn lucky to be alive.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Three days later, Maria stood in the kitchen uncertain of her future, but wise to the fact that the Donovans weren’t back in Texas so soon to issue her walking papers.

  She’d proven herself a trusted operative. She’d shown strength in a time of weakness. She’d been determined when the odds stacked up against her.

  Scott crept up behind her and locked his arms around her waist. “What are you doing?”

  “Riley and Brock are here.”

  “New assignments,” he said, kissing her ear.

  “Then you’d better not start with that,” she said playfully, turning to face him.

  “And why not?” he asked, rubbing his rigid cock against her denim-clad crotch. “I know a place where we could hide.”

  “Do you now?” She stretched her neck and welcomed his kiss.

  Scott’s lips crashed against hers in a claiming to remember. He was gentle at first, easing his tongue between her lips and taking a simple man’s kiss, one lacking the normal sexual implications.

  The way he kissed her only fueled her passion and she grabbed hold of his collar and yanked him against her. He smiled into their kiss and drew back. “Not now, sub.” He took a step back and mouthed, “Later.”

  Riley and Brock strolled into the kitchen. Riley said, “You look better than the last time I saw you.”

  “Thanks,” she muttered, stepping around Scott. “How’s Jett?”

  “Ornery as ever,” Brock replied.

  “Good to hear,” she said, shooting Riley a smile. “Tell him I asked about him.”

  “Will do.”

  “What brings you to Texas this morning?”

  “Hell, I never left.” Riley gave Brock a scornful look.

  “Is Jett still in Texas?”

  “No, he’s back in Virginia,” Brock replied, studying Scott with this peculiar expression.

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s something going on here?”

  Brock pulled a manila envelope from his back pocket and slapped it to the table. Cade, Manny, David, and Drake entered then. After the greetings were out of the way, Drake asked, “New assignment?”

  “Sort of.” Riley’s vague reply was clearly intentional.

  Manny rubbed his hands together. “All right, boys. Let’s see what we’ve got here.”

  The others stepped away from him. Scott gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath.

  Brock’s expression changed and he looked down right cold. Riley lowered his eyes to the floor. They were up to something and whatever it was, Maria had a feeling Manny wasn’t going to like it because they’d clearly given him the cold shoulder.

  He glanced up then, apparently wise to the tension in the room. “Why do I feel like I’m locked out in the rain without a poncho or umbrella?”

  “We got your medical records back,” Brock said. “You’ve been officially retired, Manny.”

  All the color washed out of his face and he immediately turned on Scott. “You knew about this?”

  “They all knew,” Riley said, removing the element of suspense and replacing it with what Manny would soon see as nothing more than betrayal.

  “I didn’t know,” she quickly told him.

  Manny blinked a few times. His jaw clenched. His muscles tightened.

  “She’s right,” Scott said, defending her. “Maria didn’t know. The rest of us did.”

  Manny shook off his surprise and stalked her. Backing her against the kitchen counter, he said, “You didn’t know?” He laughed in her face. “I find that hard to believe.” He shot Scott a daring look. “Don’t you move a muscle or you’ll regret it, Zelmore.” He pushed up against her and for the first time in a long time, Maria felt truly cornered and she didn’t like it.

  He pressed his lips together and glared at her as if he blamed her for everything that was happening to him now. Her brother’s gang had apparently inflicted the kind of life-changing injuries an operative couldn’t shake. What those injuries were, she couldn’t be certain, but now was hardly the time to ask.

  “Things sure have changed around here,” he muttered, dragging his forefinger from the swell of her cheek down to the corner of her mouth. “When a man falls in love with a woman, his friends have to watch their back.” He snarled. “Ain’t that right, Zelmore?”

  “Manny, I didn’t betray you.”

  “The hell you didn’t!” His rage left him with clenched fists and darkening features. His brown eyes, normally as soft as warm honey, now looked like chunks of dark cocoa. Circles encased his eyes and he appeared to age right in front of them.

  “You need to say your good-byes, Manny,” Brock said, maintaining his composure.

  “And that’s just it?” Manny asked, slapping his hand against his thigh. “We say our farewells and never speak to one another again?”

  Scott shot him a peculiar glance, one that was telling to Maria if no one else. Manny wasn’t going anywhere and Scott knew it.

  Manny had earned an assignment, one that guaranteed her days as a shadow were all but numbered. As if Scott realized she’d caught on, he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her to him. Bracketing his arm around her waist, he reached around her with his free hand. “I’ll miss working with you, man.”

  Without meaning to, Maria released an “oh please.”

  Brock glared at her as if he wanted to silence her. She was so not buying this act. Manny wasn’t going anywhere. If anything, he’d snagged her job. Still, she didn’t like the whole intimidating bit. It left her with a bitter taste in her mouth.

  “Oh I believe that one, asshole. I’m the son of a bitch who kept your sorry ass alive.” Manny slapped Scott’s hand away and stormed out the front door without saying another word.

  Maria jerked when the door slammed and quickly turned to Scott, trying to read him. Now, he looked deflated, emotionally battered. “You need to go talk to him, Scott.”

  “No.” Brock scanned the room. “When one of ours is cut loose, we let them walk without a send off. It’s rare when this happens, but when it does, we don’t drag out the good-byes.”

  What the hell was going on here? Were the Donovans really taking Manny out? If so, where would he go? She’d always heard that operatives didn’t leave the Unit. Was that true or a rumor? If it wasn’t gossip, what did the Donovans have in store for Manny?

  She cut her gaze at Scott and he looked away, deliberately avoiding eye contact. She then studied Cade. He was clearly pissed. He clenched his fists a
nd glared at the Donovans.

  Riley said, “You go ahead and finish up in here and I’ll wait with Manny in the car.”

  He slapped Cade, Drake, and David on their backs as he passed them. Moments later, he exited the house.

  “After this, I guess it’s time to start questioning job security,” David said in a barely audible voice.

  “Manny was too ambitious. He’s lucky to be alive and Sydney wants him out.”

  “Ohhhhh,” Maria drawled. “That’s a good one for the authority. The wife wants someone fired so you cut the umbilical cord. Come on now Brock, you can do better than that.”

  Scott snarled. “Fact is, he’s serious. Aren’t you, Donovan?” A sarcastic snicker fell from his lips. “Sydney and Manny were good friends. This attack was a little too close to home. Is that it?”

  Brock’s eyes went blank. It was as if no one was home in that shell of a man. Maria shivered, wondering for the second time if the stories were true.

  Would Manny die? Would they take him somewhere and dispose of him? What happened to those who didn’t die in the line of fire? If there wasn’t a way out, if a man or woman couldn’t walk away from the Underground Unit, how could Manny leave? She shook off terrorizing images of the worst-case scenario by reassuring herself that Manny was safe. He was Sydney Donovan’s friend. Her men couldn’t dispose of him. Could they?

  Brock opened the envelope on the table and scattered around images of various properties. He pointed at the one in the center and said, “This is our place.” He pointed at another aerial view and another. “This is US-West and of course you’re all familiar with the Remington’s place.” He placed his palms on the table and stared down at the images.

  “Is there a reason you’re showing us real estate right now when one of our own is clearly suffering?” David asked, a hard edge lingering in his usual monotone voice.

  Brock glanced up. “Yeah, we’re selling out and changing our MO.”

  “You’re selling your place in Virginia?” Scott asked, concern furrowing his brows.

  “Yeah,” Brock replied, clearly agonized.

  “This isn’t about changing the Unit’s Method of Operation,” Cade said. “What’s going on here?”

  “We need to liquidate assets.”

  “That’s crazy,” Scott said. “You just hired new operatives and recently bought a few clubs. What’s this about?”

  “You’re on a need to know basis, men.” Brock backed away from the table. “And you’ll be apprised of the circumstances surrounding our decision as the authority deems it necessary.”

  “This is about Sydney,” Drake said. “The threats the Unit received made you realize none of us are safe. Now, you’re regrouping and relocating.” He threw up his hands. “Why can’t you just shoot straight here?”

  Brock glared at him. “We’re restructuring operations.”

  “And what about this place?” Cade asked. “Are you selling the Longhorn facility?”

  Brock placed a finger on one of the images and slid it across the surface in Cade’s direction. “That’s why I brought you these. You need to study these photographs and figure out how you want to implement the best features of each property.” He glanced over his shoulder at Scott and added, “You’re here for the duration.” His gaze shifted to Maria. “Same goes for you.”

  “I’m a shadow,” she reminded him.

  He smirked. “The hell you are. After the obstacles you pushed aside like they were a toddler’s toys, you’re fighting with the Longhorns. You’re out, Maria. I need you in place here.”

  Pride swelled in her veins, but with it came a sense of loss, too. She’d enjoyed her job. She’d taken care to watch over her division. She’d protected them.

  “Didn’t I do a good job as a shadow?”

  “If you’re fishing for compliments, you’re trying to bait the wrong hook,” Cade told her.

  Brock sneered. “We’re regrouping. We’re moving a good number of the operatives here which means renovations are in order.”

  Drake clasped his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. “Fucking great.”

  “Got a problem with that, Davenport?” Brock asked.

  “Tell me you aren’t moving the Northern division here. I can’t live under the same roof with Abby and Ace.”

  “So you have a problem with Abby and Ace?” Brock smirked. “I’ll be sure to let them know.”

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Scott lost it then. “First you pull out Manny. Secondly, you tell us you’re selling off assets. Then, you tell me I’m part of the Longhorn division and Maria is out of the shadows. Now, you’re talking about moving the Northern division here. Next thing you know, this country will think we’re a damned cult!”

  Brock’s left eye twitched. “I told you. We’re liquidating assets. For the next four weeks, you work on the plans. I want tunnels under every acre of this property. The security measures at our place in Virginia better pale in comparison. We’re preparing for war. For now, that’s all I can give you.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  An hour later, Brock slammed the door and released a ragged breath.

  Manny leaned forward. “Didn’t go quite as well as you thought it might. Did it?”

  “You told Scott.” Brock shifted in his seat. “And don’t insult my intelligence by pretending you didn’t. He knows precisely where you’re going.”

  “Didn’t say a word, but he knows I will. We’re like brothers.”

  “If you’re like brothers then you’ll keep your distance,” Riley bit out. “This is too big and until the news wears off with Maria, he doesn’t need any distractions.”

  “So you put them on a remodeling job?” Manny laughed. “I would’ve loved to have seen their faces. What’d they say?”

  “They don’t like the idea of living with the Northern division.”

  “They told you that?” Manny shook off another laugh. “Then I know those fellows are pussy whipped. Hell, I’d jump through hoops for the chance to live with Abby.”

  “Uh-huh,” Riley muttered. “And you’d find Ace on the other side of that ring of fire, too.”

  “Man, it might have escaped you, but Ace shares her with several other fellas. I mean, I lost count at like four or five. I doubt he’d notice if another body slipped under the covers with them.”

  “Right,” Brock mumbled, sticking the key in the ignition.

  “So what’s the plan?” Manny asked.

  “We meet with Tig Livers and get you set up as the new owner of Dim the Lights.”

  “We need to do something about that name,” Manny complained.

  “Tig’s or the club’s?” Riley teased.

  “I can’t do anything to help out your buddy, but that club name has gotta go.”

  “It’s part of the chain,” Brock said, backing out of the carport. He threw the gearshift in drive and quickly added, “It will be called The Underground Club-Dallas. And if my guess is right, it will serve as one of the hottest spots for drug trafficking this side of the border.”

  “Well then, boys, I guess you’d better find a pretty little arm ornament for me to show off to my clientele.”

  “It’s been taken care of,” Riley said, smirking.

  Manny leaned back and cupped his head. “That’s what I wanna hear. I’m about to start living life in the fast lane.”

  “Your fast lane just came to a screeching halt.” Brock pulled over on the side of the road and parked.

  “What do you mean?” Manny asked, clearly concerned.

  Riley laughed. “We’re waiting on a woman. Something you’ll soon be accustomed to.”

  “I don’t follow you.”

  “Here she is.” Brock tilted his head at the approaching white sedan.

  A few minutes later a leggy and buxom redhead exited the car and approached with caution. Manny gripped the headrests and jolted forward. “Wait a minute. I know her. She used to mess around with Remington.”

nbsp; Riley glanced over his back. “She never messed around with Remington.”

  “She did. Ask her.”

  “I don’t give a damn if they fucked and the whole world watched. Her past isn’t my concern.” Brock rolled down his window to greet her. “Melody, this is Manny. Manny, this is your new wife, Melody.”

  “Wife?” Manny screeched. “Are you for real?” His expression was priceless.

  “Hop in,” Brock said, thumbing the backseat. “Let’s go make this official.”

  * * * *

  After the Donovans left, Scott placed a phone call to Vegas while Drake, David, and Cade discussed the bad hand the authority dealt Manny. Scott wasn’t buying it. The Donovans had an agenda. Brock always held an ace in the hole.

  At the thought, he said, “Drake, call Ace and Abby. See if they know anything about this.”

  Seconds later, Suzy answered his call and he walked out of the room. If Drew and Suzy Remington knew anything, they’d share what they knew. He trusted them to either tell the truth or just flat out say they couldn’t divulge the information he needed.

  In a matter of minutes, Suzy and Drew confirmed Manny had received a clean bill of health. He still had multiple bruises, a few cracked ribs on the mend, and over three hundred stitches, but he was on the road to recovery.

  Scott pummeled them with another round of questions. “Do you have any idea why Donovans pulled him out?”

  Presentation was everything.

  “You don’t know shit. Do you?” Drew asked.

  Except when an operative was pumping another operative for intelligence…then he was on his own.

  “You assume I do—and you’re right, but the way you asked that question just revealed a lot.”

  “I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Lying son of a bitch.” Drew snorted. “I’ll tell you what I’ve got but it’s not much.”

  “I can’t wait to hear this.”

  “He’s getting married.”

  “Do what?” Scott couldn’t believe his ears. “As far as I know he doesn’t even have a girlfriend, let alone a woman who’d marry his philandering ass.”

  “He’s saying ‘I do’ soon. In fact, we’re in Dallas awaiting the Donovan convoy.”


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