Welcome to the Point: A Point Epoch Tale

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Welcome to the Point: A Point Epoch Tale Page 5

by Cloud Riser

  When the sun rose and poured in through a crack in the curtains, I climbed out of bed and went in search of a bathroom, followed by the kitchen. Priorities. The grandfather clock in the hallway read six thirty. Hopefully, someone else would be awake.

  I got lucky and that someone happened to be Lucrectia. She sat in the dining room, stirring a cup of tea, her gaze fixed hard on the table in front of her.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” I said. “Are you always awake this early?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll sleep as late as possible if I can get away with it. Back home, in my old world, it was common to be awake well into the evening and sleep during the light hours. Here, it seems to be the opposite.”

  “We get up with the sun, so we can go straight to work.”

  “Then this is normal for you.” She finally gazed up at me. There might have been a smile on her face, but there was a sadness present in it.

  I shrugged, trying to not be disarmed by her emotions. I wanted to comfort her, to press her to tell me what bothered her so. Doing so felt too intrusive. The moment just didn’t seem right. Instead, I listened to my gut and let it be.

  “Normal, yes. Still hate it. My body has always been that of a night owl,” I said.

  That got a giggle from her. “There’s tea in the kitchen.” She pointed to a door to my right. “Kettle should still be warm, and I know I made enough water for at least five cups. We also have coffee if you’d rather have that. But…I’d wait for Belinda to make it. She has a special method, and it’s so divine.”

  “When will she be awake?” I asked.

  “Two hours or so.”

  “Too long. I’ll go with the tea.” Though getting a caffeine fix was far from a priority of mine. I’d be running on adrenaline until after lunch, and then I was at the mercy of my new companions.

  Most of the day ended up being tame. I’m sure Belinda and Damion knew I’d have a strong reaction to my new magic. What troubled me was how Lucretia avoided me at all costs. Last night, she’d stuck to me like glue. So why the big change? I let her get away with it until after dinner, which was awkward. Belinda and Damion gave me the two house rules: stay away from the cellar, and don’t leave the property without talking to them first. My curiosity was definitely piqued—especially about the cellar! For the time being, I’d push it aside.

  Lucretia poked at her food the whole meal, then excused herself as soon as it was polite to do so. With permission to explore to my heart's content, outside of the cellar that was, I made it my goal to find where she’d gone to hide.

  I started with the bedrooms even though I knew better than to expect her in one. Too obvious of a getaway point. I checked the study, the den, and the ballroom. Just as I was about to go into another room, I realized she wasn’t even in the house.

  All I had to go off of was a hunch, a hunch that said she’d be in the woods where we’d met before. So that’s where I wandered, and I sure hoped it counted as being on the property.

  My instincts were right. Lucretia sat on the fallen tree we had enjoyed together, looking up at the sky. When she heard me approach, she startled. Her gaze met mine for a second, and then she averted it down to her feet.

  I walked toward her slowly. The same way I would a scared animal because I feared she’d run like one if given the chance. “I’m not here to harm you.”

  “Yes, but…” She hopped off the log. “We shouldn’t be together like this. Not alone. It’s not appropriate.”

  I raised both of my eyebrows. “You didn’t have any issues with it before. What has changed?”

  “Elements I can’t explain. I don’t understand them myself,” she confessed. “Belinda advised me it would be wise to create some distance between us until your magic is sorted out.”

  “Teach me something. The faster I learn, the sooner we can spend time together again.” I flashed her a mischievous grin. “I also promise to keep all of my thoughts pure. Being your friend is not a problem for me. This connection we share can wait for a better time.”

  She created a sphere with her hands. “Do as I do.”

  I made the same shape with my own. Instantly, I felt a pull inside of me, an energy begging to be released. All that energy began to concentrate into a bright ball of pale blue light. My body began to shake as it grew and threatened to escape my grasp. I had to wrench my hands apart for fear of accidentally blasting her to pieces.

  In comparison, Lucretia’s ball of energy was small yet far brighter. “Fascinating. Most struggle to make any kind of orb; where as, you struggle with containing it.” She sighed. “Belinda warned me of your potency. Of what you are. I didn’t want it to be true.”

  “What am I exactly?” I asked.

  She blinked away a few tears. They glistened under the moonlight as they trailed down her cheeks. “Practice containing the sphere of power. That’s always the first lesson. A controlled magical force like that is essential before tackling any other type. Making that ball should be as easy as breathing, and it should never make you afraid. Magic...should be comfortable and safe. Full of love.”

  “Even the dark kind?” I asked.

  “There is no such thing as dark magic, only dark intentions.” She walked past me, pausing only to touch my cheek with her fingertips. “Practicing here is good. Belinda and Damion will appreciate the effort used to not blow up the mansion.”

  And with those words, she left.

  Chapter Seventeen

  What Can I Say? I’m a Natural!

  I dove into learning how to control my new magical abilities. That was the only way for me to keep from dwelling about Lucretia. Because if I wasn’t thinking about magic, I thought about her and how much I missed talking to her. Kind of silly in retrospect because we only had a few encounters together to begin with. A few awesome encounters. And so must have Walter because I noticed him coming around the mansion more and more for his own magical lessons. A few of them we took together, and then he got to enjoy Lucretia’s company alone.

  A deep part of me felt played…and angry. Rather than take it out on her, I used it to fuel my study. I’d let them all remember that money wasn’t the only thing that equaled power. While I wouldn’t bite the hand feeding me, I refused to be their toy. Instead, I found ways to get them to do what I wanted. One rumor going around about me was true: I am definitely manipulative and will do whatever it takes to get what I want.

  Weeks passed. Somewhere between two or three. I learned fast. Damion marveled at just how quick I caught on to every skill and magical law he taught me about. That was how I won him over. In a matter of days, my mission was accomplished: he loved me.

  Belinda took a little more time and patience. She knew I had feelings for Lucretia. It bothered her on multiple levels; I could tell. One of the looks she gave me often whenever I so much as looked at Lucretia longingly reminded me of jealousy. Not quite sure what that had to do with anything, but I used it to my advantage. We spent time together, alone. No, not romantically, but we bonded on a deeper, more intellectual level. I told her about my parents, life growing up, and hopes for the future. I learned how to make her special coffee so that I could treat her to it instead of her having to constantly play the role of servant. Eventually, she loved me too.

  And so, in those few weeks that passed, I got deeper into the inner circle. I thought for sure it’d give me a leg up over Walter.


  Damion called a meeting, and Walter attended as the family representative. While I worked on her guardians, Walt had been getting involved on a deeper level through Lucretia. I hated it. On a positive note—Damion and Belinda hated his guts too.

  Once all of us were seated in the study, Damion got to business.

  “We’ve been given instructions from our lord Hades to move forward with the plan to create a gate between worlds. To make our sanctuary for others who are lost or in danger like we are.” Damion’s gaze landed on me and a grin spread across his face. “We’ve discovered th
at the most potent place to build a magical portal is your family’s farm, William.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Truly?”

  “Truly.” Damion clasped his hands in front of him. “We have precise coordinates where we will place the portal. That section will need to be purified with fire. I am going to send you with Walter. Together, the two of you will sneak onto the grounds. Walter, you will draw the portal boundaries.”

  “Just do it exactly like I taught you,” Lucretia said.

  Walter nodded; their gazes locked on one another.

  Damion cleared his throat. “William, all you have to do is unleash your fury. If Walter does his part correctly, everything should evolve seamlessly from there.”

  “How much of the land am I destroying?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking too much.

  “Probably a great deal of it. The boundaries need to be wide.”

  I nodded, slowly…numbly. “I see. My family does not have a backup vocation. This will hurt them. A lot.”

  “Belinda and I are prepared to offer compensation. Whether or not that compensation is actually accepted is another thing entirely.” Damion spread his hands out in front of him. “We don’t wish for anyone to suffer here.”

  My dad would never take the money, and I’m positive Damion knew that. Dad could go sit on a tack. Mom? I worried for her the most. Somehow, I’d find a way to make sure she stayed okay.

  I shook the doubt away and forced a smile. “When will we be causing all of this chaos?”

  “Tonight, at Midnight.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tonight, at Midnight

  Movies like to make these grand missions seem so much more intense than they actually are. That being said, I felt all kinds of tense and nervous when I went to the Smith residence to join up with Walter. I can’t say the nerves had anything to do with the fact that I was about to destroy my father’s livelihood. As far as I was concerned, he had it coming. Most of my anxiety had everything to do with working with Walter. Or, rather, if we could work together. The guy was smug and annoying. Constant competition. He’d throw me under the bus the first chance he got…if buses existed back then. But sure, I’d put all of that aside and trust him to do his part.

  We walked to the farm in silence, just how I preferred it. Then he drew up the boundaries for the spell with a chalky powder that smelled like salt but was in fact a combination of different rocks ground together. His patience impressed me. So detailed, so precise, with a touch of artistic flair. When he finished, he carefully blessed the remaining dust on his hands before sending it into the wind.

  “Okay, light it on fire. Purify the place,” Walter said. “Stand right in the center and let it go.”

  I gazed at him, unsure of if I should take him seriously. “Won’t we become obliterated in the process?”

  “Not if I did my part correctly.” He smirked.

  We stood back-to-back in the center, or where he claimed dead center to be. If he wasn’t right, we’d both be toast—literally. I couldn’t let my grudge against him keep me from trusting that he did his job correctly. Instead, I channeled that frustration into the magic billowing inside of me. Ever since I received my gifts, or became aware of them, it seemed like I constantly wanted to explode or unleash a storm. Even if I felt happy! The magic was just too great to hold in.

  Letting go excited the beast within me. I always wanted to set it free, to be relieved of the pressure, so I didn’t end up hurting someone by accident.

  I closed my eyes, spread out my hands, and the fire came. Later when Walter described it to the others, he said it was so bright it nearly blinded him yet had the most beautiful hues of turquoise and purple flowing throughout. Gorgeous. Life changing. I do recall him looking at me differently from that moment on. As if whatever doubts he had about me disappeared.

  The magic poured out of me for what felt like only a few seconds but was in fact thirty minutes. Long enough it got the attention of the neighbors and my parents. Because the light was so bright; however, they couldn’t see the mysterious figure casting the spell. When it faded, Walter touched my arm.

  “We have to go. Now.” His voice came out as a harsh whisper.

  I didn’t move. I couldn’t. My body muscles might as well have been gelatin.

  He tugged on me harder. “I mean it.” His gaze lifted to the person standing in front of us. A lone figure bold enough to dare enter the circle.

  My dad.

  That snapped me out of my daze. I turned on my heel. Walter and I ran from the circle. Dad shouted after us and moved like he wanted to make chase but stopped as he took in the fullness of the damage I’d caused. Under our feet as we ran was a dark, slick, rock. Obsidian. A thirty-foot radius of it covered the ground where the potatoes once grew.

  I couldn’t stop and stare even though I wanted to take it all in with him. Doing so would have resulted in not only being identified, but also in my capture.

  Walter and I sprinted through the remaining fields and deep into the forest. When we were positive no one followed us in, we paused to catch our breath.

  “We really did that…yes?” I gazed at him, wheezing. “I’m not dreaming all of this up, am I?”

  Walt shook his head, his eyes wide. “We are very much awake. You did it, and it was incredible.”

  “We,” I corrected.

  “I hardly did anything,” Walter mumbled.

  I raised both of my eyebrows. “You did what I can’t, though. And I wouldn’t have been able to succeed without your help. The subtle pieces are more important than the grand ones. You of all people should understand that given your family position.”

  Walter shrugged, but the slight smile he wore meant the message got through. I do nice things for the people I dislike. That ego boost propelled him to a rather prosperous future.

  Good for him too because my adrenaline was wearing off rather quickly, and with that came a great deal of doubt. Emptied of my magic, of the fire igniting my soul, doubt soon turned to fear. If that power never returned…well, let’s just say I’d do anything to get it back.

  I was hooked.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Finally, Some Answers

  For the time being, I pushed my concerns aside and reveled in the satisfaction of a job well done. Walter did all of the talking at the dining table once we returned. Both of us were far too amped up to sleep still despite it being nearly three in the morning. Belinda brewed us some kind of sleeping potion that tasted like sugar cookies. I don’t believe there was any real magic in it, just comfort.

  “I’ve never experienced anything so amazing,” Walter finished.

  Lucretia smiled at me, a sparkle present in her eyes. Pride? Longing? A combination of both? Hard to say. The sadness returned soon after, and she shifted her gaze to Walt. “It’s only the beginning.”

  “Yes,” Belinda said, watching the three of us rather intently. “Lucretia, please show Walter to a guest room. I’m sure he will want to rest here before returning home. Best to be off the roads now anyway. The authorities are most likely investigating the disturbance you caused this evening.”

  Lucretia stood, as did Walt. “As you wish,” she whispered.

  Of course, separated again. As soon as Lucretia and Walt left, I let loose.

  “Do you have a problem with me?”

  Damion blinked, his glass of water hovering in front of his lips. Belinda gasped, a hand going to her chest.

  “Oh, William! No!” She shook her head and tears actually pooled in her eyes. “We have come to care for you deeply! Like one of our own!”

  I hated seeing her upset, and I almost apologized. Almost. Stuff still didn’t add up, though. “Why won’t you let Lucretia be near me, then. I’ve noticed. Any chance you get, you send her on an errand or need a favor from me. And yet…you seem to shove her and Walter together.”

  Belinda lowered her gaze to her hands, a bitterness present in her posture. “I told you he would notice.” />
  “That you did,” Damion said. He then took a long drink from his water glass. “It’s time we told him, I suppose.”

  “Yes, he should have known a while ago.”

  Damion squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his lips together. Something told me he didn’t agree. When he opened his eyes again, they were fixed on me. “It’s because we suspect you are the incarnation of Hades in this particular world.”

  “Wh…” How did I respond to such a statement? None of it made sense. “What?”

  Belinda sighed. “As you know, we are able to travel through worlds. One of the rules is that you cannot travel to a world where a version of yourself already exists. When you gained your magic, something about your receiving the gift went differently. We believe it’s because you are Hades.”

  How did I respond? What part did I take on first? She’d just told me I was the incarnation of a god, more or less. Rather than let them steer me off topic, I stayed the course. “Flattering as that is, I’m not sure what this has to do with Lucretia and me?”

  “Your destinies are not intertwined. We are protecting her from heartbreak.” Belinda gave me a weak smile. “And you.”

  I glared at her. “What do you know of my fate? Why do you get to decide it?”

  “There is a lot I’m not sure how to explain, and a lot I’m too tired to say. Just know this is the best way to deal with the situation. For both of you.” Damion finished his water and stood from the table. “There will be a better time to discuss this. One that isn’t the middle of the night. You need your rest, William. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Every ounce of magic must rejoin you.”

  So, my magic would be coming back. Excellent.

  I stood as well, determined to have the last word. “Whatever reasons you have, they don’t matter. No one decides my future but me.”


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