The Show That Never Ends

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The Show That Never Ends Page 35

by David Weigel

and Robert Fripp, 125, 126, 169–71

  and Fripp–Bowie collaboration, 181–83, 185

  and Matching Mole, 131

  “Oblique Strategies” cards, 194

  Epilog (Änglagård), 264, 265

  “Epitaph,” 49, 50, 51

  Ertegun, Ahmet, 62, 189

  “Eruption,” 75, 152–53

  “Esther’s Nose Job,” 84

  Evan, John, 101

  Evans, Guy, 279

  Evans, Nick, 59

  Evening Star (Brian Eno and Robert Fripp), 170

  “Every Little Thing,” 54

  “Everyone’s Gone to the Moon,” 33

  “Evoluzione, L’,” 155

  Exorcist, The (film), 142

  “Experiment,” 263

  Exposure (Robert Fripp), 196–97

  “Exposure,” 196

  Express, 288

  Ezrin, Bob, 180, 181, 185

  “Facelift,” 84–85

  Face Value (Phil Collins), 216

  Fairport Convention, 79

  Falling into Infinity (Dream Theater), 271

  Falling Up (Kevin Ayers), 240

  Fame, Georgie, 23

  Family (band), 79

  “Fanfare,” 189, 190

  Fanfare for the Common Man (Aaron Copland), 189

  Farewell (band), 178

  Farlmowe, Chris, 23

  “Farther Away I Am, The,” 184

  Fast, Larry, 180, 185, 196, 224, 226

  “Fear Is Never Boring,” 249–50

  Ferry, Bryan, 208

  Fielder, Hugh, 198

  “Firebird, The,” xix

  Firebird Suite (Igor Stravinsky), 102

  “Firebrand,” 45, 46

  Fish (Derek William Dick), 227–30, 241–45, 250–52

  “Fish, The,” 93

  Fisher, Matthew, 22

  Fleetwood Mac, 268

  Fleur de Lys, 59

  Flight, Graham, 16

  “Flight of the Ibis,” 57

  Floating Anarchy (Planet Gong), 179

  “Fly By Night,” 164

  “Flying Start,” 240

  Flying Teapot (Gong), 127

  FM (band), 161–62

  Focus, xvi, 286

  Foghat, xi

  “Follow You Follow Me,” 199, 215, 232

  Foreigner, 203, 236

  “Forgotten Sons,” 227–28

  “Fountain of Lamneth, The,” 149, 162

  “Fountain of Salmacis, The,” 80

  “14 Hour Technicolor Dream” show, 25

  Foxtrot (Genesis), 80–83, 153, 230

  Fragile (Yes), 91–95, 103, 104

  Freakbeat, 256

  “Freewill,” 165

  Fricke, David, 206

  Fripp, Robert

  and 1972 iteration of King Crimson, 123–26

  1980s projects of, 265–69

  and Tony Banks’s mellotron, 79

  on the Beatles, xiv

  and David Bowie, 181–83

  and breakup of King Crimson, 168–70, 208

  and departure of Bill Bruford from Yes, 106

  on Discipline and Three of a Perfect Pair albums, 245–49

  early life and influences, 10–13

  and Brian Eno, 169–71

  Frippertronics and Discotronics, 218–20

  and Peter Gabriel, 180–81, 225

  in Giles, Giles, and Fripp, 41–43

  David Gilmour vs., 256

  and George Gurdjieff, 171–73

  and Daryl Hall, 183–85

  and King Crimson after Greg Lake, 56–63

  at the Kitchen, 193–97

  and Greg Lake, 192–93

  and Matching Mole, 131

  on progressive rock, 284

  and reunification of King Crimson, 220–22

  and rise of King Crimson, 47–54

  on Rite of Spring, 5

  in “21st Century Schizoid Man,” xvi

  and Steve Wilson, 259, 278

  on Yes and King Crimson, 102, 103

  Frippertronics, 194–95, 218, 219

  Frith, Fred, 132, 133, 134

  Frith, Simon, 200

  Froese, Edgar, xviii

  From Genesis to Revelation (Genesis), 79

  Frond, Bevis, 256

  FSoL (Future Sound of London), 258

  Fulham Palace Café (London, England), 42–43

  Funicello, Annette, 127

  Funkadelic, xi, 114

  “Für dïhhël kobaïa,” 157

  Future Sound of London (FSoL), 258

  Gabriel, George, 176

  Gabriel, Peter

  and Adrian Belew, 267

  departure from Genesis, 198

  “Exposure” by, 196

  and Robert Fripp, 193, 194

  on Genesis demo, 33–34

  on Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour, 173–77

  and Tony Levin, xii

  and Marillion, 227, 228, 242

  Neil Peart on, 166–67

  and rise of Genesis, 79–83

  self-titled solo albums of, 180, 181, 185, 193, 194, 224–26

  success of Genesis and, 230

  Us album, 274

  Gaelic Park (New York, New York), 87

  GaGa, 220

  Gallo, Vincent, xi

  “Gates of Delirium, The,” xx, 137

  Gaydon, John, 75

  Gee, John, 20

  Gee, Peter, 231

  Geffen, David, 211, 212

  “Generale!,” 153


  . . . And Then There Were Three album, 198–200

  Bill Bruford in, 208

  Church of England as influence on, 12

  connections of, 45

  critics’ views of, 224–26

  demo of, 33–34

  departure of Peter Gabriel from, 175–77

  Duke album, 214–15

  and Electric Gypsy, 228

  and Fish, 243

  Peter Gabriel after, 180

  Steve Hackett after, 214–15

  Steve Hackett in, xviii, 54

  and David Hitchcock, 107, 241

  Lamb Lies Down on Broadway album and tour, 173–76

  and Majesty/Dream Theater, 261

  and Marillion, 242

  Melody Maker on, 248

  Neil Peart on, 166–67

  popularity of, 236

  and Porcupine Tree, 255

  and Premiata Forneria Marconi, 153

  retrospection of, xvii

  rise of, 79–83

  and Rush, 149

  and Tony Stratton-Smith, 46

  success of Phil Collins and, 230–33

  A Trick of the Tail album, 177–78

  We Can’t Dance album, 262, 274

  Yes, ELP, and, 96

  Genesis (Genesis), 231

  “Genetic Control,” 81

  Gentle Giant

  and Dream Theater, 271

  and Fish, 243

  Gary Green in, 281

  pop tunes of, 201

  and Rush, 149

  and Three Friends, xix

  tour with Black Sabbath, 108–9

  Gershwin, George, 51

  “Get ’Em Out by Friday,” 81

  Giant for a Day! (Gentle Giant), 201

  “giardino del mago, Il,” 155

  Giger, H. R., 134, 137

  Giles, Giles and Fripp, 40–44, 58

  Giles, Michael

  departure from King Crimson, 59

  early life, 10

  in Giles, Giles and Fripp, 41, 42

  and Ian McDonald, 57

  promotion of Thrak album by, 268

  and rise of King Crimson, 48–54

  Giles, Peter, 40–42, 57, 268

  Gill, Andy, 125

  Gilmour, David, 228, 256, 259

  Ginastera, Alberto, 74, 135

  Glass Hammer, xviii

  Glenn Miller Story, The (film), 13

  Glitter, Gary, 127

  Glock, William, 84

  “Glorieta Pass,” 286–87

  “Gnome, The,” 85
, 86

  Godber, Barry, 51

  God Saves the Queen/Under Heavy Manners (Robert Fripp), 218–19

  “God Save the Queen,” 218

  “Golden Hours,” 171

  Gomelsky, Giorgio, 223


  1973 record release by, 131

  Daevid Allen after, 223–24

  Daevid Allen’s departure from, 178, 179

  Flying Teapot album, 127

  Allan Holdsworth in, 209

  rise of, 155–57

  “Go Now,” 18

  Goodman, Benny, 281

  Grandmaster Flash, 231

  Grandy, Ian, 147

  Grateful Dead, 44

  Graves, Robert, 8, 16

  “Grazie davvero,” 153

  “Great Gates of Kiev, The,” 85, 86

  Green, Richard, 65

  Green, Gary, 281

  Greenslade, Arthur, 34

  Greer, Germaine, 6

  Greg Lake Band, 285

  “Grind Date, The,” 114

  Grossman, Lloyd, xii

  Grumpy Old Rock Star (Rick Wakeman), 283

  Guitar Craft seminars, 265–66

  Guitar Player, 126

  Gunn, Trey, 265–67, 269

  Gurdjieff, George, 171–72, 196, 197

  Hackett, Steve

  on Cruise to the Edge, xviii

  departure from Genesis, 198

  as fan of King Crimson, 54

  in Genesis, 79

  Melody Maker interview with, 176

  persona of, 217–18

  post-Genesis work by, 214–15

  and rise of Genesis, 80, 81, 83

  and Steve Rothery, 228

  Hair (musical), 77

  Hall, Darryl, 180, 183–85, 193, 194, 196–97

  Hall, Tony, 22–23

  Hall & Oates, 183–85

  Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 51

  Hammill, Peter

  on experimentation, 285

  on Exposure, 197

  and Fish, 243

  at NEARfest, 279

  on Pawn Hearts, 106, 107

  in Van der Graaf Generator, 45–47, 178

  “Hammond Song,” 196

  Hanover Square Rooms (London, England), 1

  “Harold Land,” 31–32, 55

  Hartmann, Viktor, 85

  Harvest Records, 44, 45, 69, 244

  Haskell, Gordon, 10–11, 58–62

  Hastings, Pye, 26

  Hatfield and North, 141–42, 281

  Havens, Richie, 214

  Hawkins, Cameron, 161

  Hawkwind, 73, 96–98, 141, 255

  Hayward, Justin, 27, 28, 29

  “Headroom,” 161

  “Heartbeat,” 248

  “Heart of the Sunrise,” 93

  “Heat of the Moment,” 213–14

  “Heavenly Music Corporation, The,” 126, 182

  “He Knows You Know,” 241, 242

  Hemispheres (Rush), 164–65

  Hendrix, Jimi, 23–25, 27, 40, 48, 64

  Henry Cow, xvii

  Here & Now, 179

  Hergest Ridge (Mike Oldfield), 142–44

  “Heroes,” 185, 220

  “Hey,” 33

  Heyworth, Simon, 122

  High Voltage Festival, 286

  Hillage, Steve, 78, 156

  Hit Channel, 154

  Hitchcock, David, 81, 107, 241

  “Hocus Pocus,” 152

  “Hoedown,” 136

  Hogarth, Steve, 250–53, 275

  Holdsworth, Allan, 209–11

  Holland’s Focus, 152–53

  Hollies, The, 40–41

  Holly, Buddy, 148

  Hollywood Bowl (Los Angeles, California), 108

  Holst, Gustav, 43, 50, 58, 66

  “Hoping Love Will Last,” 214

  Hopper, Brian, 15

  Hopper, Hugh, 7–9, 15–17, 84, 85, 134

  Horn, Trevor

  on “Owner of a Lonely Heart,” 236, 237

  in Yes, 166, 167, 203–8, 230

  Horovitz, Joseph, 188–89

  “Horzt fur dëhn štekëhn `wešt,” 156

  “Hotel California,” 190

  Hough, Bill, 136

  “Hound Dog,” 12

  Howe, Steve

  in Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe, 262, 263

  in Asia, 212–14

  in Buggles-Yes hybrid, 206–8

  on Close to the Edge, 104–5

  on Dream Theater, 272

  on Fragile, 95

  in post-Kaye Yes, 89–93

  on psychedelia, 25–26

  as replacement for Peter Banks, 70–72

  on Tales from Topographic Oceans, 112–16

  and Vangelis, 222

  on Rick Wakeman, 138–39

  in Yes, 110

  Howell, Mark, xiii

  “How Time Passes By,” 5–6

  H.P. Lovecraft (band), 160

  Hunter, Steve, 180

  “Hut of Baba Yaga, The,” 85, 86

  Hybris (Änglagård), 264, 265

  Hyde Park (London, England), 48–50

  “Hymn 43,” 99

  I Advance Masked (Andy Summers and Robert Fripp), 249

  Ian, Janis, 41

  “I Believe in Father Christmas,” 187–88

  “Icarus (Borne on Wings of Steel),” 160

  “I Don’t Want to Talk About It,” 190

  “If Leaving Me Is Easy,” 216

  “I Get Up, I Get Down,” 104–5

  “I Got the Sex Blues, Baby,” 176

  “Ikon, The,” 158

  “I’ll Carry On Beside You,” 91

  “I’ll Come Running,” 171

  “I’ll Keep Holding On,” 20

  I Love You, Man (film), 283

  “I’m a Believer,” 132

  Images and Words (Dream Theater), 269–71

  “Ima süri dondaï,” 156–57

  “I May Not Have Had Enough of Me but I’ve Had Enough of You,” 197

  Immediate Records, 37–38

  “Impressioni di settembre,” 153

  “Incomudro—Hymn to the Atman,” 160

  “Indoor Games,” 60–61

  Ingham, John, 98

  “In Held ’Twas In I,” 32

  Initiation (Todd Rundgren), 159

  In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 (Coheed and Cambria), 272

  In Search of Space (Hawkwind), 97

  International Academy for Continuous Education (Sherborne House), 172–73, 180

  International Times, 35

  “Interstellar Overdrive,” 118

  Interview (magazine), 170

  “In the Air Tonight,” 216, 231

  In the Court of the Crimson King (King Crimson)

  masculine/feminine dynamics in, xvi

  mellotron used on, 79

  popularity of, 55

  recording, 50–52

  sampling of, 58

  and Thrak tour, 268

  “In the Dead of Night,” 210

  In the Hot Seat (Emerson, Lake & Palmer), 285

  In the Land of Grey and Pink (Caravan), 108

  In the Wake of Poseidon (King Crimson), 58

  “Intruder,” 225

  Invisible Touch (Genesis), 232–33

  Iommi, Tony, 108

  Io Sono Nato Libero (Banco Mutuo Soccorso), 155

  Iron Butterfly, 160

  Iron Maiden, 260

  Irvine, Doug, 228, 229

  Island Records, 69, 77, 142–43, 220

  Islands (King Crimson), 102, 123

  Island Studios, 80

  Isle of Wight Festival, 68–69, 96

  “Is My Face on Straight,” 154

  “I Talk to the Wind,” 51

  It Is and It Isn’t (Gordon Haskell), 62

  “I’ve Seen All Good People,” 72, 204

  Jackson, David, 106

  Jackson, Lee, 27, 35, 36

  Jagger, Mick, 40

  Jam, The, 256

  Japan (band), 266

  Jarrett, Keith, 38

rson Airplane, 44, 78

  Jeffrey, Mike, 24

  Jenner, Martin, 228

  “Jeremy Bender,” 76

  “Jerusalem,” 11–12, 134–35

  Jesus Christ Superstar (musical), 146

  Jethro Tull

  Mick Abrahams in, 95

  A album, 201

  Ian Anderson in, xvi

  Crest of a Knave album, 262

  declining popularity of, 200

  and ELP, 275

  and Focus, 152

  and Genesis, 173

  Greg Lake on, 134

  A Passion Play album, 111–12

  rise of, 98–101

  and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, xi

  success of, 96

  War Child album, 140–41

  Jobson, Eddie, 197, 209, 210, 289

  John, Elton, 89

  “Johnny B. Goode,” 15

  Johnson, Matt, 251

  John Tetrad (character), 111

  Jones, Brian, 49

  Jones, Malcolm, 45

  Jones, Nick, 35

  Journey, 236

  “Journey from Mariabronn,” 159

  Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Rick Wakeman), 116

  Jung, Carl, 226, 285

  Kalodner, John, 211, 234

  Kamp, David, xi

  Kansas (band), 159–61, 214, 215, 261, 271

  Kansas (Kansas), 159–60

  “Karn Evil,” 135–36

  “Kashmir,” 225

  Kawaguchi, Mari, 288

  Kaye, Tony

  departure from Yes, 89, 90, 236

  at formation of Yes, 30–32

  on “Wurm,” 72

  in Yes, 102, 105

  on “Yours Is No Disgrace,” 71

  “Kayleigh,” 244

  Keenan, Maynard James, 269

  Keith Emerson Trio, 14

  Kelly, Mark

  on audience reaction to Marillion, 243

  and crowdfunded Marillion tour, 275–76

  on Cruise to the Edge, xviii

  and Fish’s solo album, 251, 252

  in Marillion, 230

  on Marillion vs. Yes and ELP, 241

  and Misplaced Childhood album, 244, 245

  Kennedy, Robert F., 35

  Kenny’s Castaways (New York, New York), 195

  Key, Trevor, 126–27

  Keyboard (magazine), 166

  Killing Technology (Voivod), 263

  Kilmister, Lemmy, 35, 97, 98, 141

  King, Carole, 158

  King, Jonathan, 33, 34, 79

  King Crimson

  1980s projects of members of, 265–69

  1972 iteration of, 123–26

  Asia vs., 214

  breakup of, 168–70

  Bill Bruford in, xiv

  in Buffalo ’66, xi

  debut album of, 69

  Discipline and Three of a Perfect Pair albums, 245–48, 250

  ELP and collapse of, 54–63

  Eno-Fripp collaboration vs., 171

  and Fish, 243

  founding of, 43–44

  and Robert Fripp’s music, 193

  Mike Giles in, 10

  and Daryl Hall, 183

  Holst in stage show of, 66

  Greg Lake in, xv

  Tony Levin in, xii

  and Majesty/Dream Theater, 261

  and Nirvana, 264

  and Porcupine Tree, 258, 259

  remixing of classic albums by, 278


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