Line Of Fire

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Line Of Fire Page 12

by KB Winters

  “Bullies start early, Em. You remember the kids when we were back in school. Shit, some of the stuff they said about us when we were that age.” Dylan shook his head.

  I shook the memory from my mind and hurried to wipe my eyes dry. “I don’t know what to do, Dylan. I want to put him in a great big bubble and protect him from all this madness.”

  Dylan reached over and took my hand. “He’s a good kid. He’ll pull through it all right.”

  “Thanks for getting him from school. I hope they didn’t give you any trouble.”

  “Nah. Pretty easy. Your kid figured out how to program the radio in the car. I’ve been tinkering with it all week, and he figured it out in three minutes flat.”

  I laughed and wiped my eyes again. “That’s Tommy. He’s always been fascinated with techy stuff.”

  “See? He’ll be great.”

  I nodded. “Thank you. He’s pretty amazing.”

  “Well, it’s no wonder,” Dylan said, squeezing my hand. “Look who his mama is.”

  I scoffed, “You mean the crazy, hung-over woman you just found smoking in a dirty alley twenty minutes ago?”

  “Em.” He guided my chin so that I was looking up at him. My eyes were still welling up with tears as they met his. “You’re a good mom, okay? You’ve been through a lot. Give yourself some slack, all right?”

  Tommy zoomed back to the table and waved as the dog walker and her herd passed by. Dylan released my hand before Tommy could notice, and I quickly wove my fingers together and set them on my lap under the table. “I need to get back to the diner. You’re going to have to hang out with me for a little while, honey. Grandma is at a doctor’s appointment, and Auntie Kate is working with me. I’ll get you some lunch and then maybe you can play a game on my phone or something for a little while. Okay?”

  Tommy looked at Dylan. “Will you come, too?”

  Dylan shrugged. “Sure, sport. I could use a sandwich.”

  “Do you know how to play UNO?”

  Dylan chuckled. “It’s been a while. You might have to teach me.”

  Tommy hopped down from his chair. “It’s easy!”

  I smiled as Dylan rose and let Tommy take his hand before going to the corner to wait for the crosswalk to clear. I stood back for a moment, watching the two of them as Tommy launched into an overly complicated explanation of the rules of UNO. Dylan was a natural, taking all the excited chatter with an easygoing smile.

  “Come on, Mom!” Tommy said, turning back as the light changed to reach for my hand. I took his hand, and the three of us crossed the street together.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I can’t believe he’s still at it,” Kate said as she came up beside me at the counter.

  I smiled at the table Dylan and Tommy had occupied for the past three hours. Tommy had taught Dylan the basics to UNO over lunch, and they’d been playing hand after hand ever since. Part of me knew that it was for my benefit, but at the same time, Dylan truly seemed to be enjoying Tommy’s company.

  “He’s good with him,” Kate added.

  “Yeah. He is.” I picked up a cleaning rag and wiped down the counter.

  Kate followed me. “Kind of makes you wonder, huh?”

  I turned. “Wonder what?”

  Kate scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t play dumb with me. I know you’re thinking it, too.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Mmhmm.” She went to the till and started counting the tips. There was less than an hour till closing, and we fell easily into our normal pre-close checklist of duties. “All I’m saying is that if you want, Mom and I could watch Tommy again tonight and you could have a little alone time. To use however you see fit.”


  “Emma, come on. I’m an adult now, all right?”

  I brushed off her suggestion but couldn’t help looking in Dylan’s direction. He glanced up over his handful of cards and offered a smile that stopped my heart. There was no argument that I wanted him. My body had disconnected from logic and was only interested in one thing.

  When the diner was closed, Kate swooped in. “I was telling Kate that Tommy is going to be staying with me and our mom tonight. So, you know, if you two wanted to go off to dinner or something…”

  I frowned at her. Subtle.

  Dylan chuckled and met my eyes. “So, what do you say, Em? Burgers at Lenny’s?”

  Tommy took Kate’s hand and started to ask her what they were having at Grandma’s. She led him out the back door, leaving Dylan and me alone.

  “I won’t bite.”

  I sighed. “Dylan, about last night.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know you weren’t at your best.”

  “Maybe not, but I still want to say something. I’m done living my life by sweeping everything under the rug or worse, walking on eggshells.”

  Dylan took a step nearer. “I don’t want that either. But I also don’t want you feeling like you have to apologize to me. The things you said were fair.”

  I shook my head. “No, they weren’t. I can’t blame all the problems in my life on you. That’s not fair to you.”

  “We both made choices, Em. Some good. Some not so good.”

  I glanced up at him. Was he saying he regretted leaving? And if so, did that mean there was a chance he might stay? What would that mean for him? Me? Us? Could there ever be an us that didn’t exist solely under the cloak of nightfall?

  “I don’t regret leaving or joining the Navy. But I do regret that I hurt you.”

  I nodded. Well that was that.

  “I didn’t want you to get dragged behind me all over the country—hell, all over the world. When I enlisted, I didn’t know where it would all lead. I knew about the SEAL program and it appealed to me, but it took a lot of hard fucking work and sacrifice to get into it and excel. Now, I’m not saying I couldn’t have done that with you there beside me.” He paused and shook his head. “Hell, in some ways maybe it would’ve been easier. But I couldn’t ask you to make all those sacrifices based on my choices. I didn’t want you to have to give up your whole life on my behalf. Especially knowing that there was always a chance I might get called up and not make it home again.”

  My throat swelled and I swallowed hard, trying to force the lump back down. “I wish you’d let me have some say.”

  Dylan reached for me and held tightly to my waist. “You’re right, Em. I should have. It wasn’t fair of me to make such a huge decision without your input. I was young, impulsive. My parents didn’t want me to join the service at all. Dad wanted me here, running the family business and keeping—” He paused and looked past my shoulder. He cleared his throat and met my eyes again. “Keeping Jimmy out of trouble.”

  “Dylan,” I whispered.

  His eyes slid closed, and he gave a slight nod. “I know.”

  I reached for his face and ran my thumb over the single glistening tear that had slipped past his dark lashes. “There wasn’t anything you could have done, Dylan.”

  “I’m not sure I believe that,” he said quietly.

  “You can’t spend the rest of your life torturing yourself over it. Promise me.”

  He nodded. “I’m trying, Em. I really am.”

  I took his hand. “Come on. I’ll let you buy me dinner.”

  He chuckled. The sudden smile warmed me through. I loved it when he smiled. “That’s very considerate of you,” he teased.

  “I’m that kind of girl.” I winked and led him from the diner, locking the door behind us. I’d worry about the rest in the morning.


  We carefully avoided all charged conversation over our baskets of burgers and fries. We sat at the counter of Lenny’s, the local burger joint, and watched the world go by. Dylan talked about his time overseas and how different it was to come home and feel like nothing had changed in the neighborhood. The same people walked their dogs, swept the front walks in front of the shops, greeted you at the corner store when y
ou popped in for a soda or candy bar. Even sitting there beside each other felt like it could’ve easily been cut and pasted into a scene from our teen years and been much the same.

  When we finished our meals, Dylan dropped some cash in the tip jar at the counter, and we headed out into the night. He was careful to avoid holding my hand or showing any overt signs of affection, for which I was grateful, even though it pained me to be so close to him and not be able to touch him. It was a gesture of respect. For me. For little Tommy. Most of all for Tommy. I didn’t need anyone spreading rumors that could reach his ears. Likely people would talk one way or the other, but I didn’t plan to give them more ammunition.

  After a long stroll through the neighborhood, we arrived back upstairs in the hallway between my apartment and my mother’s. I hung between the two front doors for a minute, unsure which way to go. “Do you want to come in for some coffee?” I finally asked, veering toward my door.

  Dylan smiled. “I’d like a little more than a cup of coffee.”

  Every nerve went tight at his words and the way his eyes dipped lower to take in every curve of my body. The lazy spread of his smile told me he was more than capable of picturing me naked.

  I fumbled with my keyring and let us inside. I shut the door quickly. Kate hadn’t exactly been subtle in her suggestion, and I sure didn’t want her to hear us. It was clear she didn’t blame me for wanting to reconnect with Dylan. My mother, on the other hand, would be scandalized if she knew the truth. She hadn’t exactly been a fan of Tommy’s, but she was of a far more conservative mindset and wouldn’t approve of me sleeping with anyone else so quickly. Even if that man was my first love—and the first man I’d ever made love to. In fact, other than Tommy, he was the only man I’d ever been with.

  Dylan barely waited before the door was closed and locked to take me into his arms. He kissed me softly at first, but the hunger and heat surged through us and in a split second, he was stripping off my jacket and reaching for the hem of my dress.

  “Wait,” I said breathlessly before he could get the dress much higher than my waist. “I need a few minutes. I’ve been working all day and need some freshening up.”

  Dylan nipped at my ear. “I’ll take you any way I can.”

  I laughed but pushed back from his chest. “Baby, you don’t want me skanky smelling like soup, do ya? There’s some beer in the fridge. Go help yourself. I’ll be right out. Promise.”

  “Skanky? I don’t think you could ever be skanky.” He nuzzled into my neck and nipped again.

  My panties were soaking wet, burning up my thighs. I giggled into the kiss and pushed him away. “Please, baby. Let me clean up.”

  He frowned but it faded quickly. He shrugged out of his coat and was padding to the kitchen by the time I turned the corner of the hallway and slipped into the bathroom.

  I stripped quickly, cranked on the hot water in the shower, and twisted my hair up into a tight bun on the top of my head. I knew it likely smelled like food and cigarette smoke from the morning break, but I didn’t have time to wash and dry it. A little perfume spritz was as good as it was going to get. The stubble on my legs, however, had to go!

  Steam filled the bathroom, and I stepped into the shower and quickly lathered up my legs.

  “Shit,” I hissed as I grabbed the razor from the shelf carved into the shower wall. The razor head was missing. I cursed again, remembering that I’d thrown it out a few days earlier and hadn’t taken the time to replace it. I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and went to the sink. I opened every drawer in the vanity but couldn’t find the pack of new razor heads. I dug through the cabinet under the sink. Nothing. Until I pulled out a stack of towels and something hard hit the floor.

  “What the—” Tommy’s cell phone had fallen on the floor. What on earth was he doing putting it under here?

  “Well at least that mystery is solved,” I muttered, staring down at the phone. Curiosity pricked at me, but I went back to hurry through my shower. I could dig through Tommy’s phone later. There was a nine out of ten chance I wouldn’t like what I found, and I wasn’t about to let him screw up the moment between Dylan and me. Not tonight.


  I strode from the bathroom, buck naked and found Dylan in my bed, stripped down to his boxer briefs. Two bottles of beer sat on the bedside table. He let out a low whistle. “Damn, baby, that’s a sight I could wake up to every morning.” He gave me an appreciative glance, licking his lips while his eyes lingered on my tits before moving up to give me a wicked smile.

  He moved to the edge of the bed and reached out a hand, beckoning me forward.

  I took small, calculated steps. I wanted him. Badly. But I loved the look on his face as I moved toward him. The desire and lust in his eyes made me ache and throb from head to toe, just thinking of the pleasure he’d give me. He was all mine for the night. I’d put aside all thoughts of tomorrow and decided to live for the moment right in front of us. There was only one thing that mattered.

  Dylan Malloy.

  His hands moved to grab my hips, and he dragged me toward him the last few inches. He took a nipple in his mouth and looked up at me with those sparkling blue eyes while he sucked and licked my tender nipple. I hissed when he nipped at me and just as quickly gasped when he moved his finger to slide along my aching pussy. He caressed me and growled against my skin.

  “Damn, you’re wet. Mmhmm.”

  My head dropped back, and I released the bun to let my hair flow down my back. The sensation of the long, unruly strands tickling my freshly scrubbed skin made me sigh. Dylan stroked my pussy slowly, not in a hurry to get me off. I reveled in every sensation as heat and pleasure slowly coiled and built. The unrushed pace of his touch was hypnotic and sensual.

  When he dragged his fingers away, he sucked the tips into his mouth. “You taste so fucking sweet.”

  I gave him a shy smile but couldn’t think of what to say. Dylan made me feel beautiful and sexy. Something only he could do.

  “I’m going to want seconds, but first—” He stood up and dropped his shorts. I bit my lower lip as I studied his thick cock. I knew just how well he fit deep inside me, and my walls clenched and pulsed at the strong craving for him. “I want to see you on your knees.”

  I lowered to my knees and gently stroked his thick cock. He looked enormous in my small hand. I licked the tip and then ran my tongue underneath, making sure to give every inch special attention. Dylan groaned as I took him fully in my mouth, and he ran his fingers through my hair, gripping tautly at the nape of my neck. He guided my mouth, taking control of every motion as I sucked him off. His muscles tightened, and he grabbed my head and came inside my mouth. He panted and groaned as I finished him off, and my body was screaming for him.

  He pulled away and reached for me. He turned me so my back was to the bed and then lowered me down. “My turn,” he said with a grin. He dropped down and kissed his way up the inside of my thigh before setting it to rest on his broad shoulder.

  “You’re so fucking wet, baby.” He slipped his tongue up my pussy, licking up every drop. “Touch your pretty titties for me.”

  I arched back, dragging my fingers up my body. “Only for you.” I circled my nipples and pinched them lightly. Dylan groaned, and the sound vibrated up my tender lips and dragged a sharp gasp from me. “You make me feel sexy.”

  “You’ve never looked sexier, Emma. I mean it.” His breath was hot on the inside of my thighs. “I could fuck you all day and all night and still feel like I hadn’t had enough.”


  His reply came in the form of another swirl of his tongue around my clit. “I want to take my time, but I also can’t wait for more.”

  I smiled. “Rough life.”

  He chuckled softly against me. “Tell me, baby. Tell me how much you like me between these sweet thighs.”

  A moan slipped from my lips. “I like it a lot.”

  Dylan’s thick finger moved inside me, and I mov
ed my hips, demanding more. He took my cue and moved his fingertip to the sweet spot. Heaven. His fingers were heaven. And I knew he knew it.

  Each movement of his fingertip inside me drew me closer and closer. My hands flew from touching and caressing my breasts to digging into his bare shoulders. My pussy pulsed and taunted me, begging for release, but Dylan knew how to keep me hanging, wanting, needing to come.

  My body writhed and shook uncontrollably, and I cried out something unintelligible as my climax spiraled through me. He worked his fingers, milking every drop of juice out of me. The moans he let out and the grin on his face let me know he was enjoying this as much as I was.

  He finally moved back up on the bed and covered my body with his. I smiled when I found him hard as steel, his cock pressing impatiently against me. I stroked his hard on, and he shuddered. “You see what you do to me?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

  He kissed me slow, his tongue tangling with mine. Seconds before he entered me, he rolled us over so I was straddling his hips. Despite my jelly legs, I rode him hard and fast, relishing in every groan I was able to pull from him. He kept his eyes locked on mine as our pleasure built, only sliding close right before he lost himself inside me. The release sent me crashing over the edge, and my entire body thrashed and shuddered. I collapsed down onto Dylan’s chest, totally spent. His hands remained on my hips as we relaxed and melted together.

  I grinned and propped my chin on his chest. “Did you ever think this would happen? You and me, together like this.”

  Dylan moved his hands over my ass cheeks and up to the small of my back. “I didn’t think so, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it to. You have no idea how many times I jerked off thinking about fucking you one more time.”

  Even though we were still coated in sweat from being together his words made me blush.

  Dylan caught my flushed cheeks and smiled. He stroked my hair away from my face. “I’ll be a gentleman and won’t ask you the same question.”

  I laughed softly. “Yes, you’re very gentlemanly. That’s clearly your middle name.”


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