Dirty Lay

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by Lady Lissa



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  © 2015 Lady Lissa

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents


  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.


  I would like to thank Leo Sullivan and his team for inviting me into their family. I appreciate that you all have trusted me and are helping us to become more successful. I cannot thank the Leo Sullivan Productions team enough for everything.

  I wanna thank my mom, Mary who has stood by me from day one. When I was feeling down and discouraged, she willed me to write because she saw something in me that I hadn’t seen in myself yet. I wanna thank my kids (Shayla, Trinity and especially Jacori), for always giving me that push that I need to keep going. Thank my sister, Maureen for being a huge fan of our work from the day we dropped our first book. And I want to thank my tons and tons of friends for their continued love and support for both my son and I; I wish everyone could experience this kind of support. I also want to thank my oldest and dearest friend, Kathy Wiltz for her support, love and encouragement. She has been my best friend since kindergarten and all these years later we are still the best of friends.

  I also want to thank God because without Him, none of this would have ever been possible. He has been watching over me and my son Jacori since we began this ride and He has blessed us with so many great opportunities. I am so blessed and so grateful for everything God has helped us accomplish. Thank you all for everything and know that you are appreciated!!


  Lady Lissa


  If someone had told me two years ago that my life would have spiraled out of control this way, I would have thought they were bullshittin’ me. Never in a million years would I have expected things to turn out the way that they have. My name is Antoine Williams but my friends call me Ant; I’m 20 years old and I work offshore for an oil company. I make great money but I still live with my mom because I don’t want the responsibility of paying all those damn bills.

  I am a ladies man I guess you could say because I love women. I love the way they look, the way they smell, the way they walk, the way their hips move up and down when I’m grindin’ my dick into them. I just love women.

  Who knew that my love for women would get me caught up in some bullshit I wouldn’t be able to get out of. I would have laughed at the situation if it were anybody else, but it wasn’t happening to someone else; it was happening to me! So the shit wasn’t funny in the least! Seems like ever since I met this one chick shit could not go right for me, almost like she had some voodoo on a nigga, ya know.

  Until I met her I was enjoying life as a single man with a good job. I had two great friends who turned on me behind some fuckin’ bitches they couldn’t control. But nothing prepared me for the bullet I took that day! I mean can you believe someone would wanna shoot me, a tall, good looking, sexy Casanova like myself? Well sit back and let me tell you about all the shit that I have been dealing with for the last two years. I hope you ready because this is a rollercoaster ride that took ma black ass straight to hell!!


  Have you ever wanted to kill someone that you love so they could stop hurting you? Have you ever thought the world would be a better place without that person? Well that was my dilemma right about now; as much as I loved my baby daddy I also hated him. But did I have what it took to kill him? How far would you go to protect your feelings from someone who was your first love?

  All my life I grew up with my mom struggling to make ends meet as a single parent with three kids. Seeing what my mom had to go through to take care of me and my siblings, I swore that when I had kids I would be with their dad. I swore that no matter what I would raise my kids in a loving family with two working parents and they would never want for anything. Somehow things don’t always work out the way you plan. When I met Ant I just knew he was the one and I knew that he would father my kids and we would ride off into the sunset and be a happy family.

  If anyone had told me that I would have three kids with a deadbeat dad I would have told them they were crazy. But yet here I was a senior in high school and I was pregnant with twins and my son wasn’t even a year yet. I had yet to see a dime from that muthafucka that impregnated me and all I wanted to do was kill him. But how could I kill the man I loved, the man I wanted to love me and the man who was my kid’s father? Sit back and let me tell you the story of how I met Antoine Williams and the ride he took me on that had me wanting to do like Juvenile the rapper and SET IT OFF!!

  When I was in my sophomore year in high school I met the most gorgeous guy in the world. He was unlike any dude I had ever met before and he was older than me. I was walking down Canal Street window shopping with my best friend Caramel (yes that’s her real name and I don’t know what the fuck her mom was thinking) when we spotted three dudes coming off Bourbon Street. They were all tall, one was really good looking, one was aiight, and the third looked like cute and ugly mixed. I immediately took a liking to the really good looking one.

  “Hey Caramel you see those guys over there?” I asked her.

  “What guys?” Caramel asked turning her gaze from the window of Saks Fifth Avenue.

  I could tell from the expression on her face that she knew exactly what guys I was talking about. The guys were standing on the sidewalk on the corner of Bourbon Street talking. Then they turned and headed the opposite way from where we were.

  “C’mon, let’s go catch up to him. That one with the black Levi’s is sexy as hell,” I said.

  “What! I am not finna chase behind no nigga on Canal Street. You are out yo damn mind!” Caramel said.

  “Well fine, I’ll go alone then,” I said as I began to walk in their direction.

  I could hear Caramel huffing and puffing behind me and knew she was pissed. We had planned to go on the Riverwalk for two weeks but we couldn’t get a ride. My mom finally agreed to take us so here we were but I decided to switch up the plans a lil bit.

  “Man, we was supposed to go on the Riverwalk! My dad gave me $400 to shop and I wanna go shopping, plus we have to be ready for my mom to pick us up at 6 and you know she don’t like to be kept waiting,” Caramel whined.

  “I promise we will make it to the Riverwalk and finish shopping in time for your mom to pick us up. I just wanna talk to him for a lil bit. If he ain’t interested we gon go on the Riverwalk, pleeeeaassse,” I begged.

  “Fine, but if I don’t get to shop before my mom comes back, I will be pissed,” she said.

  As we made our way down the sidewalk trying to catch up to those dudes I had a better idea. We could walk pass them making sure to twist our hips extra hard so they would have to notice us. As we made our way around them, I made sure to turn my head and look up at him saying, “Excuse us please,” in my sexiest voice while giving him my sexiest smile.

  I knew they were looking when we heard whispers, snickers and then, “Shawty got a fat ass yo!”

  I wasn’t sure if they were referring to me or Caramel so we just kept walking. Caramel was starting to get into it so I couldn’t understand why she made such a big fuss about it before. She knew those two guys were our type. The tallest one looked to be around 19 and I knew my mom would throw a fit but he was so cute. He had braids that hung to his should
ers, pretty mocha skin, juicy lips, and two big ass diamond earrings in each ear so I knew he was ballin’. He stood about 6’2” and he had this swag about him that made my heart race so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest.

  “Hey Shawty,” we heard one of them say but we kept walking.

  “Yo Shawty, a nigga talkin’ to you,” we heard again so we turned around.

  “Who you talkin’ to?” I asked.

  “I’m talkin’ ta yo ass, what’s good wit you and ya girl?” the tall sexy one asked.

  “We was finna go to Popeye’s get us something to drink and then head on over to the Riverwalk,” I said.

  “Oh okay, me and my boys wanna know can we chill wit y’all,” he asked with that Southern drawl I love.

  “Uh, we don’t know y’all like dat!” I said and turned around. Caramel gave me this sideways glance that said what the fuck but I knew what I was doing.

  “Aye Shawty,” he called touching my wrist. “How you gon get to know us if you keep acting like dat?”

  “What yo name is? You sure are bold grabbing my wrist and all!” I said.

  “I’m Antoine but you can call me Ant, this ma boy Shine and dat nigga there is Luke. So what’s y’all names?” Ant asked.

  “I’m Shaniqua and this my girl Caramel,” I said.

  “Caramel huh? Do you taste like caramel Shawty?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t know since I’m not in the habit of tasting myself,” Caramel said rolling her eyes.

  “Well excuse me,” Luke said.

  “Can I taste you and find out?” Shine asked walking all in Caramel’s space.

  Caramel took a step back and said, “I don’t know you Boy!”

  “Boy? I got your boy, you wanna meet him?” he asked while grabbing his dick.

  I couldn’t help but notice Caramel look to where his hand was and she seemed to smile when she saw the imprint in his pants. I guess she liked what she saw. But she wasn’t gon make it that easy for him.

  “I don’t know you Boy, dats what I said,” Caramel said.

  “Well Sha-ni-qua can a nigga chill wit you?” Ant asked me.

  “I promised my girl that we was gon spend da day together shopping on the Riverwalk so maybe some other time,” I said trying to act uninterested.

  “Well how you know I don’t wanna come shopping too? Maybe I wanna buy yo pretty ass a lil sum sum,” Ant told me.

  “Oh is dat right?” I asked.

  “Yea, dat is right,” he said flashing his diamond grill.

  Until he did that I had not noticed that shit in his mouth. All I could think was, “dis nigga definitely got bank, shiiiiddd and his ass sexy too. Hell yea he can roll with us!”

  So I said, “Well if you insist.”

  So we all made our way to the Riverwalk, totally forgetting about Popeye’s, as I talked with Ant while Caramel and Shine continued to bicker. I could tell right away that they liked each other. Caramel always argued with people she liked as a way of trying to make them think she didn’t like them. But I knew better; she wanted him.


  I did not expect to be attracted to this young chick. I knew she was younger than I was but I couldn’t stop my mind and my body from wanting to get with her. As we made our way towards the Riverwalk I finally had to ask the question I needed the answer to.

  “How old are you ladies?” I asked.

  “I will be 16 in two weeks and Caramel is 16,” Shaniqua said.

  “Dayyuuummm! Lawd!! Ya’ll still in high school?” Shine asked.

  “Yea I will be a junior next year,” Shaniqua said.

  “And what about you?” Shine asked Caramel.

  “I will be a senior,” Caramel responded.

  “Wow! I didn’t know y’all were that young,” Ant said.

  “Is that a problem? How old are y’all?” Shaniqua asked.

  “Older than y’all lil asses!” Shine said.

  “DUH! Ain’t nobody asked y’all dat. I asked how old y’all are?” Shaniqua asked again as she looked at us with her hand on her hip twisting her neck. Damn that shit turned me on; I loved a chick with some sass.

  “You got a smart mouth huh Shawty? I’ma hafta put that in check, but anyway I’m 20,” Ant said.

  “And I’m 19,” Shine said.

  “I’m about to be 18,” responded Luke as the girls turned to him and smiled.

  “Oh kay, anyway so what, you don’t wanna chill now?” Shaniqua asked.

  “Yea we can still chill Shawty but I just don’t want nobody mama calling the po po on ma ass, ya heard me,” Antoine said.

  “Ain’t nobody gon call no po po, shit we just chillin, damn!” Caramel said.

  “Damn y’all got some lil attitudes, shit!” Shine said.

  As we made our way to the entrance of the shopping center, we walked in silence.

  “Where y’all wanna go first?” Shine asked.

  “Oh y’all still wanna chill wit us? I thought we was too young fa y’all,” Shaniqua said.

  I ain’t gon lie, I started to walk away from Shawty but she was fine and I kinda liked her lil attitude. I was gon tame her lil ass though because even though I liked it, she needed to check that shit when she was with me. She was about 5’6”, a light brown skin complexion, she had small hips that connected to a nice firm lil ass. Only thing I had a problem with were her boobs; they were kinda small but enough to fill my mouth so I was gon work wit her. They had this saying that the more you play wit’em (breasts) the bigger they get so I was gon give’em enough attention to find out if dat shit was true. The other chick was a bit taller with skin as smooth as caramel (I guessed that was why her mom named her that shit) and she and a nice shape too but she wasn’t my type. And they both had weave hanging down their backs. I loved to run my fingers though chicks hair and hated when I hit those fuckin’ speed bumps, so if me and shawty was gon chill, she was gon hafta get with the natural locks. Fuck all dat fake shit!

  “Yea y’all young but shiiiiddd, you fine as fuck so we good,” I said looking at her ass.

  She punched me playfully in the arm, “Shut up!” she said laughing.

  We walked and talked throughout the area, then got something to eat from the food court and sat on the deck to eat. We were walking pass the Coach store when I suggested we go inside.

  “What you like in here?” I asked Shaniqua.

  “Hey Boo!” Danayja came running up to me like her ass was on fire and gave me a hug.

  “Hey Danayja, what’s good witcha Ma?” I asked her.

  “Work and school, what’s up with you? I ain’t heard from you in forever. I miss you!” she said.

  “You miss me? How you miss me?” I asked her. I took this chick on one date and she invited me to her apartment to chill so I went. I still remember that night like it was yesterday.

  After she practically begged me to take her out I finally agreed. We went eat to Joe’s Crab Shack and to the movies to watch “Into the Storm.” She wanted to go watch some romantic movie but I was not trying to romance her ass so I chose the other movie. After the movie when we were on the ride home I started smelling this lil icky smell, sorta like cocoa butter and fish. I didn’t know what it was so I paid it no mind.

  I pulled up in front of her apartment and she asked me did I wanna come up. I was gonna say no but decided to see what she was talkin’ bout so I agreed. She unlocked and opened the door to her apartment and we went inside. She asked did I want something to drink and I said I was good. She excused herself to slip into something “more comfortable” so I turned on the television. She came out with this lil red negligee and soon as she swung her ass my way there was that smell I was sensing in the truck.

  “Hey yo are you on your period?” I asked turning up my nose.

  “No, why do you ask?” she smiled.

  “Cause you got a strange smell coming from under that lil gown you keep twistin’ in front ma face,” I said.

  She laughed like I had said somet
hing funny but it was a nervous laugh; you know the kind where you know what that person talkin’ bout but you tryna play stupid.

  “Excuse me!” she said putting her hand on her chest in a surprised dramatic fashion.

  “I’m just saying yo, if that’s you smelling like that, something ain’t right with yo pussy yo!” I yelled as I got up off the sofa.

  “What the fuck you mean?” she asked.

  “Man are you so used to dat smell that you can’t tell something wrong with yo shit? I bet when you pull yo panties down them thangs dirty! I ain’t finna stick ma dick in dat pussy!” I said.

  “Why are you being mean?” she cried.

  “I’m not but something is seriously wrong with yo insides, fa real yo! Yo shit fucked up! You need ta make an appointment to get that shit checked! Just the fact that you don’t smell it lets me know you been smellin’ that shit for way too long yo!” I said as I made my way towards the door.

  “Where are you going? I thought we was gonna chill!” she continued to cry.

  I looked at her as she threw a tantrum like a two year old and couldn’t believe this chick thought I was gonna still sit and chill with her. My nose was starting to burn because she kept moving and I guess her pussy was getting hot or something. I don’t know but something wasn’t right with that pussy.

  “Chill? You know what? I think you’re a really nice chick but you need to take care of yo pussy yo. You got a sick kitty so take care of that shit and then maybe we can chill,” I said patting her on her head.

  I opened the door to leave and she asked, “Can I have a kiss at least?”

  This chick had some real shit with her! I didn’t even bother to respond as I chose to just walk the fuck up outta there. I don’t care if she had that pussy sanitized by HazMat she was never gonna catch me here again!

  And now here she was smiling in my face and flirting like we were best friends. Something was definitely wrong with homegirl; she had a few screws loose or something but she wasn’t right.


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