The Silence of Six

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The Silence of Six Page 22

by E. C. Myers

  The second hacker didn’t stand. He spoke up in a soft, depressed voice that reminded Max of Eeyore. “Hey, Five-Oh-Three. I’m GroundSloth.”

  GroundSloth! Evan hadn’t had a good photo of him, but he knew the heavyset man was thirty-three and named Oliver Morton, even though his badge identified him as Austin Rhodes.

  PHYREWALL was from Cleveland, Ohio, and GroundSloth was from Syracuse, New York. Did they work here all the time, or were they just in town for Haxx0rade?

  “It’s weird to meet in person.” Max shook their hands.

  Sweat pooled on his upper lip and he felt his mask sliding down his forehead. He grabbed it from the bottom and started to lift. He paused, eyeing the others. There was no point in hiding his face here—they all knew who he really was, thanks to the news. Still, anticipation and anxiety over what he was about to do made his pulse quicken.

  Max pulled off the mask. The cool air felt good on his bare face. He slicked his damp hair back.

  He looked at 0MN1 expectantly, but his host made no move to follow suit.

  “Pretty ballsy to come here, with everyone in the world after you,” PHYREWALL said.

  “If any place is safe for him, it’s here,” 0MN1 said. “We’re all wanted by the Feds. We protect our own.”

  “Is that right? What about Infiltraitor, @sskicker, and L0NELYB0Y?” Max asked.

  “No one knows what happened to them,” 0MN1 said.

  “L0NELYB0Y’s holed up in the woods somewhere. Living off the land,” PHYREWALL said.

  0MN1 shot him a warning look.

  “Well, that’s what I heard,” PHYREWALL said.

  “Evan doxxed everyone in Dramatis Personai. Those guys aren’t just ‘offline.’” Max said. “They’re dead.”

  PHYREWALL laughed.

  “What’s funny about that?” Max asked.

  “He couldn’t have doxxed everyone,” PHYREWALL said.

  “He doxxed you, Nat,” Max said.

  PHYREWALL froze.

  “Nat?” GroundSloth chuckled.

  “It’s not as nice a name as Oliver, is it?”

  GroundSloth’s jaw went slack.

  “Evan knew the identities of the other members of Dramatis Personai, and he found out about the ones that died under mysterious circumstances. Other people too. Did any of you know Ariel Miller? She was a hacker who worked here just like you, and coincidentally, she’s dead too,” Max said.

  PHYREWALL turned to 0MN1. “Was she that cute redhead?”

  “Panjea employs a lot of hackers,” 0MN1 said.

  PHYREWALL sat down at his computer and typed. “Damn. He’s right.”

  PHYREWALL’s screen showed the same article that Evan had copied into Ariel’s file. But Max was much more interested in what was next to PHYREWALL’s computer: a small silver globe mounted on a circular base.

  He slowly moved to PHYREWALL’s side, pretending to look at the article. The surface of the globe was covered in faint lines—broken into puzzle shapes. The word PANJEA was printed across it, but the piece marked with the N was missing. Max had to get a closer look at it. It might just be a paperweight, but he was willing to bet that Ariel had one just like it.

  “Ariel was killed six months ago,” PHYREWALL said.

  “That hit-and-run was intentional. She was targeted,” Max said. “Murdered.”

  PHYREWALL was visibly shaken. He looked at 0MN1. “Did you know about this?”

  “Max, can we talk somewhere more private?” 0MN1 gestured to a long conference table by the window, right below the last A in Panjea. Max nodded and followed him.

  “Have a seat,” 0MN1 said.

  Max ignored him and headed for the window. He looked down to the street below and saw three black cars line up across from where Risse was parked. On cue, his phone buzzed in his pocket, but he couldn’t look at it now. Instead, he studied 0MN1’s reflection in the glass.

  “Did STOP dox me too?” 0MN1 asked.

  “No, but I can make an educated guess. You’re the only member of Dramatis Personai he didn’t identify, and you’re also the one who has been acting like he’s in charge—even though the group isn’t supposed to have a leader. Considering DP’s stance against big corporations, namely Panjea’s competitors, I’m willing to bet you’re the person in charge here. Victor.”

  0MN1 tilted his head. Then he pulled off his mask. Victor Ignacio took a deep breath. “Why don’t we start again? Hi, Max. I’m Vic Ignacio. It’s good to meet face-to-face.”

  Max felt a little lightheaded. He’d been pretty sure that Vic Ignacio and 0MN1 were the same person, but it had still felt like a gamble, which had paid off. 0MN1 could have kept his mask on and laughed it off, so why had he finally revealed himself?

  “Did you mean all that stuff you said in your speech?” Max asked.

  “Did I sound like I meant it?”


  “That’s what matters.” Vic pushed his hood back and rubbed the top of his bald head. “You might be surprised to hear this, but I’m glad you figured out who I am.”


  “I hate wearing masks. You can’t speak in these things.” Vic laughed.

  Max allowed a thin smile, humoring Vic.

  “Truthfully? I like surrounding myself with smart people. It’s how I’ve become so successful.” Vic winked. “Our little secret.”

  “Online you were very interested in knowing if Evan had sent me anything before he died,” Max said.

  Vic had taken off his mask, but it was like he was still wearing one. Max knew what a strain it was to put up a front for others, in order to get people to like you or help you. That pasted-on smile never left the CEO’s face, but his eyes betrayed that Max had his attention.

  “Maybe you were worried about some e-mails about your selling Panjea data to Kevin Sharpe, and that you’re basically working for the government?”

  Vic blinked. “Max, you have it wrong.” He sounded almost disappointed.

  “You’re a big fan of transparency. Let’s see what happens when I release those files and we let the public decide,” Max said.

  Max’s phone vibrated again, twice in quick succession. He could feel the urgency behind the messages, but Penny and Risse were on their own for now.

  “That’s not what I’m interested in,” Vic said.

  “What about SH1FT?” Max said.

  Vic paused, calculating. Then he came to a decision.

  “You have the code?” Vic asked.

  “I know where it is.”

  “It’s stolen property.”

  “Come on. That means nothing to a hacker. The theft didn’t harm anyone, and information belongs to everyone, right? And so does the truth.”

  “I wouldn’t say no one was harmed by its loss,” Vic said.

  Max felt a chill. “Are you admitting murder?”

  “I didn’t kill anyone,” Vic said.

  “But you knew people were being killed.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “You knew Ariel’s death wasn’t an accident. Maybe you were even the one who sent the order to remove evidence of her employment with Panjea. But whoever you sent missed something.” Max flashed the puzzle piece. Vic’s mask finally slipped and he showed genuine surprise.

  “Whether you killed them or just let it happen, it’s all the same result. My friend is gone, and six others are dead.”

  “Evan’s death was his own choice. I didn’t pull that trigger. But I’ll make you the same offer I made him, and I hope things will turn out differently this time.”

  Vic put his hand inside the pocket of his hoodie. Max readied himself to fight or bolt.

  Vic removed his hand and showed . . . a phone.

  He held it up and pointed it at Max, as if he knew what he was thinking.

>   “These days this can be much more powerful and devastating than a gun.” Vic turned and aimed his phone at the fifty-inch monitor on the wall. He pressed a button and the screen lit up. A series of video windows appeared. The first one showed Max’s dad talking on his phone. The second showed Courtney in her bedroom walking past the camera in a bathrobe. The third showed Lianna Stein in an office, typing.


  Max took a step forward. He hadn’t seen his mother since he was five years old, but he recognized her immediately. Her black hair was shoulder length now and she was wearing glasses, but it was her. The woman who had virtually disappeared. How had Vic tracked her down, when Max and even Evan had failed to?

  The images froze.

  “When I ask you about SH1FT again, I want you to think about your friends and family, Max,” Vic said.

  Max tore his eyes away from the video image of his mother. If Vic knew how important it was for Max to find her, he would make Max a deal he might not be able to refuse.

  Max looked out the window again. Four FBI agents in black vests were hurrying from their cars toward the building. At least they didn’t seem to notice the car Risse was waiting in.

  Max’s heart was pounding. He wasn’t sure which fate was worse: getting picked up by the Feds, or being stuck here with Vic.

  The CEO switched the screen to a security feed from the Panjea lobby. The agents were walking inside.

  “Right now, this is the safest place you could be. If you help me recover the software Evan stole, I’ll consider you a temporary employee of Panjea, with all the protection that offers. When I have what I need, I’ll do what I can to clear your name and send you home to the people you love, safe and sound.”

  “And if I don’t help?”

  “I could let those agents take you. They have a lot of questions about Evan and your history as 503-ERROR.” Vic put his phone away. “Sabotaging private websites through DDoS attacks is very illegal. I’ll get what I want. One way or another.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Max said.

  “Think quickly.”

  Max heard a phone buzz, but this time it wasn’t his. Vic pulled his phone out again and answered.

  “Keep her there. I’ll be right down,” Vic said.


  “Don’t go anywhere, Max. I’ll be right back to hear your answer.” Vic pointed at the screen then grabbed his mask and hurried away, leaving one of his Cylon guards behind to watch Max.


  Max pressed his face against the glass andlooked down onto Folsom Street, three stories down. Three 25-foot stories. Even if he could get this window open, that was too far a drop to work as an escape route, no matter how desperate he was.

  Max opened HackerAid on his phone. He searched for Penny’s handle, ^vengerGurl. She was still in the basement.

  Max headed back towards the workstations. The guard didn’t try to stop him; he just trailed a few steps behind so Max knew he was there. Max spun around and stared him down. Hard to tell with the visor, but the guard seemed startled. He gave Max a little more space, but he held his hand on his holstered Taser.

  Max doubted the guard would let him leave the floor, or sit down at an empty computer and upload the modified SH1FT program. Max had to figure out how to shake him and complete his mission.

  There was a stairwell past the workstations in the far corner of the floor, but that door was being watched too—not by a Haxx0rade Cylon, but by a man built like a linebacker and dressed as a Secret Service agent, minus the official lapel pin. Another equally large man in a matching suit was stationed in front of the elevator.

  Vic had his own security goons?

  PHYREWALL and GroundSloth were still working at their desks. Max had a copy of SH1FT on the USB drive around his neck, but he didn’t think he could convince them to install it on the server. Despite their doubts, they seemed loyal to Vic and Panjea, and they didn’t have any reason to trust Max.

  He had to change that.

  He approached the hackers, unsure of what they were going to say or do. They eyed him warily.

  “So. Vic’s 0MN1,” Max said. “I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Isn’t he great?” GroundSloth said.

  “Meh. He’s a script kiddie,” PHYREWALL said.

  Interesting. Not everyone liked Vic after all.

  “You mean he isn’t really a hacker?” Max asked.

  “He thinks he is, but he’s not a very good one,” PHYREWALL said. “He’s great at recruiting though. He may not be able to code on his own, but he knows how to get the best to work for Panjea. STOP was a good guy. You’d be a good addition to the team.”

  “Not sure he wants me for the team, or that I want to join. Does Vic always keep a guard on you?” Max asked.

  “I thought they were here for you,” GroundSloth said. “What happened over there?”

  “Vic gave me his best sales pitch. I’m still trying to make up my mind. Panjea has a great salary and benefits, but there’s that tiny chance of being murdered,” Max said.

  “What are you talking about?” PHYREWALL said.

  “If Vic didn’t order the death of Ariel and your Dramatis Personai friends, then he helped set them up. He’s the only person other than Evan who knew who they all were in real life, and the only one with any power. If he wants to stop them from telling the world that Panjea’s crooked, he knows people in high places who can make that happen.”

  “I don’t believe it. Vic’s not like that,” PHYREWALL said.

  “Hey, what’s that thing?” Max pointed at the silver globe on PHYREWALL’s desk.

  “Why do you care?” GroundSloth said, an edge in his voice.

  “It would make a great souvenir. Does the gift shop have them? Does Panjea have a gift shop?” Max asked.

  “PHYREWALL,” GroundSloth said.

  PHYREWALL picked up the globe and put it in his desk drawer.

  “What about this?” Max asked. He held up Ariel’s puzzle piece. PHYREWALL’s eyebrows shot up and he frantically patted his pocket. He pulled out another puzzle piece and relaxed for a moment.

  “Where did you get that?” GroundSloth reached for it, but Max yanked his hand back.

  “Ariel had it,” Max said.

  “She couldn’t have. Vic only gives these to . . . well, us.” PHYREWALL exchanged a glance with GroundSloth. “If Ariel had one, she must have been working on something important. Something we don’t know about.” He looked like he was going to be sick.

  “And if she betrayed his trust by revealing something about Panjea . . . ?” Max said.

  “Vic wouldn’t take it well,” said PHYREWALL.

  Max pocketed Ariel’s puzzle piece. He caught GroundSloth watching him closely.

  “Ariel wasn’t in Dramatis Personai, but she turned to the group for help, six months ago. She logged in to the forum as ‘dinglehopper,’” Max said. “Two weeks later, she was dead.”

  “Oh shit,” PHYREWALL said. “That was her?”

  “She didn’t know 0MN1 was her boss, but he obviously figured out who she was. You said he recruits lots of hackers. He—”

  A loud alarm started ringing. Strobe lights flashed.

  “What’s that?” asked Max.

  PHYREWALL groaned. “Fire alarm.”

  “Again? I’m just going to stay here and keep working,” GroundSloth said.

  “Does this happen often?” Max asked.

  “Like once a month. It’s an old building. We have to evacuate,” PHYREWALL said.

  “Fine.” GroundSloth heaved himself out of his chair with a long sigh. He held onto his desk unsteadily.

  Max followed them to the emergency stairs. The faux-Secret Service agents waited until he had gone through the door, then followed him down.

  Shoot, Max thought. Now he had t
hree guards following him. He had to get away from these guys.

  He got his chance when they went down the stairs and people from the second floor jammed into the stairwell. The stream of hackers pushed their way in, oblivious to the people around them because their masks were limiting their vision, or maybe because they just cared about saving themselves. Within seconds, Max was cut off from the others.

  Now or never.

  He pulled off his badge, tucked it into the hood of someone ahead of him, ducked down and curled into a ball near the wall. People kicked him on their way down, shoved and cursed at him.

  He waited until he thought PHYREWALL and GroundSloth and the guards had passed him. Then he popped up and elbowed his way back up the stairs.

  After he passed the second floor landing, the stairs were clear. He kept going up, stumbling over his flip-flops until he finally kicked them off and went barefoot. He burst back on to the third floor and bolted down the side aisle.

  He slid to a halt when he found the cubicle with the axe. He grabbed it. The prop felt solid and real. It wasn’t sharp, but it could do some damage. He grabbed the red fire warden hat as well and put it on.

  Max looked at the computer terminals in the center of the floor. This was his chance to install SH1FT. But the distraction of the fire alarm wouldn’t go on for much longer. If Penny was in trouble, he had to find her and get them both out of there and past the FBI. But he wasn’t going to leave empty-handed.

  Max hurried to PHYREWALL’s desk and tried the drawer. Unlocked. He slid it open, nabbed the globe, then jammed the fist-sized object into his messenger bag. It was lighter than it looked, like it was hollow.

  As he slid the drawer closed, he caught a glimpse of silver at the bottom. He reached in and came up with another puzzle piece that had been stuck to the inside of the metal drawer. This one was marked with an N where the piece had been removed from the globe.

  Max dropped the puzzle piece into his pocket. He felt it click and latch with Ariel’s.

  Finally, he checked HackerAid on his phone. Most of the dots, hackers and staff alike, were moving toward the exits around the main floor—including the one labeled as him. He thumbed down to the lower level and saw a red dot in a basement conference room. ^venger Gurl. Penny.


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