The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5)

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The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5) Page 24

by Tigris Eden

  A large hand slapped him over the shoulder and Enri turned, ready to kill the person who dare touch him. When his eyes met chest, and he looked up—way up—he realized who was standing before him. Tahl.

  “Enri, you owe me a new doorman.”

  “Lebron was being a dick,” was all Enri said in response.

  “You’ve come seeking answers?”

  Tahl wasn’t a product of his creation. Enri knew that he was before. Older, perhaps, than even Erebos, himself. Maybe even a sibling. But Tahl had always been in his life, one way or another. Even before he’d had his memories taken from him, Tahl was there.

  “You want to tell me why you’ve given them sanctuary?”

  Tahl held Enri’s eyes when he spoke, “I don’t answer to anyone, boy—you, of all people, should understand that. Especially now. Everything is as it should be, or is going to be, for now.”

  “You’re still a giant dick.”

  “And you’re still a half-cocked fuck up who likes to make people’s lives hell.”

  He couldn’t argue that, but he had his reasons.

  “I’m sure you know—or if you don’t, you suspect—Aurora is no longer bringing down the Sun.”

  “I’d noticed. Business has been good as a result. Although the lower level demons and immortals refuse to come to my club as a direct result of having them here.”

  Tahl looked over his shoulder at the deities. There was a mixture of four generations all converging in one area. The only person he did not see in attendance was Hades.

  “I know you’re not a product of my doing.”

  Tahl laughed. “Thanks for noticing. But you’ve always known I was something more.”

  “Fine, I’ll give you that, but now I need some advice.”

  Tahl raised a brow. “The great Lord Chaos comes seeking my advice? No, seriously? Someone bear witness to this. Anyone?”

  “Fuck you, Tahl.”

  “Not interested. What is it you need advice on?”

  “A female.”

  “A female?” Tahl asked incredulously.

  “Did I fucking stutter?” Enri growled before crossing his arms over his chest. Tahl not taking him seriously pissed him off. His skin was getting tight, and when that happened, he was seconds away from total bloodshed.

  “This is some funny shit, I’ll have to admit, I’m the last person I expected you to seek out for advice about females.”

  “You’re the only person I would confide in about this.”

  “Well, I’m not the only one. Like you, I’m everywhere. I already know what you did, and so does your father—who’s laughing his ass off by the way.”

  “Fuck him.”

  “I’ll tell him you said hello.”

  “What you should be telling him is that I’m coming for my throne. Not his. Mine.”

  “First, you’ll need to live to fight another day, boy. But back to this female, Yewa. I’ve seen the two of you together, and I will say I never expected this of you. I thought the plan was to use her and lose her.”

  That had been idea. But somewhere along the way, things got fucked. Seriously fucked. He’d literally gone back to tell her the best way to get into Hades undetected, but when he’d heard her defending him to her brothers and his friends, he’d been stunned. No one had stood up for him before. Vouched for his character. She was wrong, of course; people would die. But he was trying to give her a leg up so she’d make it out alive. Even if she were the only one to survive.

  Royce had been right—he could have easily gone to Tartaros and confronted Hades. But what would be the fun in that? He wanted the man humiliated and brought to him. To see the look of defeat on his face would bring Enri true joy.

  “It was the initial plan. Things change.”

  “All the time,” Tahl said.

  “I left her in her bed, and I want to go back.”

  “So go. You can do that, and do the other things you need to do simultaneously; I don’t see what the problem is.”

  “I can’t. When I’m with her, I’m fully with her. It’s the craziest thing ever. I know it’s not the Blood-Kiss either. I could have easily detached myself. I barely have a soul left to shred anyway.”

  “Well, the only advice I can offer you is to know what you’re getting into and what you’re willing to sacrifice, because this struggle is far from over.”

  “Sacrifice? Haven’t I made enough already?”

  “You don’t know what true sacrifice is Enri, and I’m afraid that when you do learn that lesson, all of this”—Tahl looked out over the dance floor—“will be gone.”

  Enri felt like he was talking to one of the Fates. “I need to stay here a couple of days.”

  “You don’t have a couple of days. The Defiant Ones have woken. I’ve done what I can to prolong the inevitable, but it will happen, Enri. Things have already been set into motion.”

  “Do you know anything about the Sahidic or the cup?”

  “I know plenty. More than most. Why?”

  “Well, I’m supposed to be the one to drink from it. You know about that? Or better yet, how this came about?”

  “Lord Chaos, have you forgotten all that I’ve taught you?”

  Apparently, he’d forgotten a lot. But who could fault him? He’d been around since the dawn of time. Literally.

  “I’m in.” Royce slapped his hand down on the table to emphasize how unhappy he was about the decision. Enri hadn’t shown when called. Nothing new, really. The guy was a douchebag and a half.

  “In for what?”

  “You gave me two hours, and I still couldn’t come up with a different solution. At least none that made sense. I’ll go with you. But I have conditions.”

  Draven sat back in his chair and pulled in a deep breath. “What kind of conditions?”

  “Leave Jes behind with Caleb and Faith. It will just be me, you, Dietrich, Yewa, and Ann. Although, I prefer if Dietrich didn’t come, either.”

  “I can’t let you decide who comes and goes. Jesminda has made it perfectly clear—she is going with me. To tell her no, now, would be a huge blowout. I plan on having serious play time with her later, and you are not going to disrupt that.”

  “Why don’t you think about what you just said? Whether you want to admit it or not, you know we’re going into a foul and fucked up situation. At least your wolf knows it. Your animal side is trying to leave its mark. Why do you think that is? We do missions all the time, but none of them are this dangerous. And really, do you want to leave Faith and little Caleb without their mother and father?”

  Draven growled.

  “I’m only speaking the truth. A truth you’re too stupid to own up to.”

  “You have just as much to lose as I do,” Draven grunted.

  Yeah, he knew that, which was why he was going, and not his brother. He’d done way too much shit in the past that he needed to make amends with, when it came to Ronin. If someone was going to give their life so others could live theirs, it was going to be him.

  “No shit. You figure that out all on your own? I know—which is why I’m the only one going. If something happens to me, Ronin can pick up the pieces. He’ll be there for the twins and for Bells. Me, I’m a fuck up through and through. I wouldn’t know what to say or do to make the situation better. Everyone is always worried about how Ronin will react in certain situations. You think I don’t know what people are saying?” Royce tapped his head. “Remember, we can read all your thoughts. Who you all should have been concerned about is me. I’m the true beast. I’m the one that has the darker tastes. If my brother died and you came back alive, I’d end your life. No questions asked. And before you try and cut me down, or wolf out on me, understand I love you, Draven. Besides Ronin, you’re the closest thing I have to a brother. But now I have a family, and I’m going to fight for this, even if I don’t fucking agree with it.”

  “You finished spewing your bullshit?” Draven growled.

  “Yeah, I’m done.”

  “I’ll agree to your terms. I’ll even see to it that Dietrich stays. It will be me, you, and the two females. I know Dietrich is going to have my head for this, but I know if we have the girl with us, we can use her as leverage.”

  That’s exactly what Royce had been thinking. Enri had come to Yewa’s bed in the middle of the night, and the reason he knew was because she’d not washed the male’s scent from her body. Everyone knew, but no one said anything.

  “Good. When do we leave?”

  “Gabe is getting us the logistics now. He and Xee both agreed they should handle things topside, and Hawke will give the assist. We leave in a few hours.”

  Royce gave a sharp nod to Draven. He only had a few hours to enjoy his family. Ronin wasn’t going to like it, but his brother would deal. Belinda would be pissed, but he was going to leave her in the dark for now. The only thing he had on his mind was seeing his son and his daughter, and spending time with his mate. He had a really fucked up feeling. Someone wasn’t coming home, and it could very well be him. He wasn’t about to waste time prepping for what he knew was coming. He was going to spend his last hours with the people that meant the most to him.


  Yewa felt an overwhelming amount of dread creeping into her system as she stood in front of Draven and watched as her brother broke not one, but every chair in the war room. He was livid.

  “My sister stays here if I don’t go.”

  “Not going to happen. She’s already agreed.”

  Dietrich stalked over to her, his chest heaving, his eyes blazing with anger. “You. Are. Staying. The. Fuck. Here!” He roared in her face.

  Her limbs shook. Omari was the last person she wanted to disappoint. Her brother cared deeply for her, she understood that, but he angered easily. They might not return from this leg of the journey, and she would be of use to them if she were there to heal the wounded. She’d been so sure Enri wouldn’t send them to do the impossible. That somehow, he had some type of inside information he’d have yet to share. But he never came through. He’d visited her in her quarters, taken use of her body, and left.

  He’d essentially done what every other man had done to her in the past. Even if she had given her consent. He’d used her. Freely and without remorse. Then he’d left her.

  “I’m going.”

  “You’re not!”

  “Dietrich, stop trying to baby her. She’s a grown-ass woman,” Xee said.

  The look on her brother’s face was murderous. “Stay out of this, bitch.”

  “Who you calling a bitch?”

  “You. I don’t see your ass volunteering to go.”

  Gabe, the Angel of Death, stood from his chair and walked to Xee, pulling her into his arms, while she glared daggers at Yewa’s brother.

  “Watch how you talk to her. I get you’re upset, but you don’t have to take it out on her.”

  “Fuck you all. I only stayed here and helped so I could get my sister back. Now that I have her, I don’t need this shit. You’re not taking her, and that’s final. You’ll have to go through me to do it.”

  “And me.” This came from NuNu, with Jacobi taking his back.

  “I have to say, I agree with Dietrich. I’m not letting Yewa go either.” Adam was friendly, or at least she hoped he was. He’d been nothing but kind to her when they’d wandered through the village back in France.

  Yewa gave him a tentative smile.

  “I appreciate that, Adam, Omari—all of you, really—but I’ve already made the decision. We need Enri to drink from the cup. Draven’s right. The only way for that to happen is if we do what he asks, and by doing what he asks, he’ll have no choice but to honor his words.”

  At least she’d hoped he would.

  His word had meant something to him, and she hoped it would continue to be the case. Because if not, then—like Jorunn had said—all would be lost.

  “He will need you.”


  “Yes, it is I.”

  Some of her trepidation drained at the sound of Ekho’s voice. She was curious to know if she’d spoken with Enri since their time apart.

  “I have. But now I am here with you. Reminding you of your promise.”

  “Yes, I said I would help him. I will.”


  Then Ekho was gone thrusting her back into the yelling taking place on her behalf.

  “Gabe, what the fuck did your angel brethren say?”

  “They are silent on this issue.”

  “Of course they are, because it benefits them in no way,” Dietrich tossed out.

  “Dietrich, you need to calm down.” Jorunn was standing next to him, and placed a hand on his arm. He jerked from her hold with such force it sent her crashing into the wall.

  “Omari, you must stop this now. You’ve hurt your mate.” Yewa admonished.

  Dietrich looked to Jorunn, whose back was against the wall. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears as she looked on at her mate. The man who was supposed to love her, not harm her.

  “Baby,” he whispered then. “I’m sorry.” He walked over to where she stood and pulled her into his arms. Jorunn went willingly, burying her head in his chest, and Yewa ached to have Enri hold her like that. Soothe her in that manner. But it wasn’t something he was capable of. He may never be capable of that kind of kindness.

  “If she wants to go, let her. We need this, Dietrich. Everyone needs this,” Jorunn pleaded.

  Yewa’s brother gave a curt nod of his head as he wrapped his arms around Jourunn tighter. He looked at everyone in the room, his brown eyes cold and unfeeling as he zeroed in on Draven.

  “You are not going to like what happens if you return without my sister.” With Jorunn in his arms, he turned, guiding them out of the room.

  “Yewa, we will make sure you come back,” Draven asserted in a grave voice.

  “I’m not worried about whether I return. I want to help.”

  “We appreciate that,” Jes said as she stood next, taking Yewa’s hand. “Your brother has every right to be upset. I feel the same way. We all have something to lose if this doesn’t go well.”

  Jes was right. Everyone had something to lose, and if Yewa could be of help in any way, she would. Even if she had to give her life for another. She’d do it. Not because she was tired of living, but because it was who she was as a person. A healer. She’d never brought anyone back from true death before, but she’d do everything in her power to ensure she could.

  “Thank you Jes, it means a lot to me.”

  Jes gave her hand a squeeze before walking over to Draven, who was the only one sitting at the table.

  “Yewa, we’re all headed to the game room to watch some television. Something funny.” NuNu said, gesturing towards the doorway. The others were all leaving, as well.

  “I could watch some television,” Yewa said smiling.

  “Good deal. Cheer up buttercup, you’re in good hands. Royce is a badass.”

  “Is he?”

  “Yeah,” NuNu whispered. “I heard he and his brothers eat brains and shit, and that they Hulk the fuck out—like, for real. Minus the green, of course.”

  “Hulk out?”

  NuNu looked at her as if she should know what he was talking about.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve never seen the Hulk movies.”

  Shaking her head, she followed him out into the hall. “Oh, hell. We must get you a movication. You need to be properly educated on all things trending. Follow me, little one, and I’ll take you on a magical carpet ride of awesome.”

  That made her laugh. NuNu led them to the game room where the others were lounging. Draven and his mate weren’t there; nor were the twins or Belinda. Her brother was there, as was Jorunn. Adam and Hawke were there, and some of the other members she had yet to spend time with sat sprawled out in front of the television. This time tomorrow, she’d be on her way to Tartaros.

  “Who do you belong to?” The voice invaded her mind so suddenly, Yewa stopp
ed walking and searched for him. As she looked around, everyone carried on doing whatever it was they were doing. It was like he wasn’t there at all, just in her head. Absurd.

  “I asked you a question, Yewa. Who do you belong to?”

  Now he wanted to show. Or at least invade her mind. She wasn’t going to answer him, she decided. Not right now. He could have told her he was leaving, said goodbye. Something. Instead, he’d stolen away as if ashamed to be caught with her.

  “I’m not ashamed. I could care less who finds me. Besides, everyone knows I fucked you. My scent is all over your body, Sundara.”

  Yewa sat down on the couch next to NuNu, who held the remote, and turned to a channel playing a movie.

  “We watched this the other night. You’ll enjoy it. It’s not based on anything real, mind you, but it’s funny to see how humans come up with these things. Especially this character. He’s green, he’s mean, and he’s smashes shit up.”


  NuNu looked at her, then. She knew she didn’t sound enthusiastic. She blamed it all on Enri.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just had an annoying thought go through my mind is all. Nothing to do with you.”

  “Is it Dick von Douchery?” he asked.

  “Dick von Douchery?”

  “Yeah, Enri… or Chaos.”

  The name had her laughing out loud. Everyone turned to look in her direction as she held her stomach and doubled over.

  “Clever, NuNu.”

  “Nah, just telling it like it is. Hey”—his body turned toward hers on the couch, their knees touching— “you have a great laugh.” NuNu lifted his hand and tucked some of her hair behind her ear, before chucking on her on the chin.

  “Thanks Newton.”

  “Shit, Yewa, don’t call me that. Only my mother calls me Newton.”

  “What’s wrong with Newton?”

  “It sounds like a dance or a pair of pants and there are cookies called Fig Newtons.” He stood and gestured towards Jacobi. “Hey, hand me those Newtons? Or, have you seen the new dance, called the Newton?”

  Yewa started laughing again.


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