His Bunny Kicks Sass_Sassy Ever After

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His Bunny Kicks Sass_Sassy Ever After Page 6

by Dawn Sullivan

  “But, you still plan on leaving.” It wasn’t a question.

  Emery took a deep breath, and looked around the room at his family. They all waited, watching her closely, as if hoping she would change her mind. But, she couldn’t. Spending the past couple of hours with them had only proven to her that she needed to move on as soon as possible, for two reasons. The first one, was that she was in danger of falling for all of them, not just her mate. They were everything she had ever wanted in a family, and more. The second reason, was that she needed to do everything she could to ensure their safety. And, that wasn’t being around her.

  Standing, she held her head high even while her heart was breaking, as she told them, “I will stay as long as I can, but that’s all I can promise. It isn’t safe for me here, and it isn’t safe for anyone around me. I can’t put all of you in danger just so that I can find a piece of happiness.” Leaning down, she lightly touched her lips to Knox’s, before whispering, “I won’t.”

  It was only after she left that Emery realized no one had really answered her question, one that was going to drive her crazy until she knew for sure. Did skunk shifters really exist?


  A week later, Knox waited out by Emery’s truck for her to get off work. He could have gone inside, but after the way he’d acted the Saturday before when she touched his brother, he was afraid of how he would react if someone in the bar laid a hand on her. His parents had always warned him that grizzlies could be more possessive than other types of shifters, but he never knew exactly what they meant until he met Emery. After just a few days, he was already wanting to rip apart anyone who touched her soft, silky skin. Even his own family.

  He needed to get control of his emotions, before he hurt someone. The only way to do that was to get her to spend some time with him. She’d been avoiding him since that day at his house. He’d tried to give her time to sort everything out, but that ended tonight. He missed her scent, her touch, the way her nose crinkled up when she laughed. He wanted to see her. Needed to.

  When the back door opened, he smiled as Emery stepped out. She tossed a trash bag into a dumpster in the alley, and then made her way toward him. “Hey,” she whispered, stopping just in front of him, the top of her head barely reaching his chest. “What are you doing here?”

  He shrugged, raising his hand to trail a finger down the side of her face. “Waiting for you.”

  Arching an eyebrow, she asked, “Are you keeping tabs on me, Channing?”

  He grinned at the haughty tone. “Maybe.”

  “This isn’t the first time either, is it?”

  No, it wasn’t. He came to the Sassy Wolfe nightly to see if she was working. If she was, he waited until her shift was over, and then followed her to Aurora’s house at a distance.

  “Maybe I just wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”

  “Oh, really?” Looking around, she asked, “Where’s your car?”



  “I drive a truck,” he muttered, sliding his fingers into her hair. “It’s at the ranch. I had Nolan and Brayden drop me off on their way to the club earlier.”

  “Which club?” she whispered, a small catch in her voice. She was definitely affected by his touch, just as much as he was by hers.

  “The Naked Wolfe.” When her brow furrowed in confusion, he told her, “It’s a strip club owned by Nathan’s brother, Jake.”

  “Oh!” Her face flushed slightly as she whispered, “Do you go there, too?”

  “Why would I, when I have everything I need right here?”

  Emery shivered, leaning into him, “I meant, before you met me. Did you go then?”

  “We just moved here a few weeks ago,” Knox said, placing a soft kiss on her temple, and then moving down. “I’ve never been there.” Tracing his tongue down her neck, he groaned when he reached the curve that would take him to where his mate mark belonged. He wanted to sink his teeth in deep, claiming her as his own, but he wouldn’t do that without her permission. Unfortunately, it was obvious that she was nowhere near ready to give it.

  “If you don’t have your truck, how do you plan on getting back to your ranch?” She breathed, tilting her head to the side, giving him better access to the soft skin he was nuzzling.

  “I was planning on having this cute little bunny shifter I picked up the other night drop me off on her way by,” he rasped, nibbling his way back up her neck to tug on her earlobe with his teeth. “I was also hoping we could make a detour on the way, so I could show her a place I found about a week after we moved here. Somewhere I think she will really like.”

  “I suppose she would have to take you home,” Emery whispered, slipping a hand under his shirt, and up over his chest. “Just to make sure you made it there safely.”

  Knox raked his teeth down her neck, reveling in the moan that slipped free from her lips. “Can I show you my favorite place, Emery?”

  Leaning back, she looked at him as she whispered, “Yes.”

  For what had to be the tenth time, Emery asked herself what she was doing. She knew exactly what was going to happen if she went somewhere alone with Knox Channing, but she didn’t seem to have the energy to fight it. And, if she was honest, she just plain didn’t want to.

  “Turn here.”

  His deep, sexy voice sent a shiver of need through her, and she knew she was done trying to fight the inevitable. She had only lasted a week. Seven days. What did that say about her? She was weak. A fool. Hopeless.

  Emery gasped when she stopped the truck in front of a large pond with a long, wooden dock leading out into the water. Trees surrounded the area, but the moon shone down on the water, lighting up the place. “It’s beautiful.”

  Knox opened his door, and then came around the front of the truck to help her out. “I found it when I took one of the horses out for a ride,” he said, guiding her down to the water, and out onto the pier.

  “Is it on your land?”

  “Yep. We own several acres. I like to explore when I have time.”

  As Emery stood at the end of the dock, gazing out over the softly rippling water, a feeling of peace washed over her. It was so quiet and calm. “How far are we from the main house?”

  “Actually, no more than a mile. It’s just back through the trees, so it can’t be seen.”

  “A hidden secret,” she whispered, raising her arms in the air and twirling around slowly. Tilting her head back to look at the moon, she smiled, “I love your favorite place, Knox. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.”

  “I love seeing you here,” he whispered, taking a step closer to her.

  Emery looked into dark eyes full of emotion and caved, giving in to what she’d wanted since the moment she first saw him. Closing the distance between them, she dropped her hands to his chest, fisting his shirt and tugging until he lowered his head and captured her mouth with his. A small whimper left her throat when he traced her lips with his tongue, then slipped past them to find her own. She expected it to be hot and out of control like the other times he’d kissed her, but it wasn’t. It was slow, sweet, and so much more.

  Knox slid his hands under her shirt, and up her back holding her close. Emery moaned at the sensations flowing through her from the touch of his hands against her bare skin. She could feel the outline of his hard length against her, could sense the pent up desire in him, but still, he didn’t lose control.

  Moving his hips sensually against hers, he slowly raised his head and whispered, “I’ve missed you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat at his admission, and she reached up to place a hand on his cheek. “I’ve missed you, too.” And, she had. Every single day. She knew part of it was the fact that they hadn’t completed the mate bond, yet. But, it was more than that. She genuinely liked him. From what she’d seen so far, he was a good man. Hard and unforgiving to those who harmed his family, but kind and gentle with the ones he cared about. Yes, he was gruff and possessive, and prob
ably seemed overbearing to some, but not to her.

  She’d been aware of the fact that he was there every night when she got off work, and that he followed her home, waiting until he knew she was in the house before continuing on to his ranch. It probably should have pissed her off, but it didn’t. It made her feel safe and like someone actually gave a damn about her. Which was why she was here now, in his arms, with no plans to run…yet.

  Leaning down, he nuzzled her cheek lightly as he whispered, “Come home with me.”

  She didn’t have to think twice. “Yes.”


  When the truck stopped in front of his house, Knox lifted Emery’s hand to his lips, placing a kiss in the center of her palm. “Emery, if you come in with me, there is no way in hell I’m going to be able to let you go.”

  She turned her pretty blue eyes his way and asked, “Were you ever going to?”

  She had a point. “No,” he admitted.

  “Because I’m your mate,” she whispered softly.

  Cupping her cheek in his hand, Knox kissed her gently. “In the beginning.”

  “And now?”

  “You are mine,” he told her, tracing her cheek with his thumb, “but there’s more to it, Emery. I care about you.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I know enough.”

  Emery’s eyes filled with tears, and she turned away from him, staring out the window next to her.

  “I know you have a kind, gentle soul, even though you can handle your own if you need to. You are strong, and hate relying on others. You are scared of something, but don’t want to pull others into whatever danger you are in. You were sweet to my sister when you didn’t have to be. Kind to my brother when I was being an ass.”

  “Knox, there is so much about me that you don’t know,” Emery interjected.

  “Then tell me.”

  Grasping his hand tightly, she said haltingly, “There are some very powerful people after me. They will be coming for me just as soon as they find out where I am. When they do, they will stop at nothing to take me back with them.”

  A slow anger filled him, and he growled, “No one is going to take you anywhere, Emery.”

  “If they find me, I may not have a choice,” she whispered, lowering her head to look at their clasped hands. “That’s why I can’t stay in one place too long.”

  “How long have you been running?”

  Raising tear-filled eyes to his, she said, “Less than a month. After I escaped, I came here. I don’t want to go back, Knox.”

  He had no idea what she’d been through, no idea what was going on, but there was one thing he knew for certain. “You are not going anywhere, Emery. You are staying right here in Blue Creek with me and my family. We will protect you. If anyone comes for you, it will be the last thing they do.”

  Emery let the tears slip free, unable to hold them back any longer. She had spent the past few weeks terrified, but determined not to return to her old herd no matter what she had to do. She was utterly exhausted, not only from lack of sleep, but also from stress and fear. She was so damn tired of being afraid.

  “Hush, baby,” Knox said gruffly, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “You aren’t alone.”

  Kissing her gently, he was gone long enough to leave the truck and come around to her side. Opening the door, he gathered her in his arms, and slammed it shut with his foot. Emery was vaguely aware of entering his home, going up a set of stairs, and then soon after, she was placed on a soft bed.

  Knox removed her shoes first, then went over to his dresser and took out a burgundy tee-shirt. She watched as he quickly took off his clothes, all except for a pair of black boxer briefs that hugged his hard cock snuggly. Crossing the room to her, he placed a knee on the bed. “Come here, sweet bunny,” he said softly, helping her sit up before gently removing her long-sleeved shirt and bra and tossing them to the chair in the corner. Slipping his own shirt over her head, he placed a soft kiss on her lips, and guided her back down onto the pillow.

  Emery moaned when his hands slid down her body, stopping at the top of her jeans. Slowly, he unbuttoned them, and then slipped them down her legs and off. Throwing them in the direction of the chair, he laid down next to her, cupping her face in the palm of his large hand. “Get some sleep, baby.”

  Her eyes widened when she realized that he planned on going no further. Fuck that. She wanted him, needed him, and she wasn’t waiting any longer. Shoving hard on his shoulder, she laughed at the surprise in his eyes when he fell back on the bed and she straddled him, her hot, wet pussy against his straining cock. “Later,” she murmured, running her hands down his chest.

  “I thought…”

  “You thought what?” she asked, moving her hips against him.

  “Fuck, baby, you gotta stop that!”


  “This is supposed to be about you,” he said, grasping her hips tightly, and pushing up into her. “You need rest. Time. Sleep.”

  Gripping the top of his underwear in her hands, she shook her head. “That can wait, Knox. Right now, I need you.”

  Knox groaned, lifting up slightly so that she could slide the briefs down over his thighs and off, dropping them to the floor. “Emery, I’m trying to do what’s best for you.”

  “I know what is best for me,” she whispered, sliding back up his body, but stopping just over his long, thick cock that was begging for her attention. “Let me worry about that, right now.”

  Leaning forward, she licked the tip of his dick, and Knox groaned loudly as his hips jerked in reaction. “Emery, we need to talk,” he rasped.

  “I’m done talking.” Wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, she twirled her tongue around the head, and then swallowed him down.

  “Jesus Christ!” Knox roared, clutching tightly to the covers at his side as he pushed up into her mouth. “Baby, that feels so fucking good!”

  Emery grinned around his dick, and then began to slide slowly up and down the rock-hard shaft, taking him deeper and deeper.

  “Emery! You have to stop. I’m going to come!”

  There was no way in hell she was stopping. She wanted to make him come. Wanted to feel the power it would give her, knowing she’d been able to set her mate on fire. Sucking him deep, she pulled back and flicked her tongue over the underside of the head, and then engulfed him again. Cupping his balls in her hand, she did that three more times before he shouted her name, filling her mouth like he’d promised.

  She took it all, reveling in his taste, and then, when she was sure he was done, she slid up his body and straddled his waist. Leaning down, she rested her arms on his chest, and placed her chin on her folded hands. A satisfied smile crossed her lips as she purred, “See, I feel better already. I knew exactly what I needed.”

  Knox’s eyes darkened, and he growled, “That was fantastic, but you don’t think we are done, do you?”

  “What?” Emery frowned in confusion, and then let out a small squeak when he grabbed her hips and moved her up to his chest. With a naughty grin, he held up a hand and let his large claws spring free. Slipping one in the neckline of his shirt, he yanked it down, effectively stripping the material from her body.

  “It’s your turn.”

  Emery gasped when he slid a claw inside the waistband of her panties, and sliced them open, first on one side, then the other. She raised up slightly, and shuddered when he stripped them from her. “Oh, God,” she panted, waiting in anticipation to see what he was going to do next. She didn’t have to wait long.

  “I’ve been wanting to taste you from the moment we met,” he growled, filling her with excitement, and causing the juices to flow from her pussy. His claws retracted, and he slid his hand over to her stomach and down her belly, stopping just above the part of her that ached to feel his touch. “You are mine, Emery,” he growled softly. “No one is going take you from me. Not ever. That’s a promise.”

  Before she could respond, he moved his hand lower, di
pping his thumb in between her wet lips, and then bringing it up to caress her throbbing clit. She cried out as he rubbed the aching nub in circles, shudders running through her body. It felt so good, better than anyone else’s touch ever had before. “Please, Knox. Please.”

  His eyes hot with fire, he stopped, bringing his thumb to his mouth and licking her cream from it. Snarling, he grasped her hips and lifted her up, until his tongue found her folds, lapping at the juices. “Mine,” he growled, licking at her. “Mine!”

  “Yours,” she cried, moving her hips in pleasure. “All yours, Knox.”

  Knox licked her clit, flicking his tongue quickly back and forth, and she screamed as her orgasm came out of nowhere. It was long and hard, and throughout the entire thing, Knox continued to lick her. When she was done, he finally stopped, letting her slide down in his arms. “Tastes like honey,” he muttered, licking his lips. “So fucking good.”

  Emery fought to control her breathing, clutching at the mat of hair on his chest. It was thick and soft, and she loved it. “Are we done now?” she whispered, already knowing the answer at the way his hard cock was rubbing up against her bottom.

  “Not even close.”

  Her hands on his chest, she pushed up on her arms and looked at him. “Good.”

  Backing up slightly, she arched her hips and reached back to grab his cock in her hand. Slowly, she lowered herself onto it, moaning as he filled her. She had to pause halfway down and wait until she adjusted to his size, and then she lowered herself all of the way onto him. A low growl rumbled through Knox’s chest, and she gasped when she looked up to see his eyes flashing bear, and his fangs had punched through his gums. She could feel his claws pinching the skin on her hips as he clutched her tightly.

  “Knox.” She breathed his name as she watched his eyes go to her shoulder, and she saw him struggle not to rear up and bite her. Her bunny responded, and before she knew it, her own fangs were showing, along with her claws. Scraping them over the hair on his chest, Emery moaned as she began to move. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster. He felt so good inside her, stretching her with his thickness, sending shivers throughout her body.


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