Worth the Trade

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Worth the Trade Page 11

by Kristina Mathews

  “Oh, so I should send all that lingerie back? If I don’t need it?”

  “No. Don’t do that.” She was killing him.

  “So you do want to see me looking like a girl,” she teased.

  “Not a girl.” He was going to need a very cold shower when he got off the phone. “A woman. Pure, sexy, one hundred percent woman.”

  “How do you do it?” She had a slight quiver in her voice. “How do you see me as something I’m not? Something I didn’t ever know I wanted to be?”

  “What do you want to be?”

  “Yours.” Her voice was barely audible. “I want to be the sexy, strong, confident woman you seem to think I am.”

  “I don’t think, I know.” Marco wished he could reach through the phone, and show her just how strong, sexy, and amazing she was. “Please, I’m begging you. Come down here. Hunter, I need you.”

  “You need me? Why, because you won four games in a row after sleeping with me? So I must be your good luck charm?”

  Something like that.

  “Forget it.” Marco pretended he wasn’t hurt. She was brushing him off, downplaying their relationship as if it was just a pregame ritual. “Hey, what’s the worst that could happen? We lose tomorrow and head into L.A. three games back. If they sweep, we’ll be six out, but there’s always the wild card.”

  “Not good enough.”

  * * * *

  Fear of flying had never been an issue for Hunter before. Neither had motion sickness. So the feeling that she just might need to gather up all the little paper bags on this flight to San Diego for her personal use must have something to do with the fact that she couldn’t turn down Marco’s plea to come down here.

  She could turn around. Fly back to San Francisco and pretend she wasn’t afraid of losing the two things that had come to mean the most to her. Her team. And Marco Santiago.

  Why had she made that stupid bet? Or why couldn’t she have bet something other than control of the team? Money would have been more logical. But then logic and Marco didn’t seem to exist together.

  Just look at her. She was sitting on an airplane, waiting to land in San Diego so she could hook up with one of her players before he took the field tonight. She was wearing jeans and heels for goodness sake, not to mention a red lace bra and matching panties.

  When had she become this impulsive, daring woman who would take off at a moment’s notice just for a little hanky-panky? When she met Marco. Just thinking of his strong hands, his soft yet-masculine mouth, and his blistering blue eyes sent a little shiver down her spine.

  When the plane finally landed, she couldn’t wait to get to his hotel room and surprise him. She grabbed her carry-on bag, the one packed with mostly lingerie, and made her way to the car waiting outside the terminal.

  She walked into the hotel lobby just as Marco was coming out of the elevators. He walked right passed her, but then stopped, turned around, and grabbed her bag. He led her back to the bank of elevators.

  “Checking in?” he asked. His gaze took in her low cut tank top, snug fitting jeans, and high heels. His smile spread wide when he got to her face. “I think they’re completely booked.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to share a room, then.” Hunter had never had another man look at her with such desire, such blatant need.

  The elevator doors slid open and he held his hand over the opening as she stepped inside. Other people on board kept them from attacking each other before they could get to the room.

  “I was just trying to kill time by walking around the city before batting practice.” Marco slid the keycard into the slot of his room. “But I guess I’ll stick around.”

  “I think we can find some way of keeping you occupied until the game.” She entered the room ahead of him and waited until she heard him slide the deadbolt before jumping into his arms.

  He lifted her and carried her to the bed. He loosened the ponytail she’d brushed her hair into and buried his face into her long tresses.

  “I missed you.” His words were another caress. It wasn’t enough that he touched her with his hands, his mouth. His voice penetrated deep inside her. “Are you wearing jeans?”

  “Yes. I went shopping.”

  “For me?” His voice deepened as he dropped his head to examine her new clothes more closely. “You bought these sexy jeans just for me?”

  “Yes.” Her heart fluttered as he slowly undid the button and slid the zipper down.

  “That’s too bad.” He chuckled as he pulled them down her hips. “What a waste of fabric.”

  She giggled when he got to her feet. Marco slipped off the wedge heels and traced his hands up her calves. He kissed her just below the knee. His blue eyes blazed with desire as he moved ever so carefully up her leg, brushing his lips across the delicate skin of her inner thigh. Closer and closer to her most intimate place.

  “Marco. Please.” She squirmed with anticipation.

  “Please what?” He lifted his head to gaze into her eyes. “Please stop?”

  A whimper escaped her throat. She shook her head and scooted her hips closer to him.

  “You want me to kiss you?” His voice, eyes, and mouth all quivered together.

  “Yes Marco, please.”

  He just barely brushed his lips against her center, the sensation almost too much to bear. The rough stubble on his jaw contrasted with the smoothness of his lips. The tip of his tongue barely traced her edges. Then he dipped inside. Flickering. Swirling. Sucking.

  She drove her fingers through his hair, bucked against him, and cried out his name. It was too much. It wasn’t enough.

  “Marco. Please. Please…” She wanted him inside her. All of him.

  “Please stop? Or please more?” He laughed, knowing damn well what she wanted.

  “Please.” She didn’t want to beg. She already felt exposed enough. But she couldn’t quite put into words what she needed from him.

  He grinned, they both knew she was at his mercy. Yet he undressed quickly, positioning himself over her. He thrust slowly, teasing her once again. Yet somehow, he knew just what she wanted. What she needed. What she couldn’t resist.

  * * * *

  Marco rolled off Hunter and flopped on the mattress next to her.

  “Well, this was a nice surprise.” He could barely form words, let alone a complete sentence.

  “A surprise?” She leaned over him, her hair tickling his chest. A satisfied smile lit her face. “You begged me to come down here.”

  “Begged? I merely suggested you might want to come down here. The weather is nice.”

  “Nice weather, huh?” She pressed her breasts against his chest. “It’s a little hot for my tastes.”

  Marco swallowed, his throat dry. It was pretty hot. But they could be in Antarctica and she’d make it this hot.

  “Whatever the reason, I’m glad you came.” And came and came again. He’d never known a woman who was so easily satisfied and so greedy at the same time. The more he gave her, the more she demanded. The more she demanded, the more he wanted to be the one to give it to her.

  “So, what now?” She rested her cheek on his chest and sighed. Content at last. Or at least for now.

  “I have to go to work.” Marco wished he could put it off, but he did need to get some batting practice in. And probably some fluids.

  “Yes. You do.” She kissed his chest, lightly. Making him ache in the spot just below his ribcage.

  “You can stay as long as you like.” He had a late checkout due to the Sunday evening game.

  “I think I’ll take a little nap, then maybe catch a ballgame this evening.” She snuggled even closer, making it damn near impossible to get out of bed.

  “Maybe it will get rained out.” He could be so lucky. But the closest thing to rain would be the cold shower he’d need if he spent another five seconds next to Hunter.

  “Hey…” She released him and rolled over on her side, her head propped up on her elbow. “Have a good game out there tonig

  “I will,” he promised. “We’ll win this series. And the next. I’m going to make sure we win this division.”

  “And then what?” Her hair fell around her face, framing her big brown eyes, her satisfied grin.

  “I’m going to get you that ring.” He reached up and brushed her hair back. “The World Series ring.”

  “Oh, that ring.” Her smiled slipped, but she replaced it with a bigger, brighter, if less genuine one. “And after that? What are you going to do?”

  “I wish I knew.” He rolled over on his back, staring straight up at the ceiling. “I’ll be a free agent, so I have no idea where I’ll end up.”

  He couldn’t look at her. Didn’t want to take the chance that she wouldn’t want him to stay.

  “Do you want to stay in San Francisco?” Her voice was hesitant. Was she afraid he’d say no or more afraid he’d say yes?

  “More than anything. I’d like to finish my career here.” He decided to go with the truth. His agent would kill him, but then he’d probably kill him anyway if he found out about his relationship with Hunter. “But I’m a realist. Yeah, if I finish strong, I’d like to think you’ll keep me around. But I know the odds are against it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Your partner isn’t exactly in love with me.”

  Maybe not the best choice of words.

  “Well, we’ll just have to make him fall in love with you. Make him believe he can’t live without you.” Her nervous laugh told him she didn’t believe it was possible.

  Yeah. Clayton Barry wasn’t going to change his mind about him.

  “He already doesn’t like me.” Marco sat up. “I don’t know what kind of numbers I’d have to put up to make him forget I once dated his wife.”

  “And you’re sleeping with his partner.” She forced a smile. “If he finds out about us, he could make trouble for you.”

  “I know.” Marco wondered how far the man’s influence would reach. “But it could be more trouble for you.”

  “True. And yet, here we are.” She was scared. He could hear it in her voice. “So why are you here with me?”

  “Because I can’t not be with you.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead before sliding out of bed. “I can’t resist you any more than a rookie can lay off a high fastball.”

  She laughed again. But this time it was for real. They were both in this together.

  “I can’t seem to resist you either.”

  “So, I guess we just let this play out.” Marco wanted to make some kind of statement, to let her know that they were a team. But he was scared. Terrified that he’d somehow jinx what they had. He couldn’t talk about a possible future with Hunter any more than he would talk about a potential no-hitter to a starting pitcher. Not until the last out was recorded.

  “Yes. We’ll see where we end up come October.” She settled against the pillow and closed her eyes. But Marco could swear he saw moisture leaking from the corners.

  He was going to end up hurting her. Hell, hurting them both.

  One thing he knew for sure. He was going to go down swinging. He wasn’t going to give up on her or the division title without giving it everything he had.

  Chapter 10

  Hunter watched from behind the visitor’s dugout as Marco strode up to the plate. He had a swagger in his step, a confidence that radiated off him. Why not? She’d flown down there at his request. Couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t resist him even though they both knew their relationship would only cause complications should her partners, his teammates, or the sports media find out.

  With two outs, the pitcher walked Baxter, thinking the hot and cold Santiago would be an easier out. But Hunter knew he’d give her everything he had, just like he did in bed. Marco stroked a triple down the right field line. He stood on third base, found her in the crowd and removed his batting helmet to shake his head. He was letting her know she hadn’t made a mistake in bringing him to San Francisco. She hadn’t made a mistake in bringing him to her bed. Hopefully, she hadn’t made a mistaking in letting him into her heart.

  Marco finished the game with a triple, a home run and two doubles. The Goliaths won by a wide margin and since Los Angeles had lost earlier, they would face their division rivals only one game out of first place. Hunter was starting to feel it. The sense that this could be the season where they accomplished everything they’d set out to do. All the work that went into building the team might finally pay off.

  If only her father was here to see it. In the twenty years he’d owned the team, they’d come close, but never won it all. Hunter would love to give him this last gift.

  One good thing about being an owner, Hunter was able to have Marco’s room moved to a different floor of the hotel, away from his teammates. Conveniently, it was right next to her room. They were able to spend the night together while arriving and leaving the hotel separately.

  They met for an early lunch before Marco had to head over to the ballpark for his workout. In a city of nearly four million people, they figured they were safe going out together in public.

  They ordered a hearty meal and were just settling into a relaxed conversation when Annabelle walked past their table. She stopped, turned around, and approached the two of them.

  “Hunter, what are you doing down here?” She gave her a friendly smile before noticing Marco. “Oh? Oh. Well, I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  “No. It’s okay. Are you meeting Clayton here?” Hunter tried to keep her voice steady. She didn’t know the other woman well enough to know if she should panic or not.

  “Clayton? No.” She gripped the back of the chair between them. “He doesn’t know I’m here, actually. I’m meeting with an agent. You know, just to see if there are any opportunities. I’m thinking of getting back into modeling. You know, part time. Just for fun, really.”

  “That’s great. I hope things go well for you,” Hunter said, hoping Annabelle would continue on to her meeting.

  “I don’t know.” Annabelle let out a sigh and sat down in the empty chair. “It’s just the girls will be starting school soon, and I feel so…insignificant.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be plenty busy,” Hunter offered. “Maybe you can help in their classroom or something.”

  “Yeah. But I just feel like…” She glanced over at Marco, as if he was the intruder here. “Clayton’s off to Florida again. Though I have no idea why. Is there a minor league team there he needs to scout or something like that?”

  “We have a single A team in Augusta, Georgia, but nothing in Florida.” Hunter hated to be the bearer of bad news.

  “That’s what I thought.” Annabelle pasted a brave smile on her face, but her eyes glistened. “Well, I’ll let you two get back to your…lunch. Marco, it was nice seeing you.”

  She stood, but hesitated to leave.

  “So, let me know when you want to go shopping again. I had fun.” Annabelle leaned close to whisper in Hunter’s ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret. If you’ll keep mine.”

  Marco rose to his feet, while Annabelle made her exit.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t expect to run into her here.” Hunter tried to brush if off like it was no big deal, but she was rattled. “Small world, huh?”

  “Yeah. You okay?” Marco sat in the chair closer to Hunter. Genuine concern laced his tone.

  “Sure. I guess the one person I didn’t want finding out about us will know soon enough.” Her stomach knotted thinking about the bet and how Clayton would have a field day with this knowledge. If she won the bet, he’d accuse her of sleeping with Marco just to win. And if she lost, he’d have the power to ruin Marco’s career.

  “Who will find out soon enough?”

  “Clayton Barry. We don’t exactly see eye to eye most of the time.” Hunter cringed.

  “I don’t think Annabelle will tell him she saw us together.” Marco turned to watch her greet her agent. “She doesn’t trust her husband.”

know her that well?” Hunter tried not to read anything into it. So he’d dated another woman. He’d probably dated several.

  “No. I just recognize a woman who’s been let down by a man she depends on.” Marco leaned forward to take her hand. “I hope I never see that kind of disappointment in your eyes.”

  He gave her his full stadium-light grin, the one that lit her up from the very beginning. The heat from his touch blazed through her entire body. Hunter needed to get control over herself.

  “I’m sure you won’t disappoint me. The team is on a roll. Keep playing like you’re playing and we’ll go deep into October.”

  “Yes, ma’am. You’re the boss.” He withdrew his hand and Hunter felt like she could breathe again. But in the spot where her heart had felt like it was getting too big for her chest, she now felt an emptiness.

  Their food arrived, giving them a chance to focus on something other than each other.

  * * * *

  Marco took a cab to the stadium. He didn’t want to ride over with Hunter and it wasn’t just because he didn’t want anyone else catching them together. He was falling for her and she was in love with his talent.

  He’d give her talent. Then, when they won the division, he’d give her a reason to keep him around. He’d give her a real good reason to keep him around. Like the fact that she was falling for him, too. She just didn’t know it yet.

  He was early. He could take a few extra swings in the batting cage or spend some time in the weight room working out the kinks. Except he didn’t have any kinks to work out. No physical ones, anyway.

  “Hey, Marco, got a minute?” Annabelle had somehow snuck into the clubhouse. No real surprise there, she could probably get in anywhere she wanted.

  “Yeah. Sure.” He took in her appearance: her carefully arranged hair, flawless makeup, and stylish clothes. The low-cut blouse and tight jeans could convince any man to give her what she wanted. Unless she wanted Marco to make her husband jealous. Then she’d have to look elsewhere.

  He led her to one of the training rooms, so they could have a little privacy. But he left the door open. That way he could hear if anyone approached.


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