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  He glances at the ceiling, face the dashboard and say, ‘Open the sunroof please.’

  ‘Sunroof shall be opening as requested, detective Reynold.’ The computer on board responded as the sunroof slides down to the back.

  The control above, within the centre and in between both detectives remains intact while blocking part of the sky views. Sun light penetrates through the rectangular sunroof. Above us, swarm of fast moving air automobiles travels in an orderly fashion.

  ‘Wow…., magnificent.’

  ‘Yes, I can’t deny it as well.’ Detective Mcneal said excitedly.

  We move underneath vast amount of two columns of three rows of fast moving air automobiles which head towards the centre of the city. It seems we were heading for the outskirt of the city, away from the heavy traffic and from the tall skyscrapers.

  Afar at the horizon in front of us there was a massive building which stands erect. It wasn’t like any building I have ever seen. At my left something which resembles like a tornado has caught my eyes. I stare at it mute. It twists in slow motion but remain static at the same time.

  It looks like a swarm of unidentified flying objects. It connects all the futuristic automobiles together. It swallows, accommodate by twisting and releasing them at different sides. I come to my senses and realise that it was actually the flying vehicles.

  My eyes trace the closest moving queue of two lanes and two columns of traffic. They join the tower height’s round about which delivers access to four different directions. It was unbelievable how all those flying vehicles within each rows merges into every level of columns without colliding with each other. Some would miraculously move around within the floating roundabout of floating vehicles while they adjust and move to the next column above.

  I stare at this last amazing exit when I turn to see detective Reynold taking a peek at me and says, ‘Guess you’ve never seen a floating roundabout before.’


  ‘That’s what I thought. It doesn’t exist in your old boring world.’ Detective Reynold said.

  ‘Easy, no need to be harsh on the boy.’ Detective Mcneal said.

  I was curious about why detective Reynold was bitter with me. Had I done anything wrong to him or had I done something bad in his past which shall be in my future. Perhaps something that I was not aware of, never the less, I decided to stay quiet to avoid confrontation.

  ‘Caught your tongue boy?! Why don’t you say something?’ Detective Reynold sarcastically said.

  ‘At times when you’re defenceless against accusation you’re not aware of, it’s wise to keep quiet and raise questions at the right time.’

  ‘What are you saying boy?! Do you know what chaos you’ve put our world in?!’ Detective Raynold responded at a high pitch.

  ‘Calm down man, he’s just an innocent boy and beside we are not so sure if he was directly involve or not. If he is responsible it shall be in his future and…’ Detective Mcneal tried to calm his partner.

  Detective Reynold cut his partner’s conversation and responds, ‘Yes, I know and this young version of the accuser doesn’t know anything about it.’

  Detective Mcneal stare at his partner and says, ‘Listen, we’re here to get to the bottom of this case by deciphering the conspiracy. We shall do it professionally and efficiently. Our future and the past are in our hands. Remember the young suspect is on a need to know basis on this case. We don’t want to be part of an alteration process of changing our presence and future. Remember crime alteration is a serious act under the law of time travel.’

  His partner nod in response to detective Mcneal’s ethic agreements while he glances at me in the rear mirror. I keep quiet while my mind tries to figure out what was going on. I could pick up few important words from Detective Mcneal.

  He must have forgotten that I was here, maybe he was trying to help or maybe he thought that I was stupid. In between the lines I could read him. It seems I shall do something in my future that shall trigger significant changes to their present and future. At the same time I wonder about the ripple effects of time I may have done on my last flight in time.

  ‘This case is a time bomb for us. An entrapment,’ detective Reynold said.

  ‘Yes, only if we do it unprofessional and unethical. Drastic rational and cautious approaches need to be taken for this case.’ His partner responded calmly.

  The auto pilot took us away from the massive, floating round-about and went across a floating junction. At the junction, the touch screen GPS at the dashboard displays the distance from it. It also displays a red light on the screen and the autopilot adjusts its speed while other floating vehicles, moves across.

  Amber light appears on the screen and the flying vehicle adjusts in a light turbulence momentum. Then the green light appears and the flying vehicle crosses over. Behind and in front, all the flying machines follow each other at the same speed in the same direction as if the air space was scarce. Then each machines disappears either left or right and decline to their desired destination.

  Soon we were alone. I assume that the air space for the autopilot had an all clear direction from the inside computer to an outside source. Ahead the massive building becomes clearer. Impressive architectural design of three buildings made of tinted glass becomes apparent as we get closer. The polygon shape buildings overlook the smaller skyscrapers of the city.

  ‘What year are we in?’

  ‘Smart boy,’ detective Mcneal said.

  ‘Good question. 2072….’ Detective Reynold said.

  Our vehicle climb up until it was higher than the buildings. Few floating vehicles flow in and out to the buildings. The vehicles smoothly decline with its front facing downward at a forty five angle. Two more identical buildings were fixed firmly at the back of the three front one. Their geometrical designs struck me. Its pointy and edgy triangular back of each of the polygon’s buildings points at its centre.

  Our floating vehicles adjust as it falls under control in between the buildings. We were no longer heading down at an angle but rather straight. Through the window I could see an open doorway which led to the ground. Some floating vehicles float while others float out. Above through the sunroof I could see different futuristic automobiles adjusting its height as they either leave or enter the centre of the man-made polygons.

  ‘We’re home. Welcome to our place of work. The police station of your future,’ detective Mcneal said.

  I did not say anything except to appreciate the future renovation of my surroundings. We were inside and soon the underground entrance extends in height the further we float downward. At each ground level there was a sign near each entrance which I suspect was the ground level. At the sixth floors underground, G6 was written at its top left side corner, in big eligible, yellow and black paint.

  At each level there were five entrances which brought me to the conclusion that they must link to the five buildings above. The police and civilian flying automobiles went in and out of the underground entrance while others incline and decline. Under the guidance of the computer on board the gate keeper’s vehicle float through an entrance known as G7.


  Agent Wickette walk out of an open lift. On the floor a big G7 was painted in yellow. Though he was a superior officer there was a need to make sure that this sensitive and secret case goes smoothly. His superior and the hierarchy within the force wanted result.

  Internal Affairs within had lectured him about his rendezvous. His last briefing made him suspicious. There has been a flaw in the system. He wondered how they could have possibly known that if it was really a fact. He thought about the effect of changes and damage done. Or maybe it has already injected its impurity and slowly rotting away the core.

  A white floating mobile slowly move towards him. It hovers near the floor and four doors underneath the airmobile slide in. Then its tyres were release and come in contact with the ground. The old fashion vehicle slowly moves in towards him and come to a halt. He stares at the
suspect which his boss had warned him to be diligent with.

  He could not believe that he would one day meet him in person. A young founding father of significant importance to the twenty first century he thought. So valuable that if something happened to him, through the course of his past, present and future may trigger an alternate version. Life may turn out harsher.

  His two employees open the front door and walk out of the vehicle. Excitement builds as he stares at his idol. Diligent, he thought. He hides his cheerfulness and act professionally. He opens the back door for his idol and suspect. He remains mute while he stares at his teenager’s simple worn garments of a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

  ‘Good evening Mr Smith. Please welcome, welcome it’s an honour to have you sir,’ agent Wickette joyfully said as he shakes his hands firmly with both hands.

  ‘Good evening,’ Phil responded with uncertainty.

  ‘I know you’re wondering why we’ve brought you here. Soon it shall make sense to you, of your purpose. Please follow me and we shall elaborate privately,’ agent Wickette said.

  The autopilot rides the vehicle deeper within the underground parking. The four men left for the nearby lift which awaits them. Quickly the door of the lift closed and the rectangular lift shoot upwards.

  ‘May I ask who are you please?’ Phil said as he looks at agent Wickette. Then elaborate on his curiosity, ‘I mean your real name.’

  ‘I am Gate Keeper Wickette. I and my employees are special agents that deal with any flaws within big organisation and the government. Changes vital for our race to co-exists.’

  Once we were all in, agent Wickette says, ‘Mission Genesis for express route to floor sixty sixth.’

  ‘Welcome back Agent Wickette, express route to your desired floors had been set as requested,’ a computerise voice from a speaker near a small futuristic camera responded.

  The lift’s doorway was made with some sort of hard and double enforcing, transparent material. Every movement of the lift could be felt as well as viewing through it. Where the two doors met there was an adult hand size square with digital information. On the left it displays G and on the right side it displays continuous decline of numbers as the lift pass the designated floors.

  Agent Wickette was smartly dress up in his white uniform. I stand at his side but refrain from challenging his grandeur of superiority. I learn to appreciate the officer’s uniform which matches his white shoes. Clean and spotless was for sure.

  On his shoulders strapped to his shirt there was two shiny metal strips. I assumed that it must have indicated that he was a lieutenant. His hard collar stands erect with the markings of a shiny metal eagle spreading its wing on a star. The front of his collar did not reach out towards each other as if design to allow air to flow in.

  The two gate keepers who brought me in stood quietly behind me. They had not said a word since when I had met their boss. I felt as if there was a sense of discomfort and friction of them being near their boss. The feelings of uneasiness and nervousness were present each time I glance at them. Their boss had made me felt relax and welcome. At that moment the lift’s digital clock had move from Ground 7 to 1, Floor 1 to 11 and still climbing.

  ‘Do you have a clue why you’re here?’ agent Wickette asked.

  ‘No, but from the conclusion I may only assume, as I was led to believe that it’s due to an incident which happened a day before I was force to come here.’

  ‘Oh, I apologise for my men’s utmost contempt in snatching you on the basis of an unknown crime,’ agent Wickette said.

  ‘Sir, I assured you that we did not snatch him but simply react as ordered,’ detective Mcneal said.

  ‘Silent!’ agent Wickette unleashed his fury at detective Mcneal as he glance at him with a cold and harsh look.

  ‘Sir, I truly support my buddy on our decision to drag him with us,’ detective Reynold backed up his partner.

  ‘Didn’t you hear what I’ve said? Shut up! He’s not a criminal. He’s just a suspect in this madness that I cannot comprehend. This young man treat him with respect he’s the reason why we’re free. Are we clear?’ Agent Wickette explained to his employees.

  ‘Sir, with all my respect he’s just a boy and I see no man standing in front of us. I see only half of a man,’ detective Reynold replied joyfully in a sarcastic manner.

  I turn to the back and detective Mcneal gives me a joyful grin as if he was up for something. A purpose and plan I could not yet see through.

  ‘One of these days your arrogance and insubordination shall cost you your daily job.’ Agent Wickette replied angrily but yet in a diplomatic manner.

  Through the transparent door I see the lift slows down, ‘Floor sixty sixth,’ the computerise voice alerts all of us in the lift.

  The transparent doors open with one side displaying the digital F and the other side displaying sixty six. They went apart as the door smoothly opens. We all walk out of the lift and into a corridor. Above us the dim light automatically becomes brighter. Ahead a wall seems to divide the other side. On either side of the corridor were without doors.

  Agent Wickette walk out of the door way and we all follow him. He stares at the obstacle and barrier in front of us. He rests both palms of his hands on the wall by spreading and opening his fingers apart. A dim light from the wall scan his retina and produce a three dimension hologram image in front of his face.

  ‘Scanning process complete, security clearance granted, for lieutenant Wickette under gate keeper’s secret act for Mission Genesis.’ The same computerise voice of an unknown lady responded.

  Unevenly, brick by brick the orange wall dissipates and split open. We walk through and I have to turn back to see the mysterious door way. Immediately after we were all across, the bricks slowly mend together and form the solid wall. Inside it was a room of grey and a mixture of other dark moody colour.

  ‘Depressing colour,’ I said.

  ‘Yes, it is. It’s an interrogation room but we can make it better. Agents please, leave the room and allow us to have a few private words. I shall coordinate the interrogation by myself.’ Agent Wickette spoke out about his intention.

  The two gate keepers walk through the sole existing door which leads to another room next door. Agent Wickette walk to the only table in the room. It was quite big and made of transparent glass. He sits on the chair made of similar materials.

  ‘Where were we?’ he asked.

  ‘Gloomy and dark…..’

  ‘So true, curtain off! Please do sit down.’ He said.

  I did as requested as the curtain slide off, in opposite direction and under his command. The lights inside went dim. Expose between us and the outside world was a wall of glass. Darkness had revealed itself. Outside the hovering car made some wonderful displays of floating traffic lights. Afar beyond it, lays picturesque scenery of brilliant architectural skyscrapers of different shape and size. Within the room the light had adjusted itself. In darkness under the dim light I found it strange that we had to camouflage.

  ‘Are we hiding from someone?’

  ‘I have to be careful of what I say over here. The walls have eyes and ears. Nothing is what it seems to be in this world we’re living in. Over the years we had led a cold war, between us, the normal citizen and the corporation. In your time they run a shadowy government which no one outside, knows of its existence. They were made of a secret society at first. Then they began to spread like cancer and suppress technological advancement. All in the name of profits and the benefit of their blood line also known as the blue line. Nearly a hundred years after the technological revolution I’ve found out that the cancer is still as deadly as it was back then, but hidden. Back in its primitive form and mystify behind its cloud of hidden deception.’

  ‘Where do I intermingle in this matter?’

  ‘The question you should ask is who you really are? Do you know who you really are?’

  ‘I am just a simple teenager with ambition for progress. My destiny is unknown
to me as I can’t foretell the future. Maybe you can shed a light on it as it seems you do know more than I already know.’

  ‘Time should not be taken for granted. Every seconds and minutes counts, though I hate the corporation I’ve learned that they make good use of it. For the moment your future should remain hidden from you and in due time when you’ll be ready you’ll face your destiny. You are an important figure in our struggle….’ He assured me as if he knows me but a noise interrupts him.

  Behind me I heard the doors storm open. Across the table I see the silhouette of his face staring at the door. The lights above brighten as footsteps echoes the room. Caught by the element of surprise he tries to read and comprehend the presence before him.

  I follow my senses, look behind me and see them at a walking pace and heading for us. The two gate keepers were strangely and similarly dress up in black. I immediately stand up as I was amaze to see them in what appears as the ninjutsu’s uniforms.

  ‘I thought my orders were clear!’ Agent Wickette shouted at them.

  Detective Mcneal stares at him deeply and response, ‘No need for any arrogance my fellow agent. Your orders had been override. You are to sit tight and enjoy the show.’

  ‘I would not say it again! Stand down both of you!’ Agent Wickette arrogantly barked at them again.

  ‘Didn’t you hear that you’re no longer in command?’ Agent Reynold responded.

  Baffling, agent Wickette asks, ‘Under whose authority are my being relieved?’

  ‘Under a no need to know basis higher than your pay grade,’ agent Reynold joyfully responded.

  Quickly agent Wickette stands up and went for the shiny metal in his white holster. Detective Mcneal put both of his arms up and open his hands. At the tips of each fingers of the black gloves groups of small white dots illuminates. He then spread his fingers and his tips become brighter. Agent Wickette’s weapon rapidly breaks free from its holster, head upwards and head towards agent Mcneal. He grabs it and points it at agent Wickette.


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